Metagame Terastallization Tiering Discussion, Part II [CLOSED FOR DLC]

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Thrown in a fire?
I think that there is not much correlation between certain skill levels and certain stances on Tera given what we have seen in both threads.
Yeah, that's what I generally mean. I get that I may not have worded that the best, but there are people that try to characterize players of different stances in such a manner. I think what does appear to correlate though is that some of the most aggressive/dismissive takes on the subject, such as those characterizing the different sides, feel to me like the less informed opinions and aren't really accurate.
Again, why are you speculating and making takes about a metagames you apparently don't even play? You don't know how Roaring Moon was in the tier. It wasn't an overreaction.
That's what the council says. Here's what the community said when I asked them a bit ago. Due to respect to their privacy, I'll just name them by the first letter of their names, except mine.
Around 3 Hours before the publishing of this post...
Eelstartega: Seriously, I need to know why Roaring moon is Ubers in NatDex. (Got completely ignored the first time I asked)
+S. D.: it was banned early into the gen
K._2.: So he asked me to make a team centered around Scrafty

P.3.: cause it was really strong attacker
+S. D.: reason is because of tera basically
+S. D.: Though remember
P.3.: I mean, terra flying acrobatics with booster energy...
+S. D.: This was at a time where booster energy increased attack by 1.5 rather than 1.3
+S. D.: Due to a misunderstanding
Eelstartega: Why do I have a feeling people banned before finding counterplay?
+S. D.: So alot of people wanted it to be retested
A._G.: Free Moon
+S. D.: council however doesnt really care ig
A._G.: Bro is not as bad as his dad Megamence
M. T.: Council doesn't care about anything because they don't play the tier
+S. D.: They do
+S. D.: Its just more or less the paranoia
A._G.: I feel moon deserved a test rather than a qb
+S. D.: unbanning another offensive threat is something that they dont really want to do
M. T.: 3/7 got reqs for their own sh***y suspect
A._G.: Bro kinda did get qb'd with no pretenses
+S. D.: which i can understand
+S. D.: Though yea ban is kind of dumb
A._G.: What's especially shocking is hes falling off in normal ou
but up here with the higher power level hes banned
Then they start to talk how sometimes the meta vary between games, like how Walking Wake deserved to be banned in NatDex due to Zard Y and Z-Draco Meteor, but it doesn't seem to aply to Roaring Moon, at least not to the level of a quickban.
IDK... This seems like a council failing to listen the community and pretending to be the actual voices of them.

It reminds me of that dreaded Legends of Runaterra dev post back in 2021, when they though an OP new champion with a toxic playpattern was fine. There the team made the typical Riot mistake of overemphasis on stats while forgetting gameplay (Aka the 200 year team special), making players quit while I, the noob using dragons did not understood what was happening. Luckily due to LoR not being profitable compared to other riot games they had no other choice but to listen their fanbase.
That's why so many there consider it the worst meta ever, despite Bar Seraphine, Ezreal/Kennen, Ahri/Kennen, 4 Mana Lee Sin + Targon, no champion burn, Puff decks until this week, Nami + elusives, Braum + Anivia, the Bard vs Kai'Sa era and Poppy + Bandle Tree happening, because it was the one time when the team did not listen the community.

That's what I meant with "falling into corporative thinking". NatDex council has not even given the community the chance of asking them if they wanted to test Roaring Moon back, nor has mentioned it on the surveys or anything like that. Meanwhile at least Volcarona had justification behind and is at the level of Kingambit...

Yes, I KNOW this thread is about Tera, but this suspect test is a sort of precedent of what Smogon stands for. Whatever you do, please listen the community. The last thing I want to hear is council members saying that they "don't care about lower tiers" despite them also being affected by this suspect test due to how banning works. this is a big reason why the first suspect test failed in almost every single level and why we are here, because almost no one seems to understand the other side; pro-tera seem to be incredibly unflexible and even deny reality, pro-ban are unwilling to accept they're not a mayority either who thinks like them, and I wonder why they act like protesters "discussing" sensible political topics.
Unless we understand our differences and all of us try to make consessions to solve stuff in an organized way there's just no way of solving the problems with OU due to supermayority, and we'll remain in a permanent limbo of lack of action while gen 9 OU slowly deteriorates. You already had a similar story with Gen 5 OU who still needs serious fixing after 10 years, while the tier slowly loses its identity (Still Wondering why I can't use chlorophyll after Arena trap and sleep bans). I'm saying this because I love showdown, and I don't want it to be ruined due to lack of proper discussion or democracy on key mechanical elements from Smogon's part...

Sorry for my rant, I really felt I had to say this, because otherwise no one would.
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Then they start to talk how sometimes the meta vary between games, like how Walking Wake deserved to be banned in NatDex due to Zard Y and Z-Draco Meteor, but it doesn't seem to aply to Roaring Moon, at least not to the level of a quickban.
IDK... This seems like a council failing to listen the community and pretending to be the actual voices of them.
Is this the chatroom on showdown? Because I wouldn't really give it that much credit given the absurd takes that get said on their on a daily basis. Especially as this looks like a very cherry picked convo. People haven't really asked about it in surveys when given the chance. Also walking wake didn't run draco meteor on sets generally. It was dragon pulse. And while Moon isn't as dominant as before in this tier, natdex has far fewer stops to Moon.

It hasn't been perfect communication, since the ursaluna ban wasn't exactly something that made sense, but generally it has been fine overall.

That's what I meant with "falling into corporative thinking". NatDex council has not even given the community the chance of asking them if they wanted to test Roaring Moon back, nor has mentioned it on the surveys or anything like that.
They literally have the chance to ask about it in surveys. There isn't anything stopping them. People just haven't been.

The last thing I want to hear is council members saying that they "don't care about lower tiers" despite them also being affected by this suspect test due to how banning works.
It's not about not caring. It's that the way tiering works. They can't, or shouldn't, base tiering on lower tiers being affected because the first and foremost focus is the tier this is tiering for: OU.
No, you can only run one suspect at the same time.

Beyond the sheer impossibility of this logistically, it also is never proper to have overlapping variables tested at the same time. Running two suspects at once would not be approved by Smogon even if we wanted to, but it’s also improper and not something ever worth considering.
I agree, i also can see why you are annoyed by many things said in this thread, however that seemed to be an honest question with no second thoughts, so i wouldve enjoyed an honest simple answer like "if we ban one thing out of the metagame like kingambit, then tera might be less broken and therefor not banworthy or the other way round, thats why it doesnt make sense to have two suspects at one time, the meta shifts too much"

(At least i think that is the reason)

I would be interested in more reasons behind that because i dont really get all of smogon thoughts and would like to have the opportunity to actually get them
Not sure if this is the place to mention this, but I honestly think rulings should be permanent. So a No Ban on Tera means it is never suspected again.
And if people don't like it? Do what I do, and stop playing. Complaining about something being broken doesn't make it broken.
Tera is fundamental to OU, for better and for worse. It makes the most inherently broken mons in the tier more broken, and it minimizes counterplay.
But that isn't the fault of a key mechanic, because pseudo-legendaries and paradox pokemon are innately overstatted and will almost always outclass any and all older pokemon.
Unless they are blatantly overstatted and pushed beyond balanced reason, like Kingambit and Dragapult.
I'm not saying any of the above pokemon are "broken" persay, but tera is fascinating and interesting in tiers other than OU.
Maybe the problem isn't tera. Maybe the problem is OU.
Just saying.

To conclude, stop re-testing and re-re-re-opening discussion around mechanics if you aren't actually aiming to do anything about them.
Once something is banned, ban it for the entire generation. Once something is suspected and receives a no ban, it's fair game and don't waste time circle throwing around the same topics.
Okay so if mega lucario isnt deemed broken in the first test because pokemon like mega salamence are around and mega lucario isnt the worst threat or even teamdestroying we should have to live with it being in the tier forever? or an example of current gen: palafin wasnt deemed broken at first but then people found new sets that broke palafins checks without any kind of problem, still since it was deemed okay in a metagame with bundle and mane and other stupid mons it should be allowed forever

Peoples opinions can change, the metagame can change, if a pokemon has a stranglehold on a tier another pokemon that gets destroyed by the first but is absolutely busted otherwise wont be broken until the first leaves but at that point the second one might have been tested already so why punish people for wanting to suspect something before everything thats stronger leaves the tier?


is a Pre-Contributor
Okay so if mega lucario isnt deemed broken in the first test because pokemon like mega salamence are around and mega lucario isnt the worst threat or even teamdestroying we should have to live with it being in the tier forever? or an example of current gen: palafin wasnt deemed broken at first but then people found new sets that broke palafins checks without any kind of problem, still since it was deemed okay in a metagame with bundle and mane and other stupid mons it should be allowed forever

Peoples opinions can change, the metagame can change, if a pokemon has a stranglehold on a tier another pokemon that gets destroyed by the first but is absolutely busted otherwise wont be broken until the first leaves but at that point the second one might have been tested already so why punish people for wanting to suspect something before everything thats stronger leaves the tier?
It's a little more tough than that, metas can change but re-suspecting over and over starts to feel a lot like "keep redoing the vote until we get the result we want". I don't personally think the council is doing that and a 2nd suspect is due, but the bar for a 3rd suspect should be very high, but not completely off the table. In tera's case I feel like we already understand what it'll do and it's unlikely a new meta change will fundamentally change tera from failing to reach the ban threshold again to being completely overbearing and banning the biggest abusers isn't working anymore. Again though, completely locking ourselves off from re-re-visiting tera doesn't seem wise, but there better be a really good reason to vote on this three times especially if no action wins twice in a row.
The thing deciding tera, is the middle ground/undecided. Many people want to try to balance it, even though that's not on the community. Beyond that, it's how many people want to do multiple restrictions, which I don't think many people are in support of. Adding in dlc, there's no legitimate way of predicting how the tier will turn out. If it's a bad tier overall, it'll be a lesson. If it's really that unbearable, there's other tiers to play until this one ends.

Personally, I compare it a lot to gen 7 ou, which was when I really started playing, and began to understand more. It was a miracle how everything just worked well enough to function. And I think the big thing that's the difference between 7 and 9 is just consistency, which tera affects In multiple manners(counterplay, rolls, etc). I don't think banning tera would fix the tier immediately but removing it would be a major help.
Okay, I'm not going to waste time responding to the myriad of very well-thought out responses as well as the clever memes and insightful data. I don't think I can add anything else useful to your discussions. I am wrong, and you convinced me.

Metas change and evolve with new material. I'd rather see Iron Bungle, Fluffermane, and all those little rotters stay Uber forever and always, but if the meta reaches a point where even those are manageable after DLC and proper re-suspect, then so be it.


formerly DynamaxBestMeta
I'd rather see Iron Bungle, Fluffermane, and all those little rotters stay Uber forever and always, but if the meta reaches a point where even those are manageable after DLC and proper re-suspect, then so be it.
I doubt Bungie is gonna drop come Teal Mask. Its faster than Jolteon iirc and with freeze dry its always got unresisted stab on the entire meta, off a fairy strong SpA too. FMane could possibly drop if somehow Zamazenta drops too, but unless blissey/chansey cores make a return, it would mess everything up.
Perhaps the only ubers that possibly could drop is Genesect, Lando-I, and Gira-A, though I doubt any would. We've managed to thin the line between ubers and ou, and i personally think it could be right where it is now, though the Alltera may beg to differ.
Not sure if this is the place to mention this, but I honestly think rulings should be permanent. So a No Ban on Tera means it is never suspected again.
No. Opinion has shifted on tera since the first test, who’s to say that won’t happen again. Also who’s to say that more community projects pop up that axe tera from the metagame, similar to the ongoing teraless ou tour.

On the topic of that tournament I think that it’s something that should not only be done more, but be joined in on by people on all sides of the spectrum just to see if that metagame is actually preferable to most people rather than just being played by people who dislike tera thinking “thank fuck I’m not getting gambit swept” before remembering that bax exists.

I think that, even if it’s an unofficial metagame with a naturally smaller playerbase without a ladder, teraless ou should still be played after the tour ended and allowed to grow further because a single tour played largely in a bo1 format is not a good way to gauge metagame health, especially in the long term.

lmao weeks and still the same rofl
just face it
tera preview >>>>> everything
Forgive me for asking, but if you were just going to say this why respond to the thread at all, you’re not changing anyone’s minds by saying this.

i would! Fuck the moth,
Please don’t.
I don't think anyone would oppose just unbanning volc right now, but it'll probably be unbanned along with DLC release
volc deserved to go. on some level, it always deserved to go, but we just kind of shrugged our shoulders and let it dictate matches at team preview until they decided to give it a stronger hidden power and nerf the mons that were really its only true counters
volc deserved to go. on some level, it always deserved to go, but we just kind of shrugged our shoulders and let it dictate matches at team preview until they decided to give it a stronger hidden power and nerf the mons that were really its only true counters
It didn't deserve to go until gen 8, and that was more due to boots. A mon having a strong endgame or Lots of pressure isn't necessarily an issue, the problem lies in that all the things that helped rein volc in, can no longer affect it, for example sr or lack of coverage.
It didn't deserve to go until gen 8, and that was more due to boots. A mon having a strong endgame or Lots of pressure isn't necessarily an issue, the problem lies in that all the things that helped rein volc in, can no longer affect it, for example sr or lack of coverage.
i mean, people have been calling it "matchup moth" since gen 5. it's like going to work for over a decade with your coworker who everyone calls "boss-punchin' jeff", constantly making jokes about him punching your boss, getting him boxing gloves at the office christmas party, and then acting all surprised when your boss comes in one day with a black eye and says jeff won't be coming back
i mean, people have been calling it "matchup moth" since gen 5. it's like going to work for over a decade with your coworker who everyone calls "boss-punchin' jeff", constantly making jokes about him punching your boss, getting him boxing gloves at the office christmas party, and then acting all surprised when your boss comes in one day with a black eye and says jeff won't be coming back
You can feel this way, but fact is all the inherent cons of running volc were removed. And being able to tera into a different type even helps it. A mon being strong based on matchup is natural, but the cons of running volc were gradually removed with first boots and then with tera gaining the coverage needed.

Considering how gambit managed to survive, I think it's definitely debatable whether volc was an actual issue or just something people hated dealing with.
Its kinda moot at this point, volc likely will return when DLC drops as one of the uber drops (and it would be really weird given the controversy around it if that wasn't the case... thats the council's ticket out of this mess dropping volc and either suspecting later or ignoring it if the support isn't there for a re-ban.)

I don't think it would ever actually been banned if it wasn't for the WCOP timing. Even in the council's reasoning post a lot of them specifically mentioned they wanted to suspect volc and not outright ban it... and banned it anyway for the sake of WCOP saying they'll revisit it later. It was such a shitty way for a mon that remained in the tier for 6 months to go out when there wasn't nearly enough support for it, the 0 to 7-2 meme is one of this gens highlights lol. Quick bans tend to be spot on but many agree, even the council themselves, this was definitely poorly managed and an example of a false positive of quick bans.

I don't think it deserved to go but that's derailing the thread and just one of my typical 'skill issue' echo chambers regarding volc again. It was something that just... happened, was said they'd look into a vote which frankly, I think there's better support for a drop than it had to be banned before now that we seen what a volc-less meta is like (was a nice soft check to a lot of threats, and that role compression did keep it at bay from those 6-0 sweeps everyone remembers once in a blue moon, especially in lower elo.)

There's no point suspecting anything rn, however I will throw in I don't think 'matchup fish' is a good reason to ban anything, and I will say this relates to tera as well and why I find the variability a poor excuse to ban anything including tera... tera I find broken in its predictable forms, the "I know this dragonite will tera normal, and still mow my ass down" teras.. the "this bax just nuked my 'check' cause of this bullshit free stab bonus" teras... the "espathra would be a UUBL mon but the mere fact it can tera fairy or tera fighting perfects its glaring weaknesses" teras. The fact you can use any tera isn't the problem, its the fact tera in general flips the game state around or makes something you ARE prepared for muscle through a lot of your checks making teambuilding feel no different then gen 5 gems where you intentionally planned for this shit but got punished anyways. Volc being a matchup moth doesn't justify its ban, so, what if heatran isn't the tier do we just slide it under the rug now that volc can tera ground? Does that make volc less of a matchup fish now that the matchup doesn't exist? Is adding an additional mu that pressures what teras it can be running suddenly make it more OP because it can deal with them and not that it has to deal with them + the previous threats? You can make a lot of things matchup fishes by giving them tools to adapt, and then injecting a metric fuck ton of counters that its required to juggle sets around for instead of only 1 counter it needs only 1 predictable set to deal with. That's not a volc is broken issue, it just has to expand its coverage pool to deal with more problems injected in the meta.. and the anonymity of that high variance is what frustrated some but again that's not exclusively a volc problem and kingambit kinda showed there isn't enough support for either a late game cleaner or tera variance ban.

EDIT: Fuck I did it again...
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Sugar, Spice and One For All
is a Community Contributoris a CAP Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Alot of the complains on Volc is it being a necessary evil, quite honestly I don't believe in keeping broken Pokemon because other Pokémon might be broken, this ain't Ubers. If that means we gotta ax 5 mons, then so he it. With the way Tera is actually going we probably are gonna have to do that anyways (but with the Kingambit results apparently we aren't doing that either).
There's no point suspecting anything rn,
Agreed on this, but given this meta won't change much in the time left before DLC and ubers will be dropped anyway what are people's thoughts on running a "test" for the sake of collecting a bit more data/thoughts on a potential meta?

I don't agree with this opinion but a fair amount of Tera supporters think that certain "supposedly broken" mons being allowed in the meta are what are pushing it over the edge and not Tera itself. I'd go as far to callout the main problematic pokemon being Valient, Ghold, Bax and Gambit for their own various reasons. A suggestion would be to ban these Pokemon for the 2 weeks before DLC to get an idea of what the meta looks like without them. We could run a survey after this short meta to gauge comparative opinions both to the older meta and to the newer DLC meta.

I personally don't think it makes much of a difference as the problems caused by Tera will not be solved by banning specific pokemon as other threats will just rise up to take their place but it gives anti-ban even less room to stand on as far as counterarguments go and does give more insight into what other things in the meta might be problematic that are being overshadowed by these variables.

Even if we don't go with this specifically I think the timeframe between now and DLC is a pretty good one to introduce something like this that could address a few points that people are bringing up without making definitive changes. Don't think we're missing out on much since it doesn't look much people are enjoying this meta anyway.
Agreed on this, but given this meta won't change much in the time left before DLC and ubers will be dropped anyway what are people's thoughts on running a "test" for the sake of collecting a bit more data/thoughts on a potential meta?

I don't agree with this opinion but a fair amount of Tera supporters think that certain "supposedly broken" mons being allowed in the meta are what are pushing it over the edge and not Tera itself. I'd go as far to callout the main problematic pokemon being Valient, Ghold, Bax and Gambit for their own various reasons. A suggestion would be to ban these Pokemon for the 2 weeks before DLC to get an idea of what the meta looks like without them. We could run a survey after this short meta to gauge comparative opinions both to the older meta and to the newer DLC meta.

I personally don't think it makes much of a difference as the problems caused by Tera will not be solved by banning specific pokemon as other threats will just rise up to take their place but it gives anti-ban even less room to stand on as far as counterarguments go and does give more insight into what other things in the meta might be problematic that are being overshadowed by these variables.

Even if we don't go with this specifically I think the timeframe between now and DLC is a pretty good one to introduce something like this that could address a few points that people are bringing up without making definitive changes. Don't think we're missing out on much since it doesn't look much people are enjoying this meta anyway.
It's a nonstarter, which is why it's not being discussed. Suspect tests are not conducted by banning the thing being suspected, because the question is not, "Would the meta be 'better' without it?" That question is completely irrelevant to tiering policy. The question is, "Is this thing being suspected incompatible with a healthy, competitive tier?"
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It's a nonstarter, which is why it's not being discussed. Suspect tests are not conducted by banning the thing being suspected, because the question is not, "Would the meta be better without it?" That question is completely irrelevant to tiering policy. The question is, "Is this thing being suspected incompatible with a healthy, competitive tier?"
you mean our tiering system which for the second generation in a row is about to flop hard over itself because we are treating every DLC drop as if it's a new generation

that's slow and doesn't have a transition period, making any progress towards the end of the prior metagame worthless

what you're saying is current tiering is reactionary, while this proposed solution is proactive. we shouldn't sit on our asses waiting for the next meta, and we absolutely 1,000% should be doing things and then asking "if this is unbanned will this make the tier better" or "if this is unbanned will it actually be different" rather than reactionary "drop it again and wait and see"
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