OU OU Spring Seasonal - Round 1

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OU Spring Seasonal
Hosted by TPP and Eledyr

Hello everyone and welcome to the 5th installment of Overused Spring Seasonal! This tournament will give players a chance to compete against each other on a level playing field with the winner being one step closer to winning the coveted OU Ribbon. This is a double elimination tournament, which will most likely last around 14-16 weeks.

Specific Rules
  • This is a standard SV OU tournament
  • The format for this tournament is best of three, double elimination
  • Changing teams between matches is allowed
  • All matches are to be played on Pokemon Showdown!
  • Replays are not required for this round, but recommended to prevent disputes
  • Any tier changes that occur during a round will not be in effect until the following round
Please read the general tournament rules provided in this link: Rules

All standard clauses apply:
  • Sleep Clause: Sleep Moves are banned.
  • Species Clause: A player cannot have two of the same species of Pokémon on their team, based on the National Pokedex Number. For example, a player cannot have two Koffing on his or her team.
  • Evasion Clause: Players cannot use Double Team or Minimize in any of their Pokémon's movesets.
  • OHKO Clause: Players cannot use Horn Drill, Guillotine, Sheer Cold, or Fissure in any of their Pokémon's movesets.
  • Timer Clause: If a player exhausts the timer, he/she loses.
  • Endless Battle Clause: Any moveset on any pokemon that is capable of intentionally causing an endless battle is banned from competitive play.

Round One:

AIRedzone  vs  false
Ghoulish Champ  vs  DripLegend
N ™  vs  smg (notfunny)
Quinn  vs  JJ09LIE
Aeromoris  vs  mrsuslawl
Junes22nd  vs  Slip
Yoink 0 vs Vaictador
GoldenRosé  vs  Phantom0rion
ign27  vs  Wanony
Elfuseon vs Typical_bastard
Dragonite4242 vs Juseth sepulveda
toshimelonhead vs busyguy
Nashrock  vs  Mirbro
Hiko  vs  Silver33534
ZModZ  vs  awyp
Mix  vs  mentalsoft
RPGKing2000 vs Jhonx~
Heatranator vs Akaru Kokuyo
El Cero vs Mcthelegit
Drud  vs  B0by
thebigmansback vs Tempo di anguria
Nikebeamz  vs  Royal5888
Tenebricite vs hidin
Paycard vs Luirromen
devin vs DrainU
matte  vs  fatBatman
Ming549  vs  velvet
R E Z  vs  Lialiabeast
Mashin Sentai  vs  Mada
Donnel  vs  BIG loven
veti  vs  monchooo
ImaginaryNeon  vs  Blox
lolebruh  vs  Clementine
Lostmemories  vs  Srn
feen  vs  Flabeauf
Celestiial  vs  Fragments
autumn  vs  amyayayy
Danny vs cat
KillaLeston  vs  Jorifij_
Savouras  vs  JspKiC
goldazu  vs  yo cho
Nocturne Nugget  vs  jawabarat
Nowelle vs befi
zastra  vs  Zerotti
Belefeb  vs  Stads
Christos  vs  Nowh
avarice  vs  KarliTheFrenshie
Venuesaur  vs  Magician
Wamr  vs  Beleth
Joya  vs  Squeeby
Wow Its Dai  vs  SHSP
el poeta  vs  Delta4
Flarowak  vs  Xyldaz
yovan33321  vs  Milkshook
Hax Believer  vs  JeoZ
YetMoreBees  vs  Albret
Abbehat  vs  Career Ended
FlamingoPokeman  vs  flyingtaco
waffle04  vs  Kaneki-san
Joeshh  vs  seroo
lou dort  vs  Rytho
Dark Shion  vs  jackuzzler
FayaWizard  vs  Ravenna
Manz_2  vs  HANTSUKI
s7a  vs  Ferenia
Fouuu  vs  leng loi
Exotic64 vs Stareal
anan2004  vs  Taka
lydian  vs  clean
HolaSoyBalto  vs  TAG2Y2
Antonazz  vs  Figment of your imaginati
roxie  vs  TPP
leo568  vs  Mihowk
MTB  vs  Baddy
Splash vs Lightniong
Meru  vs  Django
Oblivion Wing  vs  dex
LpZ  vs  MaulJagg
Chaitanya  vs  giove97
GhostStar  vs  knexhawk
Mister McLovin  vs  SuckyLucky
VicBossMG  vs  Lily
Ske vs maxseiji
Theia  vs  A Welcome Guest
Mimikyu Stardust vs Roller K
Posho vs Estuardo19
Destro16  vs  Nowno
Rip227 vs yummy green bread
viivian  vs  it's tago!
Edstur98  vs  PlugDome
Shygon  vs  UnzipsCrogre
GBD777  vs  Azick
heileone  vs  Vkhss
Xiri  vs  q b o
Concept Everything vs Ina fable
NoahTheGreat64 vs tr1x
Finchinator  vs  yone
Foufakirby vs weird mon
bhkg  vs  Batzi
urban  vs  TDR
spx1  vs  exlipsebeast
loomishh24  vs  Nichalho
Novax  vs  nemonemonemo
Zaeoy vs paolode99
ItJustSamX  vs  Stories
Waci  vs  des121
Liimpy  vs  egalvanc
Suhayb vs GeniusX
BurnTheSky vs japa do hornete
Thor  vs  Miyoko
Airi vs Eversince
KeshBa54 vs Trogba Trogba
30GXENOOB  vs  sufys
sundays  vs  Nemosse
Autistic Soviet  vs  Unowndragon
B1Kharma vs Ninja
Flying Beagle vs Hacker
OranBerryBlissey10  vs  ElectricWindGirlFriend
Amaske  vs  Shucklegigas
MGdos16  vs  qngche
weavileenjoyer15  vs  trainer_j0nathan
Larry  vs  XelloW
Huntu  vs  Roufail
Edgar  vs  toinha
SHIMA vs Bohrier
Skyiew vs YoruNoxx
Chicos  vs  xdRudi.exe

Make sure to contact your opponent before Wednesday, 13th March at 9:59 PM+1, or you will be subbed out.
Substitute signups deadline is also Wednesday, 13th March at 9:59 PM+1
Deadline is Sunday, 17th March at 9:59 PM+1
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