Metagame np: SS Ubers Stage 6 - Tag, You're It

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Throughout heaven and earth, I alone am family guy
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AM said:
Ubers is already a pretty restricting tier as is due to higher power of threats. The amount of creativity your provided is already somewhat limited with or without Goth/STAG in the tier, even then people bring stuff like Zarude and Tang is getting more usage to counteract things like Zygarde so it's only a half truth in regards to creativity.
Just to start off with your post, what a bad ideology to have. “Ubers is already restrictive so who cares!!”. The point is that it could be less restrictive!

Re: Stale and Boring meta argument. I think I've honestly seen this for the past 3 generations and it's a very subjective argument, I've enjoyed the last two generations of Ubers and I actually would enjoy this one too minus Calyrex/Zacian
Listen, I understand that enjoyment of anything is subjective, but let’s not kid ourselves here and pretend like there’s any significant amount of people who actually enjoy Gothitelle’s presence. More importantly, Gothitelle’s existence alone invalidates a whole playstyle and makes others significantly worse. Instead of assuming that Goth is harmless, you should instead ask yourself what benefits Gothitelle actively adds to the tier, which is next to nothing.

Also based on some of the SSNL statistics most recently Goth isn't even being shown to be over centralizing or over powering it doesnt have some crazy usage and its win rate is about on par with most relevant stuff even in some cases lower. There was two games in the replays post where Goth did its job and the others either it was dead weight or didnt matter in the grand picture.
A couple of points for this:
As I have said already countless times, Gothitelle usage is suppressed because people hate the mon that much.

The argument that "Well its win rate isn't super high so who cares?" is a very flawed one, particular in regards to Gothitelle.

Firstly, the argument for Goth ban is not just that it’s overpowered, it's that its mere presence forces the entire meta to be way more matchup based. A meta that is more matchup-based is more luck-based. Games become decided way more by what you bring rather than the plays you make.

Secondly, as an add-on point to this, Goth's meta impact goes way beyond just it being on a team or not. You can look at the raw Goth stats, but they don't tell the full picture. Goth's effect on teambuilding is overwhelming.

How many teams have lost because their Eternatus was Dragon Tail and they couldn't Toxic a key threat? How many teams have lost because their NDM was Shed Shell and got worn down? How many teams have lost because they ran Bulldoze Tangrowth and thus lost to Zekrom? I could go on and on.
I don't want to make it look like I'm picking on you in particular, but I just don't understand the defense for a mon that has such a huge negative effect on the tier overall and adds almost nothing of value. I at least get some of the boomer purist’s defense of Goth because they want nothing banned, but I won't tolerate arguments that it's ineffective, especially considering 1.) All the top SS Ubers Players want it banned, and 2.) Shadow Tag has been banned in every other main smogon tier and there is nothing that would fundamentally separate ubers from this.

If you are concerned about Zacian and Caly, I can tell you they will very, very likely be suspected, but I don't want people voting no ban just because they wanted to do Caly first.
I'm bored and can't sleep so I figured I would drop my 2 cents on this issue. The defining playstyle of Gen 8 is balance in order to deal with the massive sweeping threats that are Calyrex-S, Zacian-H, Kyogre, Xerneas, etc. As a result most viable teams will have largely passive mons that act as special/physical walls, the most popular ones currently being Necrozma-DM and Eternatus.

This is where Gothitelle comes in. Gothitelle can be EVed to switch in and trap these mons, at which point they will be pp stalled until they faint. The only counter-play to this is in the teambuilder- forgoing the optimal item for 90% of the metagame in lieu of shed shell. However even this isn't 100% effective due to the abundance of knock-offs in the tier, especially when it is a relative surprise coming from something like Necrozma-DM. Likewise running shed shell severely hampers these Pokemon due to the opportunity cost. Shed shell means no leftovers/black sludge, heavy duty boots, rocky helmet, etc. and as a result they can't check their, well, checks nearly as effectively.

If you are running a balance team and encounter an opponent running Gothitelle, your only real chance of victory is if your opponent makes a massive blunder. Every turn that the opponent has in a Kyogre/Zacian/etc. it becomes a 50/50 on whether to switch/keep in your wall or expect a switch to Gothitelle and send in a different mon that will get ohko'ed or 2hko'ed by Kyogre/Zacian/etc. A competent opponent will have this scenario run 5+ times during the match at which point there is a sub 1/2^5 chance that you will have guessed right every single time. A single wrong guess results in your Pokemon being pp stalled to death, opening the way for the opponent to sweep your team or at least KO 2-3 mons.

If it isn't obvious from my post so far I will be voting BAN on shadow tag, it is an ability that was questionable before but is absolutely broken in the Gen 8 meta. Taking a quick glance through this thread I feel that the majority of posts defending shadow tag are not based on solid logic. Lots of anti-ban sentiment is whataboutism, calling out the outrageous usage statistics of Yveltal to counter a certain bootleg Celebi. As was made apparent in Manaphy's post, Calyrex-S will be examined later but for now the question is about Shadow Tag/Gothitelle, not Calyrex. As it currently stands, Calyrex and Zacian put a LOT of pressure on the teambuilder but it is more than manageable. Teambuilding to counter Calyrex, Zacian, AND Gothitelle is not manageable, resulting in teams that are not viable/extremely sub-par against teams that are not running Gothitelle. Out of Calyrex-S, Zacian-H, and Gothitelle at least one of them needs to go. Gothitelle/Shadow Tag is by far the worst of the trio in my eyes and its ban would be a boon to the Gen 8 Ubers metagame.


Tournament Banned
is a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnus
UPL Champion
Finally, FINALLY i have some time, just started working and i suddenly have a complete abhor to greenhouses...

AAAANYWAY, I can finally give some relatively concise thoughts on goth. unfortunately i don't have the time to write the length of a dictionary like Fc did (a damn good one though with perfect points) but i will talk a couple things i did see posted that i really want to call CAP on.

To keep things short and to speak as what appears to be the minority I'm voting do not ban, not because of some shrang type philosophy which is pretty outdated considering the current smogon climate, but because the STAG issue is very overblown. The stranglehold that Calyrex-S and Zacian put in the tier due to their absurd offensive prowess is what makes STAG much stronger than it really is, forcing teams to use defensive cores to keep the two former in check which in turn STAG preys on, or use offense which is actually fine since most forms of offense are viable and can do well.
Personally i don't think these two being removed first would change shadow tag being dumb still. like... woo, phys def necrozma is no longer a target, but they still have the other big chunk of the VR that still is, and still has trap pairs that work even with them removed. Goth Scarfogre is the premier, and while losing some nice entry points in said phys def necrozma, it still has a ton of them, including teleports, slow u turn yveltal, or just good doubles and even if it loses some HP to rocks on the doubles, origin pulse still tears a HUGE amount of holes. Truthfully, Caly-GG holds scarf ogre back from just running modest alot more often and being more terrifying, which already challenges a small part of Caly-G empowering goth. Scarfogre goth isnt the only pairing though, Goth Marsh is still a solid core, and while marsh isnt as easy to fit on a squad and its defensive utility is practically null, it's still really good and would appreciate goth practically taking a dump on a zygarde by either just PP stalling it or tricking it a straight jacket scarf/specs. Groudon would also appreciate this, since alot of time zygarde is a pokemon holding it back from getting multiple boosts or just hard sweeping.

On another note, say we banned Caly-GG first, yveltal is suddenly freed up and no longer needs to run a sp def set. Now, I implore the audience today, to look at the tier and look back at a choice banded knock off. Scary right? Highkey that'll happen regardless of goth's ban, but there is one mon that would be able to check this demon set. That's right, ZAMA CROWNED TIME. and then you realize we voted do not ban on gothitelle and suddenly that smile turns to a frown because ya'll decided Wobbufett was so important that keeping it was more important than removing Gothitelle.

SPEAKING OF WOBB, i wanna go nuclear on this one right here.
hello. i do not believe that shadow tag should be banned.

i think that there are enough things in this game that deal with shadow tag that we don't need to ban it. stuff like: killing it outright, shed shell, ghost type, whirlwind-like moves, uturn-like moves, etc. some people think that having to resort to such sets would compromise on their teams, but teambuilding is all about compromising. you may think that stag proof sets are unviable, but if that set can beat something so broken/uncompetitive that it is worthy of suspecting, is that unviable set still unviable? i would say no. every team will always be weak to something. if you feel that stag causes too many compromises on defensive teams to defend properly, then perhaps your team was not good enough in the first place or perhaps playing defensively isn't the way to go.

#DontBanGoth #OccupyUbers #FreeZacianC #FreeEvasionPass
This makes me almost more mad than that one post last time that called reshiram a zacian counter. First off, yay ghost types avoid being trapped except that entirely does not matter when you can't go into them because the mon CURRENTLY IN IS TRAPPED. Also did you know that slapping whirlwind and roar on every mon under the sun does not save you from taunt or even the trick set? you can just trap a ho-oh and trick it a scarf and now its worthless unless it can get hit by knock which nobody would let happen. Did you also know u turn is only learned by 3 viable mons in the entire tier? Yveltal, a dark so not getting trapped, urshifu, which unironically can be trapped if it choices into CC, and Darm-GG, a mon that is ALWAYS choiced and if it choices into something not named u turn or crash its trapped too. Blitz doesnt even 2hko accounting for charm. Also that final comment really gets me when i remember you gas Arcanine in 2021 and talk to us bout bad teams.

Just because something has counter play in the game does not make it a valid reason to keep it in whatever tier its on the chopping block for. Zygarde-10% being suspected in RU? But its 4x weak to ice and i could use ice shard lapras, an- and its *checks notes* weak to fairy! It can't break TANGELA its not broken at all! Atleast with every other post here, has reasoning i can atleast sympathize with and understand where they come from without them sounding truly ignorant. Speaking of posts i can understand but disagree with though

I've sat somewhere in the top 5 on the Ubers ladder for months now, and have never really had a problem with STAG. In fact, I've almost never faced it, and the few times I've had, it's usually taken out one mon of mine at most and proceeded to be dead weight the rest of the game.

While the ability *might* be broken, I find it perplexing that it's getting looked at before Calyrex-S and Zacian. I find those two put waaaaay more pressure on teambuilding for me than Goth does.

"Since offensive threats such as Kyogre, Zacian-Hero, and Xerneas force reactive defensive switch-ins such as Eternatus, Necrozma-DM, and Ho-Oh which generally need to heal on the switch-in, Gothitelle can relatively freely come in and remove one of the aforementioned's defensive counterplay, usually winning the game as a result."

If most teams are one Pokemon away from being 6-0ed by *insert threat here*, then that says more about the threats themselves than it does about Goth, does it not?
Let me draw a comparison for this because i truly understand this post. XY/ORAS Dugtrio. I know the tier is different now than it was during pre ban, but much is similar enough that you can look at the tier and identify your main Zard Y switchins. Chansey, Tyranitar, Heatran, and Latias. While Latias levitates above the trap, Tyranitar was usually paired with it regardless since they synergize so well, and both did eachother favors. However, the other 3, are dugtrio victims and really just make most teams way too vulnerable to Zard-y to be able to handle it reliably. While the lati twins and Garchomp aren't bad at atleast holding it off, Chomp has no recovery and can't switch in more than once, and lati twins were trapped by bff Tar like i said before. That's not the only beneficiary of course, so many pokemon in the tier are helped out IMMENSELY by heatran/Ttar/ removal like M-Venu, Talonflame, the previously mentioned latis, and many others. Along with Dugtrio Stall teams, it just proves the main issues with trapping. They suffocate and make normally manageable things unmanageable by reasonable means. Beating them is possible, it's possible to beat anything in theory. But that doesn't mean it's a good reason to introduce or keep an overall unhealthy element to the game. If something is easily able to make multiple different pokemon broken when without that pokemon they wouldn't be broken atall, the enabler is the problem, which is applicable to gothitelle too.

Please guys, just stop being dense and weigh the pros of the ban, we WILL get to Calyrex soon and start looking at zacian more but just please just don't be fools and vote do not ban for stupid reasons. Just because you want Caly-G gone first doesn't mean this should be voted do not ban, just because ya'll love wobbufett all of a sudden doesn't mean this should be voted do not ban. Please just don't be tools and vote ban. It's been called the correct decision by 98% of the top players and given so many reasons to why it makes sense to get rid of it. Voting ban is the absolutely correct choice and there is like zero good arguments to the contrary.
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Got reqs today, but honestly I have no idea what to vote considering I only saw one Gothitelle on ladder the whole time, and it wasn't a problem for my HO team. I can understand the theoretical restrictions it imposes on teambuilding, but I legitimately witnessed none of it (on either side, I tried a couple of Goth teams) in the 100+ games I played. Leaning towards voting no ban.


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While I'm not reading every single word in this thread (woe me), even skimming through some posts it's clear that some people's passions for this suspect are overflowing and their tones in the posts are too rude. Please refrain from condescending attitude towards people you disagree with.

Even if the result of a suspect is heavily in favor of one side, or if many people seem to agree with you, doesn't mean that people who disagreed with you are deserving of the rude responses that I'm seeing here. I won't take names but consider this a warning, and try to be more civil in this thread, the purpose of which is discussion and debate instead of proving the other person wrong and a fool.

Have a nice day :D
Post is made by me not to offend anyone nor i want any single one of you to reply to this , just read this ( my opinions ) and go.
i am going to vote **DONT BAN** because its managable and not threating to me that much ( its a bit because if i build poor and weak team )
You can outplay goth teams by making a double to calyrex shadow , yv , zacian and pressure your opponent since a goth in team means its either a goth + 1 or 2 defensive pokemons and rest offense so they wont be able to hold game longer against a strong offensive pokemon while slowly getting destroyed.
Goth can be a MAJOR ISSUE if you're playing like robot and not playing offensively.
By robot i mean making same plays and relying on your def pivots a lot
Just make a hard play by predicting the turn opponent is going to bring goth. There are lot of options in gen8 ( caly , zac , yv and more ) which you can double into against goth and make your opponent in problem.
Now you might say "if predicting the only way to defeat it so it must get ban"
But this game really do rely on predicting and making a bit hard play sometimes in a single game in order to win.
Even in gen7 if two strong players play each other, mostly the one who predict and do it correctly wins. Not just goth but pdon,ul tra necro, yv, cm ceus forms and lot of other mons can be a lot threating if you dont make good plays and dont predict even a single time. so saying goth caly or these things threatning and not trying to outplay your opponent and reverse attack is bad imo.
To defeat anything whether goth , zacian , caly , offensive ndm , offensive eter , xerneas and all things we need to read and make good plays otherwise playing like a robot wont get you anywhere
Think about this against a goth team
Goth is that pokemon against which you can get a free turn to double into your offensive mon and goth team cant take it easily since 1 slot is being wasted on a goth
A well build team can threaten goth team since that team is not made to absorb attacks for long time.
Goth team concept is simple , trap one def mon then sweep with own
What if we dont let it trap?
Use shed shell , double into your own offensive mon which are a lot.
The end.
Again i dont want anyone to reply to my message since i posted it just to share my opinion on a place where everyone can see once and for all.
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Post is made by me not to offend anyone nor i want any single one of you to reply to this , just read this ( my opinions ) and go.
i am going to vote **DONT BAN** because its managable and not threating to me that much ( its a bit because if i build poor and weak team )
You can outplay goth teams by making a double to calyrex shadow , yv , zacian and pressure your opponent since a goth in team means its either a goth + 1 or 2 defensive pokemons and rest offense so they wont be able to hold game longer against a strong offensive pokemon while slowly getting destroyed.
Goth can be a MAJOR ISSUE if you're playing like robot and not playing offensively.
By robot i mean making same plays and relying on your def pivots a lot
Just make a hard play by predicting the turn opponent is going to bring goth. There are lot of options in gen8 ( caly , zac , yv and more ) which you can double into against goth and make your opponent in problem.
Now you might say "if predicting the only way to defeat it so it must get ban"
But this game really do rely on predicting and making a bit hard play sometimes in a single game in order to win.
Even in gen7 if two strong players play each other, mostly the one who predict and do it correctly wins. Not just goth but pdon,ul tra necro, yv, cm ceus forms and lot of other mons can be a lot threating if you dont make good plays and dont predict even a single time. so saying goth caly or these things threatning and not trying to outplay your opponent and reverse attack is bad imo.
To defeat anything whether goth , zacian , caly , offensive ndm , offensive eter , xerneas and all things we need to read and make good plays otherwise playing like a robot wont get you anywhere
Think about this against a goth team
Goth is that pokemon against which you can get a free turn to double into your offensive mon and goth team cant take it easily since 1 slot is being wasted on a goth
A well build team can threaten goth team since that team is not made to absorb attacks for long time.
Goth team concept is simple , trap one def mon then sweep with own
What if we dont let it trap?
Use shed shell , double into your own offensive mon which are a lot.
The end.
Again i dont want anyone to reply to my message since i posted it just to share my opinion on a place where everyone can see once and for all.
Prediction is a two-way street. You could double into Shadow Calyrex to scare Gothitelle out, but what if the opponent brought out Yveltal instead? Then you're on the backfoot. Also, saying "just use Shed Shell" ignores the opportunity cost that running it has - and the fact that it's useless against teams that don't use Gothitelle, to say nothing of having my performance suffer against those teams because I can't run the likes of Leftovers, Heavy-Duty Boots or something. Oh, and it's not a foolproof solution, because Knock Off is a thing. Case in point here. Pannuracotta has Shed Shells on Eternatus and Necrozma, but both get smacked by The Almighty Knock Off and lose them, and the rest is history.
I'm going to spew some thoughts completely unrelated to most of the discourse in this thread, but something I've been sitting on for a while anyways.

Basically, I'm a little conflicted on how I'll be using my vote. To me, the concept and appeal of Ubers is a place where you can use all the brokens that you normally would not be able to use in OU or lower tiers. It's exciting and fun.

However, this is no philosophy appropriate for creating a healthy metagame, which seems to overall be the direction the tier leaders and council have wished to pursue. Full disclosure, my experience with the Ubers tier these days is mostly just loading up an alt and playing games until I get bored every few weeks or doing a suspect test. So ultimately, I think my perspective on this tier is far more limited, and it appears is if the philosophy I hold for this tier is antiquated. But I must say, it just feels weird because I feel like with every subsequent ban from this tier, a little bit of its identity goes away as well.

In all likelihood, I will be using my vote to ban Shadow Tag from this tier. When I first discovered SS Ubers in December of 2019, I managed to stay on high ladder for about a month or so just by spamming Gothitelle and beating players way better than me by mindlessly clicking buttons. This is not indicative of a more skilled player winning, or a healthy and balanced metagame, and my return to the tier has shown me that nothing has changed. My friends or players who I really respect as competitors or council members all seem to agree Shadow Tag is broken, and ultimately I would like to use my vote in making this metagame more enjoyable for them and for future players.

I do want to give props to the TLs and the council as a whole. This was easily the right decision, and it absolutely should have been Shadow Tag before anything else. If you're reading this and got reqs and feel like you are uneducated enough on Shadow Tag as a whole to make a proper vote, please watch tournament replays, talk to established players, do something before you vote with your only experience on Shadow Tag being that one Gothitelle you were able to beat on ladder.
I feel ladder ELO reqs are not good enough to judge how unhealthy Gothitelle is for the meta, as Gothitelle is used seldomly and even Gothitelle lovers get tired of 70 turn stallfest every other match. I see many users voting Do not ban based on their extremely limited exposure to Goth while laddering, and get maybe get an easy match when they do see one. This gives an extremely warped view of how limiting Goth can be.

A player can easily reach the required ELO without facing Goth even once while laddering, and then decide to vote DNB. I request the mods to look into this matter urgently.


Finding my way
is a Tiering Contributor
UPL Champion
Prediction is a two-way street. You could double into Shadow Calyrex to scare Gothitelle out, but what if the opponent brought out Yveltal instead? Then you're on the backfoot. Also, saying "just use Shed Shell" ignores the opportunity cost that running it has - and the fact that it's useless against teams that don't use Gothitelle, to say nothing of having my performance suffer against those teams because I can't run the likes of Leftovers, Heavy-Duty Boots or something. Oh, and it's not a foolproof solution, because Knock Off is a thing. Case in point here. Pannuracotta has Shed Shells on Eternatus and Necrozma, but both get smacked by The Almighty Knock Off and lose them, and the rest is history.
I completely agree. Pridiction isn't always reliable. The start of thread itself said that shed shell can be used as an option but then the defensive mons don't check what they're supposed to check well. As I said in my previous message, Pokémon is about fun. Getting stalled isn't fun but frustrating. Your pridiction can also be counter-pridicted.
I mean I personally always thought that the point of laddering for suspects was to show that you care enough about the format to subject yourself to significant volumes of ladder matches, and also to show that you're competent (I won't say good, bc reqs are still pretty easy to get) and therefore that your opinion shouldn't be discredited.

Laddering to explore and learn about the effects of a given suspect has never added up for any suspect, nvm Goth. I suspect almost all players already have their opinion set prior to a suspect, and a couple laddering sessions rarely change that
So youre telling me you all can't handle getting pp stalled by wynaut?

I've never seen a good reason why smogon suddenly breaks its no-complex-bans mantra whenever trapping abilities get involved.
I feel the same way about baton pass -_-

That said, I don't see where the complex ban is in this case
So youre telling me you all can't handle getting pp stalled by wynaut?

I've never seen a good reason why smogon suddenly breaks its no-complex-bans mantra whenever trapping abilities get involved.
No, we're saying Shadow Tag is cheap and uncompetitive. Also, it's not like PP stalling is all Gothitelle can do - it can give gifts to unwilling recipients, crippling them in the process, as well as use Stored Power sets. Long story short, Shadow Tag is on the chopping block because there's no real counterplay to it - the best you can do against it is in the teambuilder, and that's using Shed Shell over a better item, which, might I add, has a massive opportunity cost. And because Knock Off is ubiquitous, even that isn't enough. All this, along with the fact that it instantly puts the opponent at a major disadvantage, is why I say this shit needs to be banished to the shadow realm.


Banned deucer.
Goth can be a MAJOR ISSUE if you're playing like robot and not playing offensively.
By robot i mean making same plays and relying on your def pivots a lot
Just make a hard play by predicting the turn opponent is going to bring goth. There are lot of options in gen8 ( caly , zac , yv and more ) which you can double into against goth and make your opponent in problem.
Now you might say "if predicting the only way to defeat it so it must get ban"
But this game really do rely on predicting and making a bit hard play sometimes in a single game in order to win.
Even in gen7 if two strong players play each other, mostly the one who predict and do it correctly wins. Not just goth but pdon,ul tra necro, yv, cm ceus forms and lot of other mons can be a lot threating if you dont make good plays and dont predict even a single time. so saying goth caly or these things threatning and not trying to outplay your opponent and reverse attack is bad imo.
To defeat anything whether goth , zacian , caly , offensive ndm , offensive eter , xerneas and all things we need to read and make good plays otherwise playing like a robot wont get you anywhere
Think about this against a goth team
Goth is that pokemon against which you can get a free turn to double into your offensive mon and goth team cant take it easily since 1 slot is being wasted on a goth
A single correct double into Goth invalidates balance. A slow U-Turn into Goth can end games on the spot. I don't think it's healthy at all to bring it to "don't be a robot, bring sufficient offense and play it offensively." Purely on odds of avoiding every last trap attempt, would you agree that one side has to predict significantly more not to auto-lose in some cases?

For example, If I have a Yveltal out vs. a Zacian, in what world is clicking Knock Off on a Gothitelle double ever a realistic play? I lose my Yveltal for nothing if I gamble wrong. Can you explain what you meant by "good plays?"

I feel ladder ELO reqs are not good enough to judge how unhealthy Gothitelle is for the meta, as Gothitelle is used seldomly and even Gothitelle lovers get tired of 70 turn stallfest every other match. I see many users voting Do not ban based on their extremely limited exposure to Goth while laddering, and get maybe get an easy match when they do see one. This gives an extremely warped view of how limiting Goth can be.

A player can easily reach the required ELO without facing Goth even once while laddering, and then decide to vote DNB. I request the mods to look into this matter urgently.
PREACH IT SISTER :D it's sort of funny how we've come to this point:
  • Goth meta promotes offense which ladder runs predominantly anyway
  • Suspect asks people to vote on Goth based on (for most) the perception of a ladder which has the lowest Goth frequency
  • People uncertain of the Goth ban consistently note that "because I played offense, maybe Goth is being overplayed as a threat given what ladder looks like." It's hard to blame therm.
It's a weird paradox that Goth as a problematic mon has forced ladder to inadvertedly Goth-proof, and that somehow makes it seem like less of a problem.

To anyone that is on the fence about their ban, check out some tournament replays WITH and WITHOUT Gothitelle and keep track of the following things:
  • The need for "offensive" defensive cores (ex. the classic Yveltal/NDM/Etern core with random techs/items to avoid trapping). A lot can be said about the paranoia from good players in the teambuilder.
  • When there is a Goth, the amount of hoops a player jumps through to avoid a trap vs. how many the Goth user does
  • When there is a Goth, what the person that gets trapped by Goth can do once their only check to a sweeper is gone (hint: eeny, meeny, miny, moe and pick something to sac a mon every time.)
Would have suspected Gothitelle alone instead of Stag, don’t think Wobbuffet is a problem.

I don’t mind Shadow tag leaving, the style is sure pretty annoying and the fact you can’t switch is the factor people are annoyed. You trap Necrozma or Eternatus and sweep with Xern/Zacian/Kyogre.

People have stated Shed Shell as a bad item. I disagree, nobody complains about Skarmory or Corviknight running Shed Shell to avoid being trapped by Magnezone. If you don’t need the shed shell then you know that you have a potential Knock off absorber, and if you need it, then congratulation, Gothitelle turned out to be useless in the matchup and even worse, can end up being the set up fodder your opponent needed.

Now i’m not saying that Stag is not busted, it’s so good that people try to adapt their team to deal with it.

I think i’ll be voting ban not because of the ability itself, but because if a trap leans to removing the counter you specifically needed to be gone to just insta win, then there’s the fundamental problem.

I also agree with the fact on ladder nobody plays it, but anyway on the ladder all you see is people complaining that balanced team vs a balanced team is « cancer, stall » just because of the nature of the metagame, so I would say that tournament wise is more accurate to if it’s played enough or not!
Hello guys!!!

I play Ubers very rarely so I don't have a very indepth knowledge of the tier like some of the previous posters so I wouldn't reiterate the same points that they were able to convey a lot better than I could but still I would have played the tier a decent amount to atleast have knowledge of the meta game and I feel that S Tag should be BANNED. Instead I would like to address some of the other things mentioned.

1) People not facing a single Goth in their entire reqs run -

I can personally confirm this. I laddered two times today, once to 1600s and once to just get the required reqs to about 1540s. In total I had about 65 battles today and faced no Goth. I also was using HO so it's not like Goth would have been a problem regardless. I assume that other suspect voters would be laddering with HO too from all of the ones I faced. I completely agree with the concern that in this scenario people are voting without even experiencing Goth. And those who do experience it, just blast through it with their HO. From ladder, you simply can't perceive the effects of Goth, especially using HO. A player using balance or semi stall can tell you how it is perhaps the single most terrifying mon to face but if you just pick up Uber rn to ladder after a long time, S Tag can even seem like a non-factor to you, especially with HO.

2) The Uber Purist view -

I completely disagree with this view simply because of one reason that now we have Anything Goes. Ubers should not have to bear the burden of being the tier that has to allow everything anymore. It is a full-fledged tier with an active player base. No longer is it just a ban list. In the light of this, we simply can't dwell on it's original identity, or being most inclusive. We already have banned Zacian C and Dynamax (A step completely in the right direction imo) so that ship has already sailed. We should work towards it being the most competitive tier it can be. Making it a mini AG with some things banned but some things allowed just for the facade of purity and resisting change just doesn't make sense. It is especially unfair for the current player base if you simply don't even play but just want to keep it for the sake of purity.
Again I am not being rude to anyone, It's just that I personally have always seen AG the completely unfiltered tier not Ubers. In a way I simply am unable to understand their viewpoint but I think that purists can simply shift to AG if they want an completely unrestricted playing experience as Ubers has already been restricted in some ways so they are still not getting what they want. This way both player bases win.

3) "Counterplay against S Tag"-

I have seen some people mention ways to counter S Tag which are simply not feasible-

i) Whirlwind/Roar/Teleport - One Goth set carries Trick Scarf, other taunt. In either case , Goth does her job.

ii) Dragon Tail/ Shed Shell/ Weird offensive sets like SD on defensive mons - While these are nominally good methods to prevent the trap what you have to consider is the is the opportunity cost. Eternatus having to run an extremely weak negative priority Dragon tail instead of Dynamax cannon
which actually threatens Ubers dragons is a huge sacrifice in and of itself. The OP voices my opinions about the other two as well.

iii) Double Switching - This is perhaps the least feasible one. There is simply no way to confirm when your opponent will make the switch or not. Oh sure you can do it a couple times but your opponent only needs one correct 50/50. This is extremely unbalanced. It is luck to some degree as well which is obviously undesirable in a competitive game. Lastly, even if you play absolutely god like and never let them get their trap off, what if they have Uturn/ teleport to bring her in safely? Also what if they something dies in front of your NDM or Eternatus so it gets a free switch regardless? This method is simply not something to count on.

iv) Uturn/ Teleport/ Ghost types - I won't dwell on it too much because it was brought up very few times. The thing with this one is that the mons that Goth is being used to trap don't have those attributes.

v) Not building Gothitelle weak teams - Now this one is not exactly unfeasible. As I said a couple times in my first point, HO is pretty decent vs S Tag in general but limiting the meta game is again an indicator of it's brokenness. Obviously you can still run successful balance builds but the stress of facing Goth or running opportunity cost sets, makes you want to not even play them, no? I personally just end up with HO again even if start using balance after facing Goth.

4) Goth has limited usage - This another point that I simply don't understand. Usage has nothing to do with it's capabilities .It doesn't matter if you face it 1 times or 5 times, it still the same amount of uncompetitive. In a way you are agreeing it's broken as you are basically saying, "But..but... at least it is not used that much."

Forgive me if I missed any other point but, from what I read above arguments seemed to be the points anti - banners were making. None of these points really show what we would lose if we remove S Tag and what would we gain if we keep S Tag, directly in the meta game. From what I read so far I felt that to some degree everyone agrees it is broken, I would also like to point out that absolutely nobody made any claims of it being balanced. Mostly everyone agrees that it is uncompetitive and acknowledge how you have to bend over backwards to avoid it. I definitely implore you to consider this last point before casting your vote.

Thanks to everyone who read this and hope everyone has a wonderful day.
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Tournament Banned
is a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnus
UPL Champion
Post is made by me not to offend anyone nor i want any single one of you to reply to this , just read this ( my opinions ) and go.
i am going to vote **DONT BAN** because its managable and not threating to me that much ( its a bit because if i build poor and weak team )
You can outplay goth teams by making a double to calyrex shadow , yv , zacian and pressure your opponent since a goth in team means its either a goth + 1 or 2 defensive pokemons and rest offense so they wont be able to hold game longer against a strong offensive pokemon while slowly getting destroyed.
Goth can be a MAJOR ISSUE if you're playing like robot and not playing offensively.
By robot i mean making same plays and relying on your def pivots a lot
Just make a hard play by predicting the turn opponent is going to bring goth. There are lot of options in gen8 ( caly , zac , yv and more ) which you can double into against goth and make your opponent in problem.
Now you might say "if predicting the only way to defeat it so it must get ban"
But this game really do rely on predicting and making a bit hard play sometimes in a single game in order to win.
Even in gen7 if two strong players play each other, mostly the one who predict and do it correctly wins. Not just goth but pdon,ul tra necro, yv, cm ceus forms and lot of other mons can be a lot threating if you dont make good plays and dont predict even a single time. so saying goth caly or these things threatning and not trying to outplay your opponent and reverse attack is bad imo.
To defeat anything whether goth , zacian , caly , offensive ndm , offensive eter , xerneas and all things we need to read and make good plays otherwise playing like a robot wont get you anywhere
Think about this against a goth team
Goth is that pokemon against which you can get a free turn to double into your offensive mon and goth team cant take it easily since 1 slot is being wasted on a goth
A well build team can threaten goth team since that team is not made to absorb attacks for long time.
Goth team concept is simple , trap one def mon then sweep with own
What if we dont let it trap?
Use shed shell , double into your own offensive mon which are a lot.
The end.
Again i dont want anyone to reply to my message since i posted it just to share my opinion on a place where everyone can see once and for all.
Alright i've thought about talking bout this one for awhile and i think i've decided im going to deconstruct this regardless of whether you asked us not to becuase frankly that's not your call and that's the entire point of a subforum and im also not going to let falsities slide that easily just because you asked me not to. I'll give a TLDR at the bottom since this might get long.

The argument that gothitelle can never do anything against offense is just plain wrong. Any offense that has a banded Zacian for example is always forced into a position where killing with close combat or even wild charge (on a bad day anyway) is restricted because goth can easily just trap Zacian and remove it from the picture. This isn't the only example of this either, any pokemon with a choice item is forced into a spot where it cannot click its best move at that scenario because goth can abuse it, be it kyogre, Darm-G, Urshifu, and maybe Dialga.

Lemme give the best example: The sample Webs team manaphy made, which is constantly on the ladder. which will be above for easy access for this point. Let's say i have a team with standard Necro Ygod Eternatus core + Palkia Goth Zacian. I managed to get rocks vs Slurpuff with necrozma since frankly sunsteel into rocks is a generally really safe play since the team would fall apart without webs and alot of ppl using the squad just clicked turn 1 coat each time and even if you mess it up you just click rocks till it runs out of magic coat's since rocks has more. After slurpuff has been removed, eventually kyogre will come in and try to click that beautiful spout, but since i have a Palkia in the team and an eternatus ice beam the best play since going necrozma is a huge risk when i could still have use for it by thunder waving a necrozma or something. However they can't really do that without completing tossing away their kyogre since Gothitelle could trap it and remove it, and switch out on the final struggle turn so the others can't abuse its presence. The same kind of scenario can be done with Zacian, Urshifu and Darm. They cannot kill anything with certain moves because goth will just remove them. Zacian cannot clikc CC, Urshifu can't click CC, Darm can't click flare blitz or earthquake/anything else it'd want. This is what zacian does and Wobbufett does the exact same thing, only less effectively, but gains more pokemon it can do it to such as Palkia, and encore trap Zygarde.

While trapping with pursuit has done similar things, the pursuit trapper cannot trap the wide wide variety of pokemon Stag can, and also doesn't force people to gentlemen no pursuit in tours. Flying economy finals saw the finalist both instant agree to gentlemen no Stag, which is a very common thing because nobody who plays tours like playing, or building with it in any way. Everytime gentlemens happen in tours frequently it speaks volumes to the nature on whats being gentlemen'd to. BW UU Victini comes to mind instantly for this and that mon was broken as shit, so that should paint a fair picture.

Also, one thing that's really bothered me isn't rlly bout this post but the fact that all these ppl be like "just use u turn, teleport, flip turn etc" when the goth player can ALSO do this too. Teleport blissey, slow u turn yveltal, and even more fringe stuff like P2 can do this and allow your trapper entry and do its thing. And much like the above post, i love how ABSOLUTELY NOBODY has said any good reason that keeping stag would benefit the tier. Trapping is an unhealthy mechanic and while i have thoughts on Arena trap too, i dont find it as bad here.

Gothitelle is not worthless against offense as it forces alot of pokemon who are choiced not to lock into certain moves they'd like to click since goth can remove them such as zacian and kyogre. Any time someone has pointed out u turn/teleport as valid counterplay ignores that goth users can abuse these with their teammates, such as blissey and slowturn yveltal. Shadow tag brings truly nothing to the tier and nobody who doesn't support a ban has argued its a healthy presence.

JT Yao

Banned deucer.
JT Yao here to drop two cents on this whole Shadow Tag suspect test!

First of all, I want to address that unlike other suspect tests we've had in the last few months (Dynamax and Zacian-C), Shadow Tag is the first element that is not frequently utilized on ladder. In my ladder run of 55 games (44-11), I ran into Gothitelle maybe twice, and my opponents did not use the optimal PP Stalling set, hence it was very underwhelming in those games. While this may be common knowledge to most people, I think I cannot state this enough: If you are using Ladder as your primary basis for determining whether to ban Shadow Tag or not, I highly implore you to view the tournament games other people have brought up throughout this thread. It goes without saying that tournament games are the most representative of the state of the current metagame and not ladder.

Shadow Tag has been a controversial ability throughout the last three generations of Ubers. It was suspect tested in both ORAS and USM Ubers, but a couple of key differences brought up before in this thread make it particularly unhealthy for the tier. Before I move on to that, I'd like to bring up an interesting aside. While complex bans are something the Ubers community tends to avoid whenever possible, a particular instance of the unhealthiness of Shadow Tag became apparent when the "Sleep Trap" clause was implemented. That is, Mega Gengar, an offensive threat that had 170 Base Special Attack, could not use Hypnosis in conjunction with its ability Shadow Tag. This was only the first instance of Shadow Tag being too unhealthy in a previous generation, but the following reasons will make it clear why it's just as unhealthy in SS Ubers, if not more so.

The lack of pursuit or "un-trickable" items like Mega Stones and Z-Crystals are huge, and make Trick Variants of Gothitelle extremely challenging to deal with. Trick Gothitelle has a much more favorable match up against offense teams than Non-Trick Variants. But as for the biggest change, in SS Ubers, Gothitelle was blessed with Cosmic Power. This lets it not only PP Stall passive defensive threats, but also stand up bulky offensive threats like Dragon Dance Necrozma Dusk Mane, as Gothitelle can use a combination of Charm + Cosmic Power to trap and defeat offensive threats meant to bypass it. If that's not a sign of just how unhealthy Gothitelle is, I really don't know what is.

Going back above to the post Luna's Banned now made in response to Mega zygarde-100%, Gothitelle is practically never useless. It has a use against every single play style, depending on what set it's running. Against Hyper Offense, Gothitelle can simply trap a passive sweeper like Necrozma Dusk Mane, or trick its Choice Scarf to cripple a potentially offensive threat. Against Bulky Offense and Balance, Gothitelle can trap something to pave a sweep for one of its teammates. And against Stall, well your opponent will probably curse you out and then click 'X'.

Anyway, removing Shadow Tag is only the first step to improving this tier. Right now, I'm sure many people find SS Ubers to be an extremely stale metagame to play. Having to run into the same kind of builds on practically every kind of team leaves very little innovation available in tier. And if you opt to use something creative or innovative, you run into the chance of losing to something standard. That's the meta summed up in a few sentences. While I will be voting 'Ban' on Shadow Tag, this ability is only the third link (the first two being Dynamax and Zacian-C) of the chain that needs to be promptly removed for this metagame to truly thrive. Right now there's a metaphorical chain that wraps around SS Ubers and makes it extraordinarily stale, in comparison to other generations of Ubers. As an aside, there are at least two more links that have to be suspected (and hopefully removed) from the tier to truly make it healthy. But that's for another day.

I implore all of you to please make an informed decision when voting. I used Gothitelle as the main example in my post, because it is the most prominent abuser of Shadow Tag. I'm sure a similar, albeit less effective, argument could be said for Eviolite Gothorita. Best of luck on achieving requirements if you haven't done so already, and have a great day everyone!
While Gothitelle makes certain matchups lopsided for minimal risk, the culprit is not Shadow Tag. Shadow Tag just happens to synergize with the rest of Gothitelle’s kit to eliminate passive threats. Now you could argue Shadow Tag enables the kit to be as potent as it is, but the caveat is moves/abilities in general are as strong as they are because they work well in conjunction with other qualities. There are a few exceptions such as OHKO moves which are strong enough to work almost independently, but that is not the case with Shadow Tag. Just look at Wobbuffet whose influence is significantly smaller than Gothitelle despite having Shadow Tag because the synergy between Shadow Tag and the rest of Wobbuffet’s kit is not strong enough to produce any noncompetitive strategies. It would actually be a shame if Wobbuffet lost its viability due to this suspect.
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Just wanna point out that the discussion here shouldn't be on goth vs stag being suspect tested which is highlighted in the OP, so wobb vs goth specifically shouldn't impact the judgment of the test as it's tackling Shadow Tag as a whole, since that is ultimately the root of the problem.

That being said, the claims that wobb can't do anything similar to Gothitelle just isn't really true, as with Shadow Tag it's almost as good of an enabler for threats as Gothitelle, and Wobb actually fits really well on Hyper Offense styles, something Goth doesn't typically. That job of enabling breakers is exactly what Gothitelle does, and since Wobb has the ability to as well with Shadow Tag I don't see how it's any different in concept, it's just not used since Gothitelle is a better mon especially on balance. I haven't tried out Wobb balance and most people probably haven't either, simply because Gothitelle is a better pick, which is the same reason no one has tried out Gothorita in tours or on ladder, Gothitelle is just better. They all functionally do the same thing though, mu fish and abuse their trapping abilities to remove threats to your own team offensively or defensively. I've been laddering with this Wobb HO a bit, and can say that it still is able to perform a similar role to Gothitelle balance, removing big threats and letting the rest of the team succeed. I've found that while not ideal usually, dropping NDM on HO is fine here since Wobb always traps Geomancy Xerneas even without screens, and with them can revenge ditto'd versions of my own sweepers.
+2 252+ SpA Fairy Aura Xerneas Moonblast vs. 252 HP / 188+ SpD Wobbuffet: 492-580 (84.2 - 99.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ SpA Fairy Aura Xerneas Moonblast vs. 252 HP / 188+ SpD Wobbuffet: 246-291 (42.1 - 49.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

I was originally running 1 less sp.def but that has the smallest roll to get 2HKO'd, so 188 sp.def seems optimal. The play against Xern is just hard Wobb and Encore, locking them into a move. If it's sub, you can go into either Grimm and Taunt + Light Screen or another breaker to break subs, then go back to Wobb after to finish it off. If they attack, you encore that and custap dbond to take it out.

+1 252+ Atk Choice Band Zacian Play Rough vs. 252 HP / 68 Def Wobbuffet: 507-597 (86.8 - 102.2%) -- 18.8% chance to OHKO

Fairly solid roll that is even better for the 2HKO side through screens, letting Wobb revenge this most of the time if it does get through the offensive pressure from your own team. If it leads against grimm and trades then Wobb always revenges and keeps Custap, freeing up the team against a super fast threat.

252 SpA Kyogre Water Spout (150 BP) vs. 252 HP / 188+ SpD Wobbuffet in Rain: 442-522 (75.6 - 89.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Another mon easy to revenge, scarf Kyogre always puts wobb into Custap range to dbond, and specs is trapped by Mirror Coat through screens.
I unfortunately didn't save a lot of really good Wobb replays I had laddering about a week back, but I just climbed about 150 points on a test alt that decayed using it to get some showings of what it can do in practice.
[Gen 8] Ubers replay: Play Test Account vs. WapauK - Pokémon Showdown (
Ignoring the lucky endgame where I misplayed a bit since Zekrom + Xern should still win with just Reflect, I found myself in a similar early game position to this a lot. I taunted the ndm to prevent rocks but they hard sunsteeled, so I just went to wobb. If they switch and I stay in I get 2 free screens, so they were willing to trade the trap for 1 screen, but by just going wobb to live 2 I was in a good position. I took out ndm with counter and was in custap range on the Zygarde coming in, so I clicked dbond. In this position people using Xerneas or Zyg usually sub first, but then try to set up since wobb is slow and keeps dbond active till the end of the next turn. You get a free Encore there always, letting something like Xerneas come in and set up or revenge.

[Gen 8] Ubers replay: us9 nr9 vs. Play Test Account - Pokémon Showdown (
This specific caly ice set was super good against my team lacking ndm, so Wobb was crucial in stopping that. I traded grimm for Taunt and dual screens, the took 50 with wobb to get the threat out of the way. The next position is a hard one for them, as if they go yvel it's a 50/50 between Encore and Counter on knock and Defog, so they opted for etern to get Tspikes and prevent me from abusing another set up mon. I Encore that giving etern a free switch, and double into wobb as they double from ndm to Ho-oh. There's another hard play to make, because if they Defog on the dbond I either trade or lock them into Defog, or they attack and trade, something they're forced to do as to not be left as set up fodder. Wobb forces super unideal situations sometimes against walls that can't afford to be sitting ducks with Encore.

[Gen 8] Ubers replay: Play Test Account vs. Clems1997 - Pokémon Showdown (
This game had the exact same ndm lead against grimm, wobb trade, then Zygarde to revenge situation, giving me a good position where ndm was dead and xern had the freest switch in ever. Etern cleans from there as ndm + marsh was likely the way to take that on, but Wobb easily removed something at that point.

[Gen 8] Ubers replay: Play Test Account vs. Regmore - Pokémon Showdown (
Another good wobb showing, the opponent had to double out of ndm on Wobb fearing the trap, and went to sub etern which I locked in. My etern lost 3 speed ties unfortunately but still traded because it could only sub for most of the time. Later wobb encores ndm into rocks letting zek get 2 hits on calyrex, something I mentioned was a big threat. In the endgame it forced a 50/50 where they had to go Marsh to stay in the game, but I think it was like spell tag Marsh or something which I lived a hit from at that point and forced more dbond/encore 50/50's, but they stayed in and lost the ndm so my grimm + zacian could clean.

I hope these can show at least a bit that wobb forces the same type of play as Gothitelle, where reactive play is removed once you're trapped and you have to make insanely risky doubles to just not lose a mon. No games should be solely decided on not keeping a wall in for more than 1 turn or else you lose it, since once it's trapped you can't really do anything about it, and wobb arguably shows this even more since things like dd ndm get encored and if Etern clicks Flamethrower then it can't dtail because Encore out prioritizes. If anyone has used wobb on balance I'd love to hear how it performs, but I wanted to post this to show that it's not just Gothitelle / Gothita, we approached the root of the problem which is Shadow Tag, since both mons would be nothing without it. Obviously Goth is still extremely stupid as I highlighted in my first post, and if it was just Gothitelle and wobb had literally 0 niche I'd still be voting ban as Shadow Tag on Gothitelle is extremely stupid and worth the whole ban on its own, but the other options that use the ability like Gothita and Wobb also have a use and a fairly good one if Gothitelle isn't chosen, making it even more clear to me that it has to go for the tier to be much better overall.
If anyone has used wobb on balance I'd love to hear how it performs, but I wanted to post this to show that it's not just Gothitelle / Gothita, we approached the root of the problem which is Shadow Tag, since both mons would be nothing without it.
Maybe Wobbuffet really does lead to the same antics as Gothitelle, but I would still argue that Shadow Tag is only a commonality, not a cause. A cause implies that trapping abilities in general produce noncompetitive strategies, which begs the question of why Arena Trap Dugtrio and Magnet Pull Magnezone are not criticized in the current meta. Skysolo actually brought up an interesting answer to the question suggesting that the broadness of the effect matters:
Additionally, the overall nature of Shadow Tag causing nearly every pokemon to be trapped puts it a stake further from other trapping abilities such as Magnet Pull and Arena Trap.

~ Strap out
But I seriously doubt a Gothitelle with Arena Trap instead of Shadow Tag would be any less efficient at removing threats. Meanwhile, Dugtrio’s impact on the meta is minuscule despite its ability, and I doubt its influence would increase if it had Shadow Tag instead of Arena Trap. If you think trapping as a whole needs to be eventually banned including Arena Trap and Magnet Pull then so be it, ban Shadow Tag. As of now, however, I fail to see how Shadow Tag in and of itself is problematic.
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Tournament Banned
is a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnus
UPL Champion
Maybe Wobbuffet really does lead to the same antics as Gothitelle, but I would still argue that Shadow Tag is only a commonality, not a cause. A cause implies that trapping abilities in general produce noncompetitive strategies, which begs the question of why Arena Trap Dugtrio and Magnet Pull Magnezone are not criticized in the current meta. Skysolo actually brought up an interesting answer to the question suggesting that the broadness of the effect matters:

But I seriously doubt a Gothitelle with Arena Trap instead of Shadow Tag would be any less efficient at removing threats. Meanwhile, Dugtrio’s impact on the meta is minuscule despite its ability, and I doubt its influence would increase if it had Shadow Tag instead of Arena Trap. If you think trapping as a whole needs to be eventually banned including Arena Trap and Magnet Pull then so be it, ban Shadow Tag. As of now, however, I fail to see how Shadow Tag in and of itself is problematic.
This will just answer why on the last thing since im heading to bed. But its because of what their stats are and movepools together.

Dugtrio is a mon that can truly only kill, and it needs to kill or its not trapping shit since its paper matchet, and support pool trash besides screech for gen 7 chansey. You gonn use trapinch? LOOOOOL

Magnezone isnt frail and is effective but its limited targets makes it more fair. Alolem only nabbed heatran specifically and probopass is probo ass. Neither valid in ubers anyway.

The staggers trap anything not spectral, which is the biggest pool. Wobbufett is a pure return to sender which can hard remove shit like kyogre or anything choiced or with simply 1 sided moves like palkia for free, while also encore locking things trying to setup, which is free entry alot of the time.

Gothitelle has cosmic power and rest which instantly is a recipe for PP stalling. Adding taunt and debuffs like charm n confide further enhance this role. And to add icing on this chernobyl toxic cake, it gets trick, allowing complete cripplization of a wider range of victims. Even mons like Ho-oh which doesn't seem like a target is suddenly a prime one... did i mention it has stored power.

Also while on administrative leave, Mega gengar got given fcking encore and nasty plot, and i REALLY don't think i have to explain why a shadow tag pokemon with encore and huge speed is absolutely broken without exception. Let alone the offensive threat m gar has before nasty plot n free sub potential.

Stag users are just more potent in their target list, threat level, overall effectiveness, toxicity. They are simply far better at doing their job of trapping compared to any of their competition. You only rarely see wobb because most times goth is better, doesn't mean its bad. We never saw Zac-H like ever pre crowned ban and look what happened, really damn good just not as good.
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