ITT Post Like You're Jeremy Seinfeld On The Television Show 'Seinfeld', On May 15, 1997

Should I rename this thread to: ITT Post Kramer Appreciation

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Loosely Resembling Some Variety Of Bird
is a Top Artistis a Community Contributor
(to be read outloud in an immaculate Jeremy Seinfeld impression)

So what's the deal with Airplane Food??!???? Could this stuff taste any worse????
It's like, thanks, but no thanks.
I'm still stuffed from that huge bag of smoked almonds!!!!!!!!!!

*sounds of rapturous applause, the entire planet is laughing at this incredible joke, the sound from the applause reaches 1,100 decibels,
creating a black hole from which no comedy can ever hope to escape. He's done it, the mad man's actually done it. He's created The Perfect Joke*

Anyways now that that's out of the way, for your topic of choice, Post Like You're Jeremy Seinfeld On The Television Show 'Seinfeld', On May 15, 1997.


Looks like the Fashion world's finally figured out what a dilf is. Can't wait until they pick up on milfs


Loosely Resembling Some Variety Of Bird
is a Top Artistis a Community Contributor
Lol I like the fact that you picked the day that the episode "The Summer of George" aired because they actually do make a joke about airline food in that episode, although it was in a mocking sense
Yeah I couldn't find an actual date for when he actually said it, so I figured that was close enough. I like to minimalise my encounters with Jeremy Seinfeld as much as humanly possible


Loosely Resembling Some Variety Of Bird
is a Top Artistis a Community Contributor
My name is Jerome you’d think the kid poking fun at my bit could at least get my name right
I always do the bare minimum amount of research into every thread I make and make myself look knowledgeable using big words like rapturous and airplane and fancy talk, I'm not spending precious seconds of my life searching up who the What's The Deal With Airplane Food guy's actual name is

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