Pet Mod Beartic Phone


Ability: Light Power
is a Pre-Contributor
We oughta need Smogon-styled Tiers considering the amount of Mons in just two slates and upcoming, with Ubers (banned mons), OU, UU, NU and PU/ZU.

RIP Starrium, even Aura Sphere won’t help it much as Wolversnare have monstrous Special bulk by Dark-type standard. Though access to Foul Play can hurt most non-Dark / non-Fighting / non-Fairy physical attackers when they least expect, so that’s something. As for the others I am involved;

Dothog: Not an easy flavor to work with, but I managed to figure out how to draw it in three hours (yes, really) and it paid off! Looks like a decent threat.

Mikyu: I should’ve given it stronger Fighting coverage but other than that, I made sure to make the most of the Ability. Jus5 a victim of the meta’s state though, with way too many Steels running amok.

QJTC: I goofed up with Normal / Electric and Galvanize, but I was expecting the end result to be a speedy mon based of the dex (I received another step 1 as someone doing QJTC’s art on time) and not a poor man’s Iron Hands. As such, it can’t really take advantage of it’s signature Ability, Rock Dodger, which involve increasing it’s Speed and immunity to Rock.

Edit: Yeah, in hindsight I really screwed this up. Won’t do Normal / -ate Ability combo again.

Sagittremor: 55 / 110 / 110 / 95 / 60 / 120 is a funky stat spread I gave to it, but that was because of the movepool being full of Dark, Fighting and lot of other physical oriented moves. It sure will help Technician set a lot!

Orangesodapop would need to explain considering that some subs are either ruined or borked by him. Giving Sketch (and Hold Back for some reason) isn’t his fault entirely as IceLevel gave it Smeargle stats even if they should give it just high bulk.
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I'm gonna be honest this slate wasn't quite as good as the first. More forgettable mons, some of the flavor is godawful, a surprising amount of type repeats, and some of these mons competitvely are... unique, to put it nicely.

Anyways here's ratings for all the mons I contributed for
Naenaeray: Beaf was a tad harsh on this mon tbh. Don't get me wrong, it is definitely on the lower end of viability, but it has some good traits: both QD and NPlot for setup, so-so defenses are compensated by the stellar Water/Fairy type, STAB Draining Kiss for recovery, and while its movepool is shallow, the one good coverage move it has, Ice Beam, is a pretty damn good coverage move. Very dissapointed though in Mossy making it a ballet dancer instead of doing the nae nae, like god intended.
Oratcha: If I had a nickel for every Water/Psychic Calm Mind wincon with a lacking movepool in Beartic Phone... yeah it competes a lot with Quackologist, but thankfully Oratcha doesn't look outclassed, since it's better offensively, and with the addition of Scormadio to set up psy terrain, Expanding Force looks very sexy. Psyspam real guys? :holycrap:
Sopranodon: Could've been funny with reverse Supreme Overlord but no, it just had to get 150 Attack and get quickbanned, boo! Doesn't even counter Hourcuuda due to being outsped, smh. Like I'm genuinely upset about this one, because the flavor is funny and if not for massive attack stat it could be balanced by the 4x Fighting weakness and shallow movepool.
Fizzkrieg: One of the biggest winners of this slate, very based mon. Everyone's attention is on Water Bubble Liquidation off of 117 Attack, which don't get me wrong is quite good, but Barb Barrage is also solid considering the amount of ways Fizz can spread toxic. Minor apoligies though for making it physical when the flavor very clearly implies it to be special, oopsies.
E.M.Punch: Yep that's definitlely Fighting Melmetal. Looks okay, just not that interesting, which the movepool isn't doing any favors for.
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Mind the bad garmmar.
is a Pre-Contributor
Sopranodon: Could've been funny with reverse Supreme Overlord but no, it just had to get 150 Attack and get quickbanned, boo! Doesn't even counter Hourcuuda due to being outsped, smh. Like I'm genuinely upset about this one, because the flavor is funny and if not for massive attack stat it could be balanced by the 4x Fighting weakness and shallow movepool.
My brother in Christ what compelled you to make reverse Supreme Overlord there is no universe where this mon was gonna be playable, either I put it out of its misery in the movepool slate (which I should have honestly) to make it too niche or it became busted. There is no reasonable way for blind submitters to make a mon balanced with that ability. Be glad I gave it Beat Up to do funny stuff the 5 seconds its not banned.

Edit: Honestly thinking about it its best we get rid of custom abilities, people simply aren't using them to make flavor clones, just unnecessary stuff.
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This slate has been a real mixed bag, and following in Beebos's steps, I'd like to give my takes on everything I had part in.

Part 1: Fizzkrieg - Honestly I love how this turned out. I feel like what we accomplished with Fizzkrieg reflects the best of what we can accomplish with this mod; every step performed excellently. It's a fun, but not stupidly broken offensive pivot that I can see finding a lot of usage going forward.

Part 2: Sopranodon - This has been one rollercoaster of a mon, just looking at everything that happened here. 150 base attack on reverse Supreme Overlord sounds really stupid, and I see why Beaf thinks this will get banned. However there are also a few other aspects to this mon that are worth considering in its overall viability. Dark/Normal holds glaring weaknesses to 3 incredibly common types: Fighting Fairy and Bug. Not to mention it's bulk is rather poor; it will absolutely fold defensively. This is also highlighted by the fact that 85 speed is pretty middling in this meta. The 'don also lacks much of a viable movepool whatsoever, lacking both coverage and priority. Sets 100% will be looking smth like Return / Facade / Beat Up / Crunch, making this one hell of a one-trick pony. While I still see the potential ban-worthiness, I also think its downsides leave some room for us to test whether or not it actually deserves a ban.

Part 3: Styxia - Honestly really cool mon, playing as a slower Ghost Special Breaker, or (if Double Iron Bash didn't simply forget to include this detail, Guiding Light should lower the opponent's evasion) a supportive pivot w/ the means of debuffing the opponent's attack and making it easier for incoming allies to land less accurate attacks.

Part 4: Boreasel - f in the chat for this mon. I should've included some better physical Non-STABs then just Aqua Tail, like Close Combat would've really helped pull physical sets together. However, no matter what movepool I gave it, it still is cursed with being a slow Ice type :psysad:

Part 5: Heirfriar - Honestly I think I did these stats right. When thinking over the stats, I eventually set on doing something akin to a Phys/Spec-swapped Quaquaval. While Psychic/Flying is a rather poor typing, it can take a free hit off its disguise clone to properly set up a Calm Mind/Esper Wing, dealing strong damage w/ Psychic/Flying/Fire coverage.
1. dothog

think it went well, the maw/jaw/giant mouth motif went thru and we ended up with with a ddancer or a breaker that can go mixed (maw draco xd). it sure did sort of resemble roaring moon in a lot of ways tho.

2. starrium

IM SORRY I CANNOT MAKE ART LOL i am aware this is so bad but i will also say dont expect the next one to be much better (or me to care about my own art quality, because i do try to make it not horrible)

3. rustration

my regret for this part is that i had an idea for this one (degenerator - regenerator but you lose 1/3 or 1/4 per switchout, the idea is that i trust the stats guy to give it a broken fast defensive profile (think smth like 120/60/120/60/120/120) that can sit on things but has to constantly manage its hp and 8 pp recovery - in retrospect the idea is super flawed since stats guy dont see your abilities so you might just get an average mon but with a terrible ability) but it simply slipped my mind at the time. as it is i liked how steely spirit went on there. i wish that this mon was a bit faster since it has a really neat movepool with memento, spikes (with a nice typing for it too!), will-o-wisp etc that can have an interesting variety of sets, but as it is i think it still looks interesting. imo the typing is fine, and im a huge fan of slapping lava plume on random things so i quite like this guy, however it has literally nothing for darks outside of will-o-wisp which blows. for what it does right now it still wishes that its def and sdef are swapped but its whatever. oh yeah it also gets lumina crash but darks still sit on it so rip.

4. mightokondria

this is my thought process
"oh its a psychic, i can probably slap a bunch of stuff on it"
"i can probably justify this since gallade is also this type and gets a stupid large movepool for zero reason as well"
"ill just go down the entire national dex move list and see which ones i can remotely justify"
and so thats how the initial draft of his movepool ended up having nearly 300 moves. it got trimmed, but i still think the number is around 250, although most of it isnt very useful. i really am forced to partially agree with beaf on this one, the massive movepool probably scared the stats guy so now the mon is useless except when it clicks clangsoul (too slow and weak for attacking normally, too slow and frail + not good enough typing to play support). i personally dont think "cringe setup guy with stupid huge movepool" does this mon justice (for one you cant setup in response to him because of been there done that) but i do agree that clangsoul made it a lot worse than it could be. you live and learn.

5. yourmom
this one im the happiest with. recently cap is doing a concept called "very fast immovable object" and i thought that was really cool especially when we dont have that sort of things in standard mons (and it wont be like bh where that object is literally arceus x18 lol) so i just sorta copied that. it was obvious to me immediately that the mon is a poison but cant figure out the secondary type so i just thought "oh, poison resisting fairy is probably pretty big" (i forgor the slate 1 big dumb fairy is physical) and went sdef. i personally think the decision to go sdef was the better one because of its access to strength sap, and going physdef would just suffocate so so many physical attackers. turns out this guy can still switch in to close combat etc without much trouble and sap back. anyway, this guy's kit lets it play sdef utility support really well with koff tspikes encore etc. or it can just go fuck it and run swords dance with strong jaw coverage and pseudo stab on crunch. i think the mon is really damn strong, perhaps too strong just cause of how easily it can sit on things with ssap+excellent special bulk and exploit that in multiple different ways, but i like how i handled the stats (except i missed it having encore aaa fuck, this might be super obnoxious because of that i apologize for encore sets in advance).
can we talk about how user Orangesodapop ruined two subs (lazerazer, serplatano)
no i actually ruined lazeraser, i did not see everything else so i gave it a semi-generic (yet strong) stat spread thinking it'd turn out well

judging from the discussion here that was very much not the case lol (for real 85 speed, i'm sure it'll be fine)

for real though:
E.M.Punch: Me when I intend this to be Electric/Fighting but it turns out to be part Steel-type (decent mon for real though, just not in the way I had expected)
Sphinxify: I haven't picked up a stylus or a pencil in a year so I was thoroughly impressed with how I was able to make this guy's art.
Faradaisy: i just interpreted the design as evil carnivorous plant, therefore Grass/Dark. not really sure what i was thinking for abilities but it seemed like it'd be slow so I just gave it Triage for that reason
Spectroll: Grass was obvious, so was the Ghost type (in my eyes, at least) and I gave it some Dark moves because why the fuck not. Turns out I was right on the money, unfortunately this guy's stats are kinda meager so uhhh
Lazeraser: i think i managed to make this guy banworthy due to the stats, explained above
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1) Sphinxtify
When I first saw the sheet, I was confused how the prompt I gave, which I figured could be interpreted as some combo of Ground/Psychic/Dark/Flying, ended up Steel/Flying, but I can see how the coloring on the sketch could confuse. Don't blame the artist here any, just somewhat unfortunate that the mon turned out good but ultimately boring.

2) E.M.Punch
I was heavily debating giving this sketch electric prongs on its head to be better Electric-coded but ultimately decided not to and let it ride, for better or worse. Like how Sphinxtify ended up as slightly different Corv, this mon ended up as slightly different Hariyama but with a debatably worse typing. It's got some good qualities, but seems more like an RU mon in theory.

3) Cerebrawl
Mind Over Matter was my creation and could've been something, movepool guy saw that and gave it a good movepool to take advantage of it... and then the stats guy saw a mon with CM/NP as their only boosting moves and gave it dogshit SpA. Mon's bulky and somewhat fast but it's sure as hell not doing much with that typing. This could've been a certified Funny Mon but it got neutered right at the finish line.

4) Staxenhammer
Didn't shit the bed on the movepool round this slate!! Could've given it more but I think the mon ultimately ended up with at least the essentials and should be a pretty solid mon. Also yes, gave it Make it Rain for no reason, but sig ability legally obligated me to.

5) Serplatano
Holy fuck, what happened here. This sub was actually murdered in cold blood and I unknowingly buried the body as an accomplice. This was a genuinely unique sub that was just randomly slapped with Sketch, aka every move ever, for no reason. I formally apologize for giving it Smeargle stats in response, but... how am I supposed to respond to that without knowing any other step? RIP Serplatano. o7

Yeah this slate was... not as great. Some great mons really fell apart during the process more often than before, and while we had some meme mons last slate too, they managed to come into their own and were given somewhat workable flavor. Some of these are aggressively unfunny and evidently made the Step 2 guy's work harder than it should've, like Microwave and especially bob.
Sure might as well give my response to the subs I was involved in.

1) Mightokondria. Adorable art, really looks like what I was expecting, though I can see how it could easily be misconstrued as a bean for its new signature ability. Typing and stat spread are interesting, movepool is woah wtf that is too many moves. I do have to agree with Beaf that Clangorous Soul just feels unnecessary with all of the other moves here, and while trying to read through all of them I'm making myself crosseyed.

2) Rustration. Genuinely surprised to see this not be a Steel type, but being a Ghost type with Steely Spirit does fit well. Slightly sad to see no good set up moves on it; sure it has Calm Mind, but this movepool would really like Swords Dance or Iron Defense. Genuinely would not have expected this to have so high of special bulk for how low its physical bulk is. Also, seriously, 3 kg for its weight? I guess that why it isn't a Steel type, whatever was left of its body has rusted away and all that remains is the soul.

3) Sagittremor. Loved the art for this, and I am glad that by putting Long Reach and Bullseye as its abilities I was able to help the flavour from the design (which works really well with the flavour from the description) to carry over into the movepool and stats. No idea how viable this would be competitively, but a Normal/Ghost Pokemon with 120 Speed should always have potential to work with.

4) Microwave. Should I really have expected anything else when I received a Fire/Steel type with two Electric-adjacent abilities? My one flaw now is giving it Coil (which I figured would work for flavour like coiling up an electrical cord) but I still stand by my movepool. This stat spread is hilarious, a 600 BST Pokemon with 41 HP but 177 Defense.

Edit: 5) Faradaisy. The movepool made for this Pokemon did not even hint at the fact that this thing had Triage. All it has the priority on is Giga Drain and Leech Life (and maybe Leech Seed as well? idk). I think the stats are still decent, at a certain point I kinda just turned it into a Jr. Zarude and it more or less works.
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Mind the bad garmmar.
is a Pre-Contributor
no i actually ruined lazeraser, i did not see everything else so i gave it a semi-generic (yet strong) stat spread thinking it'd turn out well
5) Serplatano
Holy fuck, what happened here. This sub was actually murdered in cold blood and I unknowingly buried the body as an accomplice. This was a genuinely unique sub that was just randomly slapped with Sketch, aka every move ever, for no reason. I formally apologize for giving it Smeargle stats in response, but... how am I supposed to respond to that without knowing any other step? RIP Serplatano. o7
Fellas you both are being too harsh on yourselves, In both cases y'all got completely tooled by OSP (Orangesodapop fuck you) and did well yourselves.

Alright my turn:

1) Mawbreaker: I was envisioning it as a fairy Fighting but this works too. The extreme prevalece of Steel types is annoying for it, as is being weak to the ground Poison, but otherwise has its niche.

2) Scalaea: Sad that no one catched on that the spine of its design is literally the exact shape of Pangea but mon ended up fine. Probably my color palette's fault that we got another fire rock type since it's clear Lowkey wanted a dragon but it is what it is, looks like a decent addition.

3) Fizzkrieg: Shout-out to earl for banger art. Was hard to figure out best typing for this thing but I thought bug Poison with Water Bubble would make for a cool mon, and it did, although Toxic debris is probably more useful.

4) Sopranodon: Big shame this ended up being broken due to a bad ability decision (stats didn't matter, this was gonna be absurd since Abilities stage rolled around) since I love the spritework, but this guy was already talked enough so I am just gonna wait until you get to click Beat Up with this thing and get a free kill.

5) Luwaxane: I had crafted its stats to hit specific benchmarks thinking this would have a decent typing like normal dark or normal something. This was dead since typing stage unfortunately.
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a fairy

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1 - Castanov
I mentioned during this phase that most of my work for Slate 2 got done during morning hours I'm not usually up for, as I try to adjust when I sleep to more "professional adult" hours. I never have ideas of flavor before submitting, but I'm honestly kinda happy with my flavor, I didn't give any direction for the typing which I like to leave to the artist, I think (see Unpatroll) and I like the artwork done! I had envisioned a small mammal in my head, so seeing it as a bug is real neat too.

2 - Steghoulros
I am no good at art, and Phase 2 in each slate is my least favorite part. I did my best, the flavor I was given was quite lovely and I really liked it! I hope that the 'mon is fine, the typing and abilities make sense for what I drew, I wish I has successfully indicated the ghost typing better, but I suppose the grave-like symbols (cross, tombstone, and pyramid) didn't alone indicate ghost typing. I knew the means in which Steghoulros was floating would indicate psychic typing and the Levitate ability. Iron Barbs is a fun inclusion.

3 - Heirfriar
I loved the art I got for Heirfriar so much. It so desperately wanted to have an ability that let its type change, shackling it to a Flying type permanently was unfortunate for sure. I tried so hard to figure out a way that the rules could work to give it an ability to changed its typing on hit, but couldn't - not at fault of the rules for sure, but unfortunate nonetheless. I knew it needed to be able to change its forms, and that it was fully on me to represent that, so I felt "locked into" Disguise to do so - which is fine! I just wish I could've had it be like Psychic/Normal in its first form.

4 - Smod
Very funny to me, this mon. I got the abilities and typing that I got, and I surprisingly nailed the, what I called it, Hulk or Jekyll/Hyde vibes of the mon in the sense that it is welcoming until it is not. The fact it got Melmetal stats is a surprisingly funny suspect test callback. I gave this thing most every Steel and Psychic default known move on the sheet I have, and added in a few vibe Normal-type moves. I thought this thing might've been some sort of bed and breakfast owner 'mon, I think Bates Motel came up in my theorizing.

5 - Oratcha
A frighteningly small movepool came around, and without knowing whether something like Water Bubble was hiding in the abilities, I was worried for sure. In the end, I decided to give it decent stats from my point of view, and I think that I was fine to do so. I like to aim for the pixie BST, and it's mostly just a matter of the +/-s of it all. A clearly special-leaning movepool, shallow as it is, and I liked the idea of it not taking special hits very well - something that a Calm Mind set could in theory patch up.


Chaos Chaos Chaos
is a Pre-Contributor
1. bob
I regret nothing

2. Woollocks
Shoutouts to for helping me with this wonderful sprite. He's got them magic sparkled and fluffy coat. He has big buttons for being more coat. I like him as he is very cool.

3. Slapybara
I was not sure what to do with that one, so I went Mega Lopunny + Technician shenanigans.

4. Jeffrey
I don't want to talk about it.
(I have no idea how Pyro Ball snuck onto that list.)
(Also, you guys do realize it gets Rage Fist, right?)

5. Styxia
My contributions were impeccable, making this Pokemon as amazing as it currently is.

Overall my contributions are Styxia > Woollocks > Slapybara > Jeffrey > bob
1. yourmom: someone had to do it and i feel like my flavoring made up for this one. surprised its very fast but I guess your mom is fast to reach my room

2. another museum-worthy piece of mine, I think it pretty well portrays what it is. also those are not eyes those are its nostrils for anyone curious. it has no eyes IMO due to the lore of it being aloof

3. smh this is a case of me (the genius) crafting a delectable mon concept, but then the movepooler (fail) decided to give it actual electric stab, hence le Horrocuda incident. i prob could of given it a more tame thing but I decided I wanted to be less tame this round.

4. ok this is not my fault I got given le bad abil clone and grass surge mon. the main basing of sketch was the ability comedic slip. despite it not directly relating to smeargle, I did relate it to a jester of some sort, like a jester with many tricks up their sleeve (movepool of shell smash seed flare). kinda got ruined by being given bar for bar smeargle stats but I guess that's an appropriate response

5. I got shown a particularly defensive movepool, and i didn't really see all the special attacking moves. if i would change anything id swap speed and spa
might as well go over mine why not

idk tbh i was just trolling with flavor with this one (IMA FIRIN MAH LAZER). wanted to make it somewhat vague so the design could vary heavily since that would be interesting, also i thought it could translate decently into a mon design. unfortunate how this one turned out, gotta be very careful with what abils you're planning to add.

dex made it pretty simple for me to design this one, i just inverted the colors of the nanab berry for the main design, where it sheds the banana and its skin is pink. im not a great artist for sure but im okay at it - think it turned out alright. pretty cool until sketch, idk what happened there.

ngl determining what this mon was meant to be was pretty difficult, and i eventually determined that it was some supercomputer butler/maid (wrong). either way i think the typing and abilities made enough sense? maybe not hospitality but its whatever. seems like it turned out pretty decently although the melmetal stat spread is pretty lame even if it works for the mon.

got this and after realizing it was flying/psychic (bad typing) i decided to just give it esper wing and oblivion wing so it can use cm sets very well if it had good phys bulk since the typing isnt horrible on the physdef side. i do think that the physdef shouldve been a bit higher here for the stats, although the ability makes up for it i think. honestly it overall looks like it turned out pretty well, good job all involved.

bad movepool confused me a bit and i wasn't sure what this was trying to do but it looked like it was special although it lacked a lot of tools so i gave it psuedo stats to make up for it. this was a mistake as i now realize that the movepool guy gave it expanding force + psychic surge which i couldn't tell... if it had a better movepool and didnt have expanding force this couldve been really cool but alas.

anyway this was fun to do as always and thats what matters really, so hopefully it was fun for everyone else too
oh and a big thank you to Double Iron Bash not just for running this thing but putting up with me through this bc i was being slow
had fun with my first beartic phone!

1. Xxinarthra- I overcooked the flavor, even then Tapler almost figured it out. Still turned out as a pretty cool mon.

2. Barbonara- I was debating between making it barbed wire carbonara or barbarian carbonara, and I think the design I chose turned out nicely.

3. E.M.Punch- I see extendo punch arms, I give it long reach. I see a helmet; I give it battle armor. I see boxing gloves; I give it iron fist. For type I was debating between pure Fighting, Fighting/Normal, or Fighting/Steel (which I ended up choosing), with the original intentions for Fighting/Electric not even crossing my mind. Also, my fault for not seeing the overabundance of existing steel types while making this :blobastonished:.

4. Sphinxtify- I see this has the same type and 2/3 the abilities of Corviknight, so I went in with this thought process:
zxg continued the not corviknight trend, so thats cool.

5. Castanov- As I looked at this's movepool, I thought it would be a combo of bug/electric/fairy, and really hoped it would not be bug/electric as it matched Maraiste (unfortunate). Kept the stats well-rounded but I might've slightly overtuned them.
for Sphinxify specifically: how the fuck does a feline-like appearance result in a bird-like movepool

(not even mad that it's just corviknight 2.0 but you couldn't have made the movepool a little less vanilla? really?)

just a quick clarification that this is not referring to anyone in particular and was never intended to either


You humour me greatly with your arrogance and c...
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Sure, lets go over these.

Step 1 - Arclinnox
So I originally started off with Arclinnow as a sort of electric minnow fish, but ended up straying away from that for some reason. I believe it really left a lot to the artist, with what I saw as potential Dragon (Arcane), Electric (Arc), Poison (Clinic, sort of like toxic medicine), and Rock (like Fort Knox). We ended up with pure dragon, which I'm alright on, although I do wish the artist took some more liberties with the name.

Step 2 - Yourmom
Started off not knowing what the hell to do for this. Got some outside help, sprited from that. (Was told it's fine as long as they can't contact people inside the mod, may have made a fuck up which I kept in mind for the rest of the slate and will do so for future slates should they come, whoops.) Still not incredibly happy with the sprite but I did what I could.

Step 3 - Staxenhammer
Originally made this a Steel / Psychic with similar abilities, swapping Cash Out for Mind's Eye. Saw that the money was there and made it Grass/Steel. Was torn on abilities and came up with quite a few (Immolation Liquidation, a fire sap sipper, was my personal favourite) before settling on Cashout simply because I haven't really seen Stakeout used anywhere. Should've called the ability Taxe Fraud but here we are. didn't realize it was a hammer, and that's probably a good thing because I do not want to imagine this thing with Gigaton Hammer. Wood Hammer would've been neat though.

Step 4 - Cerebrawl
Saw a Dark / Psychic type with a unique ability, gave it dark and psychic moves with fighting, ground, and ghost coverage. Only gave it special setup moves with Nasty Plot and Calm Mind, along with Agility, but had to give it physical moves to make use of the ability. Unfortunately the next person completely missed that and we've got a mon that can't even use it's special ability. At least it's a good supporter with those moves, hopefully?

Step 5 - Scalaea
Got a lot of rock moves and fire moves with what I assumed to be a toxic smog sort of motif due to Corrosive Gas. The mon having Body Press and Heat Crash had me believing it was intended to be a slow and bulky pokemon, but the Scale Shot made me want to make it not too slow, especially with the apparent Rock/Fire typing. Still made it a bulky hard hitter, but gave it a reasonable speed to hopefully use either Rock Polish or Scale Shot to at least decent effect (It ties base 123 Scarfers at +2 252 Jolly)
Beartic Phone Slate 3 Signups
Hello guys, sorry for the long wait. Signups for Slate 3 of Beartic Phone are now open. If you want to sign up, send the words "IN" along with your discord username (this part is new so pay attention) and join the discord server. Signups will close at 6 pm PST Sunday, with the slate itself beginning soon after.

Some updates:
1. There will be a roomtour on Sunday before the new slate begins. An announcement will be up shortly in the discord server where you can vote for the time the roomtour will take place. Bans: Gasket, Hourcuuda, Lazerazer, and Sopranodon.
2. This will be the last slate (from me anyways, if anyone wants to take over and do more slates, either as a seperate meta or adding on to whatever we have here, just let me know)
3. This slate will have much stricter rules regarding what is and what isnt a clone, as coders are having trouble coding some of the customs from the previous slate.

That is all for today.
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