2012 academy awards


2 kawaii 4 u
is a Top Contributor Alumnus
lol sorry for major typos in the op, i didnt bother to read this shit back over ummm

soooo the oscars are in about three weeks, and if youre a nerd like me, youve been following them pretty closely and making some guesses as to what movies are gonna take home which prizes. im interested to see other users' academy awards predictions for this year, as well as maybe some discussion ?_?

at this point it looks like the artist is gonna be taking home best picture no matter what, but obviously the other major categories are all pretty wide open, so let's talk about em!

if you havent been keeping up to date, the nominees from each category can be found right here

so here are my predictions:

best picture - i dont think theres really any competition here. the winner of best picture is almost definitely going to be the artist. truth be told i kinda dont think it deserves to win. i went to see it today and walked away completely underwhelmed; yeah it was cute and fun, but it wasnt incredible. maybe the descendants can upset in this category??? i doubt it though.

best director - this is kinda a toss up for me between two directors. however, i think that the winner is going to be michael hazanavicus for the artist. the academy awards tend to loooooove movies about themselves, so it stands to reason that theyre also gonna reward the director of the movie that is almost definitely going to be winning best picture. but maybe martin scorsese for hugo can pull a surprise win in this category? although hazanavicus won the director's guild of america award, scorsese won several other important awards, including a golden globe. this category will be interesting imo.

best actor - i havent seen this movie yet, but based on what ive heard and what other people have told me, i think that the winner of best actor is gonna be george clooney for the descendants. everyone ive talked to who have seen this said that clooney was amazing in it. i dont really take gary oldman or demian bichir seriously as best actor candidates, and i dont think brad pitt's performance in moneyball or jean dujardin's performance in the artist were strong enough to warrant a best actor win. so by process of elimination, im thinking clooney is gonna win this one.

best actress - this is actually one of the most competitive and interesting categories of the 2012 academy awards in that there is no relatively obvious winner. meryl streep won the golden globe for her performance in the iron lady, but i seriously think that the winner of best actress is gonna be viola davis for the help. viola davis is a sensational actress, and sadly, being a slightly overweight black woman in hollywood, she doesnt get many opportunities to shine, so i think the academy is gonna reward that with a best actress win. her performance was so powerful, so im really rooting for her. if it were up to me, i would actually LOVE to see rooney mara win in this category for her performance in the girl with the dragon tattoo, but i know that isn't going to happen.

best supporting actor - lol, if youve been following the oscar race at all then you should already know who's going to win this: christopher plummer for beginners.

best supporting actress - this is a pretty interesting category imo because there are a lot of great performances here. although berenice bejo was absolutely adorable and delightful in the artist, and melissa mccarthy was unbelievably hilarious in bridesmaids, im thinking that this award is probably going to go to the golden globe best supporting actress winner: octavia spencer for the help. who knows though, i wouldnt be surprised if the two best supporting actress candidates from the help cancel each other out in voting to allow a different candidate to be awarded the oscar.

best writing - just based on the oscar's voting trends, i think the winner of best original screenplay will be the artist. who knows though...im aware that midnight in paris won the golden globe in this particular area (and i cant recall who won the writers guild of america award, but i think it might have been midnight in paris as well?), so maybe i'll be surprised come the 24th? as for best adapted screenplay...well, there are a lot of strong contenders in this area, but i think that the winner of best adapted screenplay will be the descendants. however, maybe hugo (or even moneyball?) can pull a surprise win, which would be kind of nice.

best animated feature - idk, all the entries were so fucking weak this year. probably rango, but i dont really care that much tbh

best foreign language film - lol another obvious one...a seperation is almost definitely going to be taking home the oscar in this category, though an upset is never out of the question.

and as for the technical catagories........i dont really feel like those are worth discussion, but if somebody disagrees i would be happy to post my picks and see other peoples' as well!

id love to hear yours~
i bet war horse is going to win a shitload of awards 'cause his hooves but it was a terrifically boring film.

chick from the help is probably gonna win best actress, even though the movie was utter shit

i really hope rango wins, i dont like animated movies that much, but that was a pretty good flick.

best visual effects is a toss up imo. planet of the apes was incredible, but transformers also was damn good in its own right. hp7p2 was also really well done. i want planet of the apes to win because it was my favourite movie last year.


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I'm still a little peeved that Drive didn't get a single nomination aside from Sound Editing. Also saddened by no nominations at all for Attack the Block. I enjoyed both much more than Tree of Life and Midnight in Paris which I see are up for Best Picture. A little surprised I've only seen three of the Best Picture nominees although both The Help and Hugo are on my to-watch list.


I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
What a terrible terrible year for Oscar movies. Of those for best picture I've only heard of War Horse, Tree of Life (awful), and Hugo (probably the best one but won't win).

Not that it was a bad year for good movies, but that is an entirely different subject. Still, Super 8 being totally snubbed is a reminder of how terribly worthless the academy is.
I'm still a little peeved that Drive didn't get a single nomination aside from Sound Editing. Also saddened by no nominations at all for Attack the Block. I enjoyed both much more than Tree of Life and Midnight in Paris which I see are up for Best Picture. A little surprised I've only seen three of the Best Picture nominees although both The Help and Hugo are on my to-watch list.
I agree, the nominations are a joke and Drive should win best picture and best director at the very least :|
As it is, I'm rooting for Tree of Life and Clooney for best actor. I do not get why The Artist gets so many awards, it left me totally unimpressed...


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I'm just glad Monsieur Lazhar made the nominees for best foreign language movie making two years in a row that a Québec movie makes it.
Of the films up for best picture I've only seen The Tree of Life and Moneyball. I'd like to see The Tree of Life win Best Cinematography. I agree that Man or Muppet should win best song (haven't seen Rio though, odd there are only two nominations). Also hoping that Rise of the Planet of the Apes wins best visual effects.
My predictions:

Best picture: oscarbait
Best actor: lead actor from said oscarbait
Best actress: Black lady from help

That's the only three that matter right?
I haven't seen enough of the movies to really have an opinion, but i do wish that false, pretentious, smug bitch Meryl Streep would go crawl in a hole and die somewhere.


its okay.
is an Artist Alumnus
The Descendants will probably win for best motion picture. Either that or Super 8 or Hugo or something else. My thoughts go on X-Men: First Class, but I doubt it's going to get nominated or something. Should get nominated for best score, Magneto's theme was amazing as hell. Had so much power in that one score.


she brings the rain
is a Top Artist Alumnus
What a terrible terrible year for Oscar movies. Of those for best picture I've only heard of War Horse, Tree of Life (awful), and Hugo (probably the best one but won't win).

Not that it was a bad year for good movies, but that is an entirely different subject. Still, Super 8 being totally snubbed is a reminder of how terribly worthless the academy is.
You think more Spielberg movies would make the Oscars worthwhile?!


Best Picture: The Artist. Pretty much a lock, and has many of the qualities of a best picture winner (sentimental, feel-good, unique). The Descendants seems to be the only other contender, but it just doesn't seem memorable at all (I haven't seen it, but that's just my impression).

Best Actor: George Clooney
Best Actress: Michelle Williams
Animated Film: Rango
Foreign Film: A Separation
Cinematography: Tree of Life
Art Direction: Hugo
Directing: this is the most difficult. Scorsese, Allen, and Malick are all legendary, but Hazanavicius and Payne have the front runners for best picture. Scorsese already got a freebee for The Departed, Allen is way past his prime and might be unpopular for his personal life, and Malick doesn't appeal to the Academy, so I'll go with Hazanavicius for The Artist.

The other categories I don't have any good guesses.


I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
You think more Spielberg movies would make the Oscars worthwhile?!
Written and directed by J. J. Abrams, and fitting his style far more. I expect great things from him in the future, but Super 8 was (not without some competition that also didn't get nominated) the best movie of the year.
Hugo's gonna win, The Artist was good though. I feel like we haven't had a real good selection of movies since like 2008...


2 kawaii 4 u
is a Top Contributor Alumnus
um so i just saw the descendants and it was absolutely incredible. it was moving, complex, well-acted, involving, beautifully shot, and believable. it was pretty much a perfect film, and deserves to win best picture. it's too bad that the artist is literally a lock to win best picture (if you disagree, youre kidding yourself), because the descendants deserves it infinitely more so.
The best film of 2011 is an Iranian drama called A Separation. Not even trying to be a movie hipster (I know very little about cinema), but I just happened to watch this movie and it was fantastic.
A Separation mostly shines thanks to its prodigious acting though. It's an excellent film, don't get me wrong, very subtle and moving; what I'm saying I guess is that it's a shame foreign films get their own category instead of being more present in all the 'normal' ones (The Artist is a counterexample but it's fairly rare). Oh well, go Cannes
I didn't like Super 8 all that much. It was SO predictable. Every bit about it. Probably why it didn't get nominated.


I Like Chopin
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A movie about a group of kids that act believably and turn in good performances, yeah I saw that coming a mile away.


One Pixel
is a Community Leader Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
How was Super 8 predictable? Granted the ending I thought was sort of a cop out, but the acting was there, and so was the directing and screen play. I thought it deserved a nomination at least.


I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
I thought the ending was the crown piece of the movie, because it wasn't about the alien at all. The alien bit was just a great and fun way to move the plot forward because it involved a group of kids who made and idolized movies very much like the alien subplot. It's frankly a much more honest love letter to cinema than The Artist, and one of the very few good movies about children. I'd compare it Pan's Labyrinth in that, it's just so refreshing to see movies like this.

Yeah the acting was there and that is all they care about, but it was children acting. I mean just look at the MAIN character of True Grit being nominated for supporting actress, or Peter Dinklage winning supporting actor for a staring role with Game of Thrones.


One Pixel
is a Community Leader Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
I thought the ending was the crown piece of the movie, because it wasn't about the alien at all. The alien bit was just a great and fun way to move the plot forward because it involved a group of kids who made and idolized movies very much like the alien subplot. It's frankly a much more honest love letter to cinema than The Artist, and one of the very few good movies about children. I'd compare it Pan's Labyrinth in that, it's just so refreshing to see movies like this.

Yeah the acting was there and that is all they care about, but it was children acting. I mean just look at the MAIN character of True Grit being nominated for supporting actress, or Peter Dinklage winning supporting actor for a staring role with Game of Thrones.
Now that you put it in that perspective, I'm going to have to agree with you.

Fuck, stop swaying my opinions ;_;


2 kawaii 4 u
is a Top Contributor Alumnus
super 8 was pretty good. i didnt think it was awesome or anything, but it definitely deserved a best picture nom over trash like extremely loud and incredibly close lol

although seriously what didnt deserve a best picture nom over ELIC

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