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  • I'm sure I am someone you really want to look forward to talking toXD. Either ways I noticed on your thread you had a dream ball snorlax. I am sorry for bugging you about trading when your thread is closed but I will make it up to you with a good trade. Do you by any chance have a careful munchlax you can trade. If not that is fine I will just trade for the snorlax. Also what would you like for trade?
    just so were clear I mean it when I say if you want something let me know. Just pointing that out.
    Haha thanks, there's not a whole lot I need anymore breeding wise, but I definitely appreciate the offer!
    sure thing I have a decent amount of soft resets that you're welcome to as well. Well I'll be seeing you around later probably so see yah.
    O PowerSaves, PowerSaves, wherefore art thou PowerSaves? Deny thy Windows and refuse thy Microsoft;
    Lady Valkyrie
    Lady Valkyrie
    I can't believe there still isn't a Mac version for it. Have you got a windows computer in your house?
    It's honestly ridiculous. It can't be that hard to make a program, and they'd make a lot more money. My laptop is a Mac, and so is my family's computer. >.<
    Lady Valkyrie
    Lady Valkyrie
    Aww that sucks :(. It's been out for awhile too, X/Y was like last year and still no Mac version. It must suck though, having only the battle videos to check Eggs with.
    I think you're unamused.
    What? Abut what?
    I was referring to your profile pic.
    Oh, haha. Yeah, this Abomasnow looks like a bit of a Scrooge.
    hey do you know a trustworthy cloner to clone 1 pokemon for me without having to keep a copy its a ribbon project which I cant redis the copy is for the original owner who I promissed to get all the new ribbons on it which I did. now he needs a copy of it.

    since you host so many give aways you might know someone:)
    If you're not allowed to redistribute it, you're not allowed to get it cloned by anyone without the OT's express permission. Trade it back to the OT, they should find someone reliable to clone for them and then trade you a copy.
    I have his permission he doesnt know any relieble cloner and asked me to find one so thats why I asked he knows about it:)
    Lol I forgot to ask this ages ago but I have a smeargle exchange program so I have a level ball smeargle I can breed you up a spitback. That is if you still want this I mean it was on your want list in your thread and also any particular IV spread like a trick room spread?
    Actually I have a guy on reddit working on that for me right now, but thanks for the offer :)
    Sure thing man
    What is the different set in mind?
    Probably Timid HP Fire, not exactly sure. I just know I don't want to do a mixed one.
    Still looking for Quick ball carvanha?
    Are you in a hurry to get it? I haven't captured it yet. Just wanted to know if you were still looking for one.
    I'm not in a terrible hurry, but how do you intend to get it? If I recall, the only way is to catch it in the Entree Forest.
    Yeah I realized that after I posted this so... I can't capture it lol, but I found someone who already has one.
    Are all your shinies that you bred fully-redis ?
    I'm thinking about doing the same for mine :)
    They were for a while, but not any more. I did it at the beginning when I didn't have much to offer because I wanted to expand my collection, and I wanted to make my things as attractive as possible. :P
    Tate - I want to preserve my 800 post count for a bit longer, so I'm replying here ^_^ I can send you a spitback bannette for free. I'm breeding off a flawless, so who knows, I might get a lucky flawless lady. :) I should be back to trade in about 45 minutes to an hour.
    I remember someone paying more than $100 for a single Pikachu event.
    That's insane...and they most likely paid for a hack as well >.> People can be such idiots.
    Someone mentioned it in the Daily Discussion thread on /r/pokemontrades. But yeah, I was.. speechless.
    hey sorry about that post in youre thread though but I read youre rules as well and they stated not to pm or vm you about it so in a way I was always wrong:P
    Hey, yeah I closed my thread because I'm not accepting new orders at the moment, whether it be in the thread, PM, or VM. I'm working two jobs right now, so I have limited time to breed. That's why I was offering up my in stock pokes in SQSA a week or so ago. Sorry!
    np better luck next time:)
    Hiya tate! I have dream ball skorupis (acupressure EM). Would you do it for a spitback lure ball yamna? (female skorupi of course, preferably female yamna). If so, I'll be online :)
    I have net ball Carvanha. Cmt if you need anything else.
    Oh lol, no it's okay I have that one :b
    Hey, I still want an Elekid if you have any females.
    The only Elekids I have are males, the reason I was giving them away is because I recently bred a female and got 20 perfect males before getting the female XP
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