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  • heey eppie,
    Ik wil je ff melden dat je honchcrow die je voor het breedingtopic een ong. jaar geleden had gedaan verkeerd is gegaan. De HP, def en sp. def zijn namelijk zoiezo geen 31 (gecheckt bij dat mens in de BT). Kwam erachter omdat ik er vandaag mee aan het breeden was en hij gaf de HP niet over terwijl het een power weight had (wilde brave bird overbreeden).
    If you are available, would you like to pick up Sandshrew and Grimer now. If so, use my HG FC please and I would need clones back
    :-) Glad you're ok.

    Whenever things slow down for you and you get back to pokemon, there's a relicanth in my box. It's no rush. :)
    Hi. Just checking in to see if you're ok. You haven't been around for a bit.
    Sorry that I haven't been on much lately but Sandshrew and Grimer are ready for pick up whenever we are both on
    hey Eppie, sorry i havent been on for quite a while lol. my laptops internet won't activate at all and is being repaired. now that its away i cant hop on as conveniently as before.
    Thank God. The relicanth are swarming at last. I was lucky. I let the clock roll over naturally on the kids' DS and relicanth showed up this time.
    Looks like you haven't been on in a few days, but just a reminder thatwe have a pending (you naive mewtwo for my relaxed Torkoal). Just VM me a good time for us to trade when you can, and thank you.
    Hi, Eppie. I may not be able to do the relicanth quickly at all. I can't seem to change the swarm, despite clock changes and saving at different dates. It seems HGSS is coded to refuse a swarm change if it notices a change in the DS used and also the time of the DS. I've asked for help in the help thread, but unless anyone has a tip for me on how to fix this, I have to check this save file every day using the kids' DS, which won't have it's clock changed due to RNG efforts.
    Hi Eppie
    I've got the Uxie and Registeel(nicknamed) on my cart. Just ask when you want to pick them up
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