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  • Yeah and remeber if you dont get togepi you can always do about 50 turn+steps and then use the pokeradar again, thats what ive been using :) just watvh out for your step counter DX
    And for some reason im always 1 frame off :/ And its not my step counter and i take turn+steps :/
    Also you do know togepi has a 12.5 chance to appear X_x lol just are luck! :D
    I have been able to get a Pelipper and Gloom with the Spread i want but not togepi now im chaining it lol
    Hahaha lucky me my frame is 320 :P Its pissing me off too no matter hwere or what patch i go to togepi doesnt show up, and btw if you didnt know take a few steps to change the patches that show up, and yeah it WILL NOT have togepi if its not a sparkly patch :/ And remeber to subtract 6 when you battle a pokeRadar pokemon and subtract the patches that show up :)
    What Battle Park? Togepi is on Route 230 if thats what you mean :) And sorry for the late respone my baby cousins are over and i had to watch them :/
    Hahah well good luck with that, I have been trying for a week now and still no togepi XD
    There are 5 NPC's but there all controllable :D
    And im doing Calm since it needs no egg moves :)
    Ability: Serene Grace
    And i wont mind if you do the same nature, there plenty of things i have that everybody has already done XD
    If you want the seed (this is the best spread i could find) i can give it to you later when the site i found it on is back up and running :)
    My Xmas Project is gunna be to learn how to RNG Breed, i havent had the time to try it with school and all :/
    And PokeRadar is probably the most annoying Abuse ever, i cant for the life of me get a Togepi to appear :( and for some reason im always 1 frame off XD
    And yeah i have the Aipom Egg but wont be able to trade untill im done with my Togepi Project -__-
    Did you see anything in my Thread? If not thats fine :)
    Also im trying to PokeRadar Abuse aTogepi so if you want that you could wait untill i get it :D Getting frustrated with it though, everytime i PokeRadar when i hit my delay i cant get a Togepi to appear so i can start a chain! :(
    I see you're back now, hope your family liked the dinner you cooked :)
    wanna trade now?
    I understand, if you can pm me the spreads and movesets + helditems I'll make them VGC ready :)
    And if you can trade the pokés now I can start right away.
    How sounds 6 pokés for 4 credits and you have them back before monday?
    That is possible for me as long as you don't give me stuff like Shaymin and asking me to lvl it to 99 to learn seed flare etc.
    You havent updated your thread in a long time XD We still have a Pending too, it was my Salamence for Kazo's Kyogre i dont have the shiny version so would you want Salamence Adamant 31/31/31/X/31/31 or pick something else from my thread? :D
    Yeah, I'm going to do it when I finish my finals period on college ;)
    And I'll update my BP list when I have the time, probably Wednesday or Friday.
    Oh yeah, you said you wanted Entei, Raikou and Dragonite, but since I only want two, you had to choose...But you didn't XD Which pokes do you want? And do you want them EVd?
    Ok, I'll be waiting online now with Tsubasa's pokes, then I'll go back online with mine :)
    Ergh. Nope, I level'd the lvl 55 Ev'd version (non-shiny) to 85. So I'll give ya both copies UT.
    No that's fine. I'll be on in 4 mins. Gotta go on Facebook first O_o
    I'll do Tsubasa's trade with you first, then our trade =D. I actually need to find out what I traded for it, lol
    I'll just finish up with RC here, since he wants to finish the BP, them I'll meet you on, because our trade is going to take a while (7 pokes D:). Hope you don't mind ^^
    Tyranitar Shiny and UT (Level 85 Tyranitar, whut. But if you have it EV trained level 55, I'll gadly take it)
    And fine for the Turtwig :P I need UT pokes to make people work for me on my thread anyways XD
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