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  • Hey! So we tried to go out to church, and it's up this biiiiiig hill in town, and it started snowing again this morning and... yeah, that's not gonna happen till they clear the roads...

    Yeah, we can trade. :D
    Oh, nah, sorry, actually, I gotta jet to church this morning now. :) See ya in a bit though?
    Meh. No prob. ;) Yeah, you receive it from some old dude in a house in a cave (makes a lot of sense right) right after you beat the 8th Gym leader. She won't give you your badge (Earth Badge is it?) until you go talk to him. It comes in a pokeball I'm sure, but I've never paid attention.
    Arggggggghhhh, I just hit the split spread on the right frame. xP
    (don't know if you know about Emerald, but for every frame, there is a split spread where there is a small chance that you get the split spread instead of the regular one, in this case it gave me 31/x/31/2/23/28)

    So, good news, I'm really close, bad news, I didn't get it yet. xP
    Sewwww... I'm back home for the night. If you happen to be around, just lemme know.
    Ha! Yeah, whooops! Missed ya. I've gotta jet to my dadinlaws anyway, so if you still wanna I'll be back but later tonight. :/ Sorry. :/
    Sure. I'll be around for a bit. Just VM/post in my thread when you're ready. :)
    1. well, im not that new, and i've ev trained for a couple of guys
    2. what makes you think i'm not mature? because i asked 3 times? well thats just because i expect people to be polite and answer.
    3. i'm sorry, i meant 40 mintes.
    and i cant learn to RNG because i can't download the RNG reporter.
    hey, i saw youre busy, and im not, so i can ev train, could i ev train 6 pokes for you so i get 4 credits please?
    and its better if its this spread:
    thats because it takes me about 4 minutes per poke with tat spread, while others might take up to 2 hours, or more if im unlucky, depends on the spread.
    Sure I can do that.

    Also, the personal project was a Body Slam Gyarados. I've been testing it on Shoddy and it seems pretty good.
    hey, since your on now, would you like me to do some ev training?

    p.s. merry christmas
    Hey, just letting you know I'm switching the order of my Emerald projects and getting started on yours now that I've finished the one for riddlinkid. The other that I had in between was a personal project, so I'll just do that after I finish up yours. Also, Aromatherapy will not be a problem as I found a Roselia on my Sapphire so I traded it over. I'm breeding the parents now. (Actually, because of IV inheritance issues, the first parent is at frame 13024, but when I go and get the Blissey, it's only at frame 2391 :P)
    hey, i can ev train pokes for you, bt id prefer this ev spreads:
    252 atk/ 252 speed/ 4*put random stat*

    i make them faster, but anything is fine, so want me to ev train?
    and am i able to keep a copy for me? and if yes, i guess ther not redis right?
    Damn! You beat me! Lucky :P Jk too bad it has Hustle :(...
    Well im gunna give up for now on my Togepi no matter what i do i cant find a spot where togepi is :( So right now im gunna catch up on some pending trades XD
    oh that also was:
    1credit - your calm articuno.

    since i've updated my thread if you find anything youcan spend that credit :)
    Oooop forgot to add obviously take into account the number of stpes you take XD
    And i really would suggest doing turn+steps...
    Your questoin confuses me in the RNG Thread... Subtract the number of patches that show up and if you walk into a PokeRadar Patch you subtract six because its monster frame is 1 and for some reason when you battle a PokeRadar Pokemon it Advances by 5
    Yea togepi is a little bitch and doesnt show up...... It took me 5 days to find a spot where it is X_x
    Lol lunch? Its 8:00 AM here... I havent gone to bed yet and im like falling asleep so night XD Ill try again when i wake up, and i think the 128 Step Counter messed me up :(
    well ive been able to get a chain of one but unlucky for me i keep missing my frame XD So i should have mins shortly :) (Maybe tomorrow) gl!
    Any luck with your Togepi? Mines being a little bitch and wont show its face... Ive tried resaving 4 times now in different spots no Togepi, walk to about 10 different patches each time and guess what? No togepi :( Well hope your have better luck then im having ive been at this for a week now XD
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