Recent content by ash601

  1. ash601

    Nintendo Switch Year in Review 2021

    i had to read this a couple times because i forgot that people live in inferior countries to mine /s
  2. ash601

    Ideas You Had

    the virgin alphabet unown user vs the chad ! and ? unown abuser
  3. ash601

    Ur Daily Routine

    I don’t feel like putting my actual routine down so here’s one I think you can all relate to
  4. ash601

    Smogoff RMT

    sorry but this is unviable. I refuse to elaborate further. edit: change harden to harden on metapod kakuna
  5. ash601

    sandbox thread

    in a refreshing break from the hellscape the last few posts has been here’s a bland and boring post for you equally as bland and boring smogoffites
  6. ash601

    Bitmoji anyone?

    SHITmoji lol
  7. ash601

    post like bots

    add me on snap/insta/smogon dot com slash forums slash forums slash smogoff dot 630 (optional sexual suggestion): [insert incredibly generic female name followed by an assortment of three numbers]
  8. ash601

    Challenging in a few, having internet troubles atm

    Challenging in a few, having internet troubles atm
  9. ash601

    (10 minutes)

    (10 minutes)
  10. ash601

    alright, see you at 12:30 my time

    alright, see you at 12:30 my time
  11. ash601

    Shit, sorry I missed it. I should be free in like 15 minutes if you are?

    Shit, sorry I missed it. I should be free in like 15 minutes if you are?
  12. ash601

    Hi, I'm matched up against you for round 2 of the BDSP Kickoff Tour. My timezone is GMT -8, let...

    Hi, I'm matched up against you for round 2 of the BDSP Kickoff Tour. My timezone is GMT -8, let me know when you are available to battle.
  13. ash601

    BAH-HUMBUG: unpopular holiday opinions

    i fucking HATE having to write christmas cards to people i hardly even know
  14. ash601

    Fish thread

  15. ash601

    Pissing Contest Containment Thread [update: contained]

    I piss at incredible volumes