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  1. ash601

    Nintendo Switch Year in Review 2021

    i had to read this a couple times because i forgot that people live in inferior countries to mine /s
  2. ash601

    Ideas You Had

    the virgin alphabet unown user vs the chad ! and ? unown abuser
  3. ash601

    Ur Daily Routine

    I don’t feel like putting my actual routine down so here’s one I think you can all relate to
  4. ash601

    Smogoff RMT

    sorry but this is unviable. I refuse to elaborate further. edit: change harden to harden on metapod kakuna
  5. ash601

    sandbox thread

    in a refreshing break from the hellscape the last few posts has been here’s a bland and boring post for you equally as bland and boring smogoffites
  6. ash601

    Bitmoji anyone?

    SHITmoji lol
  7. ash601

    post like bots

    add me on snap/insta/smogon dot com slash forums slash forums slash smogoff dot 630 (optional sexual suggestion): [insert incredibly generic female name followed by an assortment of three numbers]
  8. ash601

    Challenging in a few, having internet troubles atm

    Challenging in a few, having internet troubles atm
  9. ash601

    (10 minutes)

    (10 minutes)
  10. ash601

    alright, see you at 12:30 my time

    alright, see you at 12:30 my time
  11. ash601

    Shit, sorry I missed it. I should be free in like 15 minutes if you are?

    Shit, sorry I missed it. I should be free in like 15 minutes if you are?
  12. ash601

    Hi, I'm matched up against you for round 2 of the BDSP Kickoff Tour. My timezone is GMT -8, let...

    Hi, I'm matched up against you for round 2 of the BDSP Kickoff Tour. My timezone is GMT -8, let me know when you are available to battle.
  13. ash601

    BAH-HUMBUG: unpopular holiday opinions

    i fucking HATE having to write christmas cards to people i hardly even know
  14. ash601

    Fish thread

  15. ash601

    Pissing Contest Containment Thread [update: contained]

    I piss at incredible volumes
  16. ash601

    Smogon Discord Quote Database

    as someone who loved the McDonald’s snack wraps as a kid I need to know: does this make me immune to covid or does it accelerate my death is this a positive endgame or a negative one
  17. ash601

    Smogon Discord Quote Database

  18. ash601

    Spotify Wrapped

    only had spotify for a few months, so I think I did a good job fwiw (clearly I listened to montero too much when it dropped)
  19. ash601

    [NPN] no post november

    your guys’ success makes me feel incredibly pathetic i’m sorry I failed you all that being said, you guys have done an amazing job and I could not be happier to see you guys push on to the end. May your determination, patience, and perseverance guide you through all of life’s challenges and...
  20. ash601

    Resource BDSP Simple Questions, Simple Answers Thread

    In the PS! builder, aside from a few NFE/LC mons, everything is labeled OU. Regardless, since we can't actually sort tiers by usage at the moment, OU is the default tier and so all the mons are placed into it by default.