SPOILERS! Scarlet & Violet Leaks Thread - Data/Mechanics

That's the thing. Trailer footage can be manipulated to make things way better than they are.
Sure. Though pretty sure that would fall under deceptive marketing and i think that's a big no-no isn't it?

Moralize might be a strong word, but it's not that far-fetched that the more information available, the better it is for consumers that want to make informed decisions regarding their money.
I agree with the sentiment, but i feel there should be a balance. Like what is "enough information"? That seems different for all kinds of people.

And at the same time, you can also make informed decisions based on official news and.just waiting for second opinions if you are unsure. It's not like leaks are needed to make those decisions.
Honestly some of my favorite parts of the leaks is noobie leakers trying to get thousands of views for small fame only to get crushed by nintendo ninjas, and the professionals who do leak and make these big companies scramble. I'm just here for the popcorn, looney tune sound effects, and early information to see if this gen is worth anything over gen 7's dumpster fire.
You mean Gen 8's dumpster fire? Gen 7 was SM/USUM.
I'm older than you(I was 9 when Pokemon came to the US). I had a friend with an internet connection(Rich parents do wonders) and he found out about Pokemon Gold and Silver, specifically via someone translating the accounts of the 1997 Spaceworld demo, complete with those (in)famous drawings that a Japanese person that was there drew when they got home from memory(That eventually ended up and stayed on the bulbapedia article for beta Pokemon far longer then they should have). Said friend printed the drawings out and showed them to me at school.

While the point of mythical(or illusory as they are known in Japanese, since at that point there was no official English term) Pokemon might not have been available to the western fanbase, it wasn't impossible to find out anything that was going on in Japan back then. It's just that without there being reliable, dedicated search engines back then, getting info was a crapshoot.

Anyways, to be more on topic, today's line of leaked info can be summed up with one word:


And I wouldn't have it any other way, mostly due to the hilarity it caused.

It's kinda sad that the memes in this thread about the whole thing will long be forgotten, and even if they were saved eventually people would forget the original context behind them that made them so funny in the first place.
Oc it wasn't impossible, the point is for a massive generation of Pokémon fans who grew with Pokémon since the beginning, the lack of information was dominant and only those who by that point were already old enough had modems (lol) with access to the net, a net that was much much different than the one we know today in everything, but mainly speed and sources, so imagine the possibility of any random kid having not only access to the internet but being aware of Pokémon in japan and having the means to actually search and find something meaningful.

No one knew a thing back then.
As an Aussie I strongly disagree on the idea that the "eastern" countries have more poisonous spiders.
As a fellow Australian, I agree with you.
as does probably every single funnelweb ever

touch grass lol
If only we could.
Oh wait...

Ungaboonguss. Ungaboonguss. Ungaboonguss.

It's kinda sad that the memes in this thread about the whole thing will long be forgotten, and even if they were saved eventually people would forget the original context behind them that made them so funny in the first place.
Do they close this thread once the games release? Here's hoping they don't, so we can actually remember the good memes.

leaks have died down so i'll send my last parakeet meme

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i cannot wait to excessively overlevel this 430 bst early-game filler mon
Exp Candy is most likely making a return, so whyever not?
You right, the only thing about gen 7 that sucked was USUM
I completely agree. Butchered the story, only real improvements were QoL and easier shinies and Ultra Necrozma i guess. And this is my favourite generation too.

I think they meant the dumpster fire that was Gen 7's leak season.
(not including the rest of the post thank you :blobnauseated:)
How has this thread not been locked already? The fact that this is even being mentioned means something is very wrong.
Hey anyone find it humorous that the game leaked like 24 hours ago, and STILL NO ONE CONFIRMS ABOUT DROWZY/FROSTBITE???

Isn't this like, priority information to clarify, and all we see is that boring ass bird

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I doubt leakers are some die hard fans anyway, those are mechanics they either don't run into early or don't find exciting enough to mention.

If pre-order sales are anything to go by, theres little timmies out there that don't know what IVs are who could be leaking the game if they knew how to, assuming the method of getting these copies is just early lucky arrivals.


Sugar, Spice and One For All
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yet male and female crocs and gators are called bulls and cows which could be something gamefreak is pulling from and given that Feucocos evo has what seems to be an egg an attribute in some cultures give bovines paternal instincts and in the wild we do see crocs and gators with heavy paternal instincts ie they sing to their eggs
Are you hearing yourself?
Sure. Though pretty sure that would fall under deceptive marketing and i think that's a big no-no isn't it?
Not necessarily, though it depends on what you consider deceptive marketing. For Pokemon specifically, one example that comes to mind is the DLC trailer for Sword and Shield. I think GF showed off most of what was in the DLCs during the initial promo trailer, but I thought there would be a lot more new stuff considering how tight-lipped they were about the main game. Granted, this was moreso due to expectations rather than anything explicitly stated by the Pokemon Company so it may not be the best example. I think Pokemon GO's initial trailer was a bit deceptive too since almost no gameplay was shown. Some other games with major plot twist may also have some deceptive marketing where they only show the initial scenario.

I don't necessarily mind these types of "deceptive" marketing tricks, but they are fairly common imo.
yet male and female crocs and gators are called bulls and cows which could be something gamefreak is pulling from and given that Feucocos evo has what seems to be an egg an attribute in some cultures give bovines paternal instincts and in the wild we do see crocs and gators with heavy paternal instincts ie they sing to their eggs
Again, you’re just playing Six Segments of Kevin Bacon for a theory that has 0 supporting evidence and plenty of contradictions.
Not a single interview has said anything about the Zodiac theory, starters are designed by different people, and Jhoto’s original starter was supposed to be a bear, with the only explanation being “oh well they noticed a total of 1 Pokemon being part of a pattern, let’s scrap the bear starter entirely and let’s make this echidna we designed for the mouse slot”.

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