SPOILERS! Scarlet & Violet Leaks Thread - Data/Mechanics

Ah well. Let's not let this be discouraging. Nintendo can remove tweets, but they can't take down every last picture of the leaked mons on the Internet. Besides, there will always be more leakers, and CentroLeaks isn't going down without a fight. I'm sure we'll know all of the new mons by the end of Friday, and Nintendo might take stuff down, but they will never remove the information from us internally.
and CentroLeaks isn't going down without a fight.
Let's be real here. There is no "fight" and if Centro persists in poking the bear with such a cocky attitude, i doubt they will get away scott free.

I'm never gonna understand why some leakers try to take this defensive stance as if they're being unjustly silenced. Leakers like Kaka know when to call it quits and stay out of the spotlight. No drama. Just quiet leaks.
Ah well. Let's not let this be discouraging. Nintendo can remove tweets, but they can't take down every last picture of the leaked mons on the Internet. Besides, there will always be more leakers, and CentroLeaks isn't going down without a fight. I'm sure we'll know all of the new mons by the end of Friday, and Nintendo might take stuff down, but they will never remove the information from us internally.

You make it sound like the leakers are some heroic entity fighting against the big baddie Nintendo.

They're not.

We'll know all the information in less than two weeks. A week more is not going to kill anyone.
You make it sound like the leakers are some heroic entity fighting against the big baddie Nintendo.

They're not.

We'll know all the information in less than two weeks. A week more is not going to kill anyone.
I think they are still Robin Hood like heros since there are plenty of people who want to see what the game is actually like, especially in an industry like gaming, before they buy the game.
For legal and rule reasons, I won’t say I endorse piracy here, but the only legal way to get an honest insight to a game without buying yourself is to play a friend’s copy or get it as a gift (both of which cost people’s money).
You can’t trust previews/gameplay trailers because they are designed by psychological experts who could make you excited over jiggling keys.
You can’t trust Journalists because frankly most of them have awful opinions/skill and don’t want to lose special perks like early game access by giving a big game a bad score.
You can’t trust YouTubers either for similar reasons and rely on games to be successful for their income.
Demos are extremely rare for modern games and could just cherry pick the best segments.
Games leaking is always good for the consumer, even if the consumer is the type who doesn’t want to be spoiled. Better to be disappointed before you buy a game than after it. And I can’t see any reason companies would be against this that isn’t dishonest and anticonsumer.
They always were a distinct and separate group in the original Japanese language, even when Mew was the only one.
I didn't think I'd to clarify this, but here we go.

They always were a distinct and separate group in the original Japanese, information you now know. Back when I had 8 years, I didn't have Internet. Not me, no other kid of my age had Internet. Not phones with 5G, not Chrome, not PxP, Smogon, Bulbapedia. You didn't know Sazandora was Hydreigon or Ononokusu Haxorus because you'd seen it in leaks. In fact, there were no leaks.

In fact, let me elaborate further to put things into perspective. You didn't know about Mew. The only thing you "knew" about Mew was because some kid slighty older than you had one in its Game Boy, and you didn't know, of course, how that Pokémon was supossed to be caught.

In this context of lack of knowledge and fast and reliable sources to verify the little knowledge you had, trust me, you didn't know that "Mew, in Japanese, a language you didn't know anything of, was classified as a mythical". This is what I'm talking about, the fact that no one talked about this, not that it didn't technically exist. Btw, I'm European and I assume most of you here are also from Europe or EEUU, so no, in 1999 there weren't europeans or americans 8yo kids stating "oh, gentlemen, did you know?? If we are accurate, Mew is considered a mythical Pokémon and not a legendary, also each Pokémon has DVs, this is how stat overflow works and how gender affects DV potential spread, and, and, and..." Even, even in the RSE era, when most of the kids who started with Pokémon had, what, 12, 13 years?? The lack of knowledge was still inmense, i mean, this was the golden age of mythos and false information that kids had no way to verify unless they tested it themselves, the deoxys on the moon and all that shit that nowadays can't exist because you can check everything in a second with your phone in one of the 100000s webs and youtubers that spread detailed information about everything daily.
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We now have audio, and Koraidon still looks stupid crash landing like that.

I suppose Koraidon is just an outdated Cyclizar after all. Maybe Miraidon will have those bugs fixed. Newer technology is always better after all.

EDIT: That was quick wow
Nintendo Ninjas.jpg

Seriously though, these idiots could at least show something interesting if they want their stupid 15 minutes of fame like the starter evos.
If that Misdreavus name is real, I'm gonna change my name
Wait, the paradox names in that pastebin are actually good.
There's no topping Ungaboonguss; but Bigglyruff, Miraidonphan, Stalagneton, and Kokadreice are inspired too.

Back in my days, this wasn't even a thing. I'm talking about those times when legendaries where legendaries and not legendaries or mythicals, and when your only source of information were the monthly magazines.

Nowadays, people is just annoying. Regarding everything tbh; the thing about zodiacs (and every piece of Pokémon trivia tbf) and some people being a bit too annoying with their theories fundamentally comes with generation z and their impulse to demonstrate to the world how much knowledge they hold by looking at did you know gaming or bulbapedia, but not knowing a thing actually.
If you ever need more violence in your soul, read Bulbapedia's "origin" for Glastrier.


Maybe or two items in this word vomit are accurate, but you just know there's someone our age parroting that Glastrier is the "unicorn constellation of the apocalypse and also the D4 square" because Bulbapedia editors don't have a filter.

They always were a distinct and separate group in the original Japanese language, even when Mew was the only one.
No. Please stop. You are exactly the personality the man above is complaining about, and your point has been belabored into the ground in thousands of threads less topical than this one. We've heard it all before. What we need now is more parakeet spotting.
I didn't think I'd to clarify this, but here we go.

They always were a distinct and separate group in the original Japanese, information you now know. Back when I had 8 years, I didn't have Internet. Not me, no other kid of my age had Internet. Not phones with 5G, not Chrome, not PxP, Smogon, Bulbapedia. You didn't know Sazandora was Hydreigon or Ononokusu Haxorus because you'd seen it in leaks. In fact, there were no leaks.

In fact, let me elaborate further to put things into perspective. You didn't know about Mew. The only thing you "knew" about Mew was because some kid slighty older than you had one in its Game Boy, and you didn't know, of course, how that Pokémon was supossed to be caught.

In this context of lack of knowledge and fast and reliably sources to verify the little knowledge you had, trust me, you didn't know that "Mew, in Japanese, a language you didn't know anything of, was classified as a mythical". This is what I'm talking about, the fact that no one talked about this, not that it didn't technically exist. Btw, I'm European and I assume most of you here are also from Europe or EEUU, so no, in 1999 there wasn't europeans or americans 8yo kids stating "oh, gentlemen, did you know?? If we are accurate, Mew is considered a mythical Pokémon and not a legendary, also each Pokémon has DVs, this is how stat overflow works and how gender affects DV potential spread, and, and, and..." Even, even in the RSE era, when most of the kids who started with Pokémon had, what, 12, 13 years?? The lack of knowledge was still inmense, i mean, this was the golden age of mythos and false information that kids had no way to verify unless they tested it themselves, the deoxys on the moon and all that shit that nowadays can't exist because you can check everything in a second with your phone in one of the 100000s webs and youtubers that spread detailed information about everything daily.
Damn bro, you old.

For real though, I know what you're talking about. BW1 Japanese names and promos were like, the first "leak season" for a lot of people.

Hell, I still remember how I only found out about the basics of the games after I had dumped hundreds of hours into Blue and Crystal because of Pokémon Stadium 2's Library mode.

As for Mythicals and the like... Do people actually care about the terminology involved? :pikuh:
I think they are still Robin Hood like heros since there are plenty of people who want to see what the game is actually like, especially in an industry like gaming, before they buy the game.
They're not. Robin Hood did good things for a good cause for the people. Leakers like Centro do it for attention and internet clout. They do not care about any of us at all.

You can’t trust previews/gameplay trailers because they are designed by psychological experts who could make you excited over jiggling keys.
You can’t trust Journalists because frankly most of them have awful opinions/skill and don’t want to lose special perks like early game access by giving a big game a bad score.
You can’t trust YouTubers either for similar reasons and rely on games to be successful for their income.
Demos are extremely rare for modern games and could just cherry pick the best segments.
Most of us viewing leaks do it because we WANT to see stuff earlier. Not because we NEED to see it early. And that first bullet point is just kinda... Bad? Of course trailers are designed with the intention of getting you interested. You still have to use personal judgment to decide if a trailer is enough to go off of and buy a game.

Games leaking is always good for the consumer, even if the consumer is the type who doesn’t want to be spoiled. Better to be disappointed before you buy a game than after it. And I can’t see any reason companies would be against this that isn’t dishonest and anticonsumer.
Sorry... What? If a game company is against their product leaking to the public early, they are anti consumer and dishonest? This feels like it is really bordering on a fallacy of some kind but it won't come to me what it is.

Again, people into leaks generally want to know stuff early. To them it gets them excited (or sometimes not excited), but that's what it is. I don't know why you're trying to moralize leaking as this "for the good of people" thing.
You still have to use personal judgment to decide if a trailer is enough to go off of and buy a game.
That's the thing. Trailer footage can be manipulated to make things way better than they are.

I don't know why you're trying to moralize leaking as this "for the good of people" thing.
Moralize might be a strong word, but it's not that far-fetched that the more information available, the better it is for consumers that want to make informed decisions regarding their money.

Sorry... What? If a game company is against their product leaking to the public early, they are anti consumer and dishonest? This feels like it is really bordering on a fallacy of some kind but it won't come to me what it is.
I completely agree with that though. :totodiLUL:

It doesn't take a lot to think that maybe the devs want a game about exploration to not be spoiled.
Personally, I'm of the opinion that in terms of game mechanics, players should know as much as possible. I don't like they had no in-game explanation for Galarian Yamask's evolution method. I don't like that players lack a reliable way to see exactly how many EVs they have. Etc.
When I made Discord bots, I did so precisely to expose these kinds of invisible things to players (not for Pokemon, though).

But there isn't a sort of moral high ground here. Leaking information about the game prior to said game's release is a risky business because you're either breaking NDA, or profiting off of people who made a mistake and will be punished for it.

People like the Riddler are the best compromise. They give us information to keep us hyped, but not so much as to tell us exact details.
honestly, the leaks would have been much better if these people weren't so obsessed with attention and just learned how to stay on the down low. anonymous information spread quietly instead of 10k public or "private" (nintendo can still ask to take you down if you hold copyrighted content you dumbasses) twitter accounts who die in a day or get copyright struck in 6 hours. Someone leaked the entire beginning of swsh around march and it was never caught lmao
Summery of current events
Going off on the parakeets, I find it weird that we haven't even gotten a hint at its alternative forms at all. I get that Pokemon like Vivillion and Florges have 'default' forms that are used the most to represent the Pokemon in appearances, but it feels like a wasted opportunity not to showcase it in the intro.
In fact, let me elaborate further to put things into perspective. You didn't know about Mew. The only thing you "knew" about Mew was because some kid slighty older than you had one in its Game Boy, and you didn't know, of course, how that Pokémon was supossed to be caught.

In this context of lack of knowledge and fast and reliably sources to verify the little knowledge you had, trust me, you didn't know that "Mew, in Japanese, a language you didn't know anything of, was classified as a mythical". This is what I'm talking about, the fact that no one talked about this, not that it didn't technically exist. Btw, I'm European and I assume most of you here are also from Europe or EEUU, so no, in 1999 there wasn't europeans or americans 8yo kids stating "oh, gentlemen, did you know?? If we are accurate, Mew is considered a mythical Pokémon and not a legendary, also each Pokémon has DVs, this is how stat overflow works and how gender affects DV potential spread, and, and, and..." Even, even in the RSE era, when most of the kids who started with Pokémon had, what, 12, 13 years?? The lack of knowledge was still inmense, i mean, this was the golden age of mythos and false information that kids had no way to verify unless they tested it themselves, the deoxys on the moon and all that shit that nowadays can't exist because you can check everything in a second with your phone in one of the 100000s webs and youtubers that spread detailed information about everything daily.
I'm older than you(I was 9 when Pokemon came to the US). I had a friend with an internet connection(Rich parents do wonders) and he found out about Pokemon Gold and Silver, specifically via someone translating the accounts of the 1997 Spaceworld demo, complete with those (in)famous drawings that a Japanese person that was there drew when they got home from memory(That eventually ended up and stayed on the bulbapedia article for beta Pokemon far longer then they should have). Said friend printed the drawings out and showed them to me at school.

While the point of mythical(or illusory as they are known in Japanese, since at that point there was no official English term) Pokemon might not have been available to the western fanbase, it wasn't impossible to find out anything that was going on in Japan back then. It's just that without there being reliable, dedicated search engines back then, getting info was a crapshoot.

Anyways, to be more on topic, today's line of leaked info can be summed up with one word:


And I wouldn't have it any other way, mostly due to the hilarity it caused.

It's kinda sad that the memes in this thread about the whole thing will long be forgotten, and even if they were saved eventually people would forget the original context behind them that made them so funny in the first place.
Honestly some of my favorite parts of the leaks is noobie leakers trying to get thousands of views for small fame only to get crushed by nintendo ninjas, and the professionals who do leak and make these big companies scramble. I'm just here for the popcorn, looney tune sound effects, and early information to see if this gen is worth anything over gen 8's dumpster fire.
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