UM ZU Open - Round 2


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sick art by UberSkitty
Welcome to the ZU Open! This will be a single elimination tournament in the SV ZU format, as part of the inaugural ZU Circuit, and now the Unofficial Metagames Circuit and the Unofficial Metagames Grand Slam! This tournament will earn you points for both the year-long circuit, as well as the Grand Slam! This will be a single elimination best of three tournament held in the SV ZU format on Pokemon Showdown. All replays must be posted to the round's thread for a win to count, and each round will take one week.

Here are some useful SV ZU resources: (Keep in mind not all resources are up to date with the ever changing metagame, but this forum is still a nice resource nonetheless and will be updated ASAP).

Here are some Smogon tournament resources:
- Tournament Rules
- Scheduling Guidance
- Smogtours and Smogtours server information

Standard Rules and Clauses:
  • General tournament rules and regulations can be found here
  • Species Clause: A player cannot have two Pokémon with the same Pokédex number on his team.
  • Sleep Clause: You cannot inflict sleep upon more than one member of the opposing team.
  • Evasion Clause: The moves Double Team and Minimize are banned.
  • OHKO Clause: The moves Horn Drill, Guillotine, Sheer Cold, and Fissure are banned.
  • Endless Battle Clause: Anything capable of intentionally creating an endless battle is banned.
About Activity Decisions

Activity Decisions / Coin Flips: In the event that there is an uncompleted match at the deadline, it will be coin flipped unless one or both of the players involved in the match specifically request an activity win and explain sufficiently why they deserve to win over their opponent. Attempting to schedule a battle is required in order to receive the win by activity. To make it clear that you are requesting an activity win when you post, you must open your post with "Activity Win Request" in bold.

For example, if you believe your opponent is making an unfair request and that they don't deserve the activity win over you, you can either make your own request or quote their post and explain why they don't deserve it. You should try to make your activity win request posts at least 24 hours before the deadline to give your opponent a reasonable opportunity to contest it with their own activity win request.

Host discretion will be applied for all unplayed games. This means that an activity win will not be automatically granted if you post, and a lack of post does not automatically result in a coinflip.

Round 2 - Proof
Joethezombie  vs  MTB
plznostep  vs  sleid
Ev_Evan  vs  TBasedGod
Antonazz  vs  Lizardu''
Maybca☆〜ゝ。∂  vs  Portobello
temp  vs  devilchao0
Tuthur  vs  Huntu
Baddy  vs  OranBerryBlissey10
monkesim  vs  feen
Nitoku  vs  Monai
MZ  vs  Drud
Corthius  vs  Medeia
LustfulLice  vs  Nkc1201*
giove97  vs  Squeeby
esperanza1000  vs  Slikkles
diegoyuhhi  vs  Silas AR
missangelic  vs  VigilanteVigoroth
Danny  vs  SMHorizon
BloodAce  vs  TheFranklin
outbackrabbit  vs  Nashrock
55Miniben  vs  Divine10
ToasterBoi420  vs  3xistance
txitxas  vs  RoiDadadou
velvet  vs  Strateg1c
Estuardo19  vs  Jett
Arvinraj K III C  vs  TomatoZause
bodi  vs  Soul king0
dorilo78a  vs  Banbadoro
Aaronboyer  vs  Joshua12343
Kinetic  vs  shadowtime2000
chuggachuggachooo  vs  Valerie
fish anemometer  vs  Kafkafoon

Extension deadline is Wednesday, January 17th @ 11:59 PM GMT -5.
Round deadline will be Sunday, January 21st @ 11:59 PM GMT -5.
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