Serious Who wants kids?

Do you want children in your future?

  • I'm a parent already.

    Votes: 6 3.7%
  • Yes, I want to be a parent and my significant other is on board.

    Votes: 15 9.1%
  • Yes, I want to be a parent, but I don't have a significant other yet.

    Votes: 60 36.6%
  • Yes, I want to be a (single) parent; I don't care if I have a significant other.

    Votes: 5 3.0%
  • I haven't decided yet / I'm unsure.

    Votes: 38 23.2%
  • No, I don't want to be a parent, but my significant other wants to.

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • No, I don't want to be a parent, neither does my significant other.

    Votes: 13 7.9%
  • No, I don't want to be a parent, neither do I want a significant other.

    Votes: 21 12.8%
  • Other (please specify)

    Votes: 4 2.4%

  • Total voters

Death Phenomeno

I'm polite so just for clarity, when I'm cross I
is a Contributor Alumnus
Independently of whether you'd like to reproduce in some way or another, or whether you'd like to adopt, or something different yet achieving the same result. Do you see yourself as a parent? Do you not? Why? Why not?

Some people claim that love kids, yet the minute there's one on their house, they want to strangle said kid. On the other hand, I've known people who claimed to hate kids, but when they became parents, they couldn't love their little spawns more.

Or maybe you're too young and don't know yet?

Also, a post as a very belated 10 year celebration for my account.


Junichi Masuda likes this!!
Maybe not my own kid. I have a lot of inherited diseases so I'd like to stop my line.
But I would like to adopt a kid, preferably an autistic one.
I'm definitely too young to have decided, but in my brief time here on this hell-hole we call Earth I've learned that children smaller than I am tend to be annoying. Scratch that, pretty sure my parents find me annoying as well.

I think after they hit a certain age, having a kid would be cool, but currently I don't see myself being a very good father to a small child.

Things will probably change though. I'll probably see this differently when I'm older, and I'll probably be influenced by whoever I'm with at the time. That's the glorious thing about the future though, you never really know what's going to happen. I suppose that's also the shit scary part, but whatever.


A monoid in the category of endofunctors
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I've been thinking about my future recently and one of the first things that went through my head was that I'd love to have a daughter when I'm older. It'd be hard work due to the gender gap and such, but if I could choose between having a son and having a daughter I'd choose the latter. I don't know why I feel this way, it just crossed my mind recently and made me smile. Regardless of this though, I would definitely love to have a kid when I'm older. I enjoy being with people who are younger than myself and would love to be able to raise a happy child and to watch them grow up and to watch them go out into the world. I would like to have grandchildren before I die so that I can spoil them rotten too xD


Junichi Masuda likes this!!
I've been thinking about my future recently and one of the first things that went through my head was that I'd love to have a daughter when I'm older. It'd be hard work due to the gender gap and such, but if I could choose between having a son and having a daughter I'd choose the latter. I don't know why I feel this way, it just crossed my mind recently and made me smile. Regardless of this though, I would definitely love to have a kid when I'm older. I enjoy being with people who are younger than myself and would love to be able to raise a happy child and to watch them grow up and to watch them go out into the world. I would like to have grandchildren before I die so that I can spoil them rotten too xD
I thought , in the UK, women under the age of 25 actually earn more than men.

8-BIT Luster

Completely Unviable
I want kids for a couple of reasons:
So i can feel like I can "continue my story" so to speak, because i would hate to die without any children to burden emotionally and financially in the years prior
So i can do exactly what Acklow said
optimally, i'd like a boy and a girl, because there aren't enough of me running around, two more should suffice.
I think the poll is weird, tying your feelings of wanting kids to your SO's is a) weird because this forum is full of kids / people who don't have SOs even accounting for single people b) a bad idea because you should never do that, since you can't compromise on it and it's one of the biggest life decisions there is. I won't date anyone who clearly wants children and if I somehow became pregnant I would abort as soon as I could find a doctor to sign off on it (I couldn't carry a child to term anyway).

I voted for one of the nope options, I've never wanted children and that feeling has been very strong since I was little. I think it would be a terrible idea for me to have children in any capacity anyway because I require constant medical and psychiatric care, but also because I just plain only like them from a distance and find very little about parenthood appealing. I was a happy accident but my little brother like a year later was an unhappy accident and I saw firsthand how goddamn rotten it is to have children you don't want, like 20 years later my father is finally trying to form a relationship with my brother and my mother has a lot of issues
I am 18 and my girlfriend and I have discussed the idea of having children and it is obviously not something we will be doing any time soon LOL. She is very set on having kids eventually and I think it would be a really cool and unique experience. Both of us are about to head to different colleges in the next school year and then just kinda play it by year after that. I definitely want to spend time with her after college where we live together and we don't have to worry about kids and all of the responsibilities that come with them

TL:Dr want kids eventually but sure as hell not now
I think the poll is weird, tying your feelings of wanting kids to your SO's is a) weird because this forum is full of kids / people who don't have SOs even accounting for single people b) a bad idea because you should never do that, since you can't compromise on it and it's one of the biggest life decisions there is. I won't date anyone who clearly wants children and if I somehow became pregnant I would abort as soon as I could find a doctor to sign off on it (I couldn't carry a child to term anyway).
I think it's a fair option-- I'm 27 (SO is 26) and we've discussed not really wanting kids. I do see your point given the demographics of the website being mostly younger than myself, but I think being all-inclusive is better. Anyways, my SO still has a few hesitations regarding the issue of children but she and I agree--at least logically-- that having kids is a bad idea.

I voted for one of the nope options, I've never wanted children and that feeling has been very strong since I was little. I think it would be a terrible idea for me to have children in any capacity anyway because I require constant medical and psychiatric care, but also because I just plain only like them from a distance and find very little about parenthood appealing. I was a happy accident but my little brother like a year later was an unhappy accident and I saw firsthand how goddamn rotten it is to have children you don't want, like 20 years later my father is finally trying to form a relationship with my brother and my mother has a lot of issues
This happened with my previous girlfriend's younger sibling, and actually her mother tried to abort the younger sibling by ingesting a bunch of herbs/meds that fucked her up... resulting in the poor child having some deformities. Really, really unfair. I have no idea why it wasn't done as a medical procedure, but their mother did have some psychiatric issues, so...
This subject has come up recently in my personal life between me and my girlfriend as a result of having an increasing number of our friends taking steps into marriage and into starting families. Putting this under perspective, I am about to turn 22 in April and my girlfriend just turned 23. There is a rant there just about the inappropriateness of people making huge life decisions in their early 20s, but I'll spare you all from that.

It is my personal opinion that at this stage in my life, and moving into the foreseeable future, me having a child would be utterly irresponsible. It is not that me nor my girlfriend are crazy people. I'm about to graduate from college and become a high school teacher and she has a decent job working at a hospital. We aren't party people. We are financially responsible. Besides some of the craziness that enters into our lives by our friends, we are drama free types of people just trying to begin our lives the right way.

It would be irresponsible in the sense of what we would be bringing a child into. While me and my girlfriend have known each other for over three years have have dated for about two, we are still quite far from knowing if we are right for each other. I am still far from being in a position to take care of myself, let alone take care of another person. I'm not ready to put down my life, my dreams, my experiences right now. And until I'm willing to put that aside, it's really irresponsible to want to bring in a child.

Right now and in the near future, children freak me out too much. How in the hell I'll be able to support myself and my child financially. How it will affect my relationship and get in the way of sharing a life and a dream with someone I truly love and want to be with. How it will affect my plans to move to another state or travel around during the summers. I have no clue how to be a father. My father was distant, angry, and didn't want to be in my life. I'm not close to being ready for it. I look at anyone in my group of friends, and they seem less ready for it than we do based on some of the things they have ended up doing. And yet, they're getting married and beginning to start families already.

It also just straight up freaks me out in really irrational ways. I couldn't handle it right now or any time soon. It freaks out my girlfriend too, but more in the sense of the bodily changes and the pregnancy complications of going through it. Things that make sense. For me, babies just freak me out. I don't like holding babies because I feel like I'm going to accidentally hold it wrong or drop it or something. I don't have the patience for dealing with younger kids. I get frustrated with them too easily. Working in high schools, I'm pretty comfortable with teenagers because they are at least rational. But I have no idea how I would try to get a teenager to understand the world and the big picture of life? To see how protected and how different things are in the real world. Prepare them for the understanding of life and how to reach them.

I'm so freaked out about it that I've honestly never had traditional intercourse. I don't feel comfortable with it. My girlfriend is on birth control because of hormonal reasons. We have access to condoms and other contraceptives. But because of the possibility that sex might lead to a child and because we are both extremely uncomfortable with abortion, we just both have never done it. No other reason but that we're both that freaked out and couldn't handle it. And that even if it didnt freak us out, we still aren't at the point that we would be comfortable knowing that we could assure a good life for our child.

Maybe this will all change when I get older. People say always tell me and that "I'll change when I get older." But honestly, I don't think so. I'd be more than happy sharing my life with whatever wonderful woman I end up being with. I'll be far more content with that than wanting to enter into the unknown of a family. I know I do not want children until I am at least 35. I would hope by then that my life is stable. That I have done a lot of what all I want to do in my life. That I feel comfortable knowing that whatever relationship I am in will be stable long term and that we will me more than alright being committed to each other while raising a child for at least 18 years. Maybe then I will want to have kids. Then, maybe all my crazy fears and irrationality will be gone and I'll feel more comfortable.

But right now and for the next 10 years, anything dealing with pregnancy would be extremely unwelcome. And right now, at this stage in my life, I have a significant other who agrees.
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I actually resound with gamer boy's idea about having a daughter. My whole life I've had very few close female friends outside of my SO, but since I started serving at church I have made more, and I really enjoy having them. I want a little princess to dote on, and there's just something so special about a father-daughter relationship that I want to experience some day.

Anyhow, I voted for Yes, I want to be a parent and my significant other is on board. Of course, it will be a ways off. My SO and I have been engaged for over two years now and she has a decent-paying job. I, however, am still working part time, teaching at a great university but making squat despite the very good hourly pay ($42 an hour but... 6 hours a week lol, and literally impossible to get more hours). Once I get a full-time job, wherever that may be, we will consider sealing up the engagement but for the foreseeable future it's going to be my relatives constantly asking when we're getting married and us saying "we'll let you know."

I know that "money isn't everything" but I want to be in a secure financial state before raising some offspring. I refuse to be 6 feet deep in loan debt. Perhaps 3 feet, but no more than that :-p


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I would like to have a girl as a daughter so that I can be her future boyfriend's worst nightmare. I will be the dad who has the 12 gauge sitting by the rocking chair on the porch as her boyfriend pulls in on his mom's minivan.
I didn't know your name was the patriarchy


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Both my partner and myself don't want children. Originally we did want kids and the idea isn't totally out the window but seeing what his brother and sister have to deal with in regards to their kids really puts us off. Like they're amazing kids and I'm especially close with one of them and I feel like I can relate to her like I would a daughter but I can't deal with that shit. It's tiring enough with them for one day.

I'm also not the greatest fan of how 'mothers on Facebook' are and I wouldn't like to contribute to that statistic. Very OK with people having kids after 25 or so but the majority of others get knocked up and start selling products like younique, it works etc. It just irritates me and it puts me off wanting to be a parent lol that's just a personal thing though.

Plus without kids we'll have financial freedom, be able to travel and have more time for each other. :)

Adamant Zoroark

catchy catchphrase
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Setting aside the fact that I'm aromantic, I don't want children. Ever. Kids absolutely annoy the fuck out of me; I want to punch someone who brings a fucking crying baby on a plane; what makes you think I'd be okay with it if it were my own child? Even setting that aside, I'm convinced I'm unfit to be a parent. I'm incredibly irritable and I'm a heavy drinker, and given the fact that children agitate me, dealing with them 24/7 would increase my alcohol intake exponentially. That being said, if for whatever reason I find someone capable of putting up with me (and willing to sustain what's basically FWB as opposed to a romantic partnership) and wants children (because let's be real, I'm pretty sure I don't have much of a say in this, I have a penis), I think the only thing that'd make me okay with it is if I were able to put in the bare minimum amount of parenting.

If I absolutely had to have a child, I would want a girl, but for a different reason compared to other posters in this thread. Contrary to what my online persona would have you believe, circumcision is the absolute last thing I want to talk about in real life. Having a daughter as opposed to a son would allow me to dodge that conversation entirely.
Setting aside the fact that I'm aromantic, I don't want children. Ever. Kids absolutely annoy the fuck out of me; I want to punch someone who brings a fucking crying baby on a plane; what makes you think I'd be okay with it if it were my own child? Even setting that aside, I'm convinced I'm unfit to be a parent. I'm incredibly irritable and I'm a heavy drinker, and given the fact that children agitate me, dealing with them 24/7 would increase my alcohol intake exponentially. That being said, if for whatever reason I find someone capable of putting up with me (and willing to sustain what's basically FWB as opposed to a romantic partnership) and wants children (because let's be real, I'm pretty sure I don't have much of a say in this, I have a penis), I think the only thing that'd make me okay with it is if I were able to put in the bare minimum amount of parenting.

If I absolutely had to have a child, I would want a girl, but for a different reason compared to other posters in this thread. Contrary to what my online persona would have you believe, circumcision is the absolute last thing I want to talk about in real life. Having a daughter as opposed to a son would allow me to dodge that conversation entirely.
what the hell dude, i don't like rando children in public either and the noise is distressing but do you seriously expect parents to just never travel because babies cry?

also yes you have a say in it, there are many types of birth control available including a vasectomy. there are many people who don't parent their children anyway and separate over carrying the foetus to term and just pay child support.

i agree wholeheartedly that i would not be able to tolerate the crying if it were 'my own' tho. i genuinely feel like it would ruin my life and id be unable to cope with it and i think owning that (and your options) is good
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Adamant Zoroark

catchy catchphrase
is a Contributor Alumnus
what the hell dude, i don't like rando children in public either and the noise is distressing but do you seriously expect parents to just never travel because babies cry?

also yes you have a say in it, there are many types of birth control available including a vasectomy. there are many people who don't parent their children anyway and separate over carrying the foetus to term and just pay child support.

i agree wholeheartedly that i would not be able to tolerate the crying if it were 'my own' tho. i genuinely feel like it would ruin my life and id be unable to cope with it and i think owning that (and your options) is good
When did I say they shouldn't ever travel? Stop putting words in my mouth.
Setting aside the fact that I'm aromantic, I don't want children. Ever. Kids absolutely annoy the fuck out of me; I want to punch someone who brings a fucking crying baby on a plane; what makes you think I'd be okay with it if it were my own child? Even setting that aside, I'm convinced I'm unfit to be a parent. I'm incredibly irritable and I'm a heavy drinker, and given the fact that children agitate me, dealing with them 24/7 would increase my alcohol intake exponentially. That being said, if for whatever reason I find someone capable of putting up with me (and willing to sustain what's basically FWB as opposed to a romantic partnership) and wants children (because let's be real, I'm pretty sure I don't have much of a say in this, I have a penis), I think the only thing that'd make me okay with it is if I were able to put in the bare minimum amount of parenting.

If I absolutely had to have a child, I would want a girl, but for a different reason compared to other posters in this thread. Contrary to what my online persona would have you believe, circumcision is the absolute last thing I want to talk about in real life. Having a daughter as opposed to a son would allow me to dodge that conversation entirely.
literally same aside from the drinking bc im 15. I think I would be unfit to be a parent because... well I have asperger's and very strong bipolar disorder (literally, not a joke :i), helping send those down the phylogenetic tree of humanity would be a burden to the future of humanity
I also have a dif reason to want a girl. I would want one because it would be easier to raise, and a well-raised child would make the brokenness in my head less painful. Girls also see more milestones where I would be proud since they're more likely to be a part of school organizations and whatnot.
Then again it goes back to the asperger's/bipolar thing where they could have that and I would feel really, really terrible about myself and how I could let myself be responsible for another person being affected :/
I don't want kids because the thought of creating something that I will love that much with all the variables of things that could go wrong fucking terrify me.

Like, I can barely stand myself sometimes. But a child, who I'm gonna love no matter what? Fuck that man, I do not want to go through that pain.
Even though I honestly dread the responsibility (I do NOT look forward to the nights without sleep, and changing diapers), I think I'd like the years after that. I'm still a kid at heart, and love to play, and view toys as gold, and I look forward to buying them whatever passes as a DS and a Pokémon game on their 10th birthday. Of course, considering I don't even have a girlfriend yet, I suppose that is still a very long way off!

OLD GREGG (im back baby)

old gregg for life
People like to put an exaggerated emphasis on the impact of children. The biggest drawbacks for my s/o and me so far, is the lack of sleep and the limitations put upon us from a more disciplined schedule. No sleeping in when the little man is ready to get up and play. I see a lot of the newer generation shaking in fear at the thoughts of children and I can relate. I had the same fears when I was that age, so I WAITED. I'm sort of old, especially to be on a Pokemon forum. Reproduction is a necessity of life and if you don't do it someone else will, so you are basically alienating yourself when you count yourself out for children. The sense of pride, love, accomplishment, and responsibility can really bring you back down to earth though. I recommend it for people who are ready for that and if you know you aren't ready then I don't suggest you even entertain the thought. No take backs when you've made a child and that little one will be in your care. If you know you can't handle the reaponsibility of a child, then do yourself a favor and be responsible enough to wear a condom.

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