Video games with really cool soundtracks

d2m pretty much covered most of FF's battle themes, so I'll do some of the other stuff.

You can hear the cry of The Planet. Brilliantly atmospheric. When playing FFVII I (like almost all people) run everywhere - except in the Forgotten City, because I don't want to stop listening to this song.

Compression of Time. A sad track, but one that definitely feels like a lament for the world, as opposed to for a person (which, of course, it is).

Devil's Lab. Talk about a beat.

Electric de Chocobo. Notable for an extreme thematic similarity (that borders on plagiarism) to Wipeout by the Surfaris. Listen especially to the segment from 1:06.

Toki no hourousha. One of the most beautiful pieces of music I have ever heard.

Darkness and Starlight, from the Black Mages Album of the same name. No youtube link because it's way too long! 16 minutes of rock opera epicness.

Someday the dream will end. Final Fantasy X seems to have a comparitive dearth of excellent tracks (IMHO), but this is a good one. Powerful and atmospheric.

Aeris' Theme. Can't have a selection of Final Fantasy tracks without including this.

Main Theme of Final Fantasy VII. Almost every FF has a 'main theme', this is probably the best. Damn, hearing it is making me want to play FFVII again. Don't miss the darker section from 4:16

Final Fantasy. There's been so many versions - that link is a live orchestral one. This is the one song to rule them all. If any single song can represent what the Final Fantasy series is about, this is it. Here and here are all the version in succession.
I'm giving a nod to the works of Tenpei Sato, known mostly for his work on games made by Nippon Ichi. When you put together games with graphics like those and battles that can go on for quite a while, the music better be kickass and Sato does not disappoint, especially with the soundtrack from Disgaea. Here's a couple of favorites:

Disgaea OST #18 - Beautiful Round Dance

Disgaea OST #23 - Sorrowful Angel

EDIT @d2m - How DARE you bring up Chrono Cross and NOT mention Dream of the Shore Near Another World! :P
Because I spent WAY too much time on that goddamn map and it got so drilled into my head I can't listen to it anymore.
Ok something is wrong if people haven't commented on BlazBlue's OST yet. Seriously it is some of the best music I've ever heard in a game.

Also The World Ends With You had a good, albeit strange soundtrack. It tends to be hit or miss with some people though. Just Youtube it, I can't c/p links from that site right now.
Oh, I need to plug one more thing:

sbeast64 does some really cool guitar covers of video game tunes. Gangplank Galleon is in there, as is Big Blue from F-Zero and a medley of Zelda tunes to name a few.
You think his work on the first Baten Kaitos was impressive? Try his work on Origins.
bko is pretty swell too! i particularly like the boundary between the wind and the earth (hearing this song the first time you see enter the "world map" at hassaleh, oh man) and ancient hometown (everything about hassaleh is just lovely), and a few of your picks are pretty marvelous as well!

yes yes yes these are some grand tunes. ten thousand props to you, cards c:

Final Fantasy X seems to have a comparitive dearth of excellent tracks (IMHO)
agreed, entirely. there are only three or four songs from FFX that stand out in memory, i don't even remember the rest. :/
on the other hand, i think the FFX piano collection is pretty spectacular. i don't remember anything in-game sounding this good. the other final fantasy piano collections are worth a listen, too, but i'd say this one blows the rest away

also, adding onto the chrono trigger pile, check out this to die for remix of corridors of time (cf. the original version) * _*
I feel really generic for saying so, but I love most if not all of the Mega Man 2 soundtrack. I haven't even played the games myself and I still love them. C:

In the realm of games I have played though, I thought Animal Crossing (GC) had surprisingly decent overworld medleys that really fit the mood and time of day.
Going to have to pitch another vote for the Castlevania series. Castlevania Judgment was a complete failure gameplay-wise, but it did have my favorite version of "Bloody Tears" on it ( The interesting thing about Castlevania music is that many songs get recycled with each new game, but the remixes never fail to disappoint.

I've been a fan of the Warcraft series since the very first game, but I don't think its music really peaked until Warcraft III. I find myself frequently listening to the Reign of Chaos and Frozen Throne soundtracks when I need background music while working. Currently, I have been looping "Invincible" from Wrath of the Lich King a lot (

My third favorite series in terms of music is probably Okami. Ironically, I've never played through the game myself, but damned if the music (and art!) isn't gorgeous. "Reset" is probably my favorite track out of all 4 discs of the OST (

Other miscellaneous games I like the music of include Pokemon (particularly the Stadium games), Devil May Cry (the songs get tiresome after a while, though), Silent Hill (I'm a chicken and avoid listening to some tracks, though), and Castle Crashers.
Also The World Ends With You had a good, albeit strange soundtrack. It tends to be hit or miss with some people though. Just Youtube it, I can't c/p links from that site right now.
Seconding this. For maximum awesome, USE HEADPHONES. I'm a fan of Someday but your mileage may vary.

EDIT: I saw Disgaea mentioned. If you're going to bring that up then you need to mention My Comrade. (people can never manage to be consistent with this song's name, but this is the name I see it with most. Plus Disgaea DS calls it this) Also Disgaea 2's White Tiger.
I am pretty nerdy about such things so I could list them all day, but I'll try and think of a few most of you probably haven't encountered (plus the good CC and PSX era FF songs have been exhausted already anyway - though I'd definitely encourage those who haven't to check out some of the remixes for The Man with the Machine Gun).

FF has been beat to death so I'll try to veer from it a bit, but for a game few people were able to play FF11 had some really nice tracks... I remember the first time LordS and I got to a few areas we just kind of stopped and listened, which isn't something that tends to happen in MMOs.

Some ambiance themes: (Selbina) (Ronfaure)

There's a ton of really great songs on that soundtrack though, it's a shame it didn't get more listens.

Battle themes always tend to be well received, so here's a few more of those (Time to Raise the Cross, Tales of the Abyss) (odd pick, but Heavyarms' Stage from Gundam Wing: Endless Duel) (Arabian Dream, Kingdom Hearts) (Bastard Sword, Breath of Fire 4) (Aska' Stage, TMNT: Tournament Fighters) (Battle With the Demons, Lost Odyssey)

And one that isn't really battle theme paced, but since it was a series with underappreciated music in addition to gameplay I felt like I should give it a nod (IMA vs. FIMBA Cup Battle, Monster Rancher 2)

Some other random tracks: (Ethan's Theme, Heavy Rain) (The Price Of Freedom, FF7: Crisis Core) (A Man, Breath of Fire 4) (The Champion, Breath of Fire 3) (City under Siege, FF9 - maybe the most effective music track of all time as far as getting me in the mood) (Miror B's theme from XD yeah !!! (which is technically a battle theme but whatever)) (Redemption, Heavy Rain) (Fable 2 theme, which I love just for the music box at the beginning) (Painful Memories, Heavy Rain)

(Seriously, just listen to the whole Heavy Rain soundtrack - it's the only thing I ever have or ever will buy on iTunes. It wasn't on YouTube when I wanted it, but I like paying for things of this quality, anyway.)
final fantasy viii is my favorite soundtrack.

did anyone notice that the soundtrack of final fantasy viii COULD be heavily influenced by the original recordings of the phantom of the opera? i listen to a lot of phantom to the point where i can recite whole songs.
Let's have some good ones from some Free Software games. Since they won't be easily found on Youtube (and I can't be bothered to convert and upload there), here's a zip on depositfiles.

'The Cave' from Supertux, a 2D platformer.

'Frantic', the 'Main Theme', 'The City Falls', and 'Still Another Wanderer' are all from The Battle for Wesnoth, a turn-based fantasy strategy game.

'jeu1' and 'jeu2' are from Ri-Li. Basically snake on rails.

'Kart Grand Prix' is from Supertuxkart. (Yeah, it's a Mario Kart rip-off. Has some new ideas though.)

'Land' is from KQ, an old-school eastern-style RPG.

From commercial games, the European opening theme to Gran Turismo 4 is good - though it's really two songs. (The second song is different in the European and US versions - I think the Euro version goes better with the video)

i love video game music and here are my choice picks:
my current favorite song Town of Twilight - Shadow Hearts 2 i love the european influence it has on the song

composed by that guy who did stuff like Chrono Cross (my favorite soundtrack)
oh yeah chrono cross

battle themes: (saga frontier 2) (romancing saga (baten kaitos origins, soundtrack is good for the fact that most of the songs are just pumping you up main theme is also good ff9 theme

also despite my HATE of jpop I love some songs from the Persona series (played the ENTIRE GAME, but I still love and listen to it wherever) hate the word "epic" but....

and just overall stuff: (Ogre battle 64) (metroid prime) (tales of symphonia) (bomberman hero) (Knights of the Old Republic)

soundtracks as a whole:
Saga Frontier 2 - it's just beautiful, the composer took a HUGE note from a classical music influence
Chrono Cross
Donkey Kong Country
Final Fantasy (the series counts I think back from my childhood years of nostalgia)

this stuff was also at the top of my head too haha, i will think of more of them later, recommend checking out these links though if you like video game music at all also halo 1 has some nice chill tunes on it that are really enjoyable just can't remember what they are bLAH also silent hill is good

Death Phenomeno

I'm polite so just for clarity, when I'm cross I
is a Contributor Alumnus
Here are a couple of my favourite songs from Eternal Darkness:

Black Rose

Gateway to Destiny

This channel has most (if not all) the tracks from The King of Fighters series. This person has a slight problem differentiating from OST and AST, though.

Speaking of King of Fighters, the latest entry (KOF XIII) just got a website. In it, you can listen to the music so far revealed. Give it a try.

I used to love the music from Tyrian 2000. Sadly, I've never been able to find it in any decent form.

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