The World Is Going To End!!!!!!

yes the maya predicted it will end on dec. 21 2012 something with the earths
rotation lining up with sun
there also was a show on the history channel about it

The mayans believed that life had cycles and that by 2012 (actually early 2013 in our calendar) a new cycle would begin.

That doesn't mean anything about the end of the world.

And in some of the few surviving mayan codes they predicted that their civilization wouldnt last that long, making a bigger calendar would be pointless to them.
Right, of course, and the world was also going to end on the sixth of June, 2006.

I'm going to laugh /so hard/ at all the numerologists and astrologers and the like when 2013 rolls around and nothing has changed.
Right, of course, and the world was also going to end on the sixth of June, 2006.

I'm going to laugh /so hard/ at all the numerologists and astrologers and the like when 2013 rolls around and nothing has changed.
No one really thought the world was going to end on 06/06/06, not even religious people (nut jobs not included).
This is sorta pushing it, but I'll see you all on the 22nd December 2012.

Chances are if I haven't been murdered by then, we'd all meet for an Xmas tourney.

Also, religion makes me laugh, as the entire fiasco can be denounced by the simple statement that Jesus is the Sun.
This is sorta pushing it, but I'll see you all on the 22nd December 2012.

Chances are if I haven't been murdered by then, we'd all meet for an Xmas tourney.

Also, religion makes me laugh, as the entire fiasco can be denounced by the simple statement that Jesus is the Sun.
Are you trying to say "Jesus is the Sun" as in the big bright thing that gives off heat or sOn, with an "o" as in male child, cuz no one every said Jesus was that big bright thing in the sky. You either made a typo, or you just made your self really stupid. And also, no one argues that he did not exist, and if he existed he had to be someone's sOn, so again, you statement is just stupid even if it was a typo.
No one really thought the world was going to end on 06/06/06, not even religious people (nut jobs not included).
(Emphasis mine)

I've engaged in argument with a crazy pagan guy who thought that demons were going to invade the world on 6/6/06.

That said, he also thought he could cast magic spells. Perhaps slightly insane.

A more pertinent example might be the Millerites:

Basically, apocalyptic beliefs are nothing new. People like to get a kick out of thinking that they're living in the 'last days'. Religion has hijacked that particular impulse pretty well, too.
I said nut jobs not included. Maybe I need to explain that I ment no "sane" people really thought the world was going to end on 06/06/06.
I said nut jobs not included. Maybe I need to explain that I ment no "sane" people really thought the world was going to end on 06/06/06.
Nobody that isn't a nutjob thinks the world is going to end any time soon. You're sort of hedging your bets there.
I guess the sun will explode in a few million year, and we'll probably have a nuclear holocaust some time or another, so yeah, the world will end eventually.

I personally don't find myself very religious, though.
Probably going scratch all religon and become an atheist because parts of religon make absolutely no sense.

Most people end up the religon they were raised and grew up around which means a Buddhist will believe in their religon just as much as Christian would believe in theirs'; I find this a major flaw in the theory of Creation because why would this so called god purposely create so many religons as to stray people from the one 'right' religon.

If I ever believed in any religon it would be a universal God so to say that does not care about this various sub divisions of religon, ethnicity, or sexual orientation; but just that you lead an honest, virtious, good life whether you be gay, straight, christian, taoist, confusionist, catholic, or buddhist.

I honestly think we should be more worried about the Zinc Supply running out in 46 years.

By the way we have similar predictions before Y2K(Year 2000), various predictions by Buffalo Bill, the onced famed actor, and his cult, as well as various other Cults around the world, though I don't find it right to call them cults there are nothing but religous groups who's beliefs don't match those of mainstream America. This one somewhat has credibility, that is if youe belive the Mayans were the first civilization alive.

Yea 2012 is based of the ending of the Mayan Calendar not crazy Christian crap from what I've heard, which in fact makes my whole speech at religon irrelevant.
By the way we have similar predictions before Y2K(Year 2000)
The Y2K bug was a real problem. It wouldn't have caused the end of the world as we know it, but it would have caused serious issues with any computerised systems. The only reason it was such a minor issue in the end is because people fixed it. An incredible number of man-hours were poured into digging through old code and fixing it.

Now, of course, we've got the Y10K bug to deal with. :P
It's true that the world will have to end sometime, but that time is really unknown.

If you ask me, this "end of the world" stuff is just so the human race has something incredibly stupid to worry about. I wouldn't be surprised if we were forced to move to another planet in the future because the Earth was supposed to end the next day. Or maybe it would be so we would have a bigger planet to live on since we would have ran out of room on Earth, but that's another story.
Probably going scratch all religon and become an atheist because parts of religon make absolutely no sense.
I'll save you the trouble: you'll find that atheism makes no sense either, and eventually find that the world makes no sense and then give up your sense of sense altogether. And you'll be much happier that way.

I was aware on May 5, 2000, when the planets aligned perfectly. The world was supposed to end.

It didn't.

I almost hope i'm alive when it does, though. You're going to die anyway, so you might as well go out with a bang!

Deck Knight

Blast Off At The Speed Of Light! That's Right!
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Funny, I thought this topic would be about the Apocalyptic Global Warming.

I've got about 3 feet of "global warming" piled up by the plows near our condo complex. We've had 3 "global warming" storms since just before winter officially started.

Global Doom theories are stupid. Never send your money to any of them. If the world really ends on 12/22/12, it's because the retail stores ran out of Re-elect Barack Obama 2012 merchandise and the resulting pre-Christmas Rage causes some nut to break into the Oval Office and push the red button, destroying all human population 56 times over in the ensuing nuclear death.
deck knight is one of the Chosen few that know that the current western civilization is humanity's apex and will last ~forever~
sometimes i think that the whole deck knight thing is an act done by a someone with way too much time on their hands.
Funny, I thought this topic would be about the Apocalyptic Global Warming.

I've got about 3 feet of "global warming" piled up by the plows near our condo complex. We've had 3 "global warming" storms since just before winter officially started.
Anyone painting anthropogenic climate change (Global warming was ye olde somewhat inaccurate term, Deck, but I can see why you'd keep using it) as apocalyptic is probably being somewhat silly. In fact, they're probably journalists, not scientists.

Doesn't mean it's not a real problem.

Global Doom theories are stupid. Never send your money to any of them. If the world really ends on 12/22/12, it's because the retail stores ran out of Re-elect Barack Obama 2012 merchandise and the resulting pre-Christmas Rage causes some nut to break into the Oval Office and push the red button, destroying all human population 56 times over in the ensuing nuclear death.
I see Catholics don't believe in the Second Coming.

Deck Knight

Blast Off At The Speed Of Light! That's Right!
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Anyone painting anthropogenic climate change (Global warming was ye olde somewhat inaccurate term, Deck, but I can see why you'd keep using it) as apocalyptic is probably being somewhat silly. In fact, they're probably journalists, not scientists.

Doesn't mean it's not a real problem.
Anthropogenic Climate Change is a crock. You know why we're having a real cold year? Ye olde giant ball of pulsating plasma in yonder sky doth not possess its spots. Carbon neutrality is a scam. No offense, but I've not the arrogance it requires to believe humans have more power collectively to shape the earth's climate than say, the gigantic ball of flame that provides the heat and light to our entire solar system, nor the inner workings of the 6 trillion ton ball of iron we call home, nor its 75% living surface water.

It's also such a vague term. Planet getting colder? Pass legislation banning incandescent bulbs. Planet getting warmer? Use government interference to set back energy production 30 years. See where I'm going with this? ACC is a government power grab disguised as global do-goodery.

I see Catholics don't believe in the Second Coming.
The second coming will come, and I quote The Man Himself, "as a thief in the night." It is therefore impossible for any human being or group of human beings to come up with even an approximate date of global annihilation. Thus why Global Doom theories are stupid. It's a money-laundering scheme.

deck knight is one of the Chosen few that know that the current western civilization is humanity's apex and will last ~forever~
Oh heavens no gorm. Sans the nonexistence of The Civil Rights Act of 1964, Western Civilization was probably at its apex a solid 60 years ago (Somewhere between Hitler's death and the start of Vietnam). It's been in decline ever since, and the baby boomers, The Greediest Generation, appear to want to suck all the money out of the world until they expire in their lavish taxpayer-funded death cocoons.
Anthropogenic Climate Change is a crock. You know why we're having a real cold year? Ye olde giant ball of pulsating plasma in yonder sky doth not possess its spots. Carbon neutrality is a scam. No offense, but I've not the arrogance it requires to believe humans have more power collectively to shape the earth's climate than say, the gigantic ball of flame that provides the heat and light to our entire solar system, nor the inner workings of the 6 trillion ton ball of iron we call home, nor its 75% living surface water.
Unfortunately, reality disagrees:

But hey, I'm sure all the scientists that think otherwise are part of a massive governmental conspiracy. The fact that CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere have risen by ~33% (From 280ppm to 379ppm) since industrialisation can't have anything to do with rapidly increasing anthropogenic CO2 emissions.

Let alone, say, methane, or any of the other greenhouse gases.

Sure, it won't be an apocalypse. But it will hurt a lot of countries, some of them quite poor, and it will hurt agriculture.

Australia is particularly badly affected. We're already in the middle of a 'drought' that's lasted so long it may as well be our default weather - which may or may not have been influenced by the increase in average global temperature, I don't know what scientists think on that particular issue - I'd like it not to become much worse.

The second coming will come, and I quote The Man Himself, "as a thief in the night."
Good to see somebody remembers that particular line.


Ce soir, on va danser.
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As weird as this might sound coming from me... I agree with Deck Knight. It's absolute hubris to think that humans have brought about (or could bring about) a massive climatic shift. I don't deny that we might be able to help a little bit and slightly hasten the arrival of the next ice age, but to think we're solely responsible for it is ludicrous.

Deck Knight

Blast Off At The Speed Of Light! That's Right!
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Top CAP Contributor Alumnusis a Top Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
Unfortunately, reality disagrees:

But hey, I'm sure all the scientists that think otherwise are part of a massive governmental conspiracy. The fact that CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere have risen by ~33% (From 280ppm to 379ppm) since industrialisation can't have anything to do with rapidly increasing anthropogenic CO2 emissions.
It's not necessarily a government conspiracy. It is, however, an extremely useful tool to get big government measures passed.

Also, maybe that was just a bad sentence on your part, but yes, CO2 emissions increasing leads to more CO2 concentrations. However, according to Pravda (as opposed to our propaganda machine, the New York Times, lol), we're entering a cooling period. Here in New England for example, the default climate was "a mile below ice" for tens of thousands of years. This was long, long before humans could muck things up. As a matter of fact, humans thrive in warmer climates. Humans expanded in great numbers in the medieval warm period.

Let alone, say, methane, or any of the other greenhouse gases.

Sure, it won't be an apocalypse. But it will hurt a lot of countries, some of them quite poor, and it will hurt agriculture.
You're a poor student of history if you think warming (which is theoretically caused by CO2) will in any way "hurt agriculture." Plants, like humans, thrive in warmer temperatures. You want to kill off vegetation, get yourself an ice age. That'll pretty much destroy every tree north of the Canadian border, what with being crushed by an impossibly heavy glacier. As far as hurting "poor countries," poor countries are poor because generally speaking their leaders are corrupt, they live off of foreign aid, and they live in tribalistic, backwards cultures. Robert Mugabe turned Rhodesia, which was otherwise fairly prosperous, into a financial sinkhole with 1,000,000+% inflation. Why? Because he decided kicking out the white farmers in his 75% black country was a higher goal that feeding his nation.

Poor countries get no sympathy from me. Climate is the least of their problems. Going back to Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, the reason they now have to import food instead of providing it to their neighbors is because a tin pot dictator seized power. Not because of "climate change" or anything other than a corrupt megalomaniac with a self-serving agenda.

Australia is particularly badly affected. We're already in the middle of a 'drought' that's lasted so long it may as well be our default weather - which may or may not have been influenced by the increase in average global temperature, I don't know what scientists think on that particular issue - I'd like it not to become much worse.
Like I said. In New England our default climate was "locked under a mile of ice" for tens of thousands of years. Inhospitability is climate neutral. if it gets too cold, glaciers wipe out polar dwellers. If it gets too warm, deserts expand in equatorial regions.

And all of this occurs without a shred of human intervention, inexorably, throughout the planet's history.

Good to see somebody remembers that particular line.
Well, I wouldn't be a very good practicing Catholic if I didn't at least remember the line basically telling us not to waste our energy predicting the second coming. It could come as I type this, or 2,000 years from now when I am long dead.

Now, had we lived in an alternate universe where every thief always comes in the night at 3AM every Tuesday, then I'd be pretty concerned for my salvation every Monday night. Or at least, lock my doors and windows.

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