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Tastes Like Candy
I don't know if this is the right place but guyS! I'm an artist


not really
So one day during truth or dare I had to go to a bathroom in main event and take a picture of my abs. Though that's possibly the lamest dare in all history, I nostalgically found the picture today:

EDIT: It looks like there's piss in that toilet... hot


You'll always be a part of me
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
this recent topic of abs reminded me of a realization i came to awhile back.

abs are nice but ultimately mean nothing nor do they really change anything. its funny because i wanted them for so long, especially considering that i was a very obese young man. dont get me wrong however, they are nice to have, yes. if you are willing to work hard for them then by all means, go ahead, but don't expect them to be as magical an experience as society and magazines make them out to be.

Please do not read too negatively into what i just said. last thing i want to do is discourage any ab aspirations anyone may have. i mean, shit, i love it when i catch a glance of myself in the mirror right before i get into the shower and after. it puts a smile on my face and has done wonders for my confidence levels.
all i read in that post was "man how can i stroke my cock by mentioning my abs i know i'll come across as fake modest like i do in every one of my f*cking posts"

im sorry but someone had to do it your posting style is incredibly predictable and it's annoying

hint: if it boosts self confidence, then it is a huge benefit and clearly means something


tits McGee (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
whoa ballabrown maybe you can give ninahaza some stroking tips with the dick currently shoved up your butt


You'll always be a part of me
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
please, all you need to do is just take a look at any posts of mine that includes pictures i've made on here and my facebook in say the last 6 months, and compare them to the last 12 months after that to see if any word in my previous post is an attempt to appear "fake modest".

i've actually been working a lot on not posting half naked pictures of myself, even if the reason is one that is justifiable, like an update. once my body started to take shape i also started losing control on just how much i jumped on any opportunity that came along for me to post a half naked picture of myself. It was after user Lee said something to me in one of our chats last year that i finally saw just how much almost every picture i posted just translated into me bragging.

you know what the worst part of your post is Ballabrown24? just how much it is going to affect me. its rare that a post made on the internet can get to me. you can even hurl insults at my way and call me names and usually the best you'll get is a "heh" or a half smile from me, but your post is not even half an hour old and i can already feel its effects mentally.

its funny because just a few days ago at sakura Con i contemplated doing a shirtless, no vest version of Rock lee with his nun chucks for the 2nd day of the con, in fact it was something i thought about that whole week leading up to the con, but ultimately decided not to because of what i mentioned above about me working on not bragging visually (i know i still have a long way to go, but i was proud i stuck to fully clothed rock lee). Also this topic of abs didn't start a few hours ago, i've had time to be fake modest or brag if i wanted. When i saw that hyperbeam had posted an ab shot, i grabbed my phone and wanted to take a quick "ab flexing" shot, post it and hope for one of those events where someone posts a photo and then another person picks on that and a chain starts, but ultimately after about an hour of back and forth with myself i settled for the post you so easily criticized.

sorry i dont mean to shit out a sob story and i'm not asking for anyone to feel sorry for me. i am not going through a hard time, this is all just still a bit sensitive for me as i still work on this problem i clearly developed somewhere along the lines of my weight loss success. i am just sensitive on the matter more than anything right now, which is why i am sure your post will turn out to be one of the rare times a negative post on me actually gets to me. thanks brah


tits McGee (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
joseph, how anyone reacts to your clothed or non-clothed body is not your problem. so long as you enjoy and love yourself, don't give a FUCK what any sorry boy, or sorry anyone has to say about you appreciating your abs, or whatever else.

and for someone who has literally worked his ass off to achieve the results you have, i'd say you have more than enough 'bragging' time to make up for.

it's really dumb for other people to react negatively to dedication and hard work!!! if you're so fussy about someone getting attention, get off your own ass and exercise and achieve a body you'd similarly enjoy showcasing just a tad - being happy and healthy surely induces confidence, and people set on downplaying or belittling such hard work are CHUMPS


You'll always be a part of me
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Thank you, Alison. I think i really needed to hear that

and oh, by the way Ballabrown, there was no need for you to give that hint in your post. I was clearly making a positive case for anyone wanting to work hard enough for abs when i mentioned the confidence boost. Call it an attempt to balance the negative with me ending off on a positive point


be the upgraded version of me
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don't worry my bro Ninahaza; I am enjoying meself some abs, too



but srsly - don't lose sight of the goal you established for yourself and keep on going strong!
If you want to post half naked pics Nina of your progress you do that, as long as yiur mind and heart are pure its not your responsibility to guard other people's feelings. I mean they would'nt have an issue unless they want it and don't want to work for it or they just hate you personally.

I have to disagree about the abs experience, the attention I got (I lost the definition some time ago but Im a few months away of a successful come back) was overwhelming, especially from the opposite sex. You wont drown in panties but the overall strength and confidence that comes from training so hard is something special.

But Ill agree with you on the point its not worth obsessing about or spending so much time that you stop playing or socializing with people, it's something that should come eventually after puting regular and constant effort.

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