The Rainbow League [Round 1] : Proving Ground

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"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Then, God created humankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them, male and female he created them. To differenciate them, He created the colors, 8 colors for 8 Nations. Afterwards, God got bored as shit and left the World for a better place. Without God, the 8 Nations started to skin themselves alive. To put an end to this madness, the 8 Nations decided to institute the Rainbow League. By fighting in the Rainbow League, the Nations would decide which Nation would be the strongest, with (almost) no bloodshed. For this, each Nation would need to select a Champion, and send him to the Rainbow League, where he would fight the other Champions.
The winner of the Rainbow League is the Rainbow Champion, and since God left this world, he would be considered by all the Nations, as the one and only true God."

Sega Genesis 1.0 beta

In the previous edition, McMeghan from Blue Moon came out victorious and was crowned Champion of the Rainbow League in a fierce battle against FLCL from Yellow Comet, who became a traitor to his own color in the finals.
Everything seemed right and fair, and the world was finally at peace...
However, one day, the ruler of the Color Nations vanished, leaving being him an empty alumnus'd throne awaiting for its next owner.
YOU, are a citizen who decided to stand up, and join the fray for the chance to be the one and only, Rainbow Champion.
So fight, fight for your color, fight for your Nation, fight for your family, your friends or your own selfish self, for no one is going to call your motive into question once you'll become the one and only RAINBOW CHAMPION.

Previous Edition : R1 / R2 / R3 / Quarters / Semis / Finals

The most ferocious of the 8 Nations. Its citizens are all fierce brawlers who have a really simple vision of the world around them : There are two kinds of people, the dominant, and the dominated. If you ever face someone from the Red Nation, don't show them any weakness if you don't want to end up in the wrong team. Their previous champion JohnYiu lost in a nailbiter against the previous Rainbow Champion.

The most developed Nation, in terms of economy, or science. It is definitely where you'd live if you're looking for comfort. Its citizens are knowledgeable and peaceful people, but they also feel like the burden of educating the other Nations lie on their shoulders. This superiority complex only grew bigger when their own champion McMeghan defeated the Rainbow League. They maintain a cold rivalry with Red Star, as the way they see the world is diametrically opposite.

This Nation is the poorest in terms of natural ressources, yet, it's also the second most developed Nation, technology wise. They live in an immense desert, and are very proud of their ability to survive in so inhospitable an environment. The engineers of the Yellow Comet are able to do more with less, no one should undervalue their ingenuity. In the eyes of most people, they are seen as colorful and weird characters, which may be very true when you look at FLCL . The people of Yellow Comet have been immensely hurt when their previous Champion made the decision to betray them to join Purple Sky, and are now awaiting for the chance to get back at their ennemies for the humiliation.

The people of the forest, as the other Nations love to call them. Living in the biggest forest of the world, they are in total harmony with Nature. Their ability to survive in such a wild world is a proof of the rough strength that the Green Nation possess. As untamable as they seem though, North did not make it very far the last time. Mother Nature may be the silent kind of lady, she's definitely not going to let History repeat.

The richest nation in terms of natural ressources. The Brown citizens are farmers most of the time. Their life is usually really simple : receive what your parents left, and work all your heart to build up an even better property for your children to inherit. Threaten what their line built over time, and they will defend it with a fury that you would never expect from people that humble. pokebasket surely made his family proud as he attempted to climb at the very top of the Rainbow League, but any place that isn't number 1 will simply not be enough for Brown Field.

The mystical Purple Nation. Simply alluding to the name of this Nation would strike fear into the hearts of most people. They are few, but are known as dangerous, and pernicious. Citizens of the Purple Nation are supposed to possess magic powers. Remember your mom's words : "You better eat all your meal, or you might become the new victim of a Purple malediction". Lockheed surely casted a very dark shadow over the previous Rainbow League, until he got defeated by the Yellow Nation. Everybody thought that it was the end of the Purple Nation, and yet they managed to make FLCL their puppet to fight in the Rainbow League Finals... who knows which trick they are going to pull off this time around. One thing is for sure though, never count out the Purple Nation. Remember, your shadow will never ever leave you either, no matter how fast you run.

The rivals of the Purple Nation. These two Nations fought for years, and share a real aversion to each other. Last year was really a rough one for Pink Ozone, as they were defeated by Purple Sky in the early stages of the competition. Maybe Honus was not quite the Champion they were needing to overcome their ennemy.
The Pink Nation always criticized the Purple cult of mystical energies, and fight for the good ! Or so they say... Are you one to fight for the greater interest, or are you yet another selfish, lost and weak human ?

The mines of the Gray Nation are a ressources that every other Nation would love to obtain. See, steel and iron are two rare ressources among the Nations, and the Gray Galaxy has a total control over this market. The strong minors of the Gray Nations are not fighters to be underestimated. They sent their most experience warlord YABO to fight in the previous Rainbow League, and yet did not manage to put in danger Brown Field's own Champion. Will this year be the one for Gray Galaxy. No doubt that they will keep trying regardless of the outcome, for their will is as solid as iron.

The war between the Pink and the Purple Nations generated a wasteland, made of the territories claimed over and over by the two Nations. In the end, a new bastard country was created : the Black Hole. Its citizens are creepy and ruthless, used to the life in the hell of a battlefield. In the last edition, Black Hole joined Purple Sky which helped them greatly in order to defeat the Sky Ozone's alliance with White Constellation.

The citizens of the White religion believe that they are supposed to spread the good Word. Anybody can become a citizen of this nomad entity. As long as you believe that God is still here, somewhere, you'll have the right to claim your affiliation to the Holy people. May God come to their rescue this year, as the previous one was nothing but a massacre for them.​

  • I'll be really strict on the activity, and sub out anybody inactive really fast, so if you think that you can idle the first rounds, you're dead wrong. Each round will last either 5 or 7 days, and I'm not planning to ever delay any round so that's onto you to get your battle done.
  • I may handpick the players.
  • Every player will be randomly given a color, and will have to use pokemons belonging to this color. HERE is the color pokedex.
  • You can use a Mega Evolution, regardless of its color, as long as the normal form belongs to your color. For instance, if you belong to the Red Nation and use Charizard, then you don't break any rule by playing Charizard-X.
  • If you're caught using pokemons of another color, you instantly lose the battle.
  • Every round will have a specific rule, so please pay attention.
General Rules
General Tournament Guidelines apply (
In addition to the above, you are playing in standard ORAS OU, meaning the following Clauses are in effect for each battle unless otherwise explicitly stated.

Standard Rules and Clauses
Sleep Clause: A player cannot put two or more different opposing Pokémon to sleep using attacks that induce sleep to opposing Pokémon.
Species Clause: A player cannot have two of the same Pokémon on their team. For example, a player cannot have two Koffing on his or her team.
Evasion Clause: A player cannot use the moves Double Team or Minimize in their Pokémon's movesets.
OHKO Clause: Players cannot use Horn Drill, Guillotine, Sheer Cold, or Fissure in any of their Pokémon's movesets.
Swagger Clause: Players cannot use Swagger in any of their Pokémon's movesets.
Team Preview: Players must turn on the Team Preview feature where players can view the opposing team's Pokémon and choose their lead Pokémon.
Timer Clause: If a player exhausts the timer, he/she loses.
Endless Battle Clause: Any moveset on any pokemon that is capable of intentionally causing an endless battle is banned from competitive play. Check this thread for more informations.
Baton Pass Clause: Check this thread.
Uber Clause: Players may not use any items, moves, abilities, or Pokemon that appear on Smogon's OU Ban List. If the tiers change or new items, abilities, moves, or Pokemon become available in the middle of a round, the changes will take effect in the following round. There will be an announcement in the relevant round if this occurs.

1) Reymedy
2) ???
3) boudouche
4) Arifeen
5) p2
6) Entei.
7) GreenGogoatttt
8) Level 56
9) Lax
10) Confluxx
11) We Three Kings
13) Get this Money
14) Threw
15) rnbs
16) Twixtry
17) Mounts
18) Void
19) Obliviate
20) Sapientia
21) Disbelief
22) SparksBlade
23) iVid
24) miltankmilk
25) Lfrs
26) GotCookies
27) Erz
28) TUO
29) Xander of Nohr
30) Sabella
31) YABO
32) fran17
33) Googly
34) Melle2402
35) thekeytoyourheart
36) FLCL
37) H-C
38) TraceofLife
39) Leru
40) North
41) Crestfall
42) Teclis
43) Arii Stella
44) megaqwer:D
45) Brian12345
46) Rayzark
47) Eien
48) Jethalal
49) Megazard
50) Coconut.
51) Don Slime
52) RedMaxx
53) Cherub Agent
54) Brokengoth
55) Welli0u
56) Bedschibaer
57) Adam the first
58) Korby
59) Sonired
60) jacob
61) Kurukaito
62) JohnYiu
63) Anno nyme
64) Go10
65) Ruppy
66) FlamingVictini
67) Cynthia612
68) Iloveleague
69) Updated Kanto
70) Rain.
71) rob.
72) Weegah
73) fatty
74) Drud
75) LeoLancaster
76) Hitmontop129
77) Zephir
78) tjdaas
79) r0ady
80) rozes
81) Srn
82) Reken
83) -Niko-
84) soTsoT
85) Conquer Phoenix
86) Hammyosman
87) Niadev
88) 5th
89) tnt is bad
90) dEnIsSsS
91) BlazingDark
92) color the sky
93) Star.
94) slurmz
95) Rampecker
96) Nudisto
97) MikeDecIsHere
98) TonyFlygon
99) Pearl
100) Snowy.
101) PassablyFleek
102) Zebraiken
103) HQuaze
104) Dlanyer
105) Axel™
106) Gentleman Tech
107) Zyx14
108) littlelucario
109) River Martini
110) HeraChris
111) Team Rocket Science
112) 0kay
113) Syncrasy
114) Dominatio
115) March Fires
116) BanSpecsMachamp
117) failsohard
118) Drangonn.
119) Texas Cloverleaf
120) jaydragonmaster
121) darrell1297
122) White Lion18
123) Haruno
124) Landa
125) sand1234
126) leremyju
127) Flares.
128) shartruce

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ne craint personne
is a Top Tutor Alumnusis a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Top Team Rater Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnus
The Proving Ground.
"Uh, so you thought you were ready?"

JohnYiu Vs. sand1234
Melle2402 Vs. jacob
iVid Vs. GreenGogoatttt
Lfrs Vs. Welli0u (coinflip)
Sapientia Vs. BanSpecsMachamp
Luigi. Vs. failsohard
silver97 Vs. Threw
rob. Vs. Hitmontop129

??? Vs. Rain.
tnt is bad Vs. Zephir
5th Vs. Rampecker
Obliviate Vs. Reken
FlamingVictini Vs. darrell1297
Get This Money Vs. March Fires
jaydragonmaster Vs. littlelucario

0kay Vs. Rayzark

Star. Vs. Googly
r0ady Vs. Disbelief
Srn Vs. Landa
Mysterious M Vs. pokebasket
Arii Stella Vs. Dzi
Dominatio Vs. Villa
shartruce Vs. Hammyosman
Level 56 Vs. thekeytoyourheart

Coconut. Vs. Sabella
Cynthia612 Vs. YABO
Sonired Vs. Korby
rnbs Vs. Drud
White Lion18 Vs. boudouche
Texas Cloverleaf Vs. p2
fran17 Vs. Rockhp
FLCL Vs. megaqwer:D

dEnIsSsS Vs. Axel™
Reymedy Vs. Brian12345
Ruppy Vs. Haruno
Crestfall Vs. tjdaas
Syncrasy Vs. Crystalram
Brokengoth Vs. LeoLancaster
Eien Vs. Don Slime
Niadev Vs. TSR

Conquer Phoenix Vs. Nudisto
Updated Kanto Vs. Yachy
soTsoT Vs. Cherub Agent
HQuaze Vs. Megazard
Drangonn. Vs. Xander of Nohr
Alvis Astley Vs. Twixtry
Adam the first Vs. SparksBlade
Iloveleague Vs. Arifeen

RedMaxx Vs. Mimolette
BKC Vs. Bedschibaer
Anno nyme Vs. Team Rocket Science
Knuckstrike Vs. rozes
We Three Kings Vs. TUO(coinflip)
Mounts Vs. Lax
Jethalal Vs. badabing
Kurukaito Vs. slurmz

leremyju Vs. Leru
miltankmilk Vs. Entei.
Mr. Perry Vs. Confluxx(coinflip)
Void Vs. Teclis (coinflip)
Pearl Vs. PassablyFleek
MikeDecIsHere Vs. Snowy.
TonyFlygon Vs. Zyx14
fatty Vs. Weegah

This round will be your first step into the Rainbow League, paired with another member of your own Nation, only one fighter shall emerge victorious. Good luck.
DEADLINE : 7 days from this post. I'll do an activity check in 3 days and sub out people accordingly.

PS: If you signed up but do not appear on this post, it means that you missed the 128 men cutoff. You've been by default put in the substitutes list, let me know if you wish to be taken away from here.
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is a Community Leaderis a Top Tiering Contributoris a Team Rater Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
RU Leader
Contacted on PS, will play tomorrow or the day after
e: Friday
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Fairy MMM

Banned deucer.
For some reason I didn't get a notification saying I was tagged here, anyways opp contacted me hopefully scheduling works out because different timezones

Edit: Is there a round specific rule yet or nah?


ne craint personne
is a Top Tutor Alumnusis a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Top Team Rater Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnus
For some reason I didn't get a notification saying I was tagged here, anyways opp contacted me hopefully scheduling works out because different timezones

Edit: Is there a round specific rule yet or nah?
just xenforo things i guess
and no if it wasnt clear, there's no special rule yet, you and your opponent will be using the pokemon belonging to your color that you can see HERE

Fairy MMM

Banned deucer.
just xenforo things i guess
and no if it wasnt clear, there's no special rule yet, you and your opponent will be using the pokemon belonging to your color that you can see HERE
I knew about this being basically monocolor (for now) already. Anyways ty
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