Tattle Taler's Paradise (Wi-Fi Battles Blacklist as of May 1st, 2013)

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was a hacker
he used a whimsicott with spore, and ignore sleep clause, he i had 6 dragon dances on my dragonite(which took long stall with roosts) after i kill his poke he sends in whimsicott and prankster spores me, i switch into my umbreon to use heal bell but he also uses spore on my switch. he aslo had an imposter ability ditto and he never sign saying he uses unreleased dw abilities


He must be put on hacker list so others can see

please put him on list for hackers so

Expert Evan

every battle has a smell!
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
blacklist updated as only few got added rest got ignored.

FailAtGTA finally reported something properly after being warned several times in the past so there is hope for some of you. Ironic that others tried to report FailAtGTA in the past, so consider yourself lucky that they did not read the rules when attempting to do so.

Edit: once is correct actually.
I was only warned once but now I make sure to keep the conversation open even if they leave it early. I also copy the FC just incase I leave by accident and cant get a hold of them.

I would like to report this username: aleiex. Username FC (5th gen): 0304 4303 4151. Link to profile: http://www.smogon.com/forums/member.php?u=124447

I would like to report the username aleiex. He/She ragequit on me from the start of the battle of the battle. I had a Smeargle lead VS his/her Tyranitar. Smeargle used Substitute, TTar used Dragon dance. TTar used DDance, Smeargle used Spore. TTar is asleep, Smeargle used Shell Smash. I kept shell smashing until I had +6 in Atk, SpAtk, and Spe while he/she kept DDancing whenever it woke up. I followed the Sleep Clause to the letter. Once I had max stats, I spored him one more time for good measure and he/she immediately left the chat and DC'd simultaneously. That is obviously a legal play and I feel like I've been cheated of a good game.
I'd like to report cvalera12 for dc'ing on me in a match where it was balanced at 5 pokes each. However i got his scizor burnt with a W-o-W and then got his paraflinching jirachi paralyzed making the two biggest threats to my team crippled. Him winning the match wud have been a long shot and realising this he d/c's on me and this happened as soon as I paralyzed his rachi. He also disconnected from the chat box just b4 the d/c confirming to me that it was deliberate.

<cvalera12> hi
<BuBBleGumBoi> hey
<cvalera12> 1 min
<cvalera12> im in
<cvalera12> ?
<BuBBleGumBoi> can u see me?
<cvalera12> yup
<cvalera12> 1 min
<cvalera12> thanks
<cvalera12> wat move did u use
<cvalera12> i missed it
Your opponent disconnected.

There it is if it helps at all. His FC is : 0819 3376 4772. Link to profile: http://www.smogon.com/forums/member.php?u=125426

Expert Evan

every battle has a smell!
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
blacklist updated as the last 2 posted here certainly are good readers. Not too long ago we added this following rule concerning hackers:
New: for hacker accusation, save the battle video and upload to get a battle video if possible and report it here. If unable to, please describe the error received when attempting to upload. Failure to attempt this shall only be further ignored as well.
Now compare that with what got recently reported here as an example of poor reporting from someone here already blacklisted:
was a hacker
he used a whimsicott with spore, and ignore sleep clause, he i had 6 dragon dances on my dragonite(which took long stall with roosts) after i kill his poke he sends in whimsicott and prankster spores me, i switch into my umbreon to use heal bell but he also uses spore on my switch. he aslo had an imposter ability ditto and he never sign saying he uses unreleased dw abilities


He must be put on hacker list so others can see

please put him on list for hackers so
Hey I was battling HookemHorns and he DC'd as I was very close to winning. It was 2-2 but I had the advantage by a lot. Heres the chat log:

<HookemHorns> hey
<FailAtGTA> Hi
<FailAtGTA> Im going in
<FailAtGTA> Ill host
<FailAtGTA> Man this is getting annoying
<FailAtGTA> I forgot to remove people from the pal pad
<FailAtGTA> Theres 2 people who kept laving the chat and they both keep trying to battle me
<FailAtGTA> You host
<FailAtGTA> I wont be able to >.<
<FailAtGTA> Remind me to remove them from my pal pad after this
<FailAtGTA> Uh...
<HookemHorns> wat
<FailAtGTA> The Darkrai that used Spacial Rend
<HookemHorns> ya wat about it
<FailAtGTA> It cant learn it
<HookemHorns> ya it can
<FailAtGTA> Only Palkia can learn it
<HookemHorns> darkai learns it through an event
<FailAtGTA> Which one?
<FailAtGTA> I check events regularly
<HookemHorns> it was a 4th gen event for the movie it was in
<FailAtGTA> Im surprised at how well my Groudon did
<FailAtGTA> I threw him on my team just because
<FailAtGTA> ...
<FailAtGTA> Really...?
<HookemHorns> that wasnt me
<FailAtGTA> Im always at 3 bars because Im a few feet from my router
<HookemHorns> lik i didn dc on purpose
<FailAtGTA> They always DC when Im about to win -.-
<HookemHorns> it probably was me though cuz i was kinda far from my router
<HookemHorns> but u had me gg man
<FailAtGTA> Well then move closer to it
<FailAtGTA> Also that seemed very intentional to me
<FailAtGTA> Considering I was winning
<HookemHorns> wat evr dude it wasnt on purpose so u can just think wat evr the fuck u want ti i dont dc lik a little bitch when im gonna lose
<FailAtGTA> No need to get so angry

FC: 2666 5992 3835.
Profile: http://www.smogon.com/forums/member.php?u=117990
happyjuicestick DC'd on a losing battle. The first round crit he was refering to was HIM critting me lol.
profile: http://www.smogon.com/forums/member.php?u=122004
Frendcode: I deleted since I wasnt aware of the "blacklist" rules updates. For future reference, I will be keeping those.
<happyjuicestick> Hai Noah
<happyjuicestick> How is your morning?
<Noah_S> heyy
<Noah_S> heading on
<happyjuicestick> WOW
<happyjuicestick> WOWOW
<happyjuicestick> FIRST ROUND CRIT
<happyjuicestick> WOW
<happyjuicestick> D:
<Noah_S> gg
<Noah_S> ohh you have something lleft loool
<happyjuicestick> Bullshit
Your opponent disconnected.
I'd like to report that guy over there, FailAtGTA (http://www.smogon.com/forums/member.php?u=124077) FC: 2279 9608 4498 (BW) He wouldn't make a move with only one pokemon left, I don't know if there's a term for that. I had read about him being a dc'er but I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. Here's the chatlog:

<JoeyH> sorry about that
<FailAtGTA> I dont continue battles when people leave the chat
<FailAtGTA> First sign of a disconnecter
<JoeyH> I closed my browser by accident
<JoeyH> Okay, so either you have a weird set on you Haxorus, or you had it hacked poorly
<FailAtGTA> I dont use any hacks on my OU team
<JoeyH> Then how come your Haxorus was faster than my Mienshao?
<FailAtGTA> Trick Room
<JoeyH> oh, right
<FailAtGTA> You should pay more attention to the battles
<FailAtGTA> I should switch back to my other OU team
<FailAtGTA> It works really well compared to this one
<FailAtGTA> Basically I picked random Pokemon for it
<JoeyH> right
<FailAtGTA> As you can see, theres nothing special about it
<JoeyH> uh hu
<FailAtGTA> You have the classic, overused pussy tactic
<JoeyH> which one would taht be?
<FailAtGTA> Wow, how you didnt catch that I will never know...
<FailAtGTA> Hit and run, obviously
<FailAtGTA> Its the worst and most overused tactic there is
<FailAtGTA> Only a complete pussy would use it
<JoeyH> There's also pointless stall
<FailAtGTA> Anyway, I have to go for supper
<FailAtGTA> Ill leave my DS on and Ill be back in about 10-15
<JoeyH> Talk about pussy...
<JoeyH> So... I'm guessing no win for me?
<JoeyH> You think this won't go the the forums? I had read about you, but I chose to see if the rumors were true
<JoeyH> Seems to me you're not a disconnecter, quite the opposite
<JoeyH> But, if you're not gonna end this like you should, I guess there's nothing else I can do
<JoeyH> Later, dude
Joey, Ive already explained why I couldnt come back at the time I stated. I didnt plan for the guy to come check out my house. Also, I have never disconnected intentionally. The previous reports were do to internet connection failure and some guy being a douche. Basically, Im as legit as it gets because I dont use hacks unless I use Ubers and only 1 of them is a hack. As I posted on your wall, I will rematch you and you did win the last battle for sure.

If you want to discuss this further, please send a private message. Ill be on for a while as the PSN is down for today.
I played Nincada and he accused me of DCing when i did not and i told him i didnt and he proceeded to slander me with negative comments.
i want to report aleiex because he dc when he losses, i played with him my friend played with him and he alwasy dissconnect

Expert Evan

every battle has a smell!
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
blacklist with only one update now, intriguing that last 3 of 4 posts here have all been warned. I don't really enjoy giving out warnings, but I must for your own good.
Not sure what happened here, but it MIGHT have been a ragequit. I was battling charmander2416. His FC is 2065 3208 3612. Very shortly after starting, he clicked "End Battle" so we couldn't do additional chat to resolve the issue. In the middle of the battle, it simply said "communication error." All I have from chat is:

<Deoxys 386> Going in
<charmander2416> im in
<Deoxys 386> good luck
Your opponent ended the battle.

I'm not sure if this was him disconnecting or not, but it can't hurt to post here and ask.


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Not sure what happened here, but it MIGHT have been a ragequit.

I'm not sure if this was him disconnecting or not, but it can't hurt to post here and ask.
Don't be so quick to report people. Talk it out with the other party first to see if it is a miscommunication, or if the other person is just an asshole. In the latter case, you should report them to us.
Try asking them first. I know Im violating the OP but at least I read it
I was battling Kirnockerbam just a few minutes ago and I'm accusing him of rage-quitting.

I switched my Tentacruel into his scarf-Starmie's Ice Beam and obviously it didn't do a lot of damage, so predicting whatever, he switched into his Blissey. On his switch, I just set up my Toxic Spikes just so they would be there. He tried to go for Toxic on my Tentacruel predicting something to come in for reasons I don't even know, and obviously that didn't work, which gave me a free second layer of Toxic Spikes. I'm going to switch out into Scizor now because Tentacruel can't really do anything to Blissey, not caring what he does in particular. He ends up double-switching into Gengar, and that situation is perfect for me because I can take out his Gengar right away with Bullet Punch. He took forever to make a move, so I figured he was thinking about his options and decided to wait. He probably realized he was screwed in the long run of this battle and decided to rage quit after about 4 minutes of not doing anything and making me wait. How annoying.

Also, my predictions were spot-on in this match and I was looking forward to seeing how it would end.

Here is the chat log:

<DeathHound96> Sup
<Kirnockerbam> Just tryin to get some battles in
<DeathHound96> Same lol, imgoing in
<Kirnockerbam> Me to
<DeathHound96> Can you see me?
<Kirnockerbam> No, let me reconnect
<DeathHound96> Holy crap let me rc
<Kirnockerbam> k
<Kirnockerbam> I'll do it to
<DeathHound96> I'm inside again
<DeathHound96> Why u dc bro
<DeathHound96> Not cool

I've yet to end the chat and he hasn't replied yet. I know I need to talk it out with him and stuff and see what the hell is going on with him first, but it's been about 20 minutes since I sent "Not cool" and neither of us have ended the chat yet.

Kirnockerbam's FC: 3010 2099 5202
Kirnockerbam's Profile: http://www.smogon.com/forums/member.php?u=122840

Anyways, I usually take these stupid D/Cs with a grain of salt but this one annoyed me because my predictions were pretty good in this match, and most of the time they're mediocre.
Rage quit

I was battling against Dennisaurus and I was most likely going to sweep him with my Dragonite the match about halfway through with me in a 6-3 battle with me having my dragonite swords danced and outraged his 3 pokemon this is my first day battling people on smogon and I could have easily swept the rest of his team and won which would be my first win but after the turn he rage quits and ends the match I was not to happy because I should of had my first win in that game
Hello again, I would like to report DeliMonster for using legal hacks without telling me beforehand. Heres the important part of the chat log:

<FailAtGTA> Mm I can tell that Blastoise is hacked
<FailAtGTA> Gg
<DeliMonster> its not
<DeliMonster> my blastoise is max spdef
<DeliMonster> with iron defense
<FailAtGTA> Caught with a Dusk Ball
<FailAtGTA> Thats clearly hacked
<DeliMonster> yeah they are all poke gened
<FailAtGTA> But you didnt say you use legal hacks...
<FailAtGTA> Mine are all 100% legit
<FailAtGTA> If you're going to use hacked Pokemon, you have to state that you use legal hacks
<DeliMonster> good for you you want a kudos bar i have legits too but most of my legit ev trained still suck
Your opponent ended the battle.

His FC is: 2709 5773 2358
Heres his profile: http://www.smogon.com/forums/member.php?u=127184

Now hes asking for battles and he says hes using legal hacks now.

Expert Evan

every battle has a smell!
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
We can hardly wait until we get a hack report with a successful battle video for us to review:
New: for hacker accusation, save the battle video and upload to get a battle video (via GTS, not Youtube) if possible and report it here. If unable to, please describe the error received when attempting to upload. Failure to attempt this shall only be further ignored as well.
Theres no way for me to upload a video though, as I play on my DS and dont have any type of video camera, which is unfortunate. But yeah, he did state that he uses hacks at the end of the battle. If I can figure out a way to upload videos, Ill be sure to do it.

Expert Evan

every battle has a smell!
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
To make things clear, when we mean upload battle videos, it's via GTS, not youtube. When you save the battle video after completion of match, you can go to the last gal on right and select the 4th option for "Battle Video", then it will give you the option to send the last saved battle video. Once successfully completed, it will give you a number (ie. 99-85554-81636 to see one of my recent matches). That number is what we expect to see which is only good until you had saved another 5 battles on the GTS.
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