Smogon Tournament #9 - Round 1

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Activity Win Request

My opponent VMed me on the 26th of November asking when we could play for the tournament, and I responded with that week's Saturday. We played our first match, which I won, on December 1st. Afterwards, my opponent stated that he needed time to create a new team.

I queried my opponent on IRC on December 3rd, asking if we could play, and he said that he could not play yet. I queried him again on December 4th asking if he could play, and he said he could play on the weekend. I sent several queries to him throughout the weekend asking if we could play, and he was unresponsive. When I asked him on the 9th if we could play, he responded with:

[11:18] <kd24> cant play atm
[11:18] <kd24> please stop poking me

I sent my opponent two more VMs yesterday, asking if we could ever be able to play our second match, and then stating my timezone. He has yet to respond. My opponent has been somewhat active on IRC and the forums throughout this.
Activity Win Request

I contacted my opponent on the 26th and till now I haven't received a single response.

activity post, since my op didnt answer about meeting for our last battle
second activity post. i am chasing my opp... i am on almost everyday (since i write a lot for university atm...)
he is on every now and than, and just responds strangely...
he was ill today, and i am not quite sure if will be able to be online tomorrow.
i just wanted to say it would be unfair if he wants an activity win if the last battle (standing 1-1) wasn´t done... ( just check our VMs and you see who is writing whom.)

Sorry for the mistakes, i am no native speaker


dont you worry child
Activity Win Request

My opp contacted me the 26th (the day when EW posted the round), We schedule the battle for the sunday, the saturday I answered him and I said that day was ok for me, the saturday I was here and he didn't appear. He said he have a problem and can't came to battle. The 8th Dec he said he can play this day and I contacted him, I sended 2 VMs and I have no responde from him.

Also He's only posting activity and ignoring me.
activity win request

my opp vmd me the day the round was posted or thereabouts. i replied a day later and he didn't reply for 4 or 5 days idr. i gave him a few times i was available and he said he would be on but didn't specify which time he would be on. i could only be on for one of these times so i guessed and i guessed wrong as when i came on, he wasn't. i vmd him again on the 5th and didn't receive a reply until the 11th. this game will (likely) not get done as my opponent refuses to play until the weekend despite being on for hours every day(!), and he refuses to play at night altogether, which is when i'm most available because of school / work.
Activity post - my sub left me a VM and I replied trying to schedule a battle but he hasn't said anything for the 2-3 days since.
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