
I usually go for walks in a nearby forest either with my dogs or alone. Staring at the top of the trees while walking really relaxes me for some reason. If I take music with me I'll enter a completely oblivious state where I don't react, just think and stare. If I take music it's usually something melodic and soft like Rachel's, Enya, Constance Demby, Lisa Gerrard, Constance Demby, William Basinski etc.

Usually New Age music relaxes me a lot though I hate the concept of Relaxation music described as "new age music that allows inner meditation blablaba". It sounds like a bundle of crap to me, though I tend to enjoy such music.
Play with the cat. Nothing more relaxing than watching a cat freak out over a piece of string or try to disembowel a stuffed mouse. ^^
I like to go outside and lie around staring at the sky, listening to music. Generally when I want to relax I listen to Pink Floyd or the Allman Brothers Band. Climbing a tree and watching cars go by my house also works for me.

If you just have finished lifting weights or running, you can just lie on the ground and go to sleep, I suppose that being asleep is pretty relaxing.

Unfortunately, my cat is really lazy, and usually if you try to taunt it with a string, it really won't do anything, so eh...
I also have a relaxation play list, or "Anti-Depressant," since whenever I'm not relaxed I'm depressed or anxious (over something not worth it usually lol). About half an hour of it really does me some good. Getting lost in a good book or addictive game is escape from reality, which in some sense is relaxation (or atleast to me). Above all, though, a nice, long walk by yourself is probably the most soothing thing. Rain or snow can help too.

Relaxing is goooooood.
I like to draw, and listen to music when I'm trying to relax. I don't go anywhere near my Pokemon when I'm relaxing, since I'm always completely serious on the battlefield.

But sometimes, I like to listen to music while I play. Hey, listening to the same music every time you battle someone gets old after a while, right?


jet fuel can't melt steel beams
is a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Past WCoP Champion
Going out with family and friends, showering, sleeping and I guess just reading a book on a rainy day. They help me relax. =\


what are birds? we just don't know.
is a Community Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnus
I call up my friend, we go for a drive to some dark countryside lane and smoke a few joints with whoever else is about. There's something really great about getting baked with limited entertainment. You talk a whole lot more and the evening lasts for that much longer.
i usually turn on some ambient/ mellow trance music and basically meditate on what is stressing me out. i also do kata (karate fighting, for lack of a better word, dances) for some reason immersing myself in an imaginary fight helps to relieve my tension, as if my problems are my opponents and i am killing them off one by one. i guess its pretty violent but i have always found that physical exertion and general aggressiveness towards inanimate objects helps relieve tension on my mind. painting is also another huge outlet for me. i love to paint my emotions and just let whatever comes out flow onto the canvas. i keep those paintings pretty close to me though, only a few family members and close friends even know they exist


red eyes no visine
is a Team Rater Alumnus
Usally put some some music on. Lay in my Bed, and think of things i have done in Life. Taking a bath works well too.
Well, relaxation for me usually involves 20 mg of valium, 250 mg of scotch, 10 mg of ambien and listening to metallica.
When I need a few minutes to just relax, I usually go to a quiet room, take a pen or pencil or something, and sit down and start twirling it. The only thing I think about is...nothing really. I just zone out for a few minutes.

On rare occasions, I might smoke a Black and Mild or something, but the key word is rare.
I like to listen to music, walk through the park near my apartment or listen to music and stare at the sky on the roof [of my apartment]. The last one is my favorite to do, it really clears my mind.
clove cigarettes are pretty cool too. i don't inhale though... wouldn't want that shit in my lungs, i usually just hold the smoke in my mouth until it goes numb. weed is good for the relaxation. although for some reason when i mix pot and alcohol i get really energetic...don't know why.
Whenever i get uptight and need a good laugh i enter the yahoo chat politics room. The rabid arguments in there are comedy gold. Something Awful and ytmnd are also good for entertainment. I will also play a game on my 360, something mellow like oblivion or hexic. Games like pokemon are not good for relaxing because it requires concentration and it can piss you off big time. Like when your meteor mash misses three times in a row.
I find FreeCell very relaxing. Add some good music, pretty much any kind of beverage and a footrest and I'm good to go.
Taking a shower is definite because its one of the few things where no one will bother you, and you can stay there for as long as you want to. Other than that reading a book, listening to my Ipod before going to bed(although I fall asleep with it on every night). Playing favorite game of mine.


Watch old Packers games, i have them all taped since 2001 @ bears. Or ill go in my basement and pitch a simulated baseball game if i need to let off some steam.

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