Real-world territories that will never be Pokemon regions

Much earlier on someone talked about the Middle East/MENA not being a viable location because land, and thus Pokemon, diversity would be lacking but I've got to disagree there. Possible inspirations include -

Normal - Pretty easy to envision
Fire - Blistering suns, nomadic campfires, ifrit demons (great Dark/Ghost crosstyping potential)
Water - Oases, Gulfs
Grass - more shrubbery than trees, lean into grass-type livestock to reflect agriculture. Also plants signature exports like pistachios and coffee beans.
Electric - Not a lot, but there aren't really electric mice in the woods either (looking at you Pikachu)
Fighting - Nomadic warriors / more stuff pulled from lore
Ice - Deserts are notoriously cold overnight and there are actually famous ski resorts in places like Iran and Lebanon. It's not all deserts, they have mountains too.
Poison - We've dipped into scorpions already, but Muk 2.0 is right there with the oil fields
Ground - Desert. Done.
Flying - birds.
Psychic - Playing into seers, maybe stars of the desert sky
Bug - Scarabs basically have a mythology of their own
Rock - Mountains like everywhere else, but maybe with some mythological flair. Toss in some history with the Rosetta Stone.
Ghost - Every culture has ghost stories
Dragon - Middle East has traditional dragons of their own, but I'd love to see a new flavor come out based on the Chimera based out of Turkey and the Sphinx in Egypt.
Dark - Again, back to mythology
Steel - Damascus steel, scimitars, etc...
Fairy - aaaand mythology again

You've got desert climates, mountainous regions, metropolises, historical ruins in places like Persepolis and Petra, gulf and ocean access, and areas of lush, green growth alongside in-land rivers. You've got unique architectural styles, from millennia-old mosques and Chefchaouen, Morocco's Blue City to Dubai's artificial Palm Islands. Honestly, if you replaced Fortree city and the greenery of the hike through it from Mauville to Lilycove while also scaling down the grass and trees to shrubbery, you could easily place the Hoenn region in the Persian Gulf pretty effortlessly. I'd lowkey love to see that forest stretch switched with a semi-nomadic tribe (and gym leader) rotating through several sites (in a hypothetical reworking of Hoenn).
Turkey would be really cool actually. Plenty of diverse biomes: Flat steppe/grasslands in the center (maybe with nomads?) with a salt lake, sunny mediterranean shrublands dotted with ancient ruins in the west and south, mysterious hot desert stretching to the southeast, freezing snowy mountains in the east, cool rainy lush forests in the north (Safari Zone?), and a massive urban center in Istanbul in the northwest, presumably where the League would be. Throw in Cappadocia for a barren alien landscape in the center, pick and choose from plenty of rivers/lakes for swamplands/marshes, unlock Mount Ararat in the east and Hellespont/Troy in the west as legendary locations, place a hyperfuturistic rich oil city at the terminus of the desert routes to the southeast, etc. Putting the post-game Battle Frontier in Cyprus and adding an Aegean Islands exploration DLC to the west (a la FRLG Sevii Islands) would be funny. For Pokemon/story lore you can draw from Ancient Greek/Byzantine, Muslim/Arab/Persian and steppe Turko-Mongol lore (in addition to smaller cultures like Armenian, Georgian, Assyrian etc) and all of it fits. Too bad it won't happen due to obvious geopolitical reasons.
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The amazon is cool and epic and i like it because im a patriot etc but dog i swear if they make a brazilian region and its just the amazon rain forest, são paulo and rio id get so mad. Would genuinely prefer to not have a brazilian region at all
Yeah, you're probably screwed then. They will at least include a singular icy mountain where the entire endgame will happen.

No, but seriously, a jungle or rainforest* is ideal for an RPG setting, especially how most pokemon games work, so it would make sense for them to focus on the Amazon if they ever went to South America, but the fact that we haven't seen a genuine jungle before now says that predicting based on logic is a lost cause. At the very least I'd expect them to expand beyond that purely for the sake of type diversity, and I can see a lot of y'all's interesting geography sparking some creativity, even if it's only relevant to very small chunks of the map.

*Extremely dense foliage means that you have to stick to the path, wildlife can come from any direction, there's a LOT of species in a small area, huge amounts of local history/lore/myth regarding the various elements of the jungle, it's easy to get lost, it's easy to hide a secret not 10 feet from people and not have it found for centuries, etc. It's ideal for a game setting.

I was looking for an excuse to procrastinate, so I put together something quick in MS Paint. Obviously you'd scramble the names, make it more generic etc.

There are 6 biomes - temperate/Mediterranean (light green), rainforest (dark green), steppe (orange), desert (yellow), mountains (brown) and glacial (grey). There are also plenty of other geographical/historical landmarks (a marsh, a woodland, a waterfall, a ruin, a spring, a cave, several mountains and a mountain pass, a salt and a normal lake, a major river and a dam, royal tombs in Amasya, fairy chimneys in Cappadocia, an ancient monastery, rainforest/meadow in Rize for Safari Zone). You could have part of the steppe zone (e.g. Yozgat) be nomadic, with tents as the local architecture. Dubai would be a technofuturistic rich city after crossing the desert and two/three ancient Mesopotamian cities.

You'd start in Antioch, gather 6 badges in Anatolia (maybe Mersin-Antalya-Izmir-Ankara-Trabzon-Erzurum, roughly clockwise). You get the version legendary in Lake Van, probably a dragon of some sort (Lake Van monster is a thing in Turkish/Kurdish/Armenian folklore, like Loch Ness monster). Then go back to your hometown in Antioch, cross the desert and follow the Tigris down to the coast to go to Dubai (maybe a water-related subquest along the river/dam?), getting your 7th badge. Bolu Pass would be a sort of Victory Road, allowing you to come to Istanbul and get your 8th badge, then move on to Elite 4 in Edirne. Troy and Mt Ararat unlock post-game as legendary locations. The orange-dotted Aegean Islands open up as an end-game sidequest a la Sevii Islands, and Cyprus is the Battle Frontier. You could even extend the Aegean to Athens, or add a route south to Egypt as DLC.
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Russia specifically not being included is pretty settled here, but I think there's viability for a more general "Eurasian steppe"/"Black sea" region. It would be cool to see like, a Crimea-flavored island, some punishing tundras and taigas, an airy plains section full of wild horses, and it would be easy to work in various forms of architecture from the European countries, Asian countries, etc., in that region to create different interesting towns to visit.

Aside from that - Central/South America seems like a pretty popular source of inspiration recently, so we could see that. I was rather surprised that ScarVi was based on Spain instead of a Central or South American culture, since I was heavily betting on that area of the world next. I would like to see Mexico because of the varied landscapes... or an Andes/Patagonia region. If it's Mexico, I would love to see a version of Smoliv based on prickly pear cacti that gradually gets larger and covered with more purpling pears as it evolves.
I know this thread is technically for territories that WON'T ever be Pokémon regions but I gotta say I got pretty hyped when Patagonia was first mentioned because I could see something like the Southern Cone (so including parts of Brazil and Paraguay to have a larger pool of biomes) being excellent since there's rainforest—and the threat of deforestation could be mentioned somewhat—mountains, swamps, snow, etc. The thought of having a Pokémon capybara or Andean bear, Andean condor for regional forms is also too good to pass up.

I don't think it'd happen anytime soon tho since we just had Paldea.


formerly green_typhlosion
Considering Kalos is based on northern France and not the entire country, does that mean the southern half of the country won't ever be adapted anytime soon?
Kiloude City is basically the extent of southern France and I think we're meant to take that as a stand-in for that area - the way it's described as "typical of southern Kalosian life" basically makes me think it's supposed to represent all the areas not adapted.

Looking at Galar, they left out significant areas of Britain - pretty much the entirety of the south coast doesn't get a look in. That's a pretty large chunk of land missing - I'd kind of hoped they'd make a couple more DLCs for SwSh to fill it in completely, but you can't get everywhere represented. The city I was born in isn't represented in Galar at all.

If the 3DS titles had been capable of having DLC we might have seen it, but I highly doubt they'd make a new region based on the 40% or so that's missing. Of course I could be wrong, but it's unlikely they'd do another France-inspired region because it'd be redundant creatively and from a marketing standpoint.

Cross your fingers for additional areas in the eventual remakes though...
Looking at Galar, they left out significant areas of Britain - pretty much the entirety of the south coast doesn't get a look in. That's a pretty large chunk of land missing - I'd kind of hoped they'd make a couple more DLCs for SwSh to fill it in completely, but you can't get everywhere represented. The city I was born in isn't represented in Galar at all.
Finally, someone who notices it's not just (most of?) Wales who got left out. It's everything south of London.
Cornwall for example is very much MIA.


formerly green_typhlosion
This is why it also bugs me when people say Galar is based on the UK. No, no, it's based on BRITAIN. The UK is a wholly different thing.

If they were going to properly adapt the UK we'd need like... 10 more DLCs.

I guess this is the curse of having your own country adapted, you notice every inconsistency and every omission.
This is why it also bugs me when people say Galar is based on the UK. No, no, it's based on BRITAIN. The UK is a wholly different thing.

If they were going to properly adapt the UK we'd need like... 10 more DLCs.

I guess this is the curse of having your own country adapted, you notice every inconsistency and every omission.
Yeah but at least Galar got two DLC ... but my country is waiting for DLC (I was born in south of France, I was to see Marseille in Pokemon !!! :D)


Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
Therefore, GF can touch Russia in future mainline games.
Being really pedantic, that's less GF doing Russia and more going "what, this? No, this isn't Russia. This is ours."
Actually I think it's more of a "hey these islands are over here and we need some out-of-the way locations".

They included not because they think Japan owns them or as an "open door" to make a Russian region later, they included them purely for geological reasons.

The first four Pokemon regions may be based on Regions in Japan (with Kanto & Johto directly named after them), but in the world of Pokemon (at least nowadays) they are not Japan. Each Region essentially serve as their own Country, and exist separate from the real world location they're based on (including any controversies).

The problem right now preventing a Russia Region is that the Russian Government is currently an antagonizer to a brutal war against the Ukraine for tyrannical and unjustifiable reasons (and able to do it because Ukraine doesn't have the protection of the United Nations). Its vastly unpopular with most of the world atm, to say the least. And with Pokemon games usually trying to highlight the Region's culture, people (aka customers) may feel uncomfortable with a game depicting Russian culture in a positive light at this current time. Also, GF likes to first vacation in the country/countries they make into a Region and ever since the war Russia has not been a good tourist destination.

Oh, so I don't derail this thread completely (if I haven't already anyways), one place that has the potential to make an interesting region but will never happen for real-world political reasons would be Cuba. Cuba is quite geographically diverse and would offer a pretty interesting layout for a region, but being the perpetual subject of a questionably legal embargo by the UN makes it pretty unlikely that it would ever happen.
Not to mention anything they'd want to do with Cuba they could just as easily do with the Bahamas or Jamaica. Though these places would likely be DLC locations (and being Gen 9's DLC showed DLC locations can take place in other places in the world, we don't necessarily need the main region to be someplace close by like Florida or Mexico).

I do think With the next generations. A region based off China would've been problematic If pokemon was unpopular, Not very famous, or If Even forbidden! And as I china, I know that Even here (the region With the bloodiest history related to Japan) Pokemon is very popular. Pokemon qu'est is a game that continues developping in China And china only. Sure, video games are 16+ somewhy, But Still I do think it's possible. And Even sooner than We might think With the treasures of ruin pokemon being inspired of chinese legends.
It was discussed as one of the first things in this thread though I never commented on it, but here's my opinion on China's chance to become a Pokemon region: High. I'd argue even Very High, nearly on the same level as other popular suggestions such as Greece & Italy.

Does China have problems? Yes. But unlike Russia at least China isn't at war with anyone, they're issue is more imperialist (insisting certain Countries are a part of China and then throwing their economic weight around to bully everyone to agreeing). But here's the thing: That is modern China. A PokeChina could in theory lean on the historical side of China with only slight inclusion of modern day when it's needed and non-problematic. This isn't a luxury that Russia or Cuba has. It's a convenient work around GF can use.

Much earlier on someone talked about the Middle East/MENA not being a viable location because land, and thus Pokemon, diversity would be lacking but I've got to disagree there.
Yeah, honestly environment diversity arguments are not really an issue as, at worst, GF will just add a biome or stretch a niche location into something bigger if is just so happens to match a place they want.

Goes without saying Middle East's issue is more political (saying this as if not all regions we've pointed out problems with isn't political cause that's really the only restriction).

But I started thinking about what an actual region would look like if you did one in Louisiana and realized the obvious thing to do would be make it a Mississippi River based game, with Chicago and the Great Lakes at one end and New Orleans at the other, and I was like 3 levels deep into planning that out when I realized that literally no one outside the US would know any of the cultural references, why those bodies of water matter so much, etc.
Yeah, I don't anything South/West/Mid US is impossible. The thing is what they may do is pick a general "area" they want to do, pick a state or two that's in the middle of it, and then smoosh in features from all the surrounding states. Heck, this would also include neighboring Countries.

  • Texas & Mexico are so closely linked they might as well make them a single region.

  • Want a good collection of Southern states? As you said, just make a region encompassing several states along the Mississippi River (I'm pretty sure while doing research for such region they'd at least read Huckleberry Finn).

  • Moving North, The Great Lakes would make for a great central setting for a Region, and you'd be able to include parts of Canada (notably Ontario, maybe also a bit of Quebec).

  • As for the Wild West, well partner if you use Utah as the center I'd say you touched all the other states you'd see in a Western (including Nevada; the Game Corner will return but now its an entire city!).

I would love it though because they could throw a little shade and have a pair of Kaiju legendaries that you've got to find by visiting the in-game analogues for the nuclear waste disposal site in Nevada and the Bikini Atoll out in the Pacific (not dissimilar to the Legendary Birds of Gold and Silver).
Yeah, so this is actually another thing people also should keep in mind: In no way is the story going to be based on any issue affecting the based Region.

  • Paldea is about a central mystery concerning a giant crator in the middle of it with reality bending crystals (one notably about the Professor going crazy and summoning altered Pokemon based on their temporal obsession, including the Mascot Legendaries). Paldea is based on the Iberian Peninsula (Spain & Portugal).

  • Galar was about the League being a major league sport, the boss of it obsessed with a future energy crisis & extreme methods to prevent it, and a medieval knight legend; all which wind together at the end with the Mascot Legendaries being the knights of legend who need to be summoned to slay an energy dragon that the League Boss was using to "solve" the energy crisis. Galar is based on mostly England.

  • Alola was about the Professor creating a new Pokemon League while a boss of an international Pokemon rescue organization goes crazy and either summons interdimensional aliens to live with them/tries to calm & heal a powerful interdimensional alien before it comes to cause a huge ecological disaster (Mascot Legendaries being interdimensional aliens). Alola is based on Hawaii.

  • Kalos was about a leader of a global humanitarian organization going crazy and thinking soon the worlds resources will completely deplete due to ever increasing population and decided to commit global genocide while making members of his organization immortal (Mascot Legendaries being batteries to the super weapon whom are based on Norse mythical creatures and have power over Life & Death Destruction). Kalos is based on France.

See what I'm getting at? Which is why I say a Real World Location exclusion is mostly current political based then ecological. GF is gonna make a ton of stuff up anyway, including the story. This lets them focus on what a Region based on that location has to offer while ignoring the local controversies which most people will either not be aware about or not take that much issue with.

totally right. I think Not only Nintendo will veto nuclear, But Also THE STAGE OF JAPAN AND GAMEFREAK ITSELF.
  1. I think you give Nintendo too much power here. If GF decides to make a game focusing on nuclear power, unless its very politically charged I don't think Nintendo would be too concerned.

  2. I think you also overstate Japan's concern over the topic of nuclear power. Like, you know Japan has nuclear reactors (there's a famous incident with one). While originally Godzilla started as an allegory for the danger of nuclear power, overtime it has evolved to being used to represent different issues and in some cases the hero (or at least the "less" of two evils).

I do not think a game where the Mascot Legendaries represent aspects of Nuclear Power is impossible... though also note that they will likely not go too heavy into issues concerning Nuclear Power. Like, the story will actually be about two competing groups who have found ways to create energy, one from the Pokemon World itself (Fission) and one from a cosmic source (Fusion), and the big conflict is that the way their either producing/extracting or processing/distirbuting the energy is causing problems that lead into the Mascot Legendary causing havoc. Maybe somewhere in there will be a small PSA about things like nuclear waste & radiation, but it'll kind of made subtle by a giant monster going crazy which the player can catch and then make to do competitive battles or do silly dances in beauty pageants.

The amazon is cool and epic and i like it because im a patriot etc but dog i swear if they make a brazilian region and its just the amazon rain forest, são paulo and rio id get so mad. Would genuinely prefer to not have a brazilian region at all
I don't think they would just do the Amazon Rainforest, they'll definitely have Towns & Cities dotted all over the place. How I see it they can:

  1. Extend the Amazon Rainforest's game analogue so that pretty much all wild areas is part of the rainforest with a few outliners to add different biomes.

  2. It'll just be one giant area, maybe something akin to Galar's Wild Area.

Finally, someone who notices it's not just (most of?) Wales who got left out. It's everything south of London.
Cornwall for example is very much MIA.
This is why it also bugs me when people say Galar is based on the UK. No, no, it's based on BRITAIN. The UK is a wholly different thing.

If they were going to properly adapt the UK we'd need like... 10 more DLCs.
Yeah but at least Galar got two DLC ... but my country is waiting for DLC (I was born in south of France, I was to see Marseille in Pokemon !!! :D)
As I mentioned above, now that GF is experimenting with the DLCs not having to be (physically) directly connected to the Region of the main game, maybe we will see DLC's placed in the left out UK Countries and show more of Southern Kalos for France (the Pokemon Academies are a good setup for that; Paldea has the Uva/Naranja Academy, Unova has the Blueberry Academy, which Academy would Galar & Kalos have?).
The problem isn't that China is too politically controversial for a Pokemon game, it's just that it's wayyy too large for one single region to encompass. Like you could probably split the whole thing into 5 regions, and also 5 local DLCs based on Hong Kong/Macau, Taiwan, Xinjiang, Tibet and Inner Mongolia(Possibly even outer Mongolia), leaving room for 5 DLCs in foreign regions. There's honestly that much in there.

At least Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta region in general is relevant enough that my birthplace would be in there.

We aren't getting Russia soon, yeah, since GF goes on holiday to the region inspirations and the Israel/Palestine region of the Middle East would be wildly inappropriate, as well as getting pretty touchy of what the Legendary Pokemon would be.


Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
We aren't getting Russia soon, yeah, since GF goes on holiday to the region inspirations and the Israel/Palestine region of the Middle East would be wildly inappropriate, as well as getting pretty touchy of what the Legendary Pokemon would be.
That's okay, the Legendary Pokémon don't have to fit local modern religions.
You all know many of the Hoenn Legendaries are based on Jewish Mythical Creatures? Groudon is the Behemoth, Kyogre is the Leviathan, Rayquaza is the Ziz, and the Titan Trio are even more direct with their basis by having Braille (aka writing) on their face.


Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
well I fear groudon does not look like behemoth at all, wether the behemoth is an elephant or some horned smilodon.groudon is barely lizard-like and kyogre just... has fins that almost look like leviathan IMO
Oh, for the Super Ancient Trio they definitely gave them their own spin (The Titan Trio (at the time) also had something additional added on top of the Golem of Prague basis). Not quite sure what led them to choosing the designs they did. Though honestly only Rayqauza is out-of-left field as, for Groudon & Kyogre, they just swapped what kingdom of animal they're based on (Behemoth is usually a massive land mammal and Leviathan a sea serpant, Groudon is reptilian/a theropod and Kyogre is an orca (a mammal)). Ziz is giant a griffin-like creature, but I guess GF felt an Asian dragon was more interesting (though discovered beta dex entries for Rayqauza mentioned it had a beak, so maybe it was originally going to look more bird-like (we still knew it was going to be a dragon as its category was "White Dragon Pokemon"), though it still had scales).

But their roles are still parallel. Behemoth and Groudon are lords of the land/land animals, Leviathan and Kyogre are lords of the sea/fish, Ziz and Rayquaza are lords of the sky/birds, and its prophesized that the lords of the land and sea would fight each other (Behemoth and Leviathan during the end times, Groudon and Kyogre for dominance). While the Ziz is compared to the Leviathan it generally has nothing to do with its other two lords, it apparently spends most of its time protecting the world from storms from "the south"; maybe it being a protector is why Rayquaza stops Groudon & Kyogre from fighting(?). The Ziz wingspan is also big enough to block out the sun, which maybe inspired Rayquaza's Air Lock.
View attachment 572272

I was looking for an excuse to procrastinate, so I put together something quick in MS Paint. Obviously you'd scramble the names, make it more generic etc.

There are 6 biomes - temperate/Mediterranean (light green), rainforest (dark green), steppe (orange), desert (yellow), mountains (brown) and glacial (grey). There are also plenty of other geographical/historical landmarks (a marsh, a woodland, a waterfall, a ruin, a spring, a cave, several mountains and a mountain pass, a salt and a normal lake, a major river and a dam, royal tombs in Amasya, fairy chimneys in Cappadocia, an ancient monastery, rainforest/meadow in Rize for Safari Zone). You could have part of the steppe zone (e.g. Yozgat) be nomadic, with tents as the local architecture. Dubai would be a technofuturistic rich city after crossing the desert and two/three ancient Mesopotamian cities.

You'd start in Antioch, gather 6 badges in Anatolia (maybe Mersin-Antalya-Izmir-Ankara-Trabzon-Erzurum, roughly clockwise). You get the version legendary in Lake Van, probably a dragon of some sort (Lake Van monster is a thing in Turkish/Kurdish/Armenian folklore, like Loch Ness monster). Then go back to your hometown in Antioch, cross the desert and follow the Tigris down to the coast to go to Dubai (maybe a water-related subquest along the river/dam?), getting your 7th badge. Bolu Pass would be a sort of Victory Road, allowing you to come to Istanbul and get your 8th badge, then move on to Elite 4 in Edirne. Troy and Mt Ararat unlock post-game as legendary locations. The orange-dotted Aegean Islands open up as an end-game sidequest a la Sevii Islands, and Cyprus is the Battle Frontier. You could even extend the Aegean to Athens, or add a route south to Egypt as DLC.

I never got back to this thread, and I just wanted to say this looks and sounds incredible. My only qualm is that you've relegated the Aegean to post-game content and I love me some islands (seriously, RSE was THE BEST!). In this I might push for a western start with midgame access to Istanbul, and treat the Elite 4 like Kanto/Johto did with access not being a destination you work toward, but a short excursion from the first town or two that you revisit. Instead toss the Battle Frontier deeper into Mt Ararat for a true frontier vibe and run the E4 out of Cyprus (or maybe even Dubai to play up newly built facilities on newly made islands like the BF is actually the next new thing).

In any case, try to get hired by Game Freak for me lol.
I think we could also add Morocco to the list of countries that'll never become Pokémon regions. First of all because of Western Sahara, and also because it's overshadowed by Egypt as an "arab country for a potential Pokémon region" because its history and culture is more famous. It's a shame because Morocco's history and culture is rich but less appealing than Egypt's one. I was also pretty disappointed to not have found any Moroccan references in Paldea (except maybe in Alfornada) due to the bonds those two countries have.
I think we could also add Morocco to the list of countries that'll never become Pokémon regions. First of all because of Western Sahara, and also because it's overshadowed by Egypt as an "arab country for a potential Pokémon region" because its history and culture is more famous. It's a shame because Morocco's history and culture is rich but less appealing than Egypt's one. I was also pretty disappointed to not have found any Moroccan references in Paldea (except maybe in Alfornada) due to the bonds those two countries have.
Fair point. Also the rest of non-Egypt northern Africa. If they're doing something there, it'll be in Egypt.

One really interesting problem with Africa would be that Pokemon tends to like mining. For good reason, it gives you both a reason to have caves large enough to travel through, as well as reasons for lots of people to be in those caves. And a basic mine is a good excuse for a starter cave(well lit, mostly linear, few dangerous mons around). But having a mine in Africa specifically would raise both political questions and real-world practicality ones that Pokemon's mines have so far avoided.
One really interesting problem with Africa would be that Pokemon tends to like mining. For good reason, it gives you both a reason to have caves large enough to travel through, as well as reasons for lots of people to be in those caves. And a basic mine is a good excuse for a starter cave(well lit, mostly linear, few dangerous mons around). But having a mine in Africa specifically would raise both political questions and real-world practicality ones that Pokemon's mines have so far avoided.
I'm not super knowledgeable about Africa politics, but Botswana is doing pretty well as a country in spite of its mining-dependent economy.
One really interesting problem with Africa would be that Pokemon tends to like mining. For good reason, it gives you both a reason to have caves large enough to travel through, as well as reasons for lots of people to be in those caves. And a basic mine is a good excuse for a starter cave(well lit, mostly linear, few dangerous mons around). But having a mine in Africa specifically would raise both political questions and real-world practicality ones that Pokemon's mines have so far avoided.
This kind of goes for the thread as a whole, but I can't help but wonder how much TPC actually concerns itself with controversy like that. They introduced the Indian elephant Pokemon, Cufant and Copperajah, in the region based on Britain; the colonization of the Ainu during the Meiji period is depicted in Legends Arceus as the colonized and colonizers, the Clans and Galactic Exploration Team, just getting along (mostly) nicely; the phrase Age of Exploration is used verbatim in the Spanish region of Paldea to refer to the time period when Heath embarked into Area Zero, as opposed to the real world's Age of Exploration being the time period in which Spain and Portugal colonized the Americas.

There is a potential conversation to be had about whitewashing of history that I am very poorly equipped to have, but my point is moreso that as a series, Pokemon already seems comfortable with bulldozing through potential controversy without worrying about the finer details of it, and it hasn't lead to any particular PR problems for them yet. In this scenario, I'd imagine mines will be depicted as they always are in the series; a collaborative effort between people and Pokemon, everyone involved is 100% happy with it, and any exploitation was mild and either solved long in the past or you take care of it by beating up some evil team grunts.
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