Tournament PSPL V Playoffs: Finals [Won by NeverUsed]


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Grats to the NU room for being the champions of PSPL V! I'd like to ask either their manager or any player representative to PM me regarding their prize of the team custom avatar (here / discord / PS!). I'll leave the thread open for 24 hours so people can give shoutouts and whatnot. See you all next year!


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You had us sweating Chinese, ggs!

So proud of our team! Infinitely grateful for the help from KratosMana blunder and Dawg who could show up late in the playoffs bracket when most of our team had quit and I'm super grateful to everyone else who put in a ton of work in the bracket up until this point to make this possible. FLCL, qsns, eternally, and all the users that came and went throughout the season. You guys are the best!

Glad we could kick some ass this year after some of our room's previous runs. Hopefully next year will be just as strong!


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Sprite Leader
Grats to the NU room, had a fun time hosting a tour for the first time. Thanks to my buddy Eyan for being a great co-host who helped run it a lot more smooth than I would've been able to by myself. Thanks to all the other teams competing, hope you enjoyed yourself and maybe branched out a bit more on the sim by meeting some new people. See ya next year!


slow mo my bobo
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Assistant Manager: qtrx
My mentor figure on PS and the person I look up to the most. Without him the Chinese room would not be where it is today. Extremely lenient and patient with the community in Chinese and taught me how to properly mod the room since I tend to be very trigger happy when it comes to muting and banning. Thank you for supporting us behind the scenes and letting me manage the Chinese team for PSPL.

Ubers: We actually have a few very good Ubers players in Chinese except half of them don't speak up in the room and the other half don't want to play in team competitions like PSPL. *shrugs* EroyalBoy who played for Chinese last year, had moved on with real life so this slot was empty since the start.

nishikino kotori
Maki's husbando and the person I spoke to most during the PSPL season. You're a great friend and one of the best Ubers players the room has ever seen. Don't feel bad on those lucky wins because a win is very important for the team and you played your part without regrets. I know English isn't your strong point so I'll keep this short: We've already lost EBOY and if we were to lose you as well then Chinese would be left without a Ubers player.

OU: This slot was by far the easiest one to fill. 90% of the Chinese room played OU and their average GXE is above 85. With two WCOP players JohnYiu and minakamiyuki moving on with life, it was a huge loss to the Chinese room. Nevertheless we will always be the best in this tier.

The heart and soul of the team. One of the very few remaining users who's been with the Chinese room since its inception. An irreplaceable leader and the person who gathered 80% of the team. I heard he was planning to move on with life and might not return next year so I really wanted to dedicate this win as a farewell gift to my brother. Sorry we couldn't do it but I know you'll be proud with the team's performance as finalists, the very team you personally pulled together with everything you had <3 One last thing: please reconsider about retiring because let me say this now: without you, we will not have a PSPL team ever, and I don't want to throw in the towel just yet ;-; I NEED MY BRODA, THE CHINESE TEAM NEED THEIR BIG BRO!

UU: As the Chinese's most consistent and reliable player, taoke would normally fill this slot but unfortunately he also semi-moved on with life so there was nothing we could do about that. Still, this was an easy slot to fill because we had players who played Ubers/OU/UU but not anything else.

Hands down the number one player in Chinese for two consecutive years. He's like a GOD figure in Chinese where there's a saying: “得pif得天下” (translation: obtain pif and you will conquer the world). He's currently and will forever be the best player we ever had. 1-2 months before PSPL starts, I would ask pif to play for our room whenever he pops in occasionally. He was hard to find him but well worth it. Even though you joined mid-way through this season, it was a pleasure having you on the team and please do stick around, we still have lots to learn from you and we love you (not in the waifu way).

Known as "young master" in the room, because he is young, yet has the skills of a master. An versatile player that can play in any tiers bar LC and DOU. Part of our main force until pif came, although he is overshadowed by pif, he will be there to lead the Chinese room when psychicmewtwo retires (which will never happen so don't you dare leave! psychicmewtwo). You are a hard working person who is willing to play/teambuild in any tiers should there be a need and you always analyze the situation carefully before speaking/making a move which is what I like about you. young师傅!

An OU specialist known for his stall. UU isn't his native tier but he was happy to fill in because we were short on numbers during the group stages. Although you only played one match and lost it, but really me and entire team knows that you're one of the best and if your opponent played you in OU they would either have to click X or get 6-0'ed. A fun person to chat with since he always calls me pro but I actually suck at every tier. 我得光聚聚,胜得十万雄兵

RU: A tier we don't have players in, where psychicmewtwo had to fill in during last year and we performed pretty bad there. On the bright side, this year we had a few willing to learn/pick up the tier which is nice I guess.

The first person ever to beat JohnYiu, minakamiyuki and psychicmewtwo in the same OU tour twice (pif has done it before but only once). A player with exceptional talent and very modest. Absolutely killed the RU slot and without you we would have to rely on young师傅 but he isn't as good as you in RU, yet. yoppie was busy throughout the season due to exam and waifu but he was willing to sacrifice time on both of them in order to play for Chinese in PSPL which brought me shed a manly tear. 飞哥FIGHTO!

LC: I would usually have Uberbully or Crystalites in this slot but both of them kinda died so I had to rely on my fren and fellow Chinese staff member Sparkychild since last year's PSPL. This year sparkychan defected and played for another room... I was sad but no hard feelings and glad you performed well during group stages.

山羊磁带 (translation: cassestte is GOAT) You will not believe this but LC is actually not his main tier (OU is). He's the best player we've ever had in LC by a long mile and during the quarterfinals stage he got hit by real life like a truck and the team were panicking because we need him badly especially during this late stage of PSPL. A quiet person who doesn't reply to my messages on discord but I still love him. I wish you the very best in life and hope you got all that stuff sorted whatever it was, the team was really concerned <3

Doubles OU: I learned my mistake from last year's PSPL. In order to succeed, I needed a proper doubles players, not an OU specialist who's willing to learn the meta in a short time. With a lineup like Demantoid kamikaze Kaori and Psynergy the Battlespot room without a doubt had one of the best pools for doubles players. Unfortunately as the best BSD player in BS, Demantoid would obviously be locked into playing for the Battlespot room, as well as Psynergy since he was super solid at RU. I know kami is a super busy guy and Sam has to offer his love to his main room so there was little chance I could secure one of them to my team.
Jhon was another person I set my eyes to be my main DOU guy. He's hardworking and has excellent knowledge in the meta. A legendary BSS player since his debut back in 2016 and still a formidable threat to this day. His skills in doubles is constantly on the rise and most importantly we know each other from BSPL so no doubt he would've been great on the Chinese team had he not played for LC for Battlespot. I will take this moment to thank you as well for recommending EmbCPT to me, and I look forward to seeing my team vs your team in BSPL-II next week!

Introduced by Jhon as the player who "went 6-0 in DPL". A friendly and chill guy it was an absolute blast having you on the team and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for lending your skills to the Chinese room. You carried us in DOU and even though you lost in the finals, don't feel bad at all because you played well and it could've gone either way and you'll always be the better player in my eyes <3 The Chinese room welcomes you with open arms and should you need our assistance in the future, don't hesitate to contact me or psychicmewtwo on Discord/PS.

With a core of EmbCPT + Frania, the Chinese went from the weakest DOU room to one of the most strongest. A true team player who gave playing priority to my other two DOU players and was willing to sub in whenever some real life issues came up for our team. It pains me to put such a valuable player on the bench every week due to limited slots but I had no doubts that had you played during this PSPL season, you would've done equally as well, if not better than EmbCPT. Let it be known that you were always part of our team and should you leave/play for another room next year, we wish you all the very best.

Several months prior to PSPL, I scouted this guy early to make sure our team had at least a proper DOU player. We've only been friends for around half a year but when I typed /rank in the chatroom I knew you were going to be a solid player in DOU no matter what. GX also introduced Frania to me so that was a huge plus. I must apologise for not playing you during the season as when you wanted to play it was already very late in the playoffs stage and EmbCPT was doing so well. Nothing much else to say here as we are on the same team for BSPL-II so see you on Discord whenever.

Monotype: Another tier we don't have players for and I wish I had my BSS fren Lucy Misaka Mikoto with me but I know for a fact she's like an idol in 3 other rooms and they would kill to have her play for their room ;-;

Meet the Chinese team's brain, strategist, mastermind. psychicmewtwo sneaked him onto the team moments before week 1 started so I was still getting to know who had just joined the team. Lax is the only player on the team who could virtually fill in any slots. His vast knowledge in not only the meta, but also in the community was a huge asset to the team. Without his support we most likely would've gotten eliminated pretty early on. Worked hard together with psychicmewtwo to make sure the team was in top shape every week. I really wanted us to win since you did a lot for the team and sorry we couldn't pull it off in the end. You are part of the Chinese community now and a true BRODA so please don't run off anywhere lol <3

Random Battle: Easy to fill in the slot as OU since a lot our OU players were also great in randbats. truamerd was the first person in Chinese to get above 2000 in randbats but we lost him to real life also rip. Yes, our room is plagued with retirements/moving on with life and even though it's inevitable, it's also sad to see great players leave.

The second person to get over 2000 on the ladder in the room. Even though he doesn't regularly stay on the top of the ladder regularly like trumaerd, he's skills in the tier is unrivaled. beiying had the WORST luck in the team during this PSPL. Even with some poor MU and bad luck, since randbats is bo3 he would easily win it back by skillful plays yet RNG denies him every time, but that's randbats for you I guess. Sorry you couldn't shine during PSPL but we know you're the best RB player we have. 我有背影,何愁大事不成

Another one of the long-time users of the Chinese room. A young player who was an expert in gen6uu along with taoke. During gen7 things kinda got serious and exams got to him but nevertheless picked up several tiers reasonably well. Can fill in multiple tiers and was willing to sacrifice his time to sub in when we were hit by bad luck/real life issues. 谢啦龙小弟!

Closing Words
I'm an incompetent manager who couldn't do much for my team because I sucked at all the tiers, so all I could do is watch/cheer for you guys on the sidelines ;-; I'm also lucky AF to have 3 awesome doubles players on the team (EmbCPT Frania Mr.GX ) despite the Chinese is known having 0 doubles players ever. SORRY TEAM WE COULDN'T DO IT ;-; ;-; ;-; Don't feel too down about the loss and thank you for bearing with me spamming you guys to schedule with your opponents during the season lol <3 We lost not because we were inferior to our opponents, but it is not yet our time. As long as psychicmewtwo postpones his retirement, there will always be next year for the Chinese room.

Last but least, shoutouts to the hosts: Eyan for running the tour smoothly and replying to my messages within the hour and Kalalokki a cute and kind user who I should've talked to more during the season but Eyan was easier to find since he was a former staff of the Chinese room, huehuehue.

that is all (going to bed nao)

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