
Ok, so I have a HUGE problem with procrastination, especially with school. For example if I get homework that's due in 2 weeks, I won't even touch it until the night before it's due. Also, when I'm at school, I can work for 2 hours straight doing homework, but when I get home, I can't even force myself to actually sit down and open it. Even if I have absolutely nothing to do, I just won't do my homework. As I type, I have a HUGE Honors English Project due tomorrow that was assigned 3 weeks ago, and I have yet to start it... So, any tips on beating procrastination?
Idk I'm pretty much the same as you, but I purposely wait until the night before to do things because I like the added pressure. If you don't need it, it helps to get off the internet as that's really the largest distraction, at least for me. Personally as long as you get it done I don't see what the big deal is in waiting until the last minute. Do your grades suffer as a result? If not, don't worry about it.
I make plans with friends on the days before the deadline so that I have to do it before the last minute.

Also just doing a little bit at a time working 20-25 minutes at a time from the day you received the assignment can get it done easily as well.


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Same, I remember when I worked cleaning in a hospital. I would clean about 30 toilets every day. Yet I had to force myself to clean my sole own toilet at home once every 2 weeks.

and yeah, when it came to papers at school, I always started working on them at the last minute as well. You are certainly not alone in this situation.


Wait, who?
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
Well I'd say start the work as early as possible, then about 15 minutes into it, go get a snack. Then go eat dinner, watch TV, sleep...

Okay so I'm not being serious. Yeah, I'm notorious for procrastinating as well. But I usually find myself being the kind who "can't seem to get it done unless it's due the next day, then I absolutely need to push myself."

Well even though it's most likely going to make things more stressful, at least you'll know it'll be done. It's not like its the end of the world, unless you're a terminal cancer patient with 6 hours to live or something.
I need the pressure- it gives me the essential focus I lack.

I'd like to always get started on it right away, but I can't if I still have alot of time before when it's due either.
Heh. I should be finishing the english paper that I'm currently writing as well. It's due tomorrow, but everytime I went to do it this past week I came up with an excuse to put it off.
Haha yeah I kinda need the pressure that procrastination provides or I won't do it at all. I very rarely do something like studying voluntarily (though I probably should since diploma exams are in ~1 month)
Don't post on forums?

Really, it's all about self discipline and motivation. Since you said that even if you're not doing anything you can't bring yourself to even open your folders and books, you just have to learn to bring yourself to do so. That's the hard part. You may need some outside motivation (like dropping grades or something).

You would probably benefit a lot from making a plan for the day. You get home from school, determine how much work you have, and allocate a certain amount of time for homework, while taking breaks here and there so you don't tire yourself and lie down on your bed.

Why in the world do people always start so late? I always hear the argument "I work better under pressure", but that tends to not always be the case. Start right away, especially if you know it's a huge project, so you have time to refine your ideas and put out as much effort into it as you can!
Procrastination isn't a problem as long as you can get good grades. I'm notorious for not doing anything until the night before it's due, but I get better grades that way. I see schoolwork like medicine: It's easier to do the whole thing at once instead of doing it in smaller parts. I like the added pressure as well, though.
Exactly! School work is like medicine: screw up when it's already late and you've fucked over the patient.

EDIT: By the way, y2zipper, my signature has a Futurama quote too. :p
I can relate, in more than one way. I need pressure to work. Like right now, I'm putting off my Physics problem. It doesn't really help that I've convinced myself that I have no idea what the fuck to do on it, but also that I've discovered the wonder of doing homework in class. lol

Also, it's not exactly procrastination, but something similar ails me in running. Every so often, I pick up (and drop...) running. I'm not really in bad shape, but I'm not in great shape either. Usually, when I end up dropping it, it's because I convince myself that I can go one day without running, and pretty soon it's running every two days, and sooner or later I drop it altogether, only to pick it up in a few months again. So I guess it's not your typical procrastination, but similar, haha.
Procrastination isn't a problem as long as you can get good grades. I'm notorious for not doing anything until the night before it's due, but I get better grades that way. I see schoolwork like medicine: It's easier to do the whole thing at once instead of doing it in smaller parts. I like the added pressure as well, though.
what level of education are you in.
Well I'd say start the work as early as possible, then about 15 minutes into it, go get a snack. Then go eat dinner, watch TV, sleep...

Okay so I'm not being serious.
That's actually not a bad idea. If he gets into a project or whatever for a total of 15 minutes everyday he'll get a lot accomplished if the projects are assigned two or three weeks earlier. That's what I did before I had to grow up and forget the meaning of procrastination.
I went to high school with a guy called Will Power, so I just think of that, laugh, and get to work.
I used to, not anymore. I mean, I do have a book report due on Thursday that I haven't started but I'll probably burn through it on Tuesday.

The key is manning up and doing this shit right when you get it. Even if you just tackle a decent chunk on the first day you've got the assignment it makes it less of a 900lb gorilla in the room. I can reliably sit down (given proper research has been done prior to this) and hammer out a B+ standard 5 paragraph persuasive essay in 15 minutes so high school is extremely easy for me, as we have to do a paper longer than that a total of twice in high school.


formerly Floppy, now Rock hard
i propose an anti-procrastination algorithm:

If (thoughts is not a member of $thoughts(task)) {
goto worktime
print I need to get $task done. Enough bullshitting.

In colloquial terms: Don't think about shit that's not important when you have a more important shit to do. Train your mind to temporarily block stuff that isn't exactly top priority when it's time to get down to work. Then again, $task should be the only "top-priority" criteria at tthat point in time anyways.

P.S it helps not to wait until the night before to get started on $task as "added pressure" doesn't always yield the best results.

however, two nights before is perfectly fine and highly recommended. (heh, just kidding)
Procrastination isn't a problem as long as you can get good grades. I'm notorious for not doing anything until the night before it's due, but I get better grades that way. I see schoolwork like medicine: It's easier to do the whole thing at once instead of doing it in smaller parts. I like the added pressure as well, though.
This is bad advice, because when you get into college, there is no procrastination and good grades in the same sentence.

You really just have to sink your mind into the future, you have to place yourself 2 weeks into the future, you haven't started on your big paper or whatever, and you have one night to do it, and you know you're screwed. That's what I do anyways, then I'm willing to spread out my work/studying. If you can feel the same feeling of being unprepared 1 day before a test/due date days or weeks before, it'll be good self-motivation. 4.3 GPA just doesn't get the job done always.
I've actually been procrastinating for the past 24 hours. I'll be staying up all night tonight. Count on it.

Expert Evan

every battle has a smell!
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Ok, so I have a HUGE problem with procrastination, especially with school. For example if I get homework that's due in 2 weeks, I won't even touch it until the night before it's due. Also, when I'm at school, I can work for 2 hours straight doing homework, but when I get home, I can't even force myself to actually sit down and open it. Even if I have absolutely nothing to do, I just won't do my homework. As I type, I have a HUGE Honors English Project due tomorrow that was assigned 3 weeks ago, and I have yet to start it... So, any tips on beating procrastination?
Just get it done!

I too have a problem with procrastination and am taking certain measures to deal with it.
Funny thing, I'm procrastinating right now. However my efforts are now incredibly upped.

Too bad I'll probably won't finish my project in time @_@...

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