Nuzlocke Challenge


Steelix used Sandstorm!
Squishoo used Surf... A gigantic wave was summoned by the poisonous jellyfish, crushing the Steelix with tremendous force. Steelix attempted in vain not to drown in the water... but he was too heavy... But he managed to hold on until the end of the attack and survived. His coat was heavily dented by the crushing force of the wave, but he survived nonetheless...

Byron smiled... "A steel's special defense is strengthened in sand storm... now steelix... EARTHQUAKE!"

Steelix used Earthquake! IT'S SUPER EFFECTIVE!
As the Steelix forced the earth underneath him to shake with tremendous force, Squishoo tumbled here and there. Slowly, the tumbling got faster and faster, until finally she was flinged towards a wall with crushing speed. The damage from all the tumbling towards the hard floor was bad enough, but this? Squishoo was utterly crushed. Unmoving... she fell to the bottom of the gym...
Squishoo is now in critical condition!

Im not sure if anyone else mentioned this but only Rocks get boosted from sandstorm.
Im not sure if anyone else mentioned this but only Rocks get boosted from sandstorm.
whoops stupid me :p

can't remember the effects correctly. could've sworn last time I read the article about sandstorm it boosted steels, not rock...

EDIT : @ about my sig
why thank you guys I'll add them right now.
Part One of Pen's Nuzlocke Challenge
'Nuzlock Challenge? Shit.'

As Pen just wakes up, he finds out that he's doing a freaking Nuzlocke challenge. And with his luck, he'll probably lose his only pokemon in the first route. And then he'll have to start over and Professor Oak will have explain about the world of pokemon all over again. Just great. You know another thing that is really pissing? For some reason you can't run until you get running shoes. Running shoes. Thanks a lot Gamefreak. Now I have to freaking walk for five minutes just so I can run around.

Pen walks downstairs and his mom starts yapping about how this freaking girl named Lyra knows you and Professor Elm wants you. "Sweet, maybe Professor Elm wants me as an assistant!" Pen yells, excited. He walks (yes, I'm going to keep italicizing walk) out of his house and into Professor's Elm lab. And the cool thing was that after a few steps he magically started walking towards Professor Elm without him doing anything.

"Pen, do you know anything about my research? About how pokemon are carried in pokeballs and how people used to walk with pokemon before pokeballs were invented? Your friend Lyra does!"

To Pen, all of this translates to "Blah blah blah blah" until he mentions Lyra. "Are you telling me that you want me to act like a girl with crazy hair and a huge ass hat?" Pen exclaims, annoyed.

"Precisely. Now pick a pokemon and go pick up this egg for me!"

"I've only been with this guy for a few minutes and he is already so lazy that he's making me pick up this stupid egg for him..." Pen mutters under his breath. He walks over to the machine and picks Totodile, hoping that it may bite Elm's head off. He nicknames it "Duck" for no apparent reason and walks out of the Lab after being given some Potions from Professor Elm's assistant. After walking into his house to tell his mom about the news and thinking she's crazy by saying Totodile is cute, she gives him a useful Pokegear and explains how to use it. "Later!" Pen yells, and he barges out the door and as he enter Route 29, is given Professor Elm's number. Yes, he's still walking.

Getting to Cherrygrove City is easy for Pen and Duck and the only pokemon they encounter is a Level 3 Sentret that was taken down by 3 Scratches. Right as they enter the city, some crazy old man that can run with his freaking running shoes starts telling Pen about everything important.

"This... uh, is the Pokemon Center. I think you buy items or something here..." Pen stares at the old man blankly and follows him around until he's done. Pen FINALLY receives a pair of running shoes that his cheap mother wouldn't buy for him. He heals up his pokemon and continues into Route 30 after getting the Map Card loaded into his Pokegear. The pokemon here are only a little bit tougher then Route 29 and he gets through the first quarter of it before being stopped by a man. "Normally, people come into my house thinking it's Mr. Pokemon's house! This is such an easy way to lure young kids.. I mean trainers into my house so I can give them an Apricot Box!" The man hands over the Apricot Box and Pen smiles awkwardly. "Um, thanks and all..." Pen runs away from the strange man as fast as he could, which isn't very fast.

Making it to Mr. Pokemon's house, he meets Mr. Pokemon and Professor Oak and gets his pokemon healed up for free. After receiving the Mystery Egg, he has a small chat with Professor Oak and finally gets the hell out of there. "I thought that old man would never shut up..." Pen angrily groans. He gets a strange call from Professor Elm about some pokemon being stolen and shit. Before entering Route 29 again, he is challenged by some red haired moron. And the best news is, he HAS to have Chikorita. How freaking nice. "Leer, Duck!" Pen commands as Duck uses Leer and is hit back with a weak Tackle. "Now, use Scratch!" Pen commands. After two more Scratches while Chikorita used Growl twice, Chikorita is at orange health and Duck is still at green. After a few more Scratch-spammed turns later, Chikorita is defeated.

"...I'm still better then you!" The red haired moron exclaims and runs off crying. Pen and Duck make it back to New Bark Town and Professor Elm explains how a pokemon was stolen. You can guess who stole it, right? "Do you know his name?!" Elm questions Pen quickly. "It's Moron!" He quickly tells Elm and an officer. "So, kthxbyeguys." He gives Elm the Mystery Egg and leaves. Apparently, his mother is perfectly find with him going on a life-threatening adventure. How nice. And no, you can't have any freaking money, damnit.

End to Part One of Pen's Nuzlocke Challenge
Chapter Six: Fear And Loathing in Cerulean and Vermilion (Part 4)

I enter the Captain's room, only to see a very seasick old man in the wrong business. Perhaps he hasn't earned enough of a pension to retire comfortably? In any case, fortunately, there's a young man rubbing his back. I quickly check my wallet, and, yes, he's a dead ringer for Clint. I borrowed a photograph of him from one of Bill's albums. "Clint?" He looks up, wire-rim glasses sliding down his pale face. Classic computer nerd. Definitely looks like he can help Bill. And stop me getting Double-Edged.

"Yes? How do you know my name?"

"Bill sent me to find you. There's been a bit of an accident with his teleportation device... Long story short, he's got the body of a Clefairy. He says you can help."

"Not again... When will he learn that man is not meant to teleport?"

"He does realise that he could just catch an Abra on Route 24 and teleport with that, right? It's right beside his house!"

"He's too stubborn to give up on this project... Listen, pal, can you look after the Captain here? I need to go to Bill's..." Clint sighed. "Looks like I won't be getting home for a while... Damn it, Bill..." And with that, he left. Now, I don't want to sound completely heartless, but, there's no way in hell I'm patting someone's back while they throw up into a bin. No. The very sound of someone vomiting makes me want to puke. That said, there's a CD on his desk that looks very interesting... The Captain looks like the sort of guy who'd listen to Queen. Or, maybe I'll get absurdly lucky, and it'll be the Ace Attorney soundtrack... "Pursuit - Cornered" rocks my socks. He's too busy puking to notice, so, I swipe the CD, and run like hell. Conveniently, just as I get off, the S.S. Anne departs for the open sea. I think I just got away with theft. Score. However, the CD is actually titled "Cut". Sounds like an emo band... Great. Closer inspection reveals that it's a duplicate of the Cut HM I nabbed from Blue.

Back at the Pokemon Centre, I rent a room. Nurse Joy actually has a CD player, which she allows me to borrow. May as well check out Cut HM's music... To me, it just sounds like white noise... But Seedan and Scraban react a little differently. They burst from their Pokeballs, ears pricked up. Perhaps they can hear something different... Scraban leaps into the air, claws outstretched, and cleaves straight down one of the curtains. Dammit, I knew I should have had him housetrained! There's an unpleasant addition to my bill... The Pokedex beeps, informing me that Scraban has learned Cut, which, apparently, acts as a machete in the jungle - I can cut down small trees with it. Wow. Because it's not like I could just use a saw. Or, God forbid. I simply go around a tree. Seedan looks like he wants to use it too, but I decide against it. I only need one machete.

The next morning, it's time to challenge the Vermilion Gym. Lo and behold, it's blocked by shrubbery... Seedan pops out, and gives a low growl. He really doesn't like this stuff. Maybe its pollen, or nectar is poisonous to Ivysaurs? Well, in any case, Scraban slices it up good, and Seedan tramples the remains. The gym itself seems dangerous. Electricity surges across the ceiling, and a powerful forcefield protects the leader; the Lightning American, Lt. Surge. Between me and this forcefield, are three Gym trainers, and fifteen bins. Ok... Suddenly, I feel heavy breathing down my neck. Surprise surprise, it's my stalker. I'm getting used to this guy, he doesn't send the same creeping nausea through me anymore. "Hiiiiii, champ-in-making! Wanna deactivate that forcefield? You can either give me a pint of your blood..."


He seems disappointed by that. "There are two switches in the bins. Hit them both, and the field goes down. But, once you hit the first, you only get one chance to find the second, or the first resets, and the switches move."

"How does that make any sense?"

"Underground pipe system and motion sensors?" he shrugs.

"... Sure, let's go with that. Now stay here, and watch my sweet ass at work."

"Yes, sir!" And with that, I begin sifting through garbage... Hardan and Seedan essentially break the trainers' Pokemon in half, their fragile Electric types being all about speed, but with no power behind their attacks. My defensive behemoths fare excellently. Meanwhile, I'm rummaging through bins... What fun. Finally, I find the first switch, though I never want to smell my right arm again. Now there's a 1/14 chance of finding the second one... It could be anywhere... Or it could be right beside the first one. The field goes down. After a quick trip to the Pokemon Centre for a heal and a shower, I'm ready to face off with Lt. Surge. His Pokemon allegedly saved him during the war.

"I assume that means they used their ridiculous speed to carry you to a medic?"

"... Nooooo... I break your worthless team now! Voltorb, go!" His Pokeball releases... a Pokeball. With eyes. What. The. Hell.

"Hardan, take it down! Magnitude!" A mighty earthquake rips through the area, which is miraculously undamaged, and Voltorb is thrown into the air. It bounces around the gym like a ping-pong ball, before coming to rest... outside a window. That sets the tone, really. Pikachu meets a similar fate, and Surge's Raichu, which looks formidable, chooses to try and be cheap with Double Team. Too bad Magnitude hits the entire friggin area... Idiot. "Yeah... That was unimpressive. Badge please." Wordlessly, he hands it over, and another CD. This one apparently teaches Shock Wave, an Electric attack incapable of missing. Zetta sexy. As I leave the gym, I sign the plaque. Unsurprisingly, Blue's name was on it first... Dick.

Now, we've come to the part where I explain why I haven't updated this log in a while. Well, after leaving the gym, I explored Vermilion for a while, and eventually came to the Pokemon Fan Club. I got caught up talking to the chairman about his Rapidash... So many positive adjectives... I didn't know there were that many in the English language. And any time I started to drift off, he beat me with his cane! The whole situation must've been illegal somehow, but apparently, I don't have a case... Oh well. At least I got a Bike Voucher out of it all...
Chapter Six: Fear And Loathing in Cerulean and Vermilion (Part 4)

I enter the Captain's room, only to see a very seasick old man in the wrong business. Perhaps he hasn't earned enough of a pension to retire comfortably? In any case, fortunately, there's a young man rubbing his back. I quickly check my wallet, and, yes, he's a dead ringer for Clint. I borrowed a photograph of him from one of Bill's albums. "Clint?" He looks up, wire-rim glasses sliding down his pale face. Classic computer nerd. Definitely looks like he can help Bill. And stop me getting Double-Edged.

"Yes? How do you know my name?"

"Bill sent me to find you. There's been a bit of an accident with his teleportation device... Long story short, he's got the body of a Clefairy. He says you can help."

"Not again... When will he learn that man is not meant to teleport?"

"He does realise that he could just catch an Abra on Route 24 and teleport with that, right? It's right beside his house!"

"He's too stubborn to give up on this project... Listen, pal, can you look after the Captain here? I need to go to Bill's..." Clint sighed. "Looks like I won't be getting home for a while... Damn it, Bill..." And with that, he left. Now, I don't want to sound completely heartless, but, there's no way in hell I'm patting someone's back while they throw up into a bin. No. The very sound of someone vomiting makes me want to puke. That said, there's a CD on his desk that looks very interesting... The Captain looks like the sort of guy who'd listen to Queen. Or, maybe I'll get absurdly lucky, and it'll be the Ace Attorney soundtrack... "Pursuit - Cornered" rocks my socks. He's too busy puking to notice, so, I swipe the CD, and run like hell. Conveniently, just as I get off, the S.S. Anne departs for the open sea. I think I just got away with theft. Score. However, the CD is actually titled "Cut". Sounds like an emo band... Great. Closer inspection reveals that it's a duplicate of the Cut HM I nabbed from Blue.

Back at the Pokemon Centre, I rent a room. Nurse Joy actually has a CD player, which she allows me to borrow. May as well check out Cut HM's music... To me, it just sounds like white noise... But Seedan and Scraban react a little differently. They burst from their Pokeballs, ears pricked up. Perhaps they can hear something different... Scraban leaps into the air, claws outstretched, and cleaves straight down one of the curtains. Dammit, I knew I should have had him housetrained! There's an unpleasant addition to my bill... The Pokedex beeps, informing me that Scraban has learned Cut, which, apparently, acts as a machete in the jungle - I can cut down small trees with it. Wow. Because it's not like I could just use a saw. Or, God forbid. I simply go around a tree. Seedan looks like he wants to use it too, but I decide against it. I only need one machete.

The next morning, it's time to challenge the Vermilion Gym. Lo and behold, it's blocked by shrubbery... Seedan pops out, and gives a low growl. He really doesn't like this stuff. Maybe its pollen, or nectar is poisonous to Ivysaurs? Well, in any case, Scraban slices it up good, and Seedan tramples the remains. The gym itself seems dangerous. Electricity surges across the ceiling, and a powerful forcefield protects the leader; the Lightning American, Lt. Surge. Between me and this forcefield, are three Gym trainers, and fifteen bins. Ok... Suddenly, I feel heavy breathing down my neck. Surprise surprise, it's my stalker. I'm getting used to this guy, he doesn't send the same creeping nausea through me anymore. "Hiiiiii, champ-in-making! Wanna deactivate that forcefield? You can either give me a pint of your blood..."


He seems disappointed by that. "There are two switches in the bins. Hit them both, and the field goes down. But, once you hit the first, you only get one chance to find the second, or the first resets, and the switches move."

"How does that make any sense?"

"Underground pipe system and motion sensors?" he shrugs.

"... Sure, let's go with that. Now stay here, and watch my sweet ass at work."

"Yes, sir!" And with that, I begin sifting through garbage... Hardan and Seedan essentially break the trainers' Pokemon in half, their fragile Electric types being all about speed, but with no power behind their attacks. My defensive behemoths fare excellently. Meanwhile, I'm rummaging through bins... What fun. Finally, I find the first switch, though I never want to smell my right arm again. Now there's a 1/14 chance of finding the second one... It could be anywhere... Or it could be right beside the first one. The field goes down. After a quick trip to the Pokemon Centre for a heal and a shower, I'm ready to face off with Lt. Surge. His Pokemon allegedly saved him during the war.

"I assume that means they used their ridiculous speed to carry you to a medic?"

"... Nooooo... I break your worthless team now! Voltorb, go!" His Pokeball releases... a Pokeball. With eyes. What. The. Hell.

"Hardan, take it down! Magnitude!" A mighty earthquake rips through the area, which is miraculously undamaged, and Voltorb is thrown into the air. It bounces around the gym like a ping-pong ball, before coming to rest... outside a window. That sets the tone, really. Pikachu meets a similar fate, and Surge's Raichu, which looks formidable, chooses to try and be cheap with Double Team. Too bad Magnitude hits the entire friggin area... Idiot. "Yeah... That was unimpressive. Badge please." Wordlessly, he hands it over, and another CD. This one apparently teaches Shock Wave, an Electric attack incapable of missing. Zetta sexy. As I leave the gym, I sign the plaque. Unsurprisingly, Blue's name was on it first... Dick.

Now, we've come to the part where I explain why I haven't updated this log in a while. Well, after leaving the gym, I explored Vermilion for a while, and eventually came to the Pokemon Fan Club. I got caught up talking to the chairman about his Rapidash... So many positive adjectives... I didn't know there were that many in the English language. And any time I started to drift off, he beat me with his cane! The whole situation must've been illegal somehow, but apparently, I don't have a case... Oh well. At least I got a Bike Voucher out of it all...

TEAM: no change

AFTER THE EXPLOSION IN THE LAKES, Van quickly flew to Pastoria and biked all the way towards Lake of Rage... err, wrong lake. Lake Valor I mean. There, he found tons of helpless magikarp lying around... 'What a waste... give them a half decent trainer and they'll become monsters...' he thought, taking a glimpse to Daisy's pokeball.

What happened after that was a massacre. Corpses of team Galactic's pokemons lying everywhere, severed limbs and internal organs from the victims of Vui's brutal payback, gutting and mutilating anything that dares to touch him. It didn't take long before Van reached the sunken island in the middle of the lake where he found another Galactic Commander... Saturn...

Commander Saturn stood there, towards the large puddle of water, muttering some unimportant things, before Van suddenly kicked him from behind and knocked him into the puddle. "You." Van said in a cold, flat tone. "What have you done."

Saturn, angered by the interruption, rised from the puddle and answered in rage. "WHAT? WE EXPLODED THE LAKE. PROBLEMS, AGENT?"

Van's face returned to the usual creepy psychotic expression. "Not one, shorty. You're under arrest." he said as he threw a pokeball. "Go! Vui!"

Saturn instinctively threw a pokeball as well. Golbat. A good 4 levels higher than Vui.

Golbat used Air Cutter!
Small shockwaves in the air hit Vui, dealing negligible damage...

Vui used Payback!
Vui's rings glowed as he launched himself towards the Golbat, aiming to rip off its wings, but alas, the Golbat was tough enough to resist Vui's rage, only getting bruised a bit. (hit for about 35% damage)

Saturn smirked and ordered Golbat to get back into his ball. "A dark type? Well let's see how it'll like THIS ONE!" he said as he threw another pokeball. A Toxicroak.

"Damn, a fighting type. Vui, Retreat!" Van ordered as Vui returned to his pokeball. "Go, Daisy!"

The gigantic Sea Serpent that is Daisy the Gyarados went out of her pokeball, staring down the field, intimidating the opposing pokemon.

Toxicroak used Revenge!
Toxicroak tried, but after being intimidated, and not getting hit first, and dealing a not very effective damage, and even when she was still 2 levels higher than Daisy the pseudo-dragon, Revenge did negligible damage.

Van did not know anything about the opposing Toxicroak. He would like to use Aqua Tail, but if Saturn's Toxicroak's ability was Dry Skin, it would be suicidal. (Later, the player checked bulbapedia and learned that it was anticipation... fuck) "Daisy, Ice Fang!" he ordered, trying to measure the damage the serpent could do.


Toxicroak used Suckerpunch!
Toxicroak did the first move and punched Daisy twice on the abdomen... not like it hurts that much... (about 15% damage)

Daisy used Ice Fang!
Daisy lunged towards the poisonous fighter frog as she retreated from her last attack and tried to end her life quickly with her huge gaping jaws. Her fangs covered in cold, sharp, ice shards. She tried to bite the frog straight on, but it managed to somewhat avoid the attack, but she still got some nice damage in by biting the arm of that thing, although she missed any vital parts. (did about 25% damage)

"Enough Toxicroak... Go! Bronzor!" Saturn commanded as he switched pokemons...

Daisy used Dragon Rage!
Daisy spit out a purplish fire breath that hit the Bronzor switch-in hard... (about 40% damage)

Daisy used Aqua Tail!
Before the enemy Bronzor even get to react, Daisy whipped her humongous tail towards the small iron shield thingy. Water quickly whirled around the serpent's tail as it travels towards its target. Then suddenly, WHAM! Bronzor was hit so hard by the impact, it flew all the way across the room, hitting the wall. Bronzor moved a little, before it cracked, and got split in two and fell to the puddle beneath it... (killed Bronzor)

"Not bad..." Saturn remarked. "But that was only one! Go Toxicroak!"

Daisy and Toxicroak exchanged Ice Fangs and Revenges!
Used lots of Moo Moo Milk! Milk is healthy! Believe it!

Toxicroak was ready to nest another hit, before Daisy finally crushed her whole body inside her large jaws with her icy fangs. It was a quick death as the large, icy fangs pierced through the frog's body, crushing her internal organs. After Daisy was finished, the toxicroak was nearly unrecognizable, mangled and twisted... (killed Toxicroak)

"You... YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!" Saturn yelled in rage as his second pokemon was mutilated mercilessly.

Golbat was sent back into the battlefield, but Daisy was very far superior. Golbat only managed to nest in a quick Air Cutter before going down in a similar way to Toxicroak, crushed by Daisy's Ice Fang. Her wings torn apart, her body pierced by a fang almost as big as herself. The bat was dead. (killed Golbat)

"Give up Galactic losers..." Van said in a cold tone.

"Even I... as a commander... was only able to buy us time..." Saturn replied slowly. "But you are too late... The legendary pokemons are already ours!" he said as he quickly escaped. Van didn't have the chance to react...


I love myself for being a psycho...
Yup, Imma gonna do Soulsilver using the following rules

- Release fainted pokes
- Catch first poke per area
- 1 heal per pokecenter
- 1 free heal after gym battle
- 5 pokeballs per market
- No healing items
- Only TMS/HMS and pokeballs may be used, including those found on the ground
- Cannot use PC to heal, can only withdraw if there is an empty space in your party
- No Daycare Center
- Blackout = GAME OVER!
- Held items... cant decide. Any opinions? Im leaning towards banning them, but they do provide a little more layer to strategies. As long as I dont abuse their powers, such as battling weak pokes just for the Leftovers heal. I might just allow exp. share...
sounds more like "stop having fun" rather than nuzlocke.
Oh yes, I'm back! Tonight, I start my Pokemon Emerald Nuzlocke Challenge

Here’s the rules I’ll be using:

The general Nuzlocke Rules:
- Any Pokémon that faints is considered dead, and must be released.
- The player may only catch the first Pokémon encountered in each area, and none else. If the first Pokémon encountered faints or flees, there are no second chances.
- All Pokemon must be Nicknamed
- No capture of Legendary Pokemon.

Additional Rules:
- Only 10 Items may be bought per PokeMart
- One pokeball may be bought per every new town visited
- No spam usage of the Pokemon Centre
- No Items in Battle
- Items may be used outside battle
- Any Items found in the Wild are fare game!
- Items banned: Revives of any kind.

Right, now on your marks, get ready and go!

LittleRoot Town is um... little. As I adventured out side it's boundaries, I saw a person being attacked by a vicious Racoon. He called it a Zigzagoon and asked me for help!

I raced over and searched his bag. I found 3 Pokeballs inside. Which one to choose?! A person's life is at stake!! I chose the one on the left.

As I threw the ball, a Green Gecko came out. The Gecko and the Racoon did battle, with the Gecko eventually winning!

"Thanks for saving me!" Shouted the strange man. It turned out that he was a Pokemon Professor. He asked me some strange questions, like whether I was male or female. (Yes, I had to put in that joke.)

"You can have Treeko as your very own pokemon!" The Treeko looked up at me.

"So I guess that makes us partners." He asked him.

"Yes, Master." I jumped about three metres back. Did it just talk? What were in those mushrooms I had for breakfast?!

"Since you can talk, I better give you a name other that Treeko, huh." I though a few moments till something came to mind. "How about "Link"?"

"Why "Link"?" The little Gecko crossed his arms.

"Because, you wear green!" I smiled back. Let's just say the Treeko was not amused.

-Route 101-

Nothing. Nope, no encounters ^^!

-Oldale Town-

I got a free potion! ~DO-DA-DO~!

-Route 103-

No encounters... again!

Met May and we had a showdown!

"Ok, I'll show you what it means to be a real Trainer!" She then sent out a red and orange chick, a Torchic apparently.

"I'll scratch you to death!" it cried out in a hilarious battle cry.

I sent out Link. Link got into his battle stance!

"Ok, Birdy you're going down!" He showed off some of his expert ninja skills. Aw man... I should have called him "Ninja Nick"!

"How is that better than Link?" The Treeko did have a point. Link was a good name already. Can't mess with Perfection! *Link facepalm*

The Torchic did try to claw Link's eyes out, but he managed to knock it out first! Our Second Victory!

May then ran off back to LittleRoot Town.

-LittleRoot Town-

Ace obtained the Pokedex ~DO-DA-DO~!
Ace obtained the Pokeballs ~DO-DA-DO~!
Ace obtained the Running Shoes ~DO-DA-DO~!

OK, Enough of that! Now my challenge can begin!

-Route 101-

I caught a Wurmple (Male)!

"So what ya going to call me, boss?" The Wurmple looked up with cute eyes

"I shall dub thee, Demontox!" I looked down at the little bug. "You better evolve into a Dustox!"

-Route 103-

A Poochyena (Female) joined our ranks!

"You can be called "Howling"!" I petted it's head.

"Why "Howling", Master-Kun?" She asked back.

"Don't argue, Puppy." Link looked at the newcomer. "He could have called you "Midna"!"

-Route 102-

Sombrero the Lotad (Male) joined our Fellowship (I think I'm running out of Alternate Phrases for Group...).

Demontox learned Poison Sting and Howling learned well... Howl.

The Trainers didn't stand a chance to be honest.

-Petalburg City-

"Well team, our first Gym on the map!" I walked to the front door of the building

"Do you think we can do it, Amigos and Amiga?" Sombrero didn't seem to impressed.

"Easily!" Howling pepped up. The Puppy was always the optimist...

"We can do it!" shouted out Demontox. "I will show 'em the power of my Poison Sting."

"I don't know about you... but I think we're a bit underleveled." The Treeko was resting on a Tree beside the Gym. Really? Not a chance!

Our Current Team et levels:

Link the Treeko
Level 08
Sassy Nature

Howling the Poochyena
Level 06
Impish Nature

Demontox the Wurmple (He better evolve into a Dustox!!)
Level 06
Hardy Nature
-String Shot
-Poison Sting

Sombrero the Lotad
Level 05
Rash Nature

With those kind of levels, how could we lose?!

The automatic doors opened as I walked closer.

It was only Dad. What a major let down.

After this cold, left out over night encounter, I was forced to teach someone without pay!!

Wally, in his first encounter, caught a Ralts!! That sort of luck doesn’t exist! During the battle, he returned his borrowed pokemon and fought the Ralts in hand to hand combat.

"It was really entertaining!" Howling had put 100 pokedollars on the Ralts. I only put 5 pokedollars on Wally. *Sigh* I should have bet more money.

After Wally had caught his first pokemon, I returned to Dad, hoping for an epic battle.

Nope. I had to continue on to Rustburro City with nothing!

"Don't worry about it, Amigo." Lotad was happily keeping up with me. "You'll get a chance to defeat your father and get the love you deserve!" Then someone stepped out in front of us.

Well I say in front, what I really mean is that he stepped on Sombrero, while trying to get to me. What a jerk! He said I wasn't a true trainer and left.

"Sombrero, are you ok?" I asked the Lillypad. "Yep, I'm fine." He moved himself of the ground. "No injuries?" The Lotad thought for a while. "Does the spleen count as an injury?"

We then continued on.

-Route 104-

Egad! A Maril! Pikablu (Male) joined our Party. "Let's all have a Fiesta!" Sombrero jumped in joy. I wonder if that hit on the head knocked something loose. "Yayz! Party!" Pikablu jumped in joy (Jolly nature). "I haz party?"

"NO!" shouted the rest of us... apart of Sombrero.

Then Demontox evovled! Yayz! Into a... Damn it. A Silcoon.

"Please, don't box me!!" The Silcoon shouted, although muffled.

"Aw he's so cute when he's cowering in fear!" Howling smiled, wagging her tail. "Can I eat him? Pretty Please?!" I turned to her. "No eating!" The puppy obviously looked upset. I turned back to the Cacoon.

"Don't worry pal! I can easily fix this!" The Silcoon looked shocked. "All I have to do is re-nickname you! I dub thee, Beelzafly!" The Silcoon looked happy in an evil way.

-Da Woods, Petalburg Woods-

No capture, unfortunately.

We did save a guy from Devon Corp! A salty sailor came in and attacked with his Poochyena! Pikablu took care of the situation with ease.

*Cough* "With my help, of course." Link was resting in a nearby tree, after pummelling the Poochyena unconscious. We received a Great Ball ~DO-DA-DO~ STOP THAT, in appreciation.

-Route 104... Again?-

We got TM09 Bullet Seed ~DO-DA-DO~! I immediately teach it to Sombrero. Why? Because Link is not a Deku Scrub! He prefers sword attacks. "I do actually!"

After some mass Pwnage "Woot go team!", thank you Pikablu, we finally reached Rustboro City!

-Rustboro City-

First order of business, we went in search of the Cut Master.

Link learned his first sword technique, "Cut"! He moved his wooden sword like a pro.

We then obtained the Quick Claw ~DO-DA-DO~!

-Route 116-

I caught a Taillow (Female) called Freya.

"Ok, I'm ready." The bird said determinedly. "Send me out against those Rock Pokemon! I'll show them what I'm made of!!" (Yes, she's brave by nature and has Guts!)

"Calm down, Amiga." Sombrero looked up at the Taillow perched on his dish. "You can't fight those Rock Pokemon yet!"

Link nodded. "Yeah, I'll lead a three man team of Sombrero, Pikablu and me!"

-Meanwhile in the Rock Tunnel... I mean Rusturf Tunnel!-

"I caught a Whismur!" I jumped into air in joy. The Whismur looked at me strangely.

"I am sorry, but the cave needs me!" It said looking down.

Howling ran up to it. "Why does it need you?"

"In order for me to leave, there needs to be a RAVE!!"

Music comes out of nowhere and the rest of the Whismurs come out and start dancing.

After three days of Partying, we finally leave the cave. I decided to nickname him "Megaphone".

"Can you turn down that racket?!" Howling shouted after surviving three turns of Uproar.

-Some Grinding Later...-

What?! Beelzafly is Evolving!

"Muhahahaha! Foolish Mortals! Nothing can stop the mighty Beelzafly once it has been released!!" Beelzafly was in a mood for eating babies.

"Save it till we get to the Gym!" I walked off. Beelzafly continued his rant, while the rest of us walked away.

-Rustboro City-

We are going up against our first Gym, here's my Team:

Link the Treeko
Level 10
Sassy Nature
-Quick Attack

Pikablu the Marill
Level 10
Jolly Nature
-Defense Curl
-Tail Whip
-Water Gun

Beelzafly the Beautifly
Level 10
Hardy Nature
-String Shot
-Poison Sting

Sombrero the Lotad
Level 10
Rash Nature
-Bullet Seed

In da box:

Megaphone the Whismur
Level 10
Lonely Nature

Howling the Poochyena
Level 10
Impish Nature

Freya the Taillow
Level 10
Brave Nature
-Focus Energy
-Quick Attack

Now it's time for the Gym!

Gym Guy told me that Roxanne uses Rock-Type pokemon, so I should counter with Grass and Water. How about using both Grass and Water at the same time?!

Sombrero defeated all of the Trainers with his Desperado Seeds.

High-Fives were shared at this time!

Next was Roxanne.

Name: Roxanne
Type: Rock
Badge: Stone Badge
Signature Move: Rock Tomb
Rating: She's the first Gym... what do you think?

Pokemon on her team:

Level 12
-Defence Curl
-Rock Throw
-Rock Tomb

Level 12
-Defence Curl
-Rock Throw
-Rock Tomb

Nosepass + Oran Berry
Level 15
-Rock Tomb

Link the Treeko - "I was there at the time. Master sent me out to dance with the Geodudes. They were no match for my superior Skills!"

Sombrero the Lotad - "Amigos, I was sent out to take out mister bad Nosepass. We both stood on the field of battle. My Lillypad glowed in the light. Her nose was brighter that anything I've seen! I fired the first shot, injuring the beautiful lady. It was a close battle, but I won in the end!"

After the battle, Sombrero insisted that we have a Siesta! Then he started to glow! Sombrero evolved into a Lombre!

When we left the Gym, Some Pirate ran past with some guys goods! Well that can wait for next time!

At the end of this session, here is my current team:
Link the Treeko
Howling the Poochyena
Beelzafly the Beautifly
Sombrero the Lombre
Freya the Taillow

In Box:
Pikablu the Marill
Megaphone the Whismur

Nope! Nobody dead yet!

- Will we get Da Goods back?
- Will we get a ride to Dewford?
- Will a member of our team fall?!

Find out the answer to most of these questions next time on Pokemon Emerald!

So, what do you think about the commentary? Is it good or is it bad? Please give me any advice about how I can improve it.
Saw this on tumblr a couple days ago; a bit more complete rules:

-If a Pokemon in your party faints, you must release it.
-Every time you reach a new route, cave, etc., you must catch the very first Pokemon you see, regardless of your current number of party members. The Pokemon may sit within the box for an indeterminate amount of time as a backup.
-If you fail to catch the first Pokemon you see, either via it fleeing, knocking it out, or having no Pokeballs, you may not catch another. Tough shit.
-This means you can not catch a pokemon in a route you were in before you could catch pokemon. So no route 1, you were there before you had pokeballs.
-If a town you go to contains a body of water or a gift, pokemon like Bill’s Eevee in G/S/C/HG/SS, that may be considered a Pokemon of a new area.
-You must nickname your pokemon so there is some sort of attachment. Each pokemon is a best friend to you, to see them die is heartbreaking.
-If your entire party faints, they all must be thrown away. If you have a pokemon left in a box somewhere, you may continue, otherwise you must start your game over.
-Treat pokeballs as rare artifacts; at no point can you buy them from stores. You can only use ones you find in the wild or are awarded.
-You are, under no circumstance, allowed to get a second pokemon from any given area.
-You are, under no circumstance, allowed to use items outside of battle. If you were poisoned on your last turn of the battle, you better hope to god there is a pokemon center nearby.
-You may not switch out before the enemy trainer sends in a new Pokemon.
-You are not allowed to use legendaries in battle.
I'm doing this exact set of rules on SS.

One extra rule, no outside trading. In game trades are allowed.

Exception: To trade solely for evolution.

Current Team:

Lv. 19 Quilava (Michael, my real name), met at New Bark Town at Lv.5
Lv. 19 Geodude (Rocky, as I love the movie series, and c'mon, he's a rock :P), met at Dark Cave at Lv.3
Lv. 18 Togepi (Cutie!!!!, cuz it's adorable) Egg hatched in Ilex Forest

Dead members:

Lv. 6 Ekans (Dot, name of my pet snake), met at Route 32 at Lv.4
CoD: Crit hit in trainer battle.
Lv. 16 Hoothoot (Miranda, my girlfriend), met at Route 46 at Lv. 4
CoD: Poisoned in Ilex Forest, couldn't reach Poke center.
Lv. 16 Drowzee (Carly, my sister), met at Route 34 at Lv. 12
CoD: Crit Hit in trainer battle.

Badges: 2
About to take on Goldenrod Gym.

Will regularly update with my progress and maybe some drawings for you guys :P
I shall be doing this on Ruby. These are my rules.

-If a Pokemon in your party faints, you must release it.
-Every time you reach a new route, cave, etc., you must catch the very first Pokemon you see, regardless of your current number of party members. The Pokemon may sit within the box for an indeterminate amount of time as a backup.
-If you fail to catch the first Pokemon you see, either via it fleeing, knocking it out, or having no Pokeballs, you may not catch another. Tough shit.
-This means you can not catch a pokemon in a route you were in before you could catch pokemon. So no route 1, you were there before you had pokeballs.
-If a town you go to contains a body of water or a gift, pokemon like Bill’s Eevee in G/S/C/HG/SS, that may be considered a Pokemon of a new area.
-You must nickname your pokemon so there is some sort of attachment. Each pokemon is a best friend to you, to see them die is heartbreaking.
-If your entire party faints, they all must be thrown away. If you have a pokemon left in a box somewhere, you may continue, otherwise you must start your game over.
-You are, under no circumstance, allowed to get a second pokemon from any given area.
-Items may be used outside of battle, but only those found on the ground. No bought items.
-TMs are allowed. This includes game corner.
-Mass Grinding is not allowed. If needed for a tough gym leader, a max of 1-2 levels of grinding are awarded. New pokemon are allowed to be grinded to *a little below* the average level of the others. If I need to withdraw something from the PC and it's like 20 levels underleveled, 9 levels grinding is allowed max. If it's still underleveled, TS.
-You may not switch out before the enemy trainer sends in a new Pokemon.
-You are not allowed to use legendaries in battle.

I will also nickname each one after the smogon member I think is most like them, example, noctowl = jumpluff, jolteon = SDS, Mamoswine = #Az, etc. I am unsure wether I will do comic or writing form, as I have a 103.7% final score in english, although i am generally too lazy for writing and comics are fun.


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Saw this on tumblr a couple days ago; a bit more complete rules:

-If a Pokemon in your party faints, you must release it.
-Every time you reach a new route, cave, etc., you must catch the very first Pokemon you see, regardless of your current number of party members. The Pokemon may sit within the box for an indeterminate amount of time as a backup.
-If you fail to catch the first Pokemon you see, either via it fleeing, knocking it out, or having no Pokeballs, you may not catch another. Tough shit.
-This means you can not catch a pokemon in a route you were in before you could catch pokemon. So no route 1, you were there before you had pokeballs.
-If a town you go to contains a body of water or a gift, pokemon like Bill’s Eevee in G/S/C/HG/SS, that may be considered a Pokemon of a new area.
-You must nickname your pokemon so there is some sort of attachment. Each pokemon is a best friend to you, to see them die is heartbreaking.
-If your entire party faints, they all must be thrown away. If you have a pokemon left in a box somewhere, you may continue, otherwise you must start your game over.
-Treat pokeballs as rare artifacts; at no point can you buy them from stores. You can only use ones you find in the wild or are awarded.
-You are, under no circumstance, allowed to get a second pokemon from any given area.
-You are, under no circumstance, allowed to use items outside of battle. If you were poisoned on your last turn of the battle, you better hope to god there is a pokemon center nearby.
-You may not switch out before the enemy trainer sends in a new Pokemon.
-You are not allowed to use legendaries in battle.
I am taking the challenge on Ruby with Treeko, modifying the rules slightly.

-Shinies I find will be caught, if possible. Chances are it won't. I have no idea how to RNG, so finding a shiny for me is as rare as... me having a life.
-Pickup items allowed, if this was ever illegal.
@ the guys with shitloads of rules.

holy shiiiiit... guys...
I can't even imagine myself doing those... too harsh for me to have fun...
what's so wrong about doing only the 2 basic rules...?
I started my Nuzlocke Challenge on LeafGreen with moot's rules except that I'm allowing myself to buy five pokeballs per PokeMart and the only items I can use are pokeballs, evolutionary stones, tms, and Hms.
So far I have two badges and my team at this point is as follows:
Forrest the Ivysaur level 22
Batz the Zubat level 21
Alastor the Pigeotto level 20
Mothra the Butterfree level 17
Splinter the Rattata level 11
Kitteh the Meowth level 10
FailFish the Magikarp level 5

I'll be updating this regularly
I started a challenge on Pokemon Emerald with the standard rules + no Pokemarts + no healing items out of battle. My record so far:

1. Chickster the Torchic Level 14
2. Bungee (don't ask) the Dustox Level 10
3. Minnie the Marill Level 7

Also, I fainted a Wurmple before I could catch it, failed miserably in catching in Abra, and let a Poochyena die on me in Petalburg Woods out of sheer retardation. I've seen Taillows, Shroomishes and Nincadas, all as the second Pokemon encountered on the route and thus ineligible for capture due to stinkin' Rule 2. I haven't even faced Roxanne yet, and have absolutely no idea how to beat her. All in all, a promising start.
I haven't even faced Roxanne yet, and have absolutely no idea how to beat her. All in all, a promising start.
Combusken learns Double Kick at level 16 when torchic evolves. I know grinding is frowned upon, but still; that would work. Or just train your Marril a little bit.
I am finally gonna do a nuzlock run with standards rules except that I am going to have my starter be Farfetched on my Heart Gold. Sure to be fun or at least interesting

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