OC Multifaction - One Piece Mafia - Sign Ups

Welcome to One Piece Mafia! Calling in from Pangaea Castla at Mary Geois, this is your host and newest member of the Gorosei, Laurel. This game will be co-hosted by everyone's favorite Celestial Dragon internet

These are the official signups for One Piece Mafia! This will be a large, OC (outside communication) game intended for 43 or more players.
This is a medium to high power game.

To sign up, please post to that effect in this thread. This thread will be open for a while to allow for people to see that this is happening and for the current / ongoing game to finish. I'd expect this will start in 1 - 1.5 weeks.

Discord server invite link here: https://discord.gg/ZuXkxQGV

Game specific rules:

In this game there are four factions

StrawhatsStrawhat Friends
GovernmentEvil Pirates

Strawhats can win with Strawhat Friends if Evil Pirates and Government are dead
Strawhats can win with Government if Evil Pirates and Strawhat friends are dead

Government can win with Evil Pirates if Strawhats and and Strawhat Friends are dead.
Government can win with Strawhats if Evil Pirates and Strawhat Friends are dead.

You can not win with the faction in the opposite corner to your own.

This "win triangle" works for all factions.

Complicating this, each faction has Radicals. More to come ;)
  • Standard day and night cycles
  • All standard rules apply - no screenshotting, deadtalking, etc. If you need a refresher on the rules please go see any other game on this forum.
  • No aliases
  • Discord is a requirement
Please invite your friends, because it may be difficult to hit 40+ sign-ups if we don't do any outreach. If this does not hit 40+ sign-ups, then I will cede my spot in the queue and host this at a later time.

Sign Ups
1. A Fairy
2. Sunny004
3. Bluedoom
4. Dead by Daylight
5. NightEmerald
6. Realiti
7. Lonelyness
8. Celever
9. Lechen
10. Alice Kazumi
11. Pulsar512b
12. Yeti
13. Uncle Sam
14. Zorbees
15. Ehmcee
16. AngryPidgeon
17. Mekkah
18. Redless
19. Bass
20. Celdanami
21. M2H
22. Genisu
23. Copen
24. Lamp
25. Saberslasher
26. Pinazo
27. Firecracker
28. Master Oden
29. Askaninjask
30. Da Letter El
31. Jalmont
32. Gmax
33. ElectricityCat
34. ZiloXX
35. Noradrenaline
36. BillyMills
37. blazade
38. Dak
39. Ditto
40. SirFish
41. BuiBui
42. Galactikitty
43. ionnss
44. Ullar

1. HH
2. Flandrs
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