Most Generation PRNG Help / Information


blatant Nintendo fanboy
Okay I want to breed 6 floorless iv pokemon and this is what I have been doing to calibrate my ds. Checking the seconds and delay time by changing the date of my ds, synchronising the time to my computer, catching a pokemon immediately and then checking its iv's using rare candies... Then I have used find initial seed on the rng reporter and have taken note of the seconds and delay.
Okay first qus-Have I been doing this stage correctly?
Second-Can I tell if I have messed up?
Thirdly-What do I do once I have lots of data recorded of the seconds and delay?
I know these are all dumb questions but I am dumb and I need help! :S
You are not dumb!

And it looks to me like you're doing it fine, though I hope you're not resetting the date each time because that's unnecessary. Once is enough for calibration. And actually, just for calibration purposes, as long as your watch is accurate, you just need to synchronize it to your DS clock once too. I just synch them once and then go from there and get accurate seconds and delays. When I shut off my DS, I just wait for the next minute to roll around and that's fine.

As long as your seconds and delays are somewhat "consistent" then you haven't messed up. For example my seconds are always 14, and my delays normally range from 620-630 (on Pearl at least). Your seconds might vary by one and your delay might vary by more (say by 20-30), but the point of calibration is to learn to be consistent.

Once you have lots of data on it. Find your average seconds and your average delay. If you consistently hit 14 seconds like I do, then you should SR 14 seconds before your target time. If your delay consistently turns up to be 624 like it does for me, then when you're searching for target times, you should make sure you have a delay of 624 because that's what you'll "probably" hit anyway.

Good luck to you! It's a blast when it all works for the first time!
AH thanks mattj! Well they're not all consistent bugt I have been getting seconds of 13 and delays of 600. So basically what I need to do is keep getting 13 seconds and somewhere around 600 delay mark and then find my average of both? Oh, and that the time+date do not need to be changed every time? One very last qus, how many times do you think would be okay to get a good average? Something like ten would you say?


blatant Nintendo fanboy
Ha! Sorry! I was typing this on my lunch break, but then saw that I was like 30 seconds shy of being late to get back from lunch! XD

AH thanks mattj! Well they're not all consistent bugt I have been getting seconds of 13 and delays of 600. So basically what I need to do is keep getting 13 seconds and somewhere around 600 delay mark and then find my average of both? Oh, and that the time+date do not need to be changed every time? One very last qus, how many times do you think would be okay to get a good average? Something like ten would you say?
Yeah, 13 and 600 is totally usable. But if you've gotten them several times before then you should be good to go. What I meant by consistent is that I'll get like 14/620, 14/624, 14/626, 14/624, 14/622, 14/624 so basically if i shoot for a delay of 624 and SR at 14 seconds before my target time I'll hit it about 50% of the time which isn't bad.

I only calibrated like 6 times before i got started and then each time I missed I input the caught poke's info to see how far I was off and made adjustments from there. If your delay changes for whatever reason (like you suddenly hit 6 610's in a row) you can just change your year and it changes the delay too so you can match what you happen to be getting to what you are trying to hit.
Is there still a feature on RNG Reporter where I can match the coin flips to find out what seed (and then find the delay) I DID hit, if it is not what I was looking for? I could swear I saw something like that before...


blatant Nintendo fanboy
Is there still a feature on RNG Reporter where I can match the coin flips to find out what seed (and then find the delay) I DID hit, if it is not what I was looking for? I could swear I saw something like that before...
I think it was LF that suggested to just catch a random wild poke real quick like and input it's info into the seed finder to see what you actually hit so you can adjust if need be. Works for me.
Is there still a feature on RNG Reporter where I can match the coin flips to find out what seed (and then find the delay) I DID hit, if it is not what I was looking for? I could swear I saw something like that before...

It is in the seed -> function that shows the coin flips and has a section below it that allows you to generate the coin flips around it.
I'm confused... >_< I'd use Method 1 to RNG a Cressselia, right? Then I'd go to the Seed to Time tab, click generate, and pick any of those times?
ok i am getting a bit frustrated my ID is 02106(I tried with and without the 1st 0) and SID 64371 and it doesn't not seem to work not the SID, its fine(got it check twice) so is there something i am missing


would you suck the poison out
Its not about how fast you can mash A. You shouldn't be trying to start the game "as fast as you can." What really matters is consistency. You should be trying to mash A at consistently the same speed with each try. The best thing to do is to get a rhythm going that feels comfortable for you and that you can easily repeat any time. Just keep at it, you'll get it eventually.
Okay, I have got the following data 14s 592d, 14s 606d, 14s 618d, 14s 610d, 14s 602d, 14s 620d. All of the seconds are consistent however the delays are not. Do I keep gathering more and more data, or, do I work out the average delay using a calculator?


would you suck the poison out
6 resets is not enough in my opinion. I used 20-30 when I calibrated my Diamond game. Like I said tho, its all about consistency. When you see that you are getting consistent results, then you'll be done. I would shoot for a maximum range of 10 in your delays (ex: 610 to 620) and a consistent seconds value.
K thanks, oh and does it matter what day you do it? Or could you do like 10 today and 10 tomorrow and they would still be consistent?
Thats a relief... I was doing loads yesturday, all inconsistent (was still learning :/). So now I shall rack up lots of data and choose the average out of the groups of "consistent" results with a range of ten. Finally an impish 6 floorless iv UXIE is looking, that much closer!


blatant Nintendo fanboy
I'm trying to generate a spread for an HP Ice TRU Shaymin. But each time I "generate" it doesn't find anything.

My settings are...
  • 2009
  • 600
  • 620-630
  • method 1
  • Any
  • 31/30/30/31/31/31
What variable/s (aside from the IVs) could I change to increase it's range so it gives me a selectable spread?


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