Media Minecraft Discussion Thread

-_- i just wrote big thing about how i feel about what should happen to spawn then clicked the back button on my mouse deleting it all, so here we go again.

I think we should knock down all the buildings around spawn house and mabye flatten the land so we could create set out blocks of land for people to build in. This would allow uniforimity while still letting people have their own styles.
From there i think the town should "fan" out from around spawn house, hoving the comunity buildings in the inner rings and then having player build buildings and msc. buildings in the outer. this set up would allow both paths, bring everything more together while still not locking in a style as some people have expressed conserns about.
Ok I thought I'd come up with some sort of proper proposal too-

I think that the location of all the buildings is fine. What we really need are paths, more interesting lighting systems than torches everywhere and perhaps a little bit of terraforming. Additionally, the ugliest buildings such as the enchanting and potion rooms need a makeover on the outside. Then we can start laying down some paths that look good but are uniform across spawn. As for lighting ideas, I think torchless lighting is ideal IMO since it looks a lot cleaner. Some ways to do that are street lamp style glowstone, "glowing" trees and bushes (hide a pumpkin inside a tree or underneath a hedge), lava lanters which are held in place by netherbrick fences (these look really cool, the nether room in Pale Pass has one). Or if we are fine with torches, we could go for the street lamp block with torches on all four sides as well.

If we think about it, the only ugly buildings in spawn really are the potion and enchanting rooms. If we cover up the holes in the ground, get rid of all the wild grass and lay down paths as I said before, I think it'll go a long ways in making spawn a nicer place.
Ok you twits, a lesson in comprehension.

What part of "These stairs are not for you" is not being grasped? These stairs are there so I can get certain things up to where I live. They were not built do you can climb up.

Oh hey, a piece of cobble in the way that is meant to stop you (read the sign!). But you people just don't get it, and decide you're going to go around anyways.

But when I log off last night, you guys seem to think the signs don't apply.

You guys aren't slick. The sign doesn't say "don't destroy this cobble," it says "DO NOT CIRCUMVENT." In case you guys don't understand 10-letter words:

Several more things were done to get up there though, not just that.

Random cobble block in a dirt staircase, pretty obvious.

What was the point of destroying that? Considered taking it then a change of heart or what?

Opti idk how you got up and avoided getting noticed until this point but alas, you were clearly here.

Even worse, about half an hour before I logged off, I caught asdfy climbing up and told him to get down. But as soon as I'm gone he decides to think it's ok to come up.

Now I'm not pissed about people just "visiting." People go into other people's places all the time. But the issues started here:

asdfy and Wolf decided they would go up in the night and a creeper blew up 6 of my rails. They refused to replace them, blaming me for the explosion. That's when I decided to put up the sign and cobble block to hinder people climbing. People continued to go up though, penguin, mattafield, etc.

But after I got off last night, one of you three decided you would grieve me. All but 1 of my animals are gone, which you think you can get away with because of a gate that I put for MY convenience. Worse than that, my villager population is fucked up; and while I'm unsure if it was an unintentional consequence of leaving a way out of the fence, or if you decided you'd have a massacre, I'm leaning towards the latter given what happened to my animals. Regardless, it's going to be a bitch to fix.

I'm pissed and there will be retribution for this shit. You guys are naive to think I'm just going to let this slide.

Everybody else, stay the fuck away.
Ok.. so iirc if you make a creeper explode it is your responsibility to repair the damage that has been done. And still going up there not acknowledging the signs is something i personally do not like one bit as it is a violation of privacy if you will. I'll let the other admins decide what to do to punish you guys (if there will be a punishment but I will vote for one if it is needed).

It is just way too disrespectful imo.


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well since "do not go circumvent" doesn't make any sense at all, it is plausible it was read as "do not go.


maybe they thought they were not supposed to leave and had to circumvent the cobble

really, if you are going to try to be a condescending asshole, at least get your lecture straight!

oh and eta, there won't be any retribution
Guys I started up Grand Smogcraftia, the spiritual successor to Dinoworld, but I'm not feeling it anymore. You can go build there if you want -- keep going from Energy Storm's airship by the Doomsheep farm. Make carnival rides and theme park-based things!

I'm sort of burned out. Don't have the urge to play. It's the shitty laptop, I guess.

What do?
Hi guys, its okay to post your thoughts on the situation and all but like don't worry, we'll deal with situation!

Also Rawbi can I make a dinosaur at Grand Smogcraftia? Or is it not really themed like that?

Anyways I logged on for the first time in a while (kinda funny it said it was my first time logging on), nice to see some of the new stuff like the snow golem house...thing...slavery pen? And my stuff looked fairly untouched, besides a few oddball blemishes that were likely caused by the upgrades (a door on my sandcastle was reversed for example lol).

Any reason the sides on the rails to Oho were unprotected at some points? Thought they were supposed to be safe and enclosed, think a skelly was shooting at me as I passed by. I do like how they were expanded to 2 rails, one going and the other leaving.
Except you went back up. Twice. After the signs were there. After the cobble was there to stop you. And the third time was after I told you to get down earlier that night.

Let me give you a timeline:

1st climb, 04-03 12:32:38 | This was when you guys caused the creeper to blow up then blamed me for it. The signs and cobble wasn't up by this time, but this is what caused me to do it.
2nd climb, 04-04 11:23:21 | The sign and block was up by this time. This was when I caught you coming halfway up and told you to get down.
3rd climb, 04-04 14:45:13 | This was after I logged off and only a few hours after I had told you to get down before.

Try and justify this.
Veed do not take this the wrong way, but you are ranting. Firstly i do not own any rails of any kind. Secondly those signs were placed AFTER we went up there. Thirdly i thought it was the Iron Golem farm
hi guys, it's me (forks)

i am going to ask you all to cool your jets about this.
a sign posted by a player is not a legally binding clause and thus disregarding it does not represent a major violation of server rules. thus it shall not be punished as such. what it does represent, however, is a breach of etiquette, which, though not necessary illegal, is invariably frowned upon. i would like to remind everyone to be respectful of other player's wishes regarding their property; repeated failure to do so may be deemed disruptive behavior and a transgression of our smogcraft's golden rule: don't be a jerk

veedrock, i've been told you're not interested in compensation. nonetheless, if you desire it so, i would be happy to restore your lost livestock for you. i don't like that your sheep were killed, but given the difficulties in catching an animal slaughterer, this will have to suffice.

multiasdfy, i ask that you issue a public apology to veedrock, here in this thread, in a timely manner.

if either of you is dissatisfied with these terms, i invite you to dispute them with me privately. this matter is not to be discussed any further in this thread.
I am sorry veed, but next time please put signs up in the first place. EDIT: sorry for going up on your raily thing to look at your house.
I don't accept that apology because you still don't get it. You're constantly bringing up the first time you came up, attempting to change the focus and make it seem like my fault, when that isn't even the issue. This is not about before the signs were up. You refuse to acknowledge that you came up twice more after the signs were put up, once even after I told you to GTFO, and have not explained yourself.

What are you not getting?

And admins are ignoring that asdfy isn't the only culprit.
Ok, I also make a formal apology to you Veedrock, on hindsight, my decision to circumvent the cobble and signs seems pretty stupid and I am willing to compensate.
However this post is here for another reason.

The NPC village farm thing at spawn is out of control, the villagers are breeding way too fast, and they all stay in the same house at the same time. Im theorizing that it is this, that is causing a lot of lag and disconnects when Im at spawn.

If there is another village that someone could use, I request that someone moves it over there, so either we can tear down the village or seperate the villagers, because it is getting way too ridiculous. I am willing to help with any materials to set up such a farm somewhere else as well.
Haha i kinda went overboard in my reaction to this. my bad, very unprofessional.
I still think that exploding rails and not wanting to put them back is against the rules basically , unlit tracks or not. But its a SMP world where as far as i know trespassing is not on the list of ' don't do's '. Everyone can go wherever they want as long as they don't grief the places they go to. And signs saying 'don't go there' will only have the opposite effect really. I also don't get why people where forbidden to go up there in the first place. If you are that fond of secrecy you should play SSP.

Also killing his animals is a dick move!


not quite too old for this, apparently
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Veedrock if you wanted secrecy/privacy you should have put the rails in a place that wasn't like, ground level in the middle of an easy-to-get-to area.

Also what the hell why/how would/did you break into the admin vault n_n






Alas poor Yorick!
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and Sal calls himself the Thief!

Very impressive boys, but I've made some adjustments to that lovely vault, and I dare say it would be impossible now!


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gosh tennis doesn't know ANYThing about coding

if he'd said that it would just say "light_value" in the sky

like fifteen times or something


also hahaha gj thieves guild!!

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