Pet Mod Megas for All v7 - please switch to the new thread for v8! (There's a link in the first and last posts!)


Since ArhamA has updated his Magmortar sub, you are free to vote for it if you want! I've already included it in the compilation post on the previous page (70). For convenience's sake, I include his sub here again:
If you have already voted and want to vote ArhamA, please, let ink know!


Mega Magmortar @ Magmortite

New Moves:
Hammer Arm
Vacuum Wave
Ability: Sheer Force; Imagine STAB Focus Blast and Fire Blast Moves being even further boosted by its 135 Special Attack and Sheer Force, this is balanced out by its slow speed.

Magmortar @ Magmortite
Ability: Flame Body
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Fire Blast
- Vacuum Wave
- Focus Blast
- Thunderbolt​

Magmortar is also a great revenge killer thanks to STAB Vacuum Wave. It benefits greatly from Sun, allowing for its already powerful Fire Blast to be boosted to further levels.

Mega Stats:
HP: 75
Attack: 135 (+40)
Defense: 107 (+40)
Sp. Attack: 135 (+10)
Sp. Defense: 105 (+10)
Speed: 83
BST: 640 (+100)
  • Paulluxx & abismal
  • Violettes
  • Lydian
  • Exploziff
  • Gravity Monkey
  • Okispokis
  • Okispokis
  • MossySandwich
  • Violettes
  • Rcook
  • Shinxthe17
  • DrPumpkinz
  • LordThemberchaud
  • Lydian
  • Shrimpy & Deepblue
  • Exploziff
  • Violettes
  • Inkbug
  • Simpyshrimp
  • Abismal
  • Okispokis
  • Shinxthe17
  • Lyd
  • Deepblue & Paul
1. jazzmat
2. The Damned
3. Paulluxx & abismal
4. magmajudis
5. lydian
6. SimpyShrimp & ARandomPerson

1. jazzmat
2. SimpyShrimp & I-Deepblue-I
3. Mossy Sandwich
4. DrPumpkinz
5. ARandomPerson
6. shinxthe17!

1. jazzmat
2. SimpyShrimp
3. inkbug
4. shinxthe17!
5. bekama
6. I-Deepblue-I & Paulluxx
7. abismal


Banned deucer.

I believe EeveeGirl1380's Fire-type Rain mega deserves first place here. I don't think it will be widely useful or splashable by any means, even among rain teams, but it has a really unique and interesting niche of its own. Having an off-type weather user is already a neat idea, but trying to make an off-type weather that actively weakens your own STAB work is something else, and I think they pulled it off. Water/Electric is already a great offensive combination, and guaranteed Thunder/Rain-boosted Weather Ball are both strong options slightly offset by the lack of STAB on either. Fire is a neat type defensively that's usually used for its more offensive capabilities, which is something that can shine in a Pokemon that discouraged from spamming its Fire moves. However, this also gives unique weather support in punishing enemy teams trying to replace ally Rain - Magmortar can fire off fiery nukes if the enemy tries to set Sun, and melts through Hail teams. It's weak to Sand teams, of course, but that's covered by the fact that... the entire rest of Magmortar's team can probably handle Sand users pretty effectively. All-in-all I think this is a really underrated sub and worthy of praise.

Gravity Monkey's sub is a shoe-in for second here - Fire/Poison has tons of potential as a wallbreaker, and using toxic offensively is a decently novel idea for a bulky attacker to utilize.


I can't believe KeroseneZanchu and Paulluxx's Body Press Jynx mega deserves first place here. But it does. If you told me you planned to make a mega evolution for a fast special attacker with base 35 defense revolve around Body Press, I would have called you crazy. Well, these guys are apparently just crazy enough to make it work. I love how this intricate setup brings out so many unique dynamics all at once. A Fire/Ice/Psychic attacker has all sorts of synergystic coverage among them and gives it a very special type profile both offensively and defensively that not many will be used to having to play with. It generates a potent mixed attacker that doesn't have to waste its EVs in two different attacking stats by utilizing a defensive stat it will already want and deriving physical coverage from its already higher special attack stat. Strong physical attacker that ignores the effects of Intimidate and King's Shield (one of its 'physical' moves ignores Parting Shot, too, while the other ignores burn). They didn't touch on it in their submission post, but I also love the dynamic of having such a ludicrously large disparity in pre-Mega and post-Mega defense swaps. This creates a lot of interesting decisions in battle on when to bring Jynx in and how - even if Jynx is very physically bulky post-Mega, it can get chunked for a pretty large amount beforehand and might need to be brought in safely through slow pivoting. On the flipside, this also allows Jynx to get a one-time shot at checking many special attackers by coming in on them pre-Mega that it wouldn't ever get the chance to touch afterwards.

I guess Jynx is destined to be a weird Mega (which is a bit fitting, to be fair), because my second place vote goes to SimpyShrimp and |-Deepblue-|. Ice Face is an ability that should be kept to limited distribution, but I think Jynx makes great flavor sense and has good synergy with being physically frail. This is definitely the best way to go if people want a more "traditional" Mega and vanilla-feeling than the insanity that is Gyaru.


Inkbug, you have stolen my heart with this one. Deciding to make a Pokemon revolve around using contact moves... to then use special moves is incredibly novel and a wonderful idea. Above and beyond, the synergies of the moves you chose to showcase on this Pokemon in particular just take the idea to the next level. Wild Charge into Giga Drain is a potent combo that is punishing no matter what the enemy's done - they have to choose between letting the Giga Drain hit after a drop or letting Giga Drain hit super effectively on the Ground type they use to negate the Wild Charge. Simply switching into a grass resist doesn't work either because Electivire can always click a different special move to make use of the free drop. This sub also comes with a creative way to get around the traditional problem of making mixed attackers work with comparable skill to Gyaru Jynx, and it would be delightful if both of these managed to win and bring their potential to the mod.

Violettes - there's a lot of criteria to be met for making a compelling Mega design based on having a status condition due to their inability to hold a Toxic or Flame orb. However, I think you've pretty much hit the nail on the head with this one - while I do want to see inkbug's Electivire even more, there's probably limited chances to get something like a Guts mega that works as well as this, and so I'd be remiss not to make this my second place vote.
alright voting time!

1. Me + SimpyShrimp
2. Violettes
3. Paulluxx + Abismal
4. BlueRay
5. Hematemesis
6. lydian
7. EeveeGirl1380

1. ShinGen
2. Okispokis
3. BlueRay
4. inkbug
5. bekama
6. Double Iron Bash

1. ARandomPerson (me)
2. Mossy Sandwich
3. Violettes
4. SimpyShrimp + I-DeepBlue-I
5. lydian
6. Okispokis


Banned deucer.
1. EeveeGirl1380
2. Violettes
3. Gravity Monkey
4. Magmajudis
5. lydian
6. BlueRay
7. Paulluxx & abismal
8. bekama
9. Exploziff
10. Hematemesis

1. depressed lion
2. KeroseneZanchu & Paulluxx
3. SimpyShrimp & I-Deepblue-I
4. Exploziff
5. Gekokeso
6. Violettes
7. DrPumpkinz
8. jazzmat
9. Rcook
10. ry4242

1. Hematemesis
2. Violettes
3. shinxthe17!
4. jazzmat
5. inkbug
6. SimpyShrimp
7. okispokis
8. abismal
9. The Damned
10. BlueRay
I can't lie - I did not expect to have so many top picks for these three
There are actually a lot I would be really happy to see win and I'm... kind of astonished
You guys are insanely creative sometimes - I didn't think Electivire and Magmortar gave a lot to work with at all and I really expected it to feel like the subs blurred together, but... honestly I should know by now that that just doesn't happen because I'm proven wrong every single time :'D
On the other hand, I didn't think Jynx risked that problem because it's a lot more obviously distinctive, but I never expected people to have so much fun with it and I'm really blown away by the amount of energy people gave it!!
:jynx: Mega Jynx
1) DrPumpkinz
2) Mossy Sandwich
3) jazzmat
4) lydian
5) Exploziff
6) depressed lion
7) KeroseneZanchu and Paulluxx
8) Violettes
9) SimpyShrimp and I-Deepblue-I
10) shinxthe17!
11) ARandomPerson

:electivire: Mega Electivire
1) Gekokeso
2) inkbug
3) BlueRay
4) okispokis
5) I-Deepblue-I and Paulluxx
6) jazzmat
7) Violettes
8) abismal
9) bekama
10) The Damned
11) lydian
12) SimpyShrimp

:magmortar: Mega Swagmortar
1) EeveeGirl1380
2) Paulluxx and abismal
4) okispokis
5) The Damned
6) lydian
7) Rcook
8) depressed lion
9) Hematemesis
10) BlueRay
11) Magmajudis
12) pupugugu
13) LordThemberchaud
14) SimpyShrimp and ARandomPerson


Banned deucer.
Yo these subs are lit, so let's get to it -

EeveeGirl1380's Magmortar is so unintuitive that's it's intuitively based, first place easy, with
Gravity Monkey and
BlueRay bringing up the back.

Paulluxx and KeroseneZanchu's collab is so wacky and insane that if it doesn't get first it would be a crime, but
jazzmat is a good secondary with
depressed lion as a funny third.

okispokis and then
abismal both have great first and second place subs (respectively), and
jazzmat has a great third runner-up.

Just your slately reminder that if none of these subs win, y'all are objectively cringe. (Sorry, I don't make the rules.)
:magmortar: They're bringing the Heat!
  1. Paullux & Abismal - I had a lot of fun with this sub and I think it deserves this spot for the effort paul and I put into it.
  2. BlueRay - Unorthodox way of making a pokemon fun to use, deliberately lowering its own stats for a free burn or triple spatk drop.
  3. EeveeGirl1380 - Fire type rain mega's are really cool in my opinion, because rain is supposed to be the Achille's Heel to them but in this case magmortar completely ignores it.
  4. jazzmatt - It's a fun ability, although its only a direct power boost its nice to counter fires or already statused opponents. Like Gliscor.
  5. lydian - It's like a mini-choice scarf. Flavor wise magmortar looks deserving of some kind of launcher based ability, this does it right.
:electivire: They're all Charged Up!
  1. Gekokeso - An interesting ability to support teams that rely on moves with low PP, its also fitting for Electivire's high electrical output.
  2. inkbug - Really nice way to encourage making electivire mixed. It really fits for its role and you could even take a base electivire set and just slap on the stone. Obviously Wrap is really good here, im hoping it works like octolock but if it doesn't thats also fine.
  3. BlueRay - Nice little electric terrain abuser we have going on here, i was at first thinking it can activate at the end of each turn but I doubt that's fully the case. i also like having dauntless special defense so.. yeah. idk. cool sub
  4. shinxthe17 - Interesting concept. don't get me wrong if this wins it'll definitely be a pain to deal with but I like how he managed to make a good core consisting of two pokemon of the same type... i mean electric is really good but still.
  5. Hematemesis - Reminds me of my Short-Circuit ability for regieleki, it seems really funny and would go well on my 5 slaking team.
:jynx:They've got us all Frozen in awe!
  1. Paullux & KeroseneZanchu - A wise man was once able to describe the concept behind this sub in two very short and specific words: Hot Bod. the concept behind this sub is hilarious and the fact that it works is outstanding. Seriously, how much research did it take to come up with this??? also its kind of cool how the sub interacts as jynx might not even mega evolve immediately, she can just wait to utilize fighting coverage and an existing special defense stat.
  2. Violettes - I want a competitive mega and jynx is a weird pokemon so.. just through em together, why not. It's not like it'll end up competing with Galarian Articuno.
  3. Mossy Sandwich - This is the general Idea i'd go for with Jynx, just queenly majesty or dazzling.. Yeah its boring but its good enough competitively and for a playthrough team.
  4. DrPumpkinz - I'm sad to see him slip away. Even in the heat of the moment he managed to gather some courage and submit one last time. Ice/Drought is just really cool too.
  5. jazzmatt - Is jynx really a bad actor if its convincing enough to drop its opponents guard?


Maybe the real mega pokemon were the friends we ma
is a Community Contributor
Aaaand the votes are in!

Before I get started, a quick run-down of how this works:
  • Each vote contributes one point to its first-place choice
  • The candidates are ordered based on both the number of first-place votes and the number of total votes, and eliminated from the bottom
  • Any vote whose first choice has been eliminated instead gives its point to its second choice, or whatever its next ranking is. (On the sheet, points that have moved in this manner are highlighted in yellow.)
  • The elimination and re-ranking process continues until there are two remaining, upon which the one with more points is the winner.
  • You can view the whole thing on this spreadsheet.
So, without further ado...

:jynx: Mega Jynx: KeroseneZanchu & Paulluxx !!
Mega :swsh/jynx: Jynx
Type: Ice/Psychic
Mega Stone: Jynxite

Ability: Gyaru - This Pokemon's Fighting-type moves become Fire-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.2.

HP - 65 (+0)
ATK - 50 (+0)
DEF - 140 (Swapped +45)
SPA - 154 (+39)
SPD - 35 (Swapped +0)
SPE - 111 (+16)

New Moves: Body Press, Barrier

Dex Entry: Through Mega Evolution, Jynx has become an expert in using her body in addition to her mind. The energy of her Mega Evolution gives a resilience to her body and an intensity to her movements, creating a fiery fierceness much like the gyaru her new form so closely resembles.

Body Press

That is all.

One of Jynx's many inspirations is the ganguro, which is a subcliche of the much larger gyaru stereotype, and we chose to lean into that. Ganguro specifically like to tan very heavily, which is part of the fiery flavor, but we decided not to use that name due to it translating almost literally to "black face", which wasn't quite tasteful considering Jynx's history. However, gyaru also provides even more flavor for the ability, since as they're a cliche of "gals" and "hot chicks", they also have many stereotypical behavioral traits in addition to their physical/apparel, such as being fiesty, aggressive, and forward (much like the similar American stereotype of "mean girls"). There are also multiple ways of interpreting Jynx's increase in defense, such as the Japanese spirits with dresses made of bark which was also one of the many sources Jynx's design draws from.

As a small note, Gyaru also creates a theme between it and Vajra of the nontraditional -ate-like abilities to have foreign and exotic names, as a direct juxtaposition to the very standardized names of the -ate/-ize abilities.
"Very rarely does an entire Mega center around making it use one move, but that’s the direction we’ve gone with our Mega Jynx, and it’s not the one you’d expect. The move we’ve built this sub around is Body Press.

Typical mixed attackers fail because the Pokémon cannot afford to run either enough evs, or enough moves for a mixed set to be worth it. But Body Press bypasses that by instead allowing you to invest in defense, which is an important stat for any Pokemon, and get a physical offensive return out of it, while also having a high enough base special stat that it can hit hard without any investment. We immediately realized that we wanted a way for body press to be boosted (without STAB), and fit better with Jynx coverage wise, and that’s where the ability “Gyaru” came from, changing Fighting moves to Fire moves and thus changing its whole dynamic. Body press being Fire type allows it to deal with the many steel types in the tier, from Kartana, to Ferrothorn to Megas such as Corviknight and Bastiodon, but if you’re lame you can also just run Focus Blast to hit them, which is now fire type and no longer neutral on Corv.

It also despite having psyshock can break through Blissey using Body Press. It’s biggest issues are some other steels that resist or are immune to fire, some of these include, Mega Dhelmise (shut up Mossy), Heatran and Mega Empo, but overall it’s a strong special attacker.

That’s not to say Jynx is just an attacker, it surpasses it’s typing in many ways living a few strong supereffective hits with its Skarmory level bulk, while still providing much offensive pressure and sleep utility.

Jynx struggles in a couple of ways, swapping its Special defense with its defense isn’t the best for it, as it now has 65/35 special bulk, and is consumed fully by pretty much any special attack (insert gren calc here). It also has a weakness to rocks hindering it even further.

We think this is a cool concept that Kero and I had a lot of fun working on. I hoped you liked this sub. Despite being a bit weirder and wackier than our normal fare."

- Paulluxx

I (Kero) just wanted to note two quick things in addition -

Some good examples of physical threats this Jynx can reliably check are Rillaboom, Garchomp, Lando-T, Mega Raichu, an unboosted MLycandusk, and even Cinderace if Jynx is boosted (+2).

Since Jynx's physical coverage comes via Body Press and Psyshock, that makes it a reliable physical attacker that's completely immune to attack drops from stuff via Intimidate!

:electivire: Mega Electivire: shinxthe17!
Type: Electric/Fighting
Ability: Electroplating
When this Pokemon uses an Electric-type contact move, the target gains the Steel type. The effect wears off when the target switches out.
HP: 75
Atk: 161 (+38)
Def: 90 (+23)
SpA: 115 (+20)
SpD: 100 (+15)
Spe: 99 (+4)

New moves: Drain Punch, Bulk Up

F l a v o r AND Design Aesthetics (!)

Yes, you heard that right Harold, design aesthetics. I actually have a picture in mind of how I want my Electivire-Mega to look like.

You see those wires there? Well, according to certain Pokedex entries:
- Diamond and Pearl
- Ultra Sun
Electivire's tail provides an incredibly high output of electricity, and by holding onto its tails, Electivire's damage output is a lot stronger.

So I thought to myself: How do I make this easier? Well, it's rather simple -- Have the wires be attached onto Electivire's arms when it Mega Evolves.

But wait, there's a twist!

Electivire's Mega Stone contains specific characteristics that allow the process of electroplating to occur, with the electrons from the cathode (the Mega Stone) being transferred to the anode (Electivire's arms), causing them to be coated in a layer of solid metal. Essentially, Electivire gains a pair of iron knuckles.

But how does the ability here come into play? Well, when Electivire slams its 20k volt fists into the opponent, the high positive charge of the fists transfer their electrons to the body it comes into contact with, due to it having higher electrical potential, causing the opponent to also be coated in metal once the contact process is complete.

Competitive Analysis
The idea here is simple: Wild Charge, Drain Punch, profit.
Benchmark used here is typeless Mew with a blank set:
252 Atk Electivire Wild Charge vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mew: 175-207 (51.3 - 60.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO (15 - 17.7% recoil damage)
252 Atk Electivire Drain Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mew (???/Steel): 290-344 (85 - 100.8%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO (49.8 - 58.7% recovered)

With Electroplating, Wild Charge and Drain Punch work in tandem and synergize very well in the sense that you can regain the health you lose from Wild Charge by sapping it from your opponents with Drain Punch, and with the additional Steel-type, you actually gain health rather than lose it.

There are many things in the common M4AOU meta that can counter STAB Electric-type moves. glares menacingly at all Ground types, Amoonguss and Tangrowth
However, with Electroplating, Grass-types and also Clefable to a certain extent will have to be aware of the danger of being turned into part-Steel types, as Drain Punch is able to heal off the recoil that Electivire takes from using Wild Charge by hitting these converted Steel-types for at least neutral damage (unless you're a Ghost-type or are already 4x resisting Fighting).
But how does it fare against your typical M4AOU wall?

252 Atk Electivire Wild Charge vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Clefable: 153-181 (38.8 - 45.9%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
It's not bad, but it could be better-

252+ SpA Choice Specs Magnezone Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Clefable: 262-310 (66.4 - 78.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

With Electroplating, Magnezone becomes a phenomenal partner for Electivire, being able to efficiently trap Pokemon that Electivire converts into Steels and take care of them easily with a Specs-boosted HP Fire or Thunderbolt.

In the VGC scene, Electivire-Mega can also choose to apply the Steel-type to give them more defensive utility: one particular example comes in the form of Grassy Seed Rillaboom, who at +1 is able to tank a soft Thunder Punch from Electivire and gain a crucial Steel-type to make it more resistant towards U-turn while it sets up SD. In return, Electivire-Mega relishes the presence of the Earthquake-weakening Grassy Terrain, leaving fewer things available to stop it while it uses Bulk Up. (Special thanks to Gravity Monkey for inspiring this VGC segment of the analysis!)

Electivire-Mega does have its own weaknesses though: It's unable to abuse its ability against Ground-types, which remain immune to Electroplating by default, it's 75/90 physical bulk can leave it frail occasionally and it's speed tier leaves more to be desired: 99 allows it to be outsped by various pokemon with 3-digit base speeds.

One more question that needs to be answered: How does this Mega stand out from all the other canon Electric megas we already have, in particular Raichu-Mega? Well, to answer that question:

-1 252 Atk Electivire Wild Charge vs. 252 HP / 168+ Def Corviknight-Mega: 158-188 (39.5 - 47%) -- guaranteed 3HKO (13.5 - 16.1% recoil damage)
-1 252 Atk Reckless Raichu Volt Tackle vs. 252 HP / 168+ Def Corviknight: 206-246 (51.5 - 61.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO (26 - 31.1% recoil damage)

Raichu-Mega is more of a glass cannon, still being able to 2HKO MCorv despite the -1 attack drop, but having lesser HP and getting more recoil damage as a result; while Electivire-Mega can only 3HKO it, but takes lesser damage and has Bulk Up to compensate for the lack of a decent speed tier and also makes it more bulkier and harder to deal with.

And here, have a sample set to go with this little section:
Bulk Up (Electivire) (M)
Ability: Motor Drive
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Bulk Up
- Drain Punch
- Wild Charge
- Ice Punch
*goes very well with Magnezone

(like seriously, Magnezone also resists Psychic and Fairy type revenge moves for Electivire)

i feel like my extremely low opinion of shingen as a person is well fucking known around this mod so i never want to hear one of you fucking clowns accuse me of vote fixing ever again.

:magmortar: Mega Magmortar: Paulluxx & abismal !!
:magmortar: Mega Magmortar
New Ability
: Flame Body/Vital Spirit ---> Neutralizing Gas
: Fire

New Stats:
HP: 75
Attack: 95
Defense: 67 -> 87 (+20)
SpAtk: 125 -> 170 (+45)
SpDef: 95 -> 110 (+15)
Speed: 83 -> 103 (+20)

New Moves: Scald, Recover
Competitive Concept, and How it relates to its function:

Neutralizing Gas Mega Magmortar is meant to approach both the defensive and the offensive uses of the ability, and use them throughout the game to break down defensive cores using its solid coverage and great stats.

How it works offensively:
Offensively Neutralizing Gas works best and most differently against Pokémon with regenerator, disabling their recovery, and allowing you to chip them to take them in the range of a 2hko, it does this to bulky waters such as Toxapex and the Slowtwins best, but it also chips Mega Spiritomb down into the 2hko range as well. But regenerator Pokémon aren’t the only Mons it allows it to beat, it can chip down magic guard Pokémon like Clefable and Mega Rapidash using toxic, or just repeated damage as well, and similarly to a Mold Breaker Mega it can Thunderbolt and Fire Blast 2 notorious special tanks in Mega Empoleon and Heatran, which otherwise would wall it. It also can use taunt and toxic to deal with the ever present Blissey. (Without worry of natural cure) It also has a niche in of itself as a fire type Pokemon that consistently beats Mega Dhelmise

How it works defensively:
Defensively it perseveres despite its rocks weakness. It can switch in and use its bulk and solid speed-tier to check offensive Pokemon. Both megas and base Pokemon, some of these abilities that it prevents include Mega Thievul's Sleight of Hand. Which incentivizes running all physical moves, meaning when its ability is removed it can do very little against Magmortar. It also prevents abilities that offensively help its opponent with chip damage such as the Mega Toxtricities Acid Rock, and Mega Delphox's Clairvoyance.

Weather and Terrain:
It also has great utility, in singles and VGC in dealing with weather teams, as it’s ability and typing, coupled with its coverage, allow it to deal with Sun, Sand and even the new influx of hail. It also can do the same thing to Terrain teams preventing both Hawlucha's Unburden as well as the surge's themselves.

Up until now we've mentioned lots of the things Magmortar is able to do, but we haven't mentioned what it struggles with, as Mega Magmortar is massively threatened and forced out by fast water Pokemon that outspeed it, such as Ash-Greninja and Keldeo, it is also threatened by offensive grounds such as Scarf Landorus Therian, or Scale Shot Garchomp. And it still struggles to break past blissey and other dedicated special walls when its running the offensive set, but when running taunt toxic or defensive sets, and is still threatened by the bulky grounds.

The Future of Mega Magmortar:
As more Mega's get added to the metagame, they will gain powerful customs and base abilities, which will lead to a greater niche for Magmortar, this allows it to function as a solid antimeta glue, as it can deal with most things that'll be added in the future.

Herbs and Spices:
Abismal and I chose Neutralizing Gas for Mega Magmortar not only because of its competitive viability being a check to a wide variety of pokemon, but also because of its appearance and habitat. Magmortar's pokedex entries describe Magmortar to live primarily in volcanic craters, and its appearance depicts that. It is also said that Magmortar is biologically similar to a Volcano, because of its magma chamber where it stores magma. Volcanoes also emit harmful gasses which would be detrimental to the environment, which would be fitting for an ability that can disable the abilities of other pokemon.

Because Magmortar lives around volcanic climates, we thought It would be fitting for magmortar to tend to its wounds using the flames surrounding it, therefore adding Recover as its method of healing. It would help Magmortar's longevity throughout a battle as it may want to consistently switch in and out being a Neutralizing Gas user, considering it is prone to Stealth Rock damage and chip damage from U-Turn and Volt switch.

Volcanic Craters may fill up with water and create a lake, which often has a warm surface temperature, essentially like a Hot Spring. Scald is a perfect representation of this, and Magmortar's already been described to store a type of liquid within itself. Even Emboar is capable of learning Scald despite being a fire-type pokemon. Scald would benefit Mega Magmortar, allowing it to deal extra chip damage to bulky grounds and offensive fire types.

We decided BlueRay was on Thin Ice since BitBitio left, and we decided to make this little section, saying that Mega Starmie is beaten by our Mega Magmortar as Rotation is prevented, sorry Blue :blobwizard:

If you recall, we also had a balance changes poll recently, so here are the results of that:

:cinderace: Mega Cinderace:
- 100% to reduce the damage boost of Sharp Striker from 1.5 to 1.2
- 85% to remove Energy Ball from Cinderace
95% to change Mega Cinderace's stat spread

Mega Incineroar:
- 85% to add Rapid Spin to Incineroar

Mega Goodra:
- 95% to add Moonlight to Goodra
100% to change Mega Goodra's stat spread

Mega Boltund:
- 85% to add Hidden Power to Boltund

Mega Meowstic-M:
- 90% to replace Brick Break with Psychic Fangs

:toucannon: Mega Toucannon:
- The winning stat spread was Stat Proposal 2: 80 HP, 75 Atk, 86 Def, 125 SpA, 106 SpD, 118 Spe
100% to change Mega Toucannon's typing to Grass/Flying
95% to add Apple Acid to Toucannon
95% to add Hurricane to Toucannon
85% to add Nasty Plot to Toucannon

And that's about it! The Slate 37 will be :granbull: Granbull, :mightyena: Mightyena and :stoutland: Stoutland, and it'll open at this time on Monday the 27th (or, three days' time from this post; as always, the times are on the calendar, which is featured on the main page of the wiki). See you then and all that.​


Maybe the real mega pokemon were the friends we ma
is a Community Contributor
Hello again folks! Just letting you all know that

:sm/granbull: :sm/mightyena: :sm/stoutland:
Slate 37 - :granbull: Mega Granbull, :mightyena: Mega Mightyena and :stoutland: Mega Stoutland - is now open for submissions until this time on October 5th! Let's show these very good dogs some love!​
Ability: Intimidate/Scrappy/Sand Rush-> Pacifying Pelt: The user restores 1/4 max HP when hit by a Fighting move; immune to Fighting.

HP: 85
Atk: 135 (+25)
Def: 125 (+35)
SpA: 45
SpD: 100 (+10)
Spe: 110 (+30)
New Moves:
+Body Slam, Earthquake, U-turn, Wish

Given how much its saving people from snowy mountains, it seemed only natural for Stoutland to resist Ice and Rock, thus giving me the idea for Steel type and an offensive support playstyle; flavorwise, it plays on Stoutland's steely determination to help people as well as "soft metals", absorbing and retaining warmth to basically act as a portable heater. But what of the 4x Fighting weakness? Well, the energy of Mega evolution turns Stoutland's fur so fluffy that Fighting attacks end up stopped before they can connect, the attacker's prompted to pet them instead, restoring HP (which also helps shore up its bulk). The Fighting immunity alongside natural resistances allows it to check many scary physical attackers like Rillaboom, Kartana, Mega Sifretch'd, Mega Medicham and Mega Lycanroc-Dusk. Body Slam allows it to spread paralysis for offensive teammates (with the potential option of Scrappy pre-Mega to hit Ghosts), EQ allows a strong attack against Steels that doesn't weaken itself, Wish crucially grants it recovery while also granting some extra utility if paired with possible U-turn to help top off frailer teammates. Beyond that, you can spread more status with Toxic or Yawn, or pack an attack like newly STAB Iron Head, Crunch, Psychic Fangs (anti-screen) or Wild Charge.

Ability: Intimidate/Rattled/Quick Feet-> Timorous (The user's Speed is raised by 2 for each stat lowered by a foe).
Atk: 140 (+20)
Def: 100 (+25)
SpD: 85 (+25)
Spe: 75 (+30)
+High Horsepower, Moonlight, Swords Dance

Despite its appearance, the Dex repeatedly emphasizes that Granbull is actually a rather timid creature by nature; in Mega form, the adrenaline rush caused by its fear causes it to bolt around far more rapidly to avoid danger, thanks to its new ability. Even at 75 Spe, one +2 allows Granbull to naturally outspeed almost every neutral mon, hitting opposing mons with dual STAB backed by new Swords Dance, which crucially allows Gran to circumvent Intimidate (+2 Spe isn't much good if you're too weak to take advantage of it), as well as coverage like Stone Edge, Wild Charge or Ice Punch for Flying types (ie Defoggers). Horsepower gives it alternate Ground STAB for Doubles, while Moonlight allows it longevity in Singles since there you can also capitalize on opposing Defog. Its bulk is enough to get an SD off against many physical attackers (especially with pre-Mega Intimidate) but it can be overwhelmed by stronger attacks.


Ability: Intimidate/Quick Feet/Moxie-> Fur Coat

Atk: 110 (+20)
SpA: 60
SpD: 110 (+50)
Spe: 100 (+30)
New Moves
: +
Helping Hand, Morning Sun

Real life hyenas are big on mutual support (as in not being horrible to each other), so I thought it might be fun to focus on Mightyena as a support mon. On close inspection, Mightyena actually has a number of good support options like Foul Play, Super Fang, Heal Bell, Toxic, Yawn and Taunt, so what would happen if we let it have actual bulk? With Fur Coat, Mightyena gains the ability to take various unboosted attacks (especially post-Intimidate), threatening heavy damage on attackers with Foul Play and possible Sucker Punch or stallbreaking with a combo of Super Fang and Taunt. The Fairy typing and Morning Sun stem from Tabwa mythology, where a hyena brought the sun to the world; competitively, the Fairy typing takes away Yena's U-turn weakness and grants an additional immunity (and STAB on Play Rough, if you want), while Sun crucially provides it some recovery. In Doubles, Mightyena can additionally utilize options like Snarl and new Helping Hand to further support its team.


is a Pre-Contributor
Mega Stoutland (a collab between me and Sticky Fingaaa)

Ability: Intimidate / Sand Rush / Scrappy -> Pixilate
Stats: 85 / 130 (+20) / 105 (+15) / 60 (+15) / 100 (+10) /120 (+40)
New Moves: Bulk Up, Earthquake, Rock Slide.

Description: Stoutland is a mon that has a lot of connections to Sand. It has Sand Rush, an ability that makes Stoutland usable on lower tier Sand teams. But here we want it to shine more! To put it simply, we put the "Land" in Stoutland.
About Pixilate, many entries show that Stoutland has a docile and friendly behavior, one of the things that's common in Fairy Types.
Some of the entries are:
- Being wrapped in its long fur is so comfortable that a person would be fine even overnight on a wintry mountain.
- It rescues people stranded by blizzards in the mountains. Its shaggy fur shields it from the cold.
- With this wise Pokémon, there could be no concern that it would ever attack people. Some parents even trust it to babysit.
Also, being Torracat's helper in the SM anime makes Pixilate having even more sense.

Gravity Monkey

Que des barz comme si jtais au hebs
is a Top Artist
:mightyena: Mightyena-Mega
New Ability: Stakeout

Stats: 70 / 140 (+50) / 100 (+30) / 60 / 80 (+20) / 70 (BST: 520)
New Moves: Moonlight, Gunk Shot
Description: Bearer of the funniest combo ever in Yawn + Stakeout, Mega-Mightyena is here to stick its fang into bulkier builds. The only kinda good thing this mon currently has is its movepool, so I had to get it an insane ability and an insane typing to compensate for the absolute ZU-ness of this mon. Hopefully this is enough! If this mon gets in the opponent cries because there's really not many mons who can switch into mister dog over here if his player is good at predicting. Steels are a kinda good switch in because its best option is fire fangs but that means bringing a steel mon thats not ferro in your team so woops. Its still dogshit (lol) against offense (sucker punch does NOT synergize well with this pokemon) and if you get your move wrong you most likely are losing a turn but HOPEFULLY this is enough for it to get a niche in M4A OU. Or even UU idk.

:stoutland: Stoutland-Mega
New Ability: Heredity (This pokemon's STAB moves lose their STAB boost. This pokemon's non-STAB moves deal 1.5x damage. (Jack of All Trades from Sylvemons))

Stats: 85 / 145 (+35) / 100 (+10) / 55 (+10) / 100 (+10) / 115 (+35) (BST: 600)
New Moves: Rock Slide
Description: Woof woof bitches. Mon effectively has Protean while keeping the somewhat advantageous Normal-type. This way, Stoutland can utilize its colorful movepool to a greater use. Its high attack and high speed makes it a statstick that hits you with 4 mystery types (tho most of em are 80 BP options or less). Also has some funny utility options like Sub or Thunder Wave. The flavor for the abil is that there's like 1000 breeds of dog and you could say they're all dormant genes inside of every dog, and here stoutland decides to actually use em.
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Type: Dark/Poison
Ability: Merciless
New Moves: Gunk Shot, Superpower, Pursuit
HP: 70 > 70
ATK: 90 > 145 (+55)
DEF: 70 > 75 (+5)
SPA: 60 > 60 (-)
SPD: 60 > 65 (+5)
SPE: 70 > 105 (+35)

Dex entry 1:
Mightyena became extremely impatient and cruel with mega evoltion. It might try to attack it's owner if he doesn't like an order, or if he considers it's orders to be foolish.

Dex entry 2: Happily, the poison seems to not affect human, but the pain caused by the bite might cause some people to faint. And it lasts for weeks, maybe months.

I wanted it to be purely offensive, with a good defensive typing. Poison made it not weak to fairy and fighting, and in reality Hyena jaws are full of nasty bacteria, and they also communicate by gland that exhale a specifc smell.

It's speed is not impressivel, so I belive high attack stat with an ability that requires a condition to work makes it balanced. Let's be honest, its base form stats are awful for it to even abuse Moxie.

For the new moves, Gunk Shot is stab (and good coverage for base form). Superpower is amazing coverage, and as Hematite said, Merciless makes that it doesn't care for attack drops. Pursuit can make it a great trapper, and with Merciless it will crit against poisoned foes trying to switch. Flavor wise: hyenas are great pursuiters of their preys and are dangerous hunters, and they are also not ashamed of being scavengers (gunk shot).

Personally, I feel that there could be more offensive poison types. They're usually associated with stall and balance style. The only ones I can think that have great success beeing offensive i guess are... Naganadel, Sun Venusaur, Nidoking, Gengar, Mega-Beedrill and maaaaybe Slowking-G. And most of those are more used for their other stab, or amazing coverage/ability.

See.. There is only one Poison type that is OU by usage on NatDex format right now: the infamous Toxapex.


Type: Normal/Ground
Ability: Snow Patrol
This pokemon draws in Ice-type attacks. Instead of receiving damage from Ice-type attacks, increases it's allies defense and special defense by 1 stage. Immune to Hail damage and can't be frozen.
New Moves: Milk Drink, Defog, Ally Switch, Follow Me, Earthquake
HP: 85 > 85
ATK: 110 > 130 (+20)
DEF: 90 > 115 (+25)
SPA: 45 > 45 (-)
SPD: 90 > 115 (+25)
SPE: 80 > 110 (+30)

Dex entry 1:
"It roams through snowy mountains carrying a bottle of hot milk, seeking for troubled people. Stoutland is happily proud of giving a hot, heartwarming drink for anyone that is almost freezing."

Dex entry 2: "With a thick fur that isolates himself, and anybody he protects, from extreme cold, Stoutland will hug and protect pokemon that are endangered by the cold without thinking twice."

With all those dex entries talking about it rescuing people out in the snow and beeing extremely loyal, I thought of a type of anti-ice ability that is also viable for doubles. Then I came out with this "lightning rod" clone that buffs allies.

The added ground-type helps it to function better: another immunity (there are 3 already: Ghost, Ice and now Electric); stealth rock resistance, increasing it's durability; stab earthquakes; and overall fits the "mountain" theme and beeing used to sand also.

Milk Drink is because my idea is that it has a bottle of hot miltank milk on its neck, ready to rescue people that are freezing outside (and it is also a mamal). Defog is for it to clear away fog on rescue missions. Follow Me and Ally Switch are two great (and kinda annoying) doubles moves, specially for a rescuer. Earthquake is stab for mega and great coverage for base form, specially for sand teams.

Competitive uses? Well, it's an anti-ice pokemon.
You can combine it, in doubles, with pokemon like Garchomp, Lando-T and Zapdos. Lando-T even provides double intimidate bonus with base form. With Zapdos you can use the dis-quake combo while zapdos has technically only one weakenss with M-Stout redirecting Ice moves (also, that weakness is resisted by M-Stout).

Use it for teams that are really weak to ice coverage also. Again: it has 3 immunities, has nice 85/115/115 bulk, great stats overall and resists rocks.

PS: Snow Patrol makes reference to the band with same name, and for Paw Patrol that my nephew can't stop watching.
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Yung Dramps

awesome gaming
Spr 4d 262.png

Pokemon: Mega Mightyena

70 / 135 (+45) / 95 (+25) / 70 (+10) / 60 / 90 (+20) (520 BST)
Ability: Savage: This Pokémon's biting moves become multi-hit moves that hit three times. Each hit's damage is cut to one third. (Mega Feraligatr's ability)
New Moves: +Assist, Bulk Up, Jaw Lock, Psychic Fangs, Pursuit
Description: I was originally intending to give this some kind of new ability oriented around its dex entries' mention of its pack tactics, probably turning certain regular moves into multi-hits. I then remembered Savage exists, and figured why not, more economic re-use of pre-existing custom abilities can never hurt. From there it was a question of how to differentiate it from Mega Feraligatr, and aside from the slightly better speed tier the main answer came in the underutilized Jaw Lock. It's a very risky but high-reward option that can allow it to set up freely with Bulk Up or add further to Pursuit mindgames. If all else fails, getting in a trapping KO is a wonderful asset for other pack members! Gatr's probably way better overall but there's only so much you can do with 420 BST sans extreme minmaxing lol.


85 / 120 (+10) / 120 (+30) / 60 (+15) / 120 (+30) / 95 (+15) (600 BST)
Ability: Lifesaver: The first time an ally in Doubles is about to be hit by a super-effective move, this Pokemon switches places with them.
New Moves: +Body Slam, Cotton Guard, Wish
Description: Stoutland's dex entries talk about its loyalty and helpfulness so much I feel a mildly offensive support role is more its style. If you need an emergency safeguard against a revenge killer or a sweeper in Doubles you're EV'd for, this is the dog for the job.
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Mega Granbull
Type: Fairy/Dark
Ability: Steelbreaker (Mega Drapion's ability; all attacks on Steel-types are critical hits)
  • HP: 90 (+0)
  • Attack: 140 (+20)
  • Defense: 85 (+10)
  • Special Attack: 70 (+10)
  • Special Defense: 70 (+10)
  • Speed: 95 (+50)
New Moves: Darkest Lariat

Description: Granbull has gotten tired of people assuming that its ferocious based solely on its looks. Now its become the very thing it once hated: a menacing Dark type! Dun dun dun!!!!1!

Seriously, though, Mega Granbull is now a powerful wallbreaker with a much better Speed tier and a good defensive typing. Steel types still give it a bit of trouble, though, so I decided to reuse Mega Drapion's Steelbreaker ability to ease up that matchup. Darkest Lariat is just a better Dark STAB.

Mega Mightyena
Type: Dark/Ground
Ability: Sand Rush
  • HP: 70 (+0)
  • Attack: 130 (+40)
  • Defense: 85 (+15)
  • Special Attack: 60 (+0)
  • Special Defense: 75 (+15)
  • Speed: 100 (+30)
New Moves: Drill Run, Dig, Bone Club, Bonemerang

Description: Mightyena is based on hyenas, which in the real world live in savannahs and deserts, places which are very arid and filled with dirt and sand. To make it more in line with these origins, I made this Mightyena a Ground type and made it based around sand. The only new move that is actually competitively useful is Drill Run; the others are flavor. Giving it Bone Club and Bonemerang was inspired by Truegreen7's regional variant/regional evolution for Mightyena that he made for his Asone region (which you should check out if you haven't already) which are also based more strongly on hyenas and wield bones.

Mega Stoutland
Type: Normal/Ghost
Ability: Intimidate
  • HP: 85 (+0)
  • Attack: 45 (switched with Special Attack, +0)
  • Defense: 120 (+30)
  • Special Attack: 130 (switched with Attack, +20)
  • Special Defense: 120 (+30)
  • Speed: 100 (+20)
New Moves: Parting Shot, Fake Out

Description: Y'all remember how in the SM anime, Ash's Litten was friends with an old Stoutland? Y'all remembered how that Stoutland canonically fucking died?!?! (offscreen, but still!) Well, this Mega is that old Stoutland come back from the dead! And since that Stoutland was friends with a Litten, which eventually evolved into an Incineroar, and Incineroar is the best VGC mon, I thought that this Mega should be VGC based as well! Stoutland already gets the quintessential VGC ability in Intimidate and one of the best VGC moves in Snarl. All it needs is Fake Out and Parting Shot and now it can copy its dear apprentice Incineroar!
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Mega Granbull

Ability - Intimidate, Quick Feet; Rattled ➝ Counterpuncher (Attack power of contact moves increases by 30% if the user moves after the target.)

HP - 90 ➝ 90
- 120 ➝ 160 (+40)
Def - 75 ➝ 105 (+30)
SpA - 60 ➝ 60 (±0)
SpD - 60 ➝ 90 (+30)
Spe - 45 ➝ 45 (±0)
BST - 450 ➝ 550 (+100)

Movepool Changes - Bullet Punch, Mach Punch
Competitive Corner - Mega Granbull's main weakness is also its strength, it uses its low speed to just hit stuff pretty hard, and it has pretty good bulk alongside pre-Mega Intimidate, which goes a long way!
Flavor Corner - Aside from Cù-Sith, Granbull is based on boxer dogs, and fighting dogs, so the added type makes perfect sense to me! The ability may seem like worse Analytic, and it kind of is, but I thought the flavor distinction would be nice, and as the bonus the user has to move after the target, not necessarily move last, so it plays a difference in Doubles, haha! Not many moves to add because Granbull already has like everything wtf!

Mega Mightyena

Ability - Intimidate, Quick Feet; Moxie ➝ Foul Aura (Upon Mega Evolving / switching in / receiving this ability, doubles any negative stat changes on the opposing Pokémon. While the user is on the field, stat drops on opposing Pokémon are doubled.)

HP - 70 ➝ 70
- 90 ➝ 110 (+20)
Def - 70 ➝ 110 (+40)
SpA - 60 ➝ 60 (±0)
SpD - 60 ➝ 60 (±0)
Spe - 70 ➝ 110 (+40)
BST - 420 ➝ 520 (+100)

Movepool Changes - Charm, Fake Tears, Fake Out, Growl, Noble Roar, Parting Shot, Play Rough
Competitive Corner - We have a Doubles metagame, right? because Mega Mightyena here seems interesting given it's ability, with Intimidate and Parting Shot, as well as it working really well alongside other Intimidate users. Fake Tears also works very interestingly with the new ability, and Fake Out helps it stand out more in Doubles. In singles it probably kinda sucks... Yeah, it kinda does...
Flavor Corner - Mightyena kinda just is... a hyena? shocking I know, so I didn't wanna go too haywire this time. This ability seemed like an interesting way to play around Intimidate and how a lot of stat decreasing moves kinda flavorfully fit with Mightyena, so yeah I think this works. Lot of moves added here, but I think they all are flavorfully sound, and a few of them are redundant too.

Mega Stoutland

Ability - Intimidate, Sand Rush; Scrappy ➝ Slush Rush

- 85 ➝ 85
- 110 ➝ 140 (+30)
Def - 90 ➝ 110 (+20)
SpA - 45 ➝ 55 (+10)
SpD - 90 ➝ 110 (+20)
Spe - 80 ➝ 100 (+20)
BST - 500 ➝ 600 (+100)

Movepool Changes - Body Slam
Competitive Corner - This isn't all that strong, but yeah, snow doggo go fast :3 that's all you need. I guess with Hail at an all-time high in OU maybe this might actually have a shot, who knows?
Flavor Corner - I honestly think Stoutland probably should have had Sand Rush changed to Slush Rush when that ability was introduced, it just makes so much more sense, but since that wasn't done, i'm here to rectify that! Nothing too flashy it's just good boi rescue doggo doing it's job super heckin' fast in snow :3
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Mega Mightyena
New Ability
: Pack Tactics (This pokemon's physical attacks have their BP boosted by 10% for each surviving ally left on the field.)
Type: Dark

New stats:
HP: 70
Attack: 120 (+30)
Defense: 90 (+20)
Special Attack: 60
Special Defense: 60
Speed: 120 (+50)
(520 BST)

New moves: no
Description: Mightyena (and by extension, real life hyenas) hunt in packs. Knowing this, I wanted to try to replicate such a thing in this metagame. Now, Mightyena becomes stronger the more allies that are left on the field, meaning it shines a lot in the early/mid game.

(description is somewhat WIP, but knowing how much I procrastinate, this description is never actually getting finished lol)
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