League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

Sivir still needs nerfs. I went 12/0/9 or something my last game as her. And then I went 9/3/1 or something in a loss. I knew we would lose when the guy locked-in magewick but, meh.

EDIT: Just played 3 games as Dr. Jungle. I have to say I'm surprised how much magic damage he does. I hit 80 thousand (damage) one game, 70 thousand the next, and 60 thousand another game.

Ok, so here's the deal. If I'm 1st pick, and I use Karma, don't yell at me that "I'm trolling." Don't try to call me useless because I'm not buying wards (had no space in my item slots) because that's "my job". Don't ignore the fact that I have the best CS on our team, or that we had a Cassiopeia bot who had a worse k/d/a than mine. Don't fucking pick Wukong and Malphite when we have a solo top (Sion called it, was 2nd pick, apparently they didn't care), and then get mad when I say I'm going mid. Don't try to put me down all fucking match, and when I start talking about all the shit pouring out of your mouth, to stfu and just play.

This just in: Karma is not a troll pick. Yes, she is underplayed. Yes, she can be a bit underpowered. But that doesn't make it trolling. And if the only times I died in lane was when I walked out and my mouse didn't seem to like the idea of going back, it doesn't seem like Karma was doing too poorly. No, I can't help you if you're going to bunch up against a Gragas (because that's always a good idea). But oh man, I must be terrible because you charge over a wall and I have to run around it to get to you. Let me just adapt another champ's kit, and I'll be right there! >.< fucking people have been idiots today. Can y'all believe I had 3 people in an earlier match tell me that Kog'Maw isn't an AD carry, that I should check on Google and see how people build him, and that if you don't build Malady and Bloodrazor, you aren't using him right? Oh, and nothing in his kit makes him a good AD carry. AND THIS WAS IN NORMAL DRAFT. I expect people who play draft to kind of understand the damn game they play, but apparently this isn't the case. Real.
Can y'all believe I had 3 people in an earlier match tell me that Kog'Maw isn't an AD carry, that I should check on Google and see how people build him, and that if you don't build Malady and Bloodrazor, you aren't using him right? Oh, and nothing in his kit makes him a good AD carry.
Haha, SOLO QUEUE GUY (normal draft or not).
remember =>

It's a very very good AD carry with a AWESOME range/damage.

But yeah, Karma is a underrated support/carry AP, she isn't a troll champ lol.

teemo is probably the most fun champ itg
Do you love die ? :v
lol do people still read ctrl+alt+del

Ok, so here's the deal. If I'm 1st pick, and I use Karma, don't yell at me that "I'm trolling." Don't try to call me useless because I'm not buying wards (had no space in my item slots) because that's "my job".
Please, as a support don't do this. It is true that others should be buying wards but majority of times they don't and if you are willing to first pick support then you should keep 1 slot for 5 wards always. Having 6 items filled up to finish off an item with 0 cs income really, really hurts your team for a good 5-10minutes during laning phase. This is of course assuming you went bot support (which wasn't really clear)

Can y'all believe I had 3 people in an earlier match tell me that Kog'Maw isn't an AD carry, that I should check on Google and see how people build him, and that if you don't build Malady and Bloodrazor, you aren't using him right? Oh, and nothing in his kit makes him a good AD carry.
Kog'Maw makes a good AD carry because he can obtain the 2nd(?) highest attack range in the game, he gets a passive attack speed bonus, can shred armor+mres from 1 target skill(which resets his attack timer btw) and has a % of health shred on hit. Sure, all of his skills do magic damage but that's what makes him annoying to deal with (kinda like Trist) as naturally armor doesn't completely negate his damage output.
So yeah, you are right on that
Please, as a support don't do this. It is true that others should be buying wards but majority of times they don't and if you are willing to first pick support then you should keep 1 slot for 5 wards always. Having 6 items filled up to finish off an item with 0 cs income really, really hurts your team for a good 5-10minutes during laning phase. This is of course assuming you went bot support (which wasn't really clear)
My apologies, I was not bot. When I play support, I always have a slot open for wards, usually filled with them. However, I was mid. I, of course, buy wards for the area around me, and I am not opposed to buying more wards as the game progresses, but my slots were filled. Also, Reno, look at the picture dude, lol. I was faaar from 0 CS.

Karma is alright on bot, but is much, much better in mid. She's very mana intensive, but the tradeoff for this is decent poke and high health laning. The fact that she can negate most damage through E and Mantra'd Q is amazing. Her damage can seem lackluster if you can't "land" a Spirit Bond, but she still pushes well, farms well, and trades well. Her issues have always been with Mantra; it has such a long CD and has only 2 stacks, so she feels like half of a champ while waiting for a charge. And of course, her highest damage requires an ally to be close, so that can be annoying at times. But difficult kit != troll pick, as some players seemed to believe.

Kog'Maw makes a good AD carry because he can obtain the 2nd(?) highest attack range in the game, he gets a passive attack speed bonus, can shred armor+mres from 1 target skill(which resets his attack timer btw) and has a % of health shred on hit. Sure, all of his skills do magic damage but that's what makes him annoying to deal with (kinda like Trist) as naturally armor doesn't completely negate his damage output.
None of that sunk into their heads. The enemy Tristana, at the end-game chat, even tried to help me explain this to them, but they not only wouldn't listen, but left mid-explanation. It boggles me how some people can just shut off their brain and not listen to what others have to say. You have described Kog'Maw perfectly, as I tried to do, but apparently I didn't know what I was talking about.

Chat's comic said:
Solo queue
Lol I guess. I mean, all of the people I love to play with now, I met through solo queue, so it's not so bad. It just gets really annoying when you get paired up with the bottom of the barrel.

And on that note, I think I'm going to go into LoL-overdrive mode: I have got to raise my ranked elo. Every time I get past the 1ks, I get thrown into absolutely idiotic 1.1k matches, sending me right back down. It's amazing; people at, like 1050, can be good players who fell down hard. 1100 players just seem reaaaaaally stupid. But yeah, I figure if I can just get past this elo, I can move on to better matches. Like, a place where people have basic knowledge of this damn game. Let's call it elo heaven, if you will, lol.


unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
Void Staff Gragas against...

1 Merc Treads
1 Negatron Cloak + Guardian Angel

yep, sounds about right... =_=

And it's never trolling if you're trying. D: Even if you're using a relatively bad champion or playing them out of their usual roles (although Karma is really a solo laner anyway). Whatever though, people in general are dumb and sometimes you get some really bad seeds.

Riot Games said:
It’s been quite a while since we’ve had the opportunity to explore the design space of a true melee carry in League of Legends. Fiora, the Grand Duelist, is our first all-out take on this type of champion since our initial launch, and our new addition to this role has let us really focus on a particular aspect: speed.
What the hell is Riven then?
1 Merc Treads
1 Negatron Cloak + Guardian Angel
void staff still extremely powerful against almost everyone. take into consideration MR runes and the benefits of void vs abyssal - with void staff you can kill everyone at the same time while abyssal will make you slightly tankier but unable to do much to malphite. in addition gragas is a long-range siege poker meaning that he won't necessarily be in range for scepter to trigger on all the enemies he hits, especially if you're just chucking barrels at them at a tower. void staff is more or less standard nowadays, and in addition it maintains its effectiveness even as enemies start picking up MR to counter you.

also i'm considering buying olaf soon and i'd like to know which champions he'd best counter or at least do well against. i'm currently thinking that irelia, riven, and shen would all be good matchups for him.
Void Staff Gragas against...

1 Merc Treads
1 Negatron Cloak + Guardian Angel

yep, sounds about right... =_=
I don't understand why people bitch about Void Staff without taking into consideration everything.

Gragas Had WoTA + Rabadpn + RoA + Morello's

He could build Void, Zhonya's, Abyssal, AA, DFG, Rylai's, Lich Bane

  • AA is out (building one late game is stupid)
  • DFG - Gragas doesn't need the mana regen or the extra CDR. (a meh choice)
  • Rylai's - Gragas doesn't need an extra slow, not to mention his abilities are AoE. (not worth it)
  • Lich Bane - No reason to get other than the 80 AP (Not worth 3.4k gold)
  • Zhonya - From the score no one really targeted Gragas ( a choice but still only ok)
  • Abyssal - Decent except Gragas has to get into middle of fights to be effective. He'd rather poke, until using R to intiate (meh choice)
  • Void - Cheapest of all the items. Gives him MP, decent AP, plus additionally preparing him for any further MR the enemy team gets.
Getting void staff is not stupid, unless you rush it BEFORE core items. Gragas had 5 finished items. Void Staff was a good choice,it finished his build regardless of the amount of MR the team had.


Here I stand in the light of day
is a Contributor Alumnus
People don't play WW mid because of retards like you that are terrible with WW mid (that build makes me want to gouge my eyes out).

Shen is a bad matchup for Olaf because Olaf's E is where most of his damage comes from and Shen counters that by stacking HP. Riven vs Olaf is tricky but factoring in no ganks, Olaf should come out even at the minimum. Haven't played Olaf vs Irelia before.


Banned deucer.
ppl dont play midwick because most people arent -80 in win loss record

its amazing how you can just look at scores and know people are bad, like everyone is 15/13 which means every time they get a kill they feed one and cannot finish games

88 cs in 50 minutes ? in fact only 1 person over 170


unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
Olaf trucks most other melee champs because his E is stupid. Shen wins because he hits him in the face with Vorpal Blades at range all day, not because he "counters" Reckless Swing by stacking health.

void staff still extremely powerful against almost everyone. take into consideration MR runes and the benefits of void vs abyssal - with void staff you can kill everyone at the same time while abyssal will make you slightly tankier but unable to do much to malphite. in addition gragas is a long-range siege poker meaning that he won't necessarily be in range for scepter to trigger on all the enemies he hits, especially if you're just chucking barrels at them at a tower. void staff is more or less standard nowadays, and in addition it maintains its effectiveness even as enemies start picking up MR to counter you.
I don't understand why people bitch about Void Staff without taking into consideration everything.

Gragas Had WoTA + Rabadpn + RoA + Morello's

He could build Void, Zhonya's, Abyssal, AA, DFG, Rylai's, Lich Bane
Getting void staff is not stupid, unless you rush it BEFORE core items. Gragas had 5 finished items. Void Staff was a good choice,it finished his build regardless of the amount of MR the team had.
I'm tired of stating the obvious: Void Staff is pretty bunk against a team full of enemies without MR. You already penetrate the base 30 MR everyone starts with considering runes and Sorcs. Half the team having MR runes and/or scaling MR per level (most AD melee) doesn't give you much more to penetrate on their own. Build other crap until the enemy itemizes their MR or, in the case of Gragas here with a full build, just fucking build something else. If they ever do get MR... you can sell items back too.

Pretty much any other AP item is better here, except Archangel's Staff for obvious reasons. It's not like Gragas even has single-target skillshots, he has massive range and AoE that allows him to do more than just throw spells at Malphite, the only opponent Void Staff would do anything useful against.


Banned deucer.
ppl dont play midwick because most people arent -80 in win loss record

its amazing how you can just look at scores and know people are bad, like everyone is 15/13 which means every time they get a kill they feed one and cannot finish games

88 cs in 50 minutes ? in fact only 1 person over 170
pookar youre my favourite <3
I hate people who go 15/14 and think they're carrying. And then you ask them to stop feeding they say, "I have a positive kd stfu noob!"

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