Joint Mythology and Writing Room Halloween Contest

Approved by: sirDonovan
An essential part of the European-American mythology is horror, from the works of Lovecraft and Edgar Allen Poe to those of Washington Irving. From our music to our movies, an overlooked aspect of American culture and mythology is horror. With Halloween around the corner, the time has come to celebrate this aspect of storytelling!

As such, The Writing room and its sister room, Mythology, have chosen to celebrate this holiday together with a contest. The rules are:
  • The work must have at least one horror or Halloween related element.
  • The work may be a short story or an epic/lyrical poem which does not exceed three thousand words. The work may also be a stage or screenplay which does not exceed one act in length.
    • If the work is a stage or screenplay it may not exceed twenty pages.
  • The work must be suitable for a general audience.
    • This does not mean that an author cannot use profanity, nudity or violence. It merely means to use them in small doses.
  • Have fun!
Of course all contests must have prizes:
  • The winner will get 500 quills for use in The Scribe Shop.
  • The winner shall be voiced in both rooms.*
    • If the winner is already voiced, they shall be granted a personalized introduction to announce their presence when they join chat from the roombot, The Scribe.
  • The winner shall have their work displayed in both room’s room intros.
The final day for submissions will be Sunday, October 30th- the day before Halloween.

*The stipulation for the person who wins voice is as follows:
  • You must be consistently active.
  • You must acknowledge that you will be held to the standards of a voiced user and that if you were to fall short of these standards that we reserve the right to demote you.
This is the thread for submissions. :).
I would love to enter a screenplay, but...
1. I don't have the time to write it
2. If I win, I will not have the time to be consistently active
Wish I could contribute! I know I would do well, but... yeah.
I'm glad I was writing this!

Title: The Doll Movement: Lighting the Way

Chapter 1:

Where am I going?

I’ve been wandering in a cave for hours. There was a musty smell around me, monotonous water drops dripped about puddles. The stone pillars gossiped to each other about those who were here before them, gossiped about who loved who before them, gossiped about who died for their existence. Their echoes made a ghostly presence in the space; a presence of fear, a presence of love, a presence of death. I could see only three feet in front of me, cord-like objects wrapping possessively over my legs. I began to fumble in my bag for a light source. Objects avoided my hand as I felt for a light. I found the smooth cylinder that was my flashlight, sliding it smoothly out of my bag. I flipped the switch, and found myself even more lost than I was before.

I could see crystals spiraling upwards to catch a glimpse of the sunlight that empowers us all. I could see felled structures sprawled upon the ground like corpses. Water still dripped on the corpses of man’s imagination, the pillars still gossiping about time’s past. I saw something else that I never expected to see in my life. I saw her. I saw her standing there. I saw her eyes gaze into me. I saw her hair blow in an invisible wind. I saw her turn away from me, seeming to lead me somewhere. I decided to follow her into the abyss of the cave that could be my tomb.

I stumbled into her as we descended down a staircase that seemed new. She held her hand up, signaling to wait. I could hear the water dripping down my very being.






I jumped as a pillar collapsed in front of me. She seemed to not flinch to what had just happened that could have shattered both of us. She turned around to face me. For the first time, I noticed something that I would have never noticed before. I saw fear. I saw fear residing in the sparkle of her beautiful, blue eyes. I began to fully look at her appearance. She was wearing a tattered robe, slightly hovering above the ground. She looked like she was wearing just that robe, but I knew her tricks. We used to play those tricks on each other since we were barely able to speak. I saw her lips quivering, I noticed her shallow breath. I noticed that fear burning stronger in her eyes.

What I did next shocked the both of us. I hugged her for the first time in three years. I began to sob in her embrace. I felt peace for once today. I felt like I could just stand there forever. She too, began to weep. We knew what would happen next; we wouldn’t be able to be together ever again. We wouldn’t be Mr. and Mrs. Callcott like we had dreamed since we became adolescents. We stood there in each other’s embrace for what seemed like centuries. Then we looked into our moist, softened faces. I could feel her love for life strongly. I still remember when she lost that life forever, the day that has removed all innocence from my mind.

I moved forward to meet her forehead. We stood there for what felt like the longest time that existed in the history of time. I felt her lips meet mine. I was utterly shocked. I didn’t know that souls remembered how to be romantic, let alone kiss. She pulled away slowly and met my gaze. I didn’t notice what was going on around me. The only thing around me at that time was her. She removed all fear that I had when I started this journey. I decided to return the favor.

Our lips met again. I could feel her hands combing through my hair, my hand reaching to do the same. We did this for what felt to me like hours. I didn’t care how long we did this; this was the love of my life who was dead, yet is in front of me, kissing me for the first time in years. We pulled away from each other’s lips and met each other’s gazes once again.

For the first time in years, I heard her voice. For the first time in years, I heard her whisper in my ear, “I love you.” For the first time in years, I wanted to die just so I could be with her for the rest of eternity. She abruptly turned away from me and began to walk forward again. I followed at her side, our hands locking in each other’s grips, not knowing what lay ahead for us.

Full Preview:
I'm glad I was writing this!

Title: The Doll Movement: Lighting the Way

Chapter 1:

Where am I going?

I’ve been wandering in a cave for hours. There was a musty smell around me, monotonous water drops dripped about puddles. The stone pillars gossiped to each other about those who were here before them, gossiped about who loved who before them, gossiped about who died for their existence. Their echoes made a ghostly presence in the space; a presence of fear, a presence of love, a presence of death. I could see only three feet in front of me, cord-like objects wrapping possessively over my legs. I began to fumble in my bag for a light source. Objects avoided my hand as I felt for a light. I found the smooth cylinder that was my flashlight, sliding it smoothly out of my bag. I flipped the switch, and found myself even more lost than I was before.

I could see crystals spiraling upwards to catch a glimpse of the sunlight that empowers us all. I could see felled structures sprawled upon the ground like corpses. Water still dripped on the corpses of man’s imagination, the pillars still gossiping about time’s past. I saw something else that I never expected to see in my life. I saw her. I saw her standing there. I saw her eyes gaze into me. I saw her hair blow in an invisible wind. I saw her turn away from me, seeming to lead me somewhere. I decided to follow her into the abyss of the cave that could be my tomb.

I stumbled into her as we descended down a staircase that seemed new. She held her hand up, signaling to wait. I could hear the water dripping down my very being.






I jumped as a pillar collapsed in front of me. She seemed to not flinch to what had just happened that could have shattered both of us. She turned around to face me. For the first time, I noticed something that I would have never noticed before. I saw fear. I saw fear residing in the sparkle of her beautiful, blue eyes. I began to fully look at her appearance. She was wearing a tattered robe, slightly hovering above the ground. She looked like she was wearing just that robe, but I knew her tricks. We used to play those tricks on each other since we were barely able to speak. I saw her lips quivering, I noticed her shallow breath. I noticed that fear burning stronger in her eyes.

What I did next shocked the both of us. I hugged her for the first time in three years. I began to sob in her embrace. I felt peace for once today. I felt like I could just stand there forever. She too, began to weep. We knew what would happen next; we wouldn’t be able to be together ever again. We wouldn’t be Mr. and Mrs. Callcott like we had dreamed since we became adolescents. We stood there in each other’s embrace for what seemed like centuries. Then we looked into our moist, softened faces. I could feel her love for life strongly. I still remember when she lost that life forever, the day that has removed all innocence from my mind.

I moved forward to meet her forehead. We stood there for what felt like the longest time that existed in the history of time. I felt her lips meet mine. I was utterly shocked. I didn’t know that souls remembered how to be romantic, let alone kiss. She pulled away slowly and met my gaze. I didn’t notice what was going on around me. The only thing around me at that time was her. She removed all fear that I had when I started this journey. I decided to return the favor.

Our lips met again. I could feel her hands combing through my hair, my hand reaching to do the same. We did this for what felt to me like hours. I didn’t care how long we did this; this was the love of my life who was dead, yet is in front of me, kissing me for the first time in years. We pulled away from each other’s lips and met each other’s gazes once again.

For the first time in years, I heard her voice. For the first time in years, I heard her whisper in my ear, “I love you.” For the first time in years, I wanted to die just so I could be with her for the rest of eternity. She abruptly turned away from me and began to walk forward again. I followed at her side, our hands locking in each other’s grips, not knowing what lay ahead for us.

Full Preview:[/quote
Title: The lonely man


Starlight dawn on to it
the fire's burning
on the lonely night
the man stood still

"hello" he says
surrounding by hays
"i just need some friends"
but none was there
to cather his call

anger boiling
wild winds rising
"why? where are my friends?"
lightning scattering

suddenly the man came to life
the eyes enclosed within
the orange helm
It became so white
it is

The cross behind him
The shackles around him
all started to move

Yes , it is him.
The lonely scarcecrow.

"i need friends"
"dont worry i wont hurt you"
"come sit down"

the crow landed
the crow screamed
the crow strangled
The crow tried
The crow failed
The crow died

blood was...everywhere

"im sorry friend"
"now i need more"


Glued myself better, golden; unbroken.
is a Community Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus

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