I would like to be a moderator (or unbanned)

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Hello there chaos. Due to my boredom I am writing this. I am suggesting a few things, so, I'll try and be straightforward. I wish to become Mod. Now, you might be thinking about not spending time on this, and wasting your time isn't something I am wanting to do, but I do want to explain some reasons to convince you. > I am on almost all the time. I dunno if that really matters... but I do watch the forums alot while here, and since Winter is coming up in a mere 8 days and 16 hours for me... I'll be here from 6-8am to 12-1am everyday for 3 months straight, except when I'm over my friend's house. I am a fair person. Now, I dunno if you have doubts about it, but have you seen me flame somebody really bad because they were making fun of my sexuality, or any other reason? I've been nice to all, I don't curse that often, and when I do.. it's just a simple mistake. I don't cause trouble, but.. I am not knowing of what you consider trouble to be, exactly. I do have backing saying that I am a good person, from brain and zerowing, but I dunno if you consider that enough. Anyway, all of this is just to convince you to act, but I'll stress that I am not pressuring you to do so, but it would make me and even brain happy. I'm not asking for power exactly, as the Mod power would be used to help, but, of course, the Mod power does come with some sort of power, but actually easily controlled, IMHO. Do not take this as me being ungratful for unbanning me, as brain and I are very very grateful for you doing what you have already did. "George... Do... Do I still get to tend teh rabbits? I didn't mean no harm George..." *runz*
Ugh, the book is so much better than the movie... (not that the movie was bad, just... the last part could have been handled better imo)
iDunno, you have to be a rectangle to be a square, but most rectangles are nowhere near cut out for being squares.
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