I Hate Infernape - CCM's VGC Newark Warstory

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I Hate Infernape Infernape
-CCM’s VGC Warstory

Well, the day is over and, well, at this point, I’d say it was well worth it. I can’t place it, but it seems like the fun I had at Newark just overwhelms everything else that happened, especially the bad stuff. But, eh, shit happens. I had fun and that’s all that matters.

Granted, I would’ve loved to do a lot better. Haha. Never gets old...


Before the VGC, things were hectic. I spent over a month trying to get a ride to the event after my dad told me he couldn’t take me. It took me longer to even decide on a team and even then I made a completely new one only a few days before. In retrospect, maybe I should not have done that, but eh, whatever. No excuses. I went for it and that’s how it went down.

Eventually, I got my friend to pick me up from my grandmother’s house in Long Island. He figured it’d be fun, as he’s a Pokemon player, too, so he picked me up. I just had to put the team together.


I woke up at about 7. My team sheet was filled out. My bag was packed. I was showered and dressed. I was set and ready to go. Anxious, but ready to go. My friend arrived at 8, just as he said he would, and we took off.

I was feeling pretty good. My team seemed pretty legit. I even found a prize in my Honey Nut Cheerios box before I left. I thought it was an sign. xD

The ride in was pretty epic, namely because we had a fun time talking and all of that. The best part, though ironically potentially one of the worst, was that my friend’s GPS died as he arrived at my house. If it weren’t for the directions I had printed out, just in case, we would have been lost on the NJ Turnpike or something. 

After almost missing a few exits, cutting people off as we swerved into toll booths and all of that, we circled and circled around the Meadowlands Expo until we finally found the damn place and parked. The walk involved me trying to get my drawstring bag to function. I’m retarded. :)


We got in line just as it ended outside the exposition center. It wasn’t very long at all. Or so we thought. But, it moved quickly and we were inside within a few minutes.

We waited a bit longer in the first room and talked to the people around us, namely a kid in a nationals shirt from last year and his dad, as well as a family behind us with a girl that refused to use any legendaries. I commended her for that, but I never found out how far she got. I did, however, find out how far my friend in blue got. You’ll find out about that later.

When we left the first room, we were put into the main area and found a ridiculous amount of people already filling up and spiralling towards the registration desk. For the next couple of hours, my friend and I sat and talked, talked about this really large guy in ripped underwear showing off his marvelous buttocks to the patrons (what has been seen cannot be unseen!) and another heavy-set woman dressed as Jessie from Team Rocket...that’s burned into my mind, as well.

I took numerous trips around the venue and watched the Juniors finals. I noticed how many people were running very similar teams, which saddened me, but didn’t surprise me. The metagame had panned out by the time Newark came around. Everyone knew what worked and what didn’t. Not a good sign for a majority of the people there.

The line finally started to move. I triple-checked the accuracy of my team. I might as well reveal it now, no surprises here. Palkia, Hitmontop, Kyogre, Toxicroak.

I’m actually mad that I went with this team, namely because my previous one worked very well. I was convinced otherwise and that actually pisses me off now that I think about it and how I may have done better with it...but “ifs” are just that, what if? Anything could have happened. Ah well.

By the way, the Hitmontop I used was, in fact, Kinneas’s. Yep, HitmonGEC, the same one that came in second at Birmingham. I contacted him a few days ago to ask if I could use it. He gave me the original. I have to remember to give it back to him. 

Anyways, let’s get down to it. Shouldn’t take that much longer.


I got everything set up and was sent on to the line before the first round. I talked with my friend before he had to jump off line, as he wasn’t playing. The guy at the end of the line (front, I guess) sent me to a station across the colorful floor and I got prepared to play.

Round 1: CCM vs Kid in Hat

Sorry, I’m terrible with remembering battle details...and names. We shook hands and got ready. I honestly don’t remember this one, but I won convincingly. He had some pretty cool nicknames for his guys, but it wasn’t too hard of a match. However, it wasn’t a sweep, either, which concerned me. I wanted the first few rounds to be easy. They were not.

Round 2: CCM vs Kid in Blue

Remember how I knew how far this kid got? Well, I personally knocked him out. We finished our matches at literally the same time and, thus, got on line for Round 2 at the same time. Before we could tell the official that we were friends, he sent us on our way to our station. The last thing I wanted was to knock this kid out, as I knew he and his father had made a far trip to be there, but the very last thing I wanted was to lose to him.

This battle was relatively uneventful until my Scarfogre came in. With it, I sent off a flurry of Blizzards at him, signifying my win as I not only landed a critical on his Dialga, but froze it, as well. It was obvious I won and I felt really bad that it came down to that, but it’s the game we play. We shook hands and he was off, too.

Round 3: CCM vs Kid of Shortness

I got on this line and finally met some Smogoners (the Kid in Blue said he used to go to it, so I’m not counting him since he isn’t active anymore). In front of me was Fightgar and Serendipity, both of which I did not want to face. We talked for a bit (Fightgar realized who I was rather quickly, which I found amusing) and decided to avoid each other for Round 3. An official came up to us and I laughed a bit when we all said we knew each other and, thus, could not battle. We split off with others and I got to face a kid probably half my size (I’m guessing much younger than I, too).

This match was pretty amazing considering how it ended...and I’m still not really with it to remember most of it. We traded shots and hax for most of it, but it ended up coming down to his Abomasnow and my Toxicroak, whom was gaining health from the late Kyogre’s rain. I protected to regain some health, then closed the match (that I easily thought I was going to lose) with a Sucker Punch. I stood, gave the thumbs up, and moved on.

Round 4: CCM vs Smogoner

I apologize, but I completely forgot who exactly the Smogoner was. I could barely hear him when he said his username and I was too concentrated on the Finalists Lounge just over yonder. When I told him I too was from Smogon, and when he found out who exactly I was, he wasn’t too happy. Ironically, I was more intimidated than he was.

For some reason, I lost all of my practice and experience in this match. I played like a legit scrub. And it truly came down to one stupid mistake that costed me the match. I don’t know if he will upload the match, but I saved it and can go turn by turn.

Anthony (him) vs Rapture (CCM)

He sends out a Palkia and Infernape against my Palkia and Hitmontop. I immediately decide that I’ll save the trouble of a potential flinch and just double protect.

Turn 1:

All four Pokemon Protect. That was productive.

Turn 2:

Hitmontop lands a Mach Punch on his Palkia, bringing it just before hitting yellow. Probably a bit over 50% HP. Not bad. His Infernape follows through with a Close Combat that puts Palkia just below half damage.

This is where my luck goes down the drain. A speed tie, evidently, and he wins it. His Palkia Spacial Rends mine and not even Haban Berry can stop the KO.


Turn 3:

I send out Kyogre to replace my first Uber. His Infernape Protects while Hitmontop Mach Punchs Palkia into the red. Kyogre’s Water Spout does nothing to the stupid fire monkey behind his shield, but takes out Palkia. It unnecessarily crits.


Turn 3:

He sends out a Metagross. I freak out. I’m automatically shut down mentally because of fear of its explosion.

And this is where I make my game-changing mistake. I knew in my gut Infernape was running Sash. Instead of breaking it, I decide to Mach Punch his Metagross for no damage as it protects. Water Spout puts the ape down to its sash...and then the worst thing happens.

It uses Endeavor.

Kyogre is now locked into WS with 1 HP left. A dead Caterpie could survive that. I didn’t see it coming, but I could have prevented it just by going after it instead of Gross. Damn it, just thinking about it kills me.

Turn 4:

The fear of Explosion still kills me. I hide from a possible explosion with Hitmontop while his Infernape also protects, but instead, Gross Bullet Punches Kyogre for the KO. Great. Just what I needed...


Turn 5: 

I’m feeling in a slump now. I know I’ve lost. I reluctantly put in Toxicroak and know I’m done. Because of this, I decide to continue to fear explosion and not play correctly. Hitmontop Mach Punches Infernape, but it gets switched out for Giratina. I don’t know why I didn’t see that coming. Can’t you tell why I’m so bent up about how stupid I played?

Toxicroak Fake Outs Metagross so it can’t do anything, so I was safe for then.

Turn 6:
I’m still fearing Explosion, so I decide to try and avoid it once more. Toxicroak and Hitmontop both Protect, which does nothing, as his Metagross does absolutely nothing and Protects, too, followed by a Tailwind from Giratina. Shit.

Turn 7:

This is where my luck still screws me over. I still had a chance to win if my double-protect worked for a second time. I would have been in an advantageous 2-2 situation and could have won. Nope, Pokemon hates me.

Toxicroak tries to Protect. It fails! Fml.
Hitmontop tries, too. It works! No so much fml.

I may still have a chance, because Toxicroak has a sash. If he goes after my Hitmontop, explosion will only have it fall down on its Sash.

Except, he Dragon Claws with Giratina and knocks Tox into Sash before Gross attacks. It then uses Explosion, taking itself and Tox out. Fuck.

However, I was feeling good. Why? Because I thought it was a 1-1. My heart dropped when he brought Infernape back in.

The Rest:
Hitmontop takes out Infernape, but Giratina finishes him off without any effort. I hang my head in shame, shake hands and head out. I was too mad at myself to stick around and watch. Way too mad. And I had literally no voice left. My throat was killing me. I wished my opponent good luck in the rest of the tournament and headed out.

As I wrote this, I rewatched my final VGC match and truly realized how much the match could have changed if a few things went differently. Luck definitely wasn’t on my side, as not only did my Palkia lose a speed tie, but Tox also couldn’t do two protects in a row. Of course, maybe if I took Infernape out when I should have, I would have won...but I can’t dwell on it.

EDIT: I faced AceTrainerRed this match. I have terrible memory.

The rest of the trip home consisted of some good times with my friend and getting over the loss. Time and time again I replay it in my head or on my DS and just wonder how well I would have done if I just played my best, but I can’t change it.

-My friend being a boss, taking me and having a great day with me.
-Meeting other Smogoners and some other kewl peeps.
-The announcer. That guy is awesome.
-Making to at least the fourth round.
-Getting a Shiny Eevee and free bag.
-Winning some epic matches.

-Bad luck.
-GPS being a big fail.
-Knocking out a cool dude second round.
-Playing like an idiot in my fourth match
-Dwelling on it for two and a half hours.

It was a great tournament. I met some cool people and it was really a fun experience that I can’t wait to have again next year. I can’t make any promises, but mark my words, you’ll all be fearing my name next year come VGC time.
Now that you say it, it probably was. I honestly had no idea what he said when he told me who he was, but it probably was him.

Hell, I'd rather lose to the winner of the tournament than anyone else, so that's nice to hear, lol.

EDIT: I think it was Ace Trainer Red, actually...damn, my memory sucks.
Sorry about that ape bro =/
I was rewatching our match during my car ride home and i couldn't agree with you anymore. That match very well could have been yours. But nevertheless it was a great game. I plan on uploading the match a little later so people can check it out.
Hey man, it was cool talking to you when we were in line for the 4th battle! Good job on making round 4, nice meeting you =)
@ATR: Haha, sorry, yeah I faced you that match. I was just watching it again. So much went wrong for me, but eh, it happens. You got the win fair and square.

Serendipity: Yeah, nice meeting you, too. You don't look like you're avatar at all. xD
Nice story dude, and i can relate to just about everything in it, lol. We got lost around the convention center for a while and I saw that huge guy with his ass hanging out and the GUY (yes it was a man) dressed as jesse. My mom even got a picture of him. You didn't play bad that last game, just a bit of bad luck and a missed prediction. Good job getting to round 4 and it was nice to meet you.

edit: The reason i recognized you was the vVv sweatshirt, you were just finishing up your battle while i was waiting in line behind you.
Thanks man. Nice to meet you there, too.

And that was a guy? Are you sure? It swear it was female.
I feel your pain about Ape man I saw too many of those today and one killed my blissey when I could have outstalled him.
Nice job! So sad you didn't make the Finalists Lounge. I made it and got the Green Energy card, so sad for me, I was right around the end of the line and got what was the 24/26 Green Energy cards when the last Purple Energy card was given two people in front of me! I won that round and got in the top 32 though, lost due to some hax though.
Awesome job, Human. Wish I got that far. I would have met so many of you guys. Ah well. Maybe next year.

@Kinneas: HitmonGEC was a beast, I'll give you that. He pretty much won my first match. I won't have WiFi until Monday, so I'll give him to you then.


April Fools 2009 Participant
VGC '10, '11, '12 Masters Champion
I remember that. I was battling right next to you guys. I remember the staff guy walked over and said "you guys are still playing?" and I heard you talking about ape beating you. Too bad you lost, hopefully you'll do better next year.
Dude, Water Spout from Ogre in the rain always OHKOs Metagross. If you had not been afraid and just hit Infernape the game is yours.
I know, I know, don't remind me. xD

I just wasn't thinking. I don't know what got over me. It still kills me now to think about it.
I made a mistake that if I didn't make it I would have gotten in the top 16 instead of the top 32 even with the freeze hax that happened to me on a switch and some other hax. You got out in the 3rd round because of a mistake, I missed out on getting an invite to nationals because of mistakes and hax!

It stinks for both of us, but still, I would say the experience was worth it.
Well, hell, I think I could have gone farther if I won. I think the finalist's lounge has something in the air that makes people win. I just did something stupid.

Like I said, I'm going to make sure everyone fears my name next year. Believe it.
Also, funny enough, but if anyone lost a one-dollar bill with drawings on George Washington to make him look like a clown, I found it on my way to my R3 station. I don't know if it is worth something sentimentally to anyone, but if it is, I still have it if you want it back.

Granted, I don't know how exactly I'd give it to you at this point, but I'll be bringing it with me next year just in case. Or I'll keep it. It's pretty cool.


I'm everywhere, you ain't never there
Dude, Water Spout from Ogre in the rain always OHKOs a non-bulky Metagross. If you had not been afraid and just hit Infernape the game is yours.
Fixed - a max HP Meta with 140 SpDef can survive a Hydro Pump, so it can survive a full HP Water Spout (takes 95% minimum though.)
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