How did you find Smogon?

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Uh, played RBY, enjoyed it. GSC came around, netscape'd pokemon. Found gamefaqs (AsukaLangelySohryu). Then found blackjack!, then mIRC. There, I lurked around #pokebattle (I think--or maybe it was #battlearena--I don't recall) and #I forget (mostly gamefaqs people, and everybody was aOPed upon request), but met some gamefaqers there (stupidfool, drdanjc, blackthorne, uriel, whatever.) under nick Asuka. Left after a short while. Returned later when RS was in swing on #gfaqs. Befriended the crowd there (Shroomie, AJ, Lords, CanofTuna/codemannumbers, Synre, Ultima, blueshirtnumbers, NDman) and lurked around #rs. Stopped pokemoning, and in my leave, TTS took my nick. Went to netbattle and battled for like, a week, after realizing the metagame had shifted with tutors. Left. Now waiting for competitor.
How I first started playing pokemon:

I was too poor back then and was limited to watching the anime (similar to how I got into Yu-Gi-Oh) and collecting cards. I went to a family party at my cousin's around six years ago and that's when my cousin lend me his Gameboy Color with the gamepak Pokemon Crystal. Sadly, I was only able to play it up to the Elite 4 until the batteries have died. My favorite pokemon back at that time was Dugtrio. When I learned about roms, I downloaded and started playing several pokemon games. I then became a super addict. I played Pokemon Silver and was excited when I ran into my first random legendary, Raikou...

How I started battling online/How I found out about Smogon:

I never had any form of competitive battling before this generation. This generation, with the aid of Wifi, Gamefaqs and my friend (whom I kept losing to), I quickly became super competitive and learned most of the abc's about competitive battling. I never had a Netbattle account or have used any versions of online battle simulator. Most of my battling experiences came from Wifi battles. My prime source for info used to be the Gamefaqs Diamond general boards. Until, I asked a question about Hidden Power calculation. Someone had directed me to a link about Hidden Power analysis, which came from Smogon, how I remember that Staraptor avatar as well. So, here I am, and I can safely assume that I am now better than my friend [=
How I got into Pokemon

I saw the anime back in like 2000 when I still liked watching TV and cartoons. I liked it and started watching it. I hate the anime now. It's so stupid. Then a year later, one of my friends told me there were Pokemon games. So I asked my parents to buy me a game boy color and Pokemon Silver, played it, and loved it. Houndoom and Heracross became my favorite pokemon.

How I got into competitive battling and found Smogon

Back in I think 2004, I was having trouble beating a game I had so I googled it and found Gamefaqs. After finding that they had alot of information on video games, I decided to check out faqs on my other games. When I went to the Pokemon Ruby faq, I was surprised there was more to Pokemon then I thought. I found out about competitive battling and evs and ivs and all that. The irony was most of the competitive movesets and tiers weren't that surprising to me. I already knew that TBolt and Ice Beam were good for type coverage and that pokemon like Salamence and Metagross were top tier and all that despite being only in fourth grade. I wanted to find out more about this competitive battling so I lurked around the message boards of Ruby and Firered for a while until I found a link to Smogon. Here, I learned more about competitive battle and about Netbattle. I downloaded Netbattle and used a variation of the team in the team building guide for a while until I figured out which pokemon were common and which were huge threats and started making my own teams. I didn't join Smogon until a month ago because I was underaged and didn't want my parents to know that I wanted to join a forum full of people I didn't know. People here would still consider me underage now.
How I started playing pokemon

It's pretty simple. Back when I was about ten, pokemon was released. Naturally, my school (who now regards it as a social taboo -_-) exploded with the fad. I joined in the mayhem from there, where I started playing Red and Blue. Then our principle banned all pokemon related activities, and it kind of died from there. Now everyone has hated it ever since. So, after the GSC era, I kind of quit for a while. Like 5 years actually. So, around late March this year, I caught a glimpse of what DP was supposed to be like. I decided to buy Sapphire, and from there, I formed my own opinion that did not conform to my local city's opinion. So, the first forum I really started hanging out on was Nsider. So yeah, that was more of my life story of pokemon than it was of how I got into pokemon, but whatever. A little extra typing never hurts.

How I found Smogon

So yeah, as I left off, I started hanging out at the Nsider pokemon forum late March this year. I really had no idea about the aspects of competitive battling, and thus, the teams I created were composed of utter crap movesets that I still have no idea what I was trying accomplish with. So, one of the users recommended I look at this magical site called smogon, where great movesets for nearly every pokemon were listed. I immediately began lurking, and studying these movesets. After about two and a half months of lurking, I decided to create this forum account, and actually say something, which is where I am now.
Well form the SPPf members, I heard about Smogon, and how great it was when it comes to competive, so I decided to join, and I did.
Umm, I've been playing Pokemon since it came out, and I was hanging out on NSider, when I hear about Smogon. Fireball49 got me here.
My mate Hybrid comes here and he put me up to joining so I can find out more about the advanced side of Pokemon. And also met a few Smogoners @ the Connection Tour in WA, Australia
Been lurking around ever since the release of DP, decided to make an account and to become a member. EDIT: A bit surprised that no one took this name yet lol
Played RBY, then played and cheated on Crystal, played and cheated Sapphire, read up on competitive battling (I had a mew with fire spin whut), played Netbattle, and came back to DP. I've been lurking for a week or so, when I find out how to connect the DS and play wifi I'll start being more active/breeding. :)
I lurked since RSE, joined near DP.

Just started posting recently.

The way I found it was because repeated use of the word Smogon on other forums.
My pokemon story

How I got into Pokemon'

It all started with my friend, Chris, who had a blue version of pokemon and introduced me to the game. I was thinking "Oh god this looks stupid". But after playing it for a while, I found it very fun and got attracted into it :naughty:.


Well I only got pokemon yellow a month after it came out, because I never liked any other of the kanto starters :( so i chose pikachu.
When GS came out, my friend let me borrow his silver version, and my god I loved playing with Lugia, its my favorite uber :).
Then he started getting selfish and didnt let me play it anymore, so i got my mom to buy me crystal version :heart:.
I got all of the pokemon in my team to lvl 100, forgot which ones, but I killed alot of time on them.
When RS came out, I was bored of the franchise then, but my friend begged me to get it so i can link battle him, so I decided to get sapphire cause I always like the color blue :kongler:.
Then my friend moved :( so I sold the game for 15 dollars to my other friend....
Then he got me into it again, and here I am playing Emerald, planning to get a DS and pearl soon.

How I came into Smogon

Well there was someone complaining about people posting Harry Potter spoilers in a Maplestory forum and a user stated that a Pokemon DP forum he goes to doesnt have any spoilers.
I dont care about harry potter, but i was interested in the DP forum idea, so I pm'ed him and asked him for the link, and he gave me Smogons link.
This forum is killer :naughty:​
How I got into pokemon:

I have no clue. That was a really long time ago. All I know is that I started out with blue version.

How I found smogon:

Not too long ago I was in a pokemon tournament at gamestop, and there was a guy there filming the battles and my friend said that he heard him say he was filming for smogon, so I was like, "what's smogon" and then he told me about it.
pokemon captured my imagination when it first came out and never let me go, in fact it got stronger when i got my gba sp and then fire red came out, never actualy owning the game in proper (borrowed, no$gmb etc.) i asked my mum if she could get it for my as a christmas present, to which she consented, now owning a game i could play anytime i wanted i went on a rampage, clocking up over 1000 hours on it a along with a bit on sapphire and colloseum, and now that d/p has come out i have decided to do asome research as to why pokemon like flareon have good base stats, but bad movesets, so i decided to extend myself from the confines of just staying on serebii to get a more broader understanding of the game, so i came to the infamous smogon.a bit long yes but without one of those events i probobly wouldn't be here.
I don't know how you CAN'T find Smogon.

I probably found my way here Google searching 'pokemon' or something a while ago. I just never bothered to join the forums until now.
After joining "a certain forum" because I saw "a certain person's youtube battle" and a lvl 1 Ratatta take out a lvl 100 Empoleon, people mentioned it here and there, and I finally decided to check it out. I liked the looks of Smogon, so I joined. =)
After joining "a certain forum" because I saw "a certain person's youtube battle" and a lvl 1 Ratatta take out a lvl 100 Empoleon, people mentioned it here and there, and I finally decided to check it out. I liked the looks of Smogon, so I joined. =)
Isn't that video my the marriland guy?
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