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can you provide an actual source or are you just gonna hide behind “i speak more languages than you so im more cultured and more intelligent”


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Does it not take time to find sources? Or am I meant to remember the links of every article I've read?

"The clashing of Buddhists and Rohingya goes back centuries as you can see from this quote from the Human Rights Watch Website: "
羅興亞人在緬甸西部的衝突,是指1948年緬甸独立后開始的聖戰者恐怖主義運動,目標是把若開邦 ... 在日本入侵和佔領緬甸時,羅興亞人與英國政府合作,這場戰爭引起了阿拉干的穆斯林和佛教徒之間的社區間衝突。羅興亞人在緬甸西部的衝突
The Chinese here translates as "Rohingyas had conflict in the West of Myanmar. In 1948, after Myanmar gained independence, Rohingyas had jihadist and terrorist actions.
Rohingyas also allied with the British government and had war/ battle against buddhist communities.

Also, I'm not justifying Myanmar's actions.
I'm only suggesting that it's less bad than a genocide, and that calling it a genocide is exaggerated.

And also, it's ok to criticize other countries, but please don't call other countries dystopia unless it's in war.
If China really is that bad, more people would have left the country. (There's no punishment for people emigrating out of China, so it's not like North Korea.)
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to find better ways to say what nobody says
is a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Past WCoP Champion
thats right smogon, if there was any armed resistance 60 yrs ago, shit if theres any armed resistance now, then it can't be genocide or even the more euphemistic phrase 'ethnic cleansing'. if there is any sort of self defense on the part of the victims then the whole thing is a conflict between 2 parties with 'good people' with legitimate concerns 'on both sides', sorry fairs fair, and if any of the victims are muslim then systemic elimination is permitted, we all know that theyre terrorists. stop exaggerating.


Junichi Masuda likes this!!
thats right smogon, if there was any armed resistance 60 yrs ago, shit if theres any armed resistance now, then it can't be genocide or even the more euphemistic phrase 'ethnic cleansing'. if there is any sort of self defense on the part of the victims then the whole thing is a conflict between 2 parties with 'good people' with legitimate concerns 'on both sides', sorry fairs fair, and if any of the victims are muslim then systemic elimination is permitted, we all know that theyre terrorists. stop exaggerating.
Since 60 years ago =/= 60 years ago. :)
Irregardless of what people believe when it comes to Venezuela, how bad their current situation is, who is and is not to blame et cetera, I see absolutely zero justification for this Guaido goon to be crowned president of Venezuela. A virtual nobody before a lot of Western countries magically decided to support him, I hardly see what gives this man of all possible candidates the right to be put in a position of power. The USA has a long history of less-than-ideal regime change in Latin America, as well as a history of buddying up with dictatorial regimes (hello Saudi Arabia), so when America backs some guy who came more or less out of nowhere to become the new president (and let's not pretend they intend to get him in that position by fair, democratic means), I think there are reasons to be skeptical. Simply put, Guaido is not in the first place there to serve the interests of the Venezuelan people: he is there to serve corporate, American interests. I do believe there are good reasons to be concerned about the Maduro administration's ability to govern the country, but such concerns should be dealt with by the Venezuelan people themselves, without outside interference.

Good video on the subject btw:
Fuck off with that video lmao

Starting off at 0:19 with nice misleading subtitles. The "We don't want Trump" part gets subbed, but the man saying "he should help us" conveniently gets ignored. Followed by a woman saying "We aren't dying of hunger", which it's probably true for her case but not only goes against the dude literally asking Maduro's biggest enemy for help 5 seconds early, but also goes against reality, because there's not a single day of my life I don't see people digging through trash or kids asking me for food or cash anywhere I go. Feel free to google "la dieta de maduro" if you want to have some fun.

Solid 30 second start, I really wonder what's the agenda being pushed with this video :blobthinking:

"USA did bad shit more than once, so Maduro and Chavez are good" - That's half of the video. Dumb brown people are too stupid to realize a good chunk of the international support exists because it benefits the people supporting us, we are simple minded and assumed it was just kind hearted support. Obviously other countries benefiting means there's nothing to gain for us, because the Chavista goverment that has been in power for 20 years is completely fine and we shouldn't want anything else. Only thing I don't get is why she didn't mention countries like China and Russia supporting Maduro? guess that kind of support is completely fine with her, because those two countries specifically have never tried to exploit impoverished countries before!

"USA supports bad people, therefore Maduro is good". Guess the Chavista goverment supporting the Castro regime, Gadafi, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, FARC, Hezbollah, Putin, etc is not worth mentioning. USA being bad means Maduro is good and that's it, nothing else is relevant.

"Only rich white people support the opposition" and "there were more Maduro supporters in the street".

Very small number of rich white people supporting change.

Poor people were so uninvolved the FAES didn't retaliate against them after having an armed confrontation in the slums the night of Jan 23rd (same day as the previous pics)

I mean she got me figured out, I'm basically the physical embodiment of aryan ideals
You know who is as white as me? A friend of mine that got killed in a peaceful protest.
The white north american chick who has never gotten near Venezuela surely isn't manipulating facts or making up bullshit to push her narrative. The evil white europeans are the only ones against Maduro.

"The opposition boycotted the 2016 vote because they were scared of losing and used Leopoldo Lopez deserved jailing as an excuse " - Hope this retard burns for even saying this shit. Literally word for word Maduro propaganda and you post this garbage as "good video on the subject". If you want to be an absolute moron and ignore why Leopoldo was jailed, then by all means go for it but that wasn't the reason why 2016 elections were boycotted. The talks between the MUD and Maduro part, in which she mentions "they wanted elections and maduro gave them to them and they got butthurt!!" completely ignore that: The opposition said more time was necessary to setup proper elections and that certain conditions needed to be met to have real transparency. Maduro made no commitments, rushed everything, banned some political parties from the opposition and then ran an election with 0 competition. None of this was mentioned in that video, what a fucking surprise.

You want to know why Leopoldo was jailed? Because he called for peaceful protests over twitter. You can even read literal government propaganda websites that can't find anything other than tweets from him: You know the death toll the idiot on the video mentioned was caused by Leopoldo? You should check who was getting killed in the streets, since she obviously forgot to mention it was military and police force attacking the unarmed opposition.

"I do believe there are good reasons to be concerned about the Maduro administration's ability to govern the country, but such concerns should be dealt with by the Venezuelan people themselves, without outside interference"

Imagine posting that and following up with a video that says "people who call for protests deserve to be jailed". Fucking rich. What do you think we are trying to do?

I don't think anybody in this thread has denied that people in Venezuela are not experiencing the hardships they say they are, it's just that not everybody believes the blame is to be shifted entirely onto Maduro (or Chavez for that matter) when there is ample proof that America and many powerful corporate actors have had a vested interest in destabilizing the country for a couple of decades now. Let's also not pretend that less than a handful of Venezuelans on Smogon are representative of the Venezuelan people. Like all other nations, Venezuela is a pluralistic society, lots of different people with different experiences and different opinions.
Yeah you aren't denying shit, just posting youtube videos that does the work for you. You know who isn't representative of the Venezuelan people? An ignorant white privileged internet lefty, who has never gotten anywhere near Venezuela and can't even say a single sentence in spanish, making videos from her 1st world country. That video has less minutes than years I have spent living with this shit.

While super woke north american lefties think saying "Trump isn't a good person and Bolton is a warhawk" is some major revealing information nobody has heard before and that the only reason we want Maduro out is because someone told us he is bad, we have to live in the real world where shit is more complicated than "american left vs american right". I'm left leaning, I believe Trump is a piece of shit, and I don't fully trust Guaido, but if I have to pick between the dude with some sketchy support or the same dudes who have been raping the country for 20 years the choice is very simple.

Your experience with Venezuela is reading a couple articles and watching some internet "journalists" give their opinion on a subject they know nothing about. I know I'm not representative of Venezuela as a whole, mainly because I was lucky enough to be born in a middle class family before the country went to shit and that gave me a massive headstart over the the majority of the population, so now I'm in the small percentage that can eat three times a day. However I struggle every other week to find my grandmother's necessary medicine, I have seen people close to me being forced to leave the country to try to create a future for themselves or to support their families (because the shittiest jobs in a 1st world country helps a lot more than anything they can find with their degrees here), I don't know a single person who hasn't gotten mugged (my personal number is like 10 atm and most of them were while taking public transportation or walking my dog), I have seen friends getting jailed and even killed during peaceful protests, I have being forced to breath more tear gas than what you have ever seen on TV in your whole life combined, I have done countless amount of charity work, I have donated as much as I could to help people in need without putting a dent in the problem, I have rescued multiple abandoned animals just to see their numbers keep growing because their owners simply can't take care of them. All that bullshit and a lot more, and yet I'm better off than the large majority of the country. Yeah my experiences aren't the same as the rest, but I get to see the life of other venezuelans with my own eyes and I try to help as much as I can. Choke on your "Venezuela is a pluralistic society" disingenuous bullshit.

If you truly cared about the experience of Venezuelan people, you would be checking Venezuelan twitter, facebook, reddit, youtube. It's harder than blindly promoting an ignorant youtuber that refuses to admit Venezuelan's implementation of socialism had any problems and that the "Revolucion Bolivariana" was grossly incompetent and unapologetically corrupt, but it's more productive.


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Hikari sorry, shouldn't have lazily plopped a video in the thread. I do think the video is overly sympathetic towards Maduro and if it gets facts wrong about the situation in Venezuela that's shameful, thanks for calling that out. I mostly just wanted to illustrate how the current situation in Venezuela has been in part orchestrated by the USA out of imperialist interests - not to say Chavez or Maduro had no hand in it themselves because I'm more than willing to believe they did, I just can't personally make claims with regard to the extent to which they are themselves guilty of all this because both the dominant Western narrative and the Venezuelan government's narrative seem to deal heavily in disinformation (and questions like "who is to blame for the bad economy" never have a good singular answer to begin with). I understand why people would support Guaido considering he currently is the easiest way out of a bad situation, but he's also very obviously part of America's endgame and it saddens me that time and time again, America's strategy of forcing a country on its knees and getting its people to back America-friendly candidates all while playing itself off as "humanitarian" proves to be successful. Ideally an alternative candidate who can mop up the mess Maduro and his ilk made while recognizing the role American actors played in the country's decline would be put forward, but I don't know if such a guy currently has any chance of successfully leading a resistance movement. Again, sorry for the lack of nuance in my post, I did not mean to trivialize your people's suffering.


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Stop getting butthurt when people criticize your country
People clearly have discrimination against me because I'm from Asia-- calling my country a dystopia right in front of me-- in a post that replies to my post!!
How rude that is!!??
Seriously, how is this ok?
This is not how you talk to foreign people!
You've been doing this for five years :psywoke:


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You've been doing this for five years :psywoke:
Calling a country dystopia is not a criticism, it is discrimination. It stems from discrimination, at least.
Criticizing other countries without discrimination is perfectly fine.
I've never called any country dystopia or hellhole, or shithole or anything like that.

Criticism is stuff like:
"There's no freedom of speech in China, they silence people for saying stuff against the government. I wouldn't want to live in a place like that!"
"Education in Asia isn't that great. They just give you loads of homework and tell you to memorize everything."

Discrimination is like:
"Your country is a hellhole."

Get it?
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sage of six tabs
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yeah im the racist for saying china is a dystopia because their freedom of speech laws are almost non existent and they regularly invade other countries simply because they view them as chinese sovereign domain, both of which are easilyfact checked by a plethora of news articles
Hi I like describing countries as being dystopias as much as the next guy but the misinformation involving China is insane, China has shitty freedom of speech, corruption, a lack of cleanliness and a bunch of other fucked things about it but dismissing somebody’s point because they come from a “dystopia” is just being an ass

China has lifted millions of people out of poverty and is currently trying to do the whole industrial revolution thing in a giant land of 1 billion people. It’s not as if the country is giant blob of evil and all the citizens which agree with it are brainwashed/retarded

And cress you gotta chill too, just because a source is written in another language doesn’t mean it’s untrustworthy. Much like how there are people misinformed about your country you’re just as prone to being misinformed about their country and intentions, Nobody is attacking you directly or being racist towards you when they say China is a dystopia, even if it feels that way


Junichi Masuda likes this!!
yeah im the racist for saying china is a dystopia because their freedom of speech laws are almost non existent and they regularly invade other countries simply because they view them as chinese sovereign domain, both of which are easilyfact checked by a plethora of news articles
Uighurs are being put in concentration camps, but they do not come from another country.
They've been an ethnic minority in China since the imperial times.

Not saying that it's ok, just pointing out a technical error.

Tibet is an entirely different matter though.

That said, I'm actually happy that people cared about the Uighurs. I thought most people didn't care.


sage of six tabs
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Hi I like describing countries as being dystopias as much as the next guy but the misinformation involving China is insane, China has shitty freedom of speech, corruption, a lack of cleanliness and a bunch of other fucked things about it but dismissing somebody’s point because they come from a “dystopia” is just being an ass
Im dismissing their viewpoint because they believe that a 1940s independence movement that was squashed and shut down is a call for revenge to commit genocide, create an apartheid state and to justify acts of which can only be described as ethnic cleansing.

From your own article Cresselia~~ : “the Buddhists were radicalized against Rohingya Muslims by a Monk named, “Ashin Wirathu,” Who spent about a decade in prison for inciting unrest regarding his anti-Muslim sentiment and his government-backed opinion that the Rohingya should not be considered Myanmar citizens, no matter how long they have lived in the country.”

Also: “This is simple. He feels the Rohingya people are eroding the identity and culture of Myanmar. He worries Myanmar will become a Caliphate under Sharia Law.”

This is typical anti-Muslim sentiment, “all muslims are terrorists” “every muslim is al quaeda” “theyll destroy our identity!” rhetoric, and that you would attempt to use that as justification for the genocidal efforts of Myanmar is sickening.

To call it anything less than genociding is politically disgusting. “The army operations, said the report, “were strikingly similar.” Troops would arrive at a village early in the morning, firing indiscriminately at civilians. Men and boys would be rounded up and taken away, while women and girls were subjected to mass gang rapes. Many were herded into houses, which were then set on fire. At least 392 villages were partially or totally destroyed, the investigators found; by mid-August 2018, nearly 725,000 Rohingya had been driven across the border into Bangladesh, where most still live in overcrowded camps. While the death toll is unknown, the panel said an estimate of up to 10,000 killed was “conservative.””

The mental gymnastics at work here are absurd and would earn a gold medal in the olympics. Its not genocide despite at the least 10,000 people being slaughtered, an apartheid state created, and the people pushed out of the country into other neighbors like Bangladesh, because “scary muslims” and “but they did an arms takeover 70 years ago that resulted in 9 people dying!”

Its not racist or wrong to call out a country, btw, that is 1) enforcing their sovereign will over countries they deem as “theirs” (China wrt Tibet, Taiwan), has literal death camps for the Uighur, creates a surveillance and mass censored state, organizes events like the Tiananmen Massacre, has a social credit monitoring system, and interferes with religious philosophies in ways like this. It would be almost comical if this shit wasn’t happening in real time, so yes I will call China a dystopian superpower in the world just like I also believe North Korea and Russia are either already there or close. For the record I also think the US is 2 “elections” and a seizure of the military away from a dystopian society, especially after things like Citizen United or the Patriot Act


Junichi Masuda likes this!!
Every single country has malpractices, and you talk as if malpractices are all that China has going on.

Social credit monitoring system is to do with crime and malpractices over the internet.
It's actually good to have.

My nationality is actually British. I'm not stuck over here. I choose to be here.
I can just go and live in the UK whenever I want to.

Travel more and go see for yourself.

We have very very low crime rates over here.
It's absolute safe for me to be on the streets after 12am, as a female.
We have very few thieves or pick pockets over here.
We can just leave our books and stationary in college library, come back later, and our stuff will be still here waiting for us.
We leave our laptops at home unlocked because it's actually safe enough.

Public transport is very well done and at a fair price.
I don't need to drive. Very few people drive over here.

Infrastructures are well done.

Anyway, I choose to be here.
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to find better ways to say what nobody says
is a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Past WCoP Champion"
The radio shows aired at a pivotal moment for Carlson’s career, when he was transitioning from a bow tied conservative commentator for CNN and MSNBC with pretensions to seriousness into a full-throated avatar of the Republican party’s sexist and racist id. Revealingly, in the transcripts he returns again and again to a Freudian fear of castration, calling Hillary Clinton “anti-penis”, claiming that Oprah Winfrey “hates the penis” and asserting that if Clinton “could castrate you, she would”. In one paranoid fantasy, Carlson draws a one-to-one causal connection between the rise of a woman to power and the likelihood, in his mind, that he will subsequently lose his penis. He implores the radio hosts to imagine a world in which Clinton was president, asking: “How long do you think it would take before she castrates you?”

little turds of humor amongst the horror"
The radio shows aired at a pivotal moment for Carlson’s career, when he was transitioning from a bow tied conservative commentator for CNN and MSNBC with pretensions to seriousness into a full-throated avatar of the Republican party’s sexist and racist id. Revealingly, in the transcripts he returns again and again to a Freudian fear of castration, calling Hillary Clinton “anti-penis”, claiming that Oprah Winfrey “hates the penis” and asserting that if Clinton “could castrate you, she would”. In one paranoid fantasy, Carlson draws a one-to-one causal connection between the rise of a woman to power and the likelihood, in his mind, that he will subsequently lose his penis. He implores the radio hosts to imagine a world in which Clinton was president, asking: “How long do you think it would take before she castrates you?”

little turds of humor amongst the horror
Ok, dude, I don't think you would know what real sexism is even if it hit you in the face. Let's make a few things clear that I don't think you're picking up:

1. This happened well over a decade ago on a shock jock radio show called Bubba the Love Sponge (it's similar to something like Howard Stern's show). If that comment was so horrible, why didn't anything happen then, and why did the show stay popular? I think if it was really truly sexist, something would've happened then.

2. Even if he did concede and say sorry, you and I both know that he would never be forgiven by the mob. He knows he didn't do anything wrong, so why should he waste his time?

3. The comment didn't just magically resurface, it was dug up after hundreds of hours of finding dirt on Carlson by a company called Media Matters, whose sole intent is to wreck anyone even moderately on the right.

4. The only people protesting his show are people on the left that never watch it. What he's saying is if you'd actually watch his show, you would find out for yourself whether he is sexist or not (and frankly, he ain't sexist).

“Rather than express the usual ritual contrition, how about this: I’m on television every weeknight live for an hour,” Carlson said. “If you want to know what I think, you can watch. Anyone who disagrees with my views is welcome to come on and explain why.”

He was on MSNBC at the time, so I don't see why you wouldn't protest that lmao. Don't get me wrong here, personally I do not watch his show very often if at all, but hey why does that matter I'm a mean sexist Republican like him right?

Also, side comment, I love that you're bringing up Hillary Clinton of all people, the same person who covered up for her husband for raping women and went even further to threaten the women he raped if they said a word to anyone. You don't see any parallels?
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is a Community Contributor
I don’t understand how the argument of “they were LOOKING for it!” Invalidates the content of what they found but ok

His point of come on my show and argue is blatantly false considering that one episode he pulled of the air for losing an argument and flipping his shit

(Not to mention that 10 years ago was 2009, you know when it was very tasteful to profess your defense of a dude who was on record raping a 12 year old)
I don’t understand how the argument of “they were LOOKING for it!” Invalidates the content of what they found but ok

His point of come on my show and argue is blatantly false considering that one episode he pulled of the air for losing an argument and flipping his shit
I don't understand what you don't get about "shock jock," because that's pretty much the premise of the issue. Why I take issue with "they're LOOKING for it" is because they found a statement and took it out of its context. You're trying to destroy them simply because you don't like them, not because you first found evidence of something they may have done wrong. That's where I have an issue.

(Not to mention that 10 years ago was 2009, you know when it was very tasteful to profess your defense of a dude who was on record raping a 12 year old)
Why the hell this has anything to do with this topic I have no clue. 1. That's fucking disgusting, and 2. What does this have to do with Tucker Carlson?
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is a Community Contributor
Why the hell this has anything to do with this topic I have no clue. 1. That's fucking disgusting, and 2. What does this have to do with Tucker Carlson?
Tucker’s repeated, unsolicited sayings in defense of Warren Jeffs. Somebody who undeniably raped several underage girls in the name of his “freedom of religion”
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