Exiling the Outlaws (won by Animus Majulous)


Guess who's back? Na na na! *breakdances*
is a CAP Contributor Alumnus
Just an activity update, NumberCruncher and I are trying to get the revised match done this weekend, preferably Saturday.

replay button wasn't working so I just downloaded them instead. Anyway ggs epic.
Alright, I've got my three games with DarkSlay. The first round, DarkSlay takes a decisive lead, but I'm able to bring it back in games 2 and three by a very close margin. GG, DarkSlay.




So as it turns out, not only am I the last one finished for the last round, but I'm the first one finished in this round. I went 2-0 against snake_rattler. It was a close game round 1, but a great amount of unfortunate haxing befell snake game 2. gg Snake.

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Khosro and I have been unable to be on at the same time for the past week due to IRL difficulties and the fact that we have very different time zones. Apologies for making this round drag on longer than it should. We should be able to get this game done tomorrow.

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