NOC eli loves matrices game thread [Game Over, Town Win!]

First interaction between Caff and LS is the wolfchat shitpost. Doesn't say much either way.

Caff firsts names LS as a lone scumread, among a bunch of towleans. This is following conversation sparked by Psy around LS being awkward/not seeming to be doing much of anything. Sal responds to Psy, does AG's questionnaire, doesn't acknowledge Caff's line [x].

Momentum swings back onto Caff. CB posts his readwall:
First interaction between Caff and LS is the wolfchat shitpost. Doesn't say much either way.

Caff firsts names LS as a lone scumread, among a bunch of towleans. This is following conversation sparked by Psy around LS being awkward/not seeming to be doing much of anything. Sal responds to Psy, does AG's questionnaire, doesn't acknowledge Caff's line [x].

Psy invites LS to more actively participate in the game.

LS gets a shout-out in the redpool, still no real elaboration or attempt to engage with Psy on what was brought up around the slot. Lands instead on Cel, whose name has come up in thread from other players already.

The above for me feels doesn't feel like an attempt at a mislim, it reads like soft-distancing. It's an unelaborated read with no attempt to build momentum/no threat of lethal force and minimal interaction - superficial, all optics.

Later on, a couple hours out from phase-end:

Psy, again the one to initiate, invites LS to more actively participate in the game.
There's some stalling ("How do you want me to participate?") before Sal eventually gives us this post:

Note how noncommittal it is overall; a lot of the lines are focused more on how things are being perceived by gen. pop. as opposed to actual stances of her own; note that she takes the time to acknowledge Caff but only to give a backhanded TR, towning him without explicitly saying so and acknowledging the problems with the slot/giving plausible deniability. At the very least you'd expect some insight into his treatment of her slot, but there's just very little predication overall.

And then, like mentioned, we have the actual movement onto OM.
Sal's vote isn't built on any feelings either way; it's a request for permission:

There's no real engagement even with any of the things that Psy and I said, it's just the words of someone looking for an excuse to place theri vote and be perceived as having done so thoughtfully.
All of this is correct

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