DOU Doubles OU Spring Seasonal Round 2

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Banned deucer.

  • This is a standard ORAS Doubles OU tournament
  • This tournament will be Double Elimination
  • All rounds will be Best of Three. You may switch teams in between battles of the same set.
  • Matches are to be played on Pokemon Showdown!
  • To encourage the development of the metagame, and so that everyone is on an even playing field with regards to scouting previous opponents, all matches must have replays recorded. If neither player posts replays of the match, both players will suffer an automatic game loss. (If you were in losers' when you played, you are both out. If you were in winners', the winner is in losers' and the loser is out.) I was lax on enforcing this rule last round because replays were down, but don't think I won't enforce it now.
  • Every round, I will choose a match (possibly two) as the Highlight Match. If your match is chosen as the highlight match, our commentary crew (Stratos, BLOOD TOTEM, kamikaze) will be commentating your match through the SmogonU Twitch, and it will then be uploaded to Smogon's YouTube. I will contact both players by PM immediately in order to schedule a time. If either player wishes to not be streamed, they may opt out, but let me know quickly, so I can choose someone else to be the highlight match for the week.
  • If you are found signing up under more than one alt, you will be banned from circuit events for life.
  • Activity calls will be made by me with probably the neutral assistance from a TD, flips will be made on PS with !pick for transparency.
  • In the event that something is added to or removed from the Doubles OU metagame in the middle of a round, that change will be in effect starting the next round. Doubles Ubers is available as a challenge option if something is banned mid-round. If the banlist changes right near the end of the tour I reserve the right to keep the old banlist for the duration of the tour.
Standard Rules and Clauses
  • Species Clause: A player cannot have two Pokemon with the same PokeDex number on his team.
  • Evasion Clause: The moves Double Team and Minimize are banned. (No other evasion boosting things are banned).
  • OHKO Clause: The moves Horn Drill, Guillotine, Sheer Cold, and Fissure are banned.
  • Endless Battle Clause: Anything capable of intentionally creating an endless battle is banned.
  • HypnoGravity Clause: The move Gravity is banned with all moves that can induce Sleep. I am not 100% sure if this is fully implemented on Pokemon Showdown!, so if it is not and you are found to be using it you will be disqualified and banned from future Circuit events.
  • Uber Clause: Anything that appears on Doubles OU' banlist is banned. This is the banlist for Doubles OU:

How to Schedule

Winners' Bracket:

Stratos vs SamVGC game 1 game 2 game 3
OP vs thecrystalonix game 1 game 2 game 3
Itz ZecaroN vs MrJelli game 1 game 2
Level 51 vs Mysterious M game 1 game 2 game 3
Yellow Paint vs Pearl game 1 game 2 game 3
Mr. NudistoBeach vs pwndkthnx
shaian vs Derivatives game 1 game 2
Hashtag vs Dawgie game 1 game 2 game 3
GiraGoomy vs Confide.
n10sit vs KillianVGC game 1 game 2
Shaneghoul vs obii game 1 game 2 game 3
-Tsunami- vs Chill Shadow game 1 game 2 game 3
Memoric vs nvakna game 1 game 2 game 3
Nuxl vs Dark_Psiana game 1 game 2
Croven vs Mishimono game 1 game 2
Big_Danny_Mason vs Pohjis game 1 game 2
checkmater75 vs BlueSkiddoWeCanToo game 1 game 2
karla Schnikov vs GOAO game 1 game 2
Arcticblast vs Sapientia game 1 game 2 game 3
MajorBowman vs miltankmilk game 1 game 2
Nido-Rus vs p2 game 1 game 2 game 3
qwerts vs thinkin game 1 game 2 game 3
Level 56 vs Kyle Ayala game 1 game 2
Hiro97 vs Arii~ game 1 game 2
deoxys speed vs INS game 1 game 2
Demantoid vs n1n1 game 1 game 2
Lohgock vs Syncrasy game 1 game 2
Jarii vs Yoda2798 game 1 game 2 game 3
Tricking vs Megazard game 1 game 2 game 3
Staxandstax vs DragonWhale game 1 game 2 game 3
clius vs Azumarill game 1 game 2 game 3
teal6 vs Mael game 1 game 2

Losers' Bracket:

Peef Rimgar vs Fantasy
TheNapkinLord11 vs Biosci game 1 game 2
xzern vs GRAND EMPRESS game 1 game 2 game 3
TSR vs jeran
Foggi vs Arifeen game 1 game 2 game 3
Meloettaaa vs Cheek Pouch game 1 game 2 game 3
cuzzie vs Amir game 2 game 2
shartruce vs Melle2402
Oma vs Joey's Raticate game 1 game 2
ElegyOfVGC vs HyperTHD game 1 game 2
Flame Road vs Talenheim
Brian12345 vs -Tynamo- game 1 game 2 game 3
gogurtgoat vs Hingo game 1 game 2 game 3
TGMD vs CorruptedOmega7
Spl4sh vs ShinyMedicham7
Heliosan vs dEnIsSsS
AuraRayquaza vs Steven Stone
PoliLoco vs Doctor_DraX game 1 game 2
Shun DK vs Pak
Haruno vs LSB game 1 game 2 game 3
Sanjay. vs Pastelle
49 vs Dundies
LJDarkrai vs Master Sunny-EX
thetalkingtree vs HANTSUKI game 1 game 2
Lana Del Seldo vs slurmz game 1 game 2
Vinc2612 vs manga team
Hyjack vs Reportings game 1 game 2
finally vs Scene
Haund vs SocialSocialSocial game 1 game 2 game 3
Teddeh vs lord qwilfish game 1 game 2
Shadestep vs Huston
IvoPost vs Paraplegic game 1 game 2

Players who have confirmed their desire to sub:

Extension Deadline: Wednesday, March 9th, 11:59 PM EST
Deadline: Sunday, March 13th, 11:59 PM EST

On Tuesday night i will be going through profiles and tagging anyone who hasnt been active at all, on wednesday i'll sub anyone out who still shows no activity. Same as before but a day in advance. Only losers' bracket can get subbed because it wouldnt be fair to give a win they didnt earn to someone. SCHEDULE ON USER PROFILES, IF YOU DON'T THEN BOTH PARTIES POST IN THIS THREAD TO TELL ME YOU HAVE MADE CONTACT. I've already subbed one person out because they had scheduled but not in a place I could possibly see it.
How to Schedule
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i lost i quit dubs sub me out haha lol

EDIT: shoutouts to my opp for good schedule tho, even if it lead to me losing cuz misclicks


Banned deucer.
you probably misread 11:30 PM as 11:30 AM would be my guess? No idea why he would list his times that way but he was on at like 11 PM EST and told me you no-showed. That scheduling is pretty sketchy though so if you can get it done within the next three days I'll give an extension.

Here's a pro-tip, for everybody. If you both can be on in a certain window, rather than being satisfied with that, just pick a fucking exact time in that window. If you and your opponent can both make from 11 am to 11 pm just say "great we'll play at 2 pm." GREATLY reduces scheduling mishaps
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