Postgame Dead Mafia (Won by The Mafia & The Survivor)


/me huggles
is a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus

Created by Ditto
1 Village vs 1 Mafia
23 Players

Game Thread | Spreadsheet
Won by Empoof (epicsnorlax), VeryPinkPancakes (askaninjask), sandshrewz, Jalmont, Aura Guardian, Walrein (rssp1), Paperblade, Mithril, Eagle4

As a player of this game you are expected to be active on IRC and through PMs. This game is designed around allowing people to still impact the game after they die, so even if you are lynched Day 1 or killed Night 1 you can still play the game. Because of this, activity is incredibly important. If at any time there is a reason you need to sub out, please inform the hosts and we will do our best.

There is one Village in this game. They do not know each other, but are larger in number. Their Win Condition is “You win if all threats to The Village are Dead and at least one member of The Village is Alive at the end of the game.”

There is one Mafia in this game. They know each other from the beginning, but are lower in number. Their Win Condition is “You win if all threats to The Mafia are Dead and at least one member of The Mafia is Alive at the end of the game.”

There may be other factions or neutrals in this game. If so, they will have Win Conditions specifically designed for them.

At the beginning of the game, every player will receive a Role PM. As long as a player is Alive, they count towards their faction’s Win Condition and against the opposing faction’s. Alive players act as a typical player would in any game. A player who is Alive cannot communicate with a player who is Dead.

Upon death, every player will receive a Death Role PM. The Role Name, Actions, and Win Condition from your previous Role PM no longer apply. For the remainder of the game, this Death Role PM will act as your Role PM. Dead players cannot be targeted by an Action unless otherwise stated. A player who is Dead cannot communicate with a player who is Alive. Nor can they post in the Game Thread.

The Game Thread is the central point for Dead Mafia. All game updates will be posted in the Game Thread. It is the common ground between Alive and Dead players. While Dead players may not post in the Game Thread, they are allowed to read it. All voting during a Lynch will be done in the Game Thread. A player may not at any time edit or delete a post they made.

This is an Outside Contact game, so players may discuss things outside of the Game Thread. Any IRC channels, sheets, or PMs count as communication. As such, a channel, sheet, or PM cannot have both Dead and Alive players in it. A player may paste things told to you by the host. A player may fake logs. Do not take pasting of a host conversation as definite proof, these can be faked. If you want to fake a log, feel free to PM a host for assistance. Add hosts to all relevant PMs and Spreadsheets.

The Alive channel for this game is #deadmafia. The Dead channel is #deadmafiadead.

The deadline for every Night will be roughly 48 hours from the update. During the Night, players may submit their actions. Reply to your personal PM with your chosen targets. All actions must be in by deadline or they will be counted as idle. At the end of the Night, every player will receive any results they might have.

The deadline for every Day will be roughly 48 hours from the update. During the day, each Alive player may choose to Lynch another player. To do this, a player must post Lynch PLAYER in bold in the Game Thread. If a player wishes to not have any player lynched during the Day, they may post NO LYNCH in bold in the Game Thread. If a player wishes to change their vote, they must post UNVOTE in bold in the Game Thread. They are now free to post another Lynch Vote. At the end of the Day, the player with the most votes will be killed. If two players are tied for most votes at the end of the day, it will count as a No Lynch situation and no player will be killed.

There are several Statuses in this game. They will remain hidden until a player should receive one.

There are no Items in this game.

If something in a Role PM contradicts the rules, the Role PM takes precedence. Every Role PM will be structured as follows. You may not copy/paste any part of your Role PM.

[Usage] Will show how often you may use this action and any other restrictions.
[Description] Will show how many targets you may choose for this action and what this action does. Unless otherwise stated, actions can only target Alive players.

You win if all threats to FACTION are Dead and at least one member of FACTION is Alive at the end of the game.
A player may not, at any point, impersonate a host or another player.

I am a benevolent God and will not godkill anyone in this game. That being said, don’t be a shit. Just follow the rules and have fun with the game.

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/me huggles
is a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus

You are The Werewolf.

Rip to Shreds
Nightly. Cannot be used Night 0.
Single target. PLAYER will die.

Bite of the Wolf
Nightly. Cannot be used with Rip to Shreds.
Single target. PLAYER will be unable to perform their Action. Give PLAYER Status: Wolf’s Mark. You don’t know what Status: Wolf’s Mark does.

Strengthened by the Moon
Every third Night, will be a Full Moon. During a Full Moon, you may use Bite of the Wolf with Rip to Shreds.

Strong Presence
All status actions that target you will fail.

Commune with Spirits
You may communicate with Dead players.

You win if all members of The Mafia and The Village are Dead.
You have died.
You are now The Ghost of Wolf.

Possession of the Pack
Single target. Can only target players with Status: Wolf’s Mark. You may not target the same player consecutive nights. Change their Action to Rip to Shreds.

Protect the Pack
Nightly. Cannot be used with Possession of the Pack.
Single target. Can only target players with Status: Wolf’s Mark. Can only target players once. PLAYER will be unable to perform their Action. Any Actions targeting PLAYER will fail.

Whisper of the Wolf
No target. If used, copies your target for Possession of the Pack or Protect the Pack. Send an anonymous message to PLAYER.

Spirit of the Moon
Every third Night, will be a Full Moon. During a Full Moon, strengthen Possession of the Pack and Protect the Pack. Possession of the Pack may target players without Status: Wolf’s Mark. Protect the Pack will not stop its target from performing their action.

Powerful Spirit
All information actions that target you will fail.

You win if all players Alive at the end of the game have Status: Wolf’s Mark.
Design: The Werewolf and Ghost of the Wolf are both based around Death and Disruption, giving the player the ability to choose their own playstyle. If you decided to go full killing you'd be weaker in death, or you could forgo kills and hedge your bets. The Full Moon was an addition added very late into the design process (basically as the game was being completed) because I felt that players would go straight for the kill and not use their status. This was added so that the Wolf could have more than one Wolf's Mark if they were truly bloodthristy. I feel like communication is very important in a game like this, especially for a Wolf. Because of this I allowed the Werewolf to deadtalk, while also being able to overhear Communal Communing. After death, the Ghost of the Wolf can technically win with either team if the spread of Wolf's Mark allows it. Because of this, I allowed the Ghost of the Wolf to communicate with the people it was empowering. The Werwolf was given Strong Presence to keep the Lich from abusing the Wolf. The Ghost of the Wolf was given Powerful Spirit because I felt that the Village and Mafia should have to figure out what Wolf's Mark did for themselves.

You are The Survivor.

Run for Your Life
Single target. Any Actions PLAYER targets you with will fail.

Strong Presence
All status actions that target you will fail.

Commune with Spirits
You may communicate with Dead players.

You win if you are Alive at the end of the game.
You have died.
You are now The Vengeful Spirit.

Search for Revenge
Single target. Receive if PLAYER is the player you need dead.

Revenge from the Grave
One time.
Single target. PLAYER will die.

You win if you kill the player who killed you. If you were lynched, then you must kill the player who was the deciding vote.
Design: The sole purpose of The Survivor is to punish anyone who is distracted by them. While Alive, you could be wasting your actions against them. If you decided (or accidentally happened) to Lynch or Kill the Survivor, not only would you be punished by wasting a potential kill for your faction, but you would also be punished by The Vengeful Spirit looking for revenge. Survivor was given Strong Presence to make sure that the Wolf or Lich couldn't abuse the Survivor's sturdiness. Survivor was given Communes with Spirits in order to force them into the game. Even if the Survivor didn't do anything, the fact that they have Communes with Spirits always means that the Mafia or Village could use them as an asset. This would hopefully actually make the Survivor have to play the game. The Wolf would also need the Survivor dead in both of their win conditions. For the Vengeful Spirit's win condition, in the case of a lynch, the person who was the deciding vote could be skewed by other roles. If there is 1 vote on Player A and 3 on the Survivor, then the 2nd vote on the Survivor would be the target.


/me huggles
is a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
The Mafia is designed around countering the Village's actions. Most of their roles interact with Village roles in some way. I added a mechanic in this game called Kill Bonuses. Whenever a specific member of the Mafia is chosen to carry out the faction's kill, they will have an added bonus. This also makes them forgo their usual action, so it's a trade of power. When the leader of the Mafia dies, An Order to Kill gets passed to the next player. If there is only one member of the Mafia left, that member gets Dirtying my Hands, which has a different flavor.

You have gained the following Action:
An Order to Kill
Nightly. Cannot be used N0.
Double target. PLAYER1 must be another member of The Mafia. PLAYER1 will have their Action changed to Sent to Kill. PLAYER2 will die. In the event of your death, this Action will be passed to the last member of The Mafia to be targeted. If no member of The Mafia has been targeted yet, it will be given randomly.
You have gained the following Action:
Dirtying my Hands
Nightly. Cannot be used with any other action.
Single target. PLAYER will die.

You are The Godfather.

An Order to Kill
Nightly. Cannot be used N0.
Double target. PLAYER1 must be another member of The Mafia. PLAYER1 will have their Action changed to Sent to Kill. PLAYER2 will die. In the event of your death, this Action will be passed to the last member of The Mafia to be targeted. If no member of The Mafia has been targeted yet, it will be given randomly.

Run This Town
You know that The Village does not have anyone that redirects Alive players’ Actions.

You win if all threats to The Mafia are Dead and at least one member of The Mafia is Alive at the end of the game.
You have died.
You are now The Lich.

Chill the Air
Single target. After this Action, only one Action targeting PLAYER will succeed. Any Actions after that will fail.

Construct Phylactery
One time. Cannot be used with Chill the Air.
Single target. Remove all statuses from PLAYER. Give PLAYER Status: Phylactery. Resurrect with Status: Phylactery as The Lichfather. Any player inflicted with Status: Phylactery may not be given any other status. You cannot be killed as long as PLAYER is Alive. If PLAYER is killed, you will also die.

You win if all threats to The Mafia are Dead and at least one member of The Mafia is Alive at the end of the game.
You have been reborn.
You are now The Lichfather.

An Order to Kill
Nightly. Cannot be used N0.
Double target. PLAYER1 must be another member of The Mafia. PLAYER1 will have their Action changed to Sent to Kill. PLAYER2 will die. In the event of your death, this Action will be passed to the last member of The Mafia to be targeted. If no member of The Mafia has been targeted yet, it will be given randomly.

Soul Rip
Single target. PLAYER will die. Cannot be used for the following four Nights. Every two members of The Mafia that are Dead reduce this cooldown by one Night. The following Day and Night, you are able to be killed.

Chill the Air
Nightly. Cannot be used with Soul Rip.
Single target. After this Action, only one Action targeting PLAYER will succeed. Any Actions after that will fail.

Powered by Phylactery
You cannot be killed as long as PLAYER with Status: Phylactery is Alive. If PLAYER is killed, you will also die. If killed while weakened by Soul Rip, PLAYER will be have Status: Phylactery removed.

You win if all threats to The Mafia are Dead and at least one member of The Mafia is Alive at the end of the game.
You are no longer connected.
You are now The Husk.

Chill the Air
Single target. After this Action, only one Action targeting PLAYER will succeed. Any Actions after that will fail.

You win if all threats to The Mafia are Dead and at least one member of The Mafia is Alive at the end of the game.
Design: The Godfather is considered an incredibly high priority target in most games, so I decided to make him a lower priority target that gets stronger when you kill him. This is not to say that the Godfather isn’t important early game, he just isn’t a strong target. When you kill the Godfather, you are giving An Order to Kill to the player who most recently used it. This would then essentially erase their Kill Bonus because they cannot send themselves to kill. Alternatively you could just kill that player instead and get rid of their action and Kill Bonus. It’s when you kill the Godfather that his true power is unleashed. While Chill the room could be used to interesting effects, it’s an overall pretty weak ability. There will probably only be one action targeting a player at any given time. The true strength is when the Lich is reborn as the Lichfather. As the Lichfather, the Mafia gets access to a second kill, getting stronger the more member of the Mafia that are dead. This was meant to be used as a comeback mechanic for the Mafia. In early stages, Soul Rip doesn’t really add anything that the Lich already has. If the Lich decides to target a member of the Village with his Phylactery, the Lich essentially has killed that target. In this situation, the game cannot end because as long as the Godfather is alive, the Village and Wolf cannot win, but at the same time the Mafia cannot win because the Phylactery is still alive. The Godfather could instead replace this kill with a kill from Soul Rip, weakening him and making him susceptible to a Lynch or Wolf kill.

You are The Necromancer.

Command the Dead
Double target. PLAYER1’s target will be changed to PLAYER2. Player1 must be a Dead player.

Commune with Spirits
You may communicate with Dead players.

Trap in a Talisman
Kill Bonus.
If you are Sent to Kill, PLAYER will be unable to use any Actions or be targeted by any Actions.

Mystical Mastery
You know that The Village does not have anyone that checks the alliance of Dead players. You also know that there is no member of The Mafia that changes faction upon death.

You win if all threats to The Mafia are Dead and at least one member of The Mafia is Alive at the end of the game.
You have died.
You are now The Ouija Board.

Spelt Out by Spirits
Single target or The Mafia. Send a message to PLAYER or every Alive member of The Mafia. Message may not be more than 150 characters.

You win if all threats to The Mafia are Dead and at least one member of The Mafia is Alive at the end of the game.
Design: The Necromancer was designed to be the deadtalker for the Mafia. This role's primary focus was communication, but it was designed with a strong secondary function. The Necromancer was also designed to weaken the snowball effect of the Village. Because of the sheer numbers of the Village, once the number of Dead players started to rise, there would be a clear advantage for the Village. The Necromancer has three things to counteract that though. His redirect can take a Village Death action and use it as a Mafia action. His Kill Bonus delays the abilities of dead Villagers. The most important probably is his information; he knows that the Mafia don't convert upon death and that the Village has no alliance inspect of Dead players. This could be used to create conflict between the Alive and Dead Village. After death, the Ouija Board retains the role's primary function, allowing Alive and Dead Mafia to communicate, albeit in a limited fashion.

You are The Librarian.

Hours of Research
Single target. Receive PLAYER’s Role Name and Actions.

Study the Body
Kill Bonus.
If you are Sent to Kill, you will receive PLAYER’s Death Role PM.

Only One at the Library
You know that The Village does not have anyone that receives Alive players’ Role Names.

You win if all threats to The Mafia are Dead and at least one member of The Mafia is Alive at the end of the game.
You have died.
You are now The King in Yellow.

Search the Necronomicon
Single target. Can only target Dead players. Receive PLAYER’s Death Role Actions.

You win if all threats to The Mafia are Dead and at least one member of The Mafia is Alive at the end of the game.
Design: The Librarian and the King in Yellow are both based around information. While there are other methods for the Mafia to get information (moling or stealing results with the Lawyer's Kill Bonus), the Librarian is the only steady flow of info into the faction. When deciding fake claims for the Mafia, I struggled with the Librarian's. I wanted most of the fake claims to be realistically achievable, but the Village already had so many ways of getting information. I realized that the only piece of info that was currently not being given out was Role Name, so I figured it'd make as good a claim as any for the Librarian.

You are The Lackey.

Staking Out the Joint
Single target. Receive who targeted PLAYER.

Stalk the Prey
Kill Bonus.
If you are Sent to Kill, you will receive who PLAYER targeted that Night.

Walking the Streets
You know that The Village does not have anyone that watches Alive players.

You win if all threats to The Mafia are Dead and at least one member of The Mafia is Alive at the end of the game.
You have died.
You are now The Poltergeist.

Move the Furniture Around
Single target. This does nothing, but PLAYER will be notified they were targeted.

Hide Inside an Object
No target. You may write up an Action. Any information actions that target you will show that Action. This persists until you send in this Action again.

You win if all threats to The Mafia are Dead and at least one member of The Mafia is Alive at the end of the game.
Design: The Lackey is designed to earn the trust of the Village. He's the only Mafia who's claim is identical to their role, so it should be easy to fake claim. Through watching, the Lackey can also make sure that his teammates fly under the radar if need be. As an added bonus, the Lackey could possibly get useful information every now and then, but that was not the intention behind the role. The Lackey could also be used as a last resort for the team kill, but has the worst Kill Bonus of the Mafia. After Death, the Lackey changes from a role meant to earn trust, to a role meant to cause paranoia. While the Poltergeist doesn't actually do anything, it will appear as if they are. This role is solely here to fuck with people.

You are The Bookie.

Intimidation Techniques
Single target. PLAYER will be unable to perform their Action. You may not target the same player consecutive Nights.

Gambling Habit
Single target. If PLAYER is Lynched during the following Day, gain your Kill Bonus.

Gambling Contacts
You know that The Village does not have anyone that bets on the Day Lynch.

You win if all threats to The Mafia are Dead and at least one member of The Mafia is Alive at the end of the game.
You’ve hit big with your winnings and may now use your Muscles and Money.

Muscles and Money
Kill Bonus.
If you are Sent to Kill, you will penetrate any protection PLAYER might have. This Kill Bonus will not work consecutive Nights.
You have died.
You are now The Boogeyman.

Torment Spirits
Single target. Can only target Dead players. PLAYER will be unable to perform their Action. You may not target the same player consecutive Nights.

You win if all threats to The Mafia are Dead and at least one member of The Mafia is Alive at the end of the game.
Design: A typical Mafia hooker. I think that hooking in the early stages as Mafia is pretty important so I made the hooker's Kill Bonus need to be earned. This also was meant to incentivize the hooker to get in touch with Village leadership to try and earn his Kill Bonus. This also meant that I could make the Hooker's Kill Bonus a bit stronger because it had to be unlocked. Leading into the late game, the Hooker has the strongest Kill Bonus allowing him to penetrate protection, but you are also giving up your hook. After Death, continues it's primary function.

You are The Hacker.

Edit the Ballot
Double target. During the following Day, any Lynch Vote PLAYER1 posts will instead count for PLAYER2.

Security Camera Looping
Kill Bonus.
If you are Sent to Kill, Single target. Any tracking Actions that might be targeting you will show you targeted PLAYER instead.

Hack the Police Files
You know that The Village does not have anyone that acts as a vigilante.

You win if all threats to The Mafia are Dead and at least one member of The Mafia is Alive at the end of the game.
You have died.
You are now The Hush.

Silence the Noise
Single target. PLAYER’s Lynch Vote during the following Day is negated.

You win if all threats to The Mafia are Dead and at least one member of The Mafia is Alive at the end of the game.
Design: The Hacker is probably the biggest balanced role in terms of early and late game. In the early game, he is designed to be the Mafia's go-to killer, being able to fool tracking roles to keep his cover. In the mid-game, the Hacker will probably be figured out thanks to the fact that there is no one dying from the Vigilante kill. Upon being figured out, the Hacker's kill bonus is no longer helpful. If not lynched, the Hacker can be strong in low number situations with his vote change giving him an edge in close Lynch votes. For the balancing of the voting based roles into death I went with the idea of still affecting votes, but with a lesser number. In this instance, the Hacker gives the Mafia +1 vote and the Village -1 vote while alive. The Hush however, only give the Village -1 vote. Originally the vote change was a persuade and the vote negate a silence, but those don't seem like very fun mechanics overall.

You are The Lawyer.

Falsify Documents
Single target. After successfully targeting PLAYER, you cannot target them for the following two Nights. You may write up a Role PM for PLAYER. Any information Actions that would target them during the Night and the following Night will use that Role PM as a guide.

Go through the Case Files
Kill Bonus.
If you are Sent to Kill, you will receive PLAYER’s Results from that Night.

Looking through Court Records
You know that The Village does not have anyone that checks the Status of Alive players.

You win if all threats to The Mafia are Dead and at least one member of The Mafia is Alive at the end of the game.
You have died.
You are now The White Noise.

A Static That Interrupts
Single target. PLAYER will not receive their Results. You may not target the same player consecutive Nights.

You win if all threats to The Mafia are Dead and at least one member of The Mafia is Alive at the end of the game.
Design: The Lawyer was designed to be the focus of the Mafia's early game. With so many information roles on the Village (Alliance, Action, Tracking, and an additional Alliance + Action when the Couple found each other), the Lawyer was needed to counteract them. Because this is such a strong early game role, I gave the Lawyer an overall bad fake claim. Because no one knows the statuses in this game, it would be hard to believable go with a Status Checker for prolonged periods of time. This would lead to distrust of the player and the eventual death of them. This would hopefully cause the Village to have to reconsider it's current structure. Because I felt it more likely that the Lawyer would die, I gave him a really strong Death Role. The Lawyer is all about results, his inspection shield changing results, his Kill Bonus taking results, and his Death Role destroying results.


/me huggles
is a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
The Village is based around information and vote control. Since they don't have a kill, I gave them several information roles to make sure they're lynches went through. There are several communication roles and protections roles scattered in to make the village more balanced.

You are The Girlfriend.

Loving Words
Single target. If PLAYER is The Boyfriend, reveal yourself as The Girlfriend. If The Boyfriend also targets PLAYER, receive PLAYER’s Faction.

In Love with a Beautiful Boy
You know that The Boyfriend is in this game. They are also aligned with The Village. If they die, you will die as well.

Couple in Agreement
Vote Bonus.
If The Girlfriend and The Boyfriend are both voting for PLAYER, an added 1 Lynch Vote will be put towards them.

You win if all threats to The Village are Dead and at least one member of The Village is Alive at the end of the game.
You are The Boyfriend.

Loving Words
Single target. If PLAYER is The Girlfriend, reveal yourself as The Boyfriend. If The Girlfriend also targets PLAYER, receive PLAYER’s faction.

In Love with a Gorgeous Girl
You know that The Girlfriend is in this game. They are also aligned with The Village. If they die, you will die as well.

Couple in Agreement
Vote Bonus.
If The Girlfriend and The Boyfriend are both voting for PLAYER, an added 1 Lynch Vote will be put towards them.

You win if all threats to The Village are Dead and at least one member of The Village is Alive at the end of the game.
You have died.
You are now The Orange Tempus.

Open Portal: Orange
Nightly. Only usable with Open Portal: Blue.
Single target. PLAYER will be switched with the target of Open Portal: Blue. Any Actions that would target them will instead target the target of Open Portal: Blue and vice versa.

Lover Scorned
You are now aligned with The Mafia. Upon death, The Boyfriend became The Blue Tempus and is still aligned with The Village. This Action will be hidden from any information Actions that target you.

You win if all threats to The Mafia are Dead and at least one member of The Mafia is Alive at the end of the game.
You have died.
You are now The Blue Tempus.

Open Portal: Blue
Nightly. Only usable with Open Portal: Orange.
Single target. PLAYER will be switched with the target of Open Portal: Orange. Any Actions that would target them will instead target the target of Open Portal: Orange and vice versa.

You win if all threats to The Village are Dead and at least one member of The Village is Alive at the end of the game.
Design: I knew that I wanted at least once role that changed alliance upon death, but didn’t want to overwhelm the game. Because I couldn’t figure out a simple way to have the Mafia change alliance, I went with a Village traitor. If all other attempts at moling failed, The Orange Tempus was the final back up for Mafia information. The Couple would be the strongest inspect in the game, getting a players role and faction, as well as a three vote mayor when voting together. In order to make it so the Village wasn’t too overpowered with information, I made it so the Couple had to find each other. Of course the couple could blatantly post looking for the other, but that could leave a target on their back. In addition to giving the Girlfriend information, this also served to pair the two players up, making them dependent on each other. After death, the two would still be dependent on each other for targeting, easily allowing the Orange Tempus to alter results if need be.

You are The Medium.

Spiritual Revelation
Up to three targets. Can only target Dead players. Reveal yourself as The Medium to PLAYERS.

Commune with Spirits
You may communicate with Dead players.

You win if all threats to The Village are Dead and at least one member of The Village is Alive at the end of the game.
You have died.
You are now The Banshee.

Cry Out Through the Halls
No target. Send a message that will be posted in the update for all players to see the following Day.

You win if all threats to The Village are Dead and at least one member of The Village is Alive at the end of the game.
Design: The Medium was designed to be the primary deadtalker for the Village. His reveal would make him easily provable to all Village dead (or any Dead he wanted to target), allowing him to be a safe bridge between alive and dead Village. I made the reveal up to three targets because most cycles that would be the projected number of dead. After death, the Banshee was the primary fall back for dead player communication. I normally don’t like announcers as they don’t serve any purpose outside of a provable role. However, I wanted the Village dead to alive communication to be a bit weaker than the Mafia’s hidden message. The Banshee could post anything, allowing dead Village to coordinate with alive with the Mafia also being able to coordinate around that.

You are The Mystic.

Communal Communing
No target. Send an anonymous message to all other players with Commune with Spirits. Cannot be more than 100 characters.

Commune with Spirits
You may communicate with Dead players.

You win if all threats to The Village are Dead and at least one member of The Village is Alive at the end of the game.
You have died.
You are now The Whispering Wind.

Words in the Wind
Single target. Send an anonymous message to PLAYER and any player who targets them. Message may not be more than 80 characters.

You win if all threats to The Village are Dead and at least one member of The Village is Alive at the end of the game.
Design: This was originally just a back-up Medium, but I didn’t think back-ups would be very fun to play. As I was rebalancing the game, I decided that the Mystic would be a riskier form of communication and miscommunication. While alive, the Mystic could send messages to all players with Commune with Spirits, which were the Werewolf, the Survivor, the Necromancer, and (his only true teammate) the Medium. This could be used to try and clean or coordinate, or instead be used to spread misinformation to other teams. Similarly, after death, the Whispering Winds is able to message any specific player, but will be overheard. This is a better private way of messaging alive Village leadership, but also could be found out by enemies, so it was still a risk to put any specific information.

You are The Mortician.

Perform Routine Autopsy
Single target. Can only target Dead players. Receive PLAYER’s Death Role Actions.

You win if all threats to The Village are Dead and at least one member of The Village is Alive at the end of the game.
You have died.
You are now The Shade.

Shadow the Spirit
Single target. Can only target Dead players. Find out who PLAYER was targeting and anyone who targeted PLAYER.

You win if all threats to The Village are Dead and at least one member of The Village is Alive at the end of the game.
Design: The Mortician/Shade is the primary source of the Village's dead player information. While alive, the Mortician would receive a player's dead actions in their entirety. After death, the Shade would be a watcher and a tracker. While he wouldn't know who was doing what actions, he could still get a lot of information.

You are The Hooker.

A Night of Entertainment
Single target. PLAYER will be unable to perform their Action. You may not target the same player consecutive Nights.

You win if all threats to The Village are Dead and at least one member of The Village is Alive at the end of the game.
You have died.
You are now The Spook.

Go Bump in the Night
Single target. PLAYER will be unable to perform their Action. This will not work on killing Actions. You may not target the same player consecutive Nights.

You win if all threats to The Village are Dead and at least one member of The Village is Alive at the end of the game.
Design: This is your standard village hooker. Like most roles, I wanted to weaken the hooker upon death. Because the Mafia don't have many death roles, I decided to allow the Spook to continue to target alive players. However, the Spook lost one of the strongest uses of a Village hooker, the ability to stop enemies from killing.

You are The Exorcist.

Seal the Spirit
Single target. Can only target Dead players. PLAYER will be unable to perform their Action. You may not target the same player consecutive Nights.

You win if all threats to The Village are Dead and at least one member of The Village is Alive at the end of the game.
You have died.
You are now The Will-o-Wisp.

Draw to the Flames
Single target. Can only target Dead players. Any Action that PLAYER uses will be redirected to you instead of their initial target. You may not target the same player consecutive Nights.

You win if all threats to The Village are Dead and at least one member of The Village is Alive at the end of the game.
Design: The Exorcist/Will-o-Wisp are based around stopping dead actions. While alive, it's a standard hooker for dead players. In order to weaken the hook during death, I made it into a self-redirect. When actions that can only target alive players target dead ones, the action fails. So in many instances, the self-redirect would act as a hook. The only instances that it would be different is when the action can actually target dead players, which could strengthen or hinder the player. The major downside to this as compared to the usual hook is that the player will be informed that they were redirected to the Will-o-Wisp.

You are The Doctor.

Treat the Patient
Single target. Any killing Actions targeting PLAYER will fail. You may not target the same player consecutive Nights. You may not target yourself with this Action.

You win if all threats to The Village are Dead and at least one member of The Village is Alive at the end of the game.
You have died.
You are now The Guardian Angel.

Protect the Living
Single target. During the following Night, any killing Actions targeting PLAYER will fail. You may not target the same player consecutive Nights.

You win if all threats to The Village are Dead and at least one member of The Village is Alive at the end of the game.
Design: Standard bodyguard, but cannot target themselves with the action. I didn't feel badly about this because if the Doctor dies they can still play in the game. In a game without the Death Role mechanic, I would probably add some limited ability to target self. Upon death, the Guardian Angel is a delayed bodyguard. This can allow the bodyguard to bypass safeguards and hooks on the active protection day, but also allows other players to better maneuver around the protection.

You are The Shaman.

Call Upon the Earth
Single target. Any non-killing Actions targeting PLAYER will fail. You may not target the same player consecutive Nights. You may not target yourself with this Action.

You win if all threats to The Village are Dead and at least one member of The Village is Alive at the end of the game.
You have died.
You are now The Daemon.

Spiritual Inspiration
Single target. Any non-killing Actions targeting PLAYER from a Dead player will fail. You may not target the same player consecutive Nights.

You win if all threats to The Village are Dead and at least one member of The Village is Alive at the end of the game.
Design: Standard safeguard. I figured that the safeguard wouldn't be a high priority and would most likely be killed later in the game. For this reason, I assumed that the majority of the game would be dead by the point the Shaman died. Therefore, the safeguard becomes a protector again actions from dead players.

You are The Inspector.

Complete Study
Single target. Receive PLAYER’s Actions.

You win if all threats to The Village are Dead and at least one member of The Village is Alive at the end of the game.
You have died.
You are now The Doppleganger.

Nightly. Cannot be used consecutive Nights.
Single target. Gain PLAYER’s Actions for the following Night. Cannot gain killing Actions.

You win if all threats to The Village are Dead and at least one member of The Village is Alive at the end of the game.
Design: The Inspector was originally a full inspector until I decided I didn't want a full inspector in the game. At that point I decided that it would just be an action inspector. After death, they become the Doppelganger. I assumed that the Inspector would be one of the first to go, so I wanted to give them a fairly strong death role. They get weaker as the game goes on and there are less living players to copy. This can also be used as a every other night action inspect.

You are The Sheriff.

A Friendly Conversation
Single target. Receive PLAYER’s Faction.

You win if all threats to The Village are Dead and at least one member of The Village is Alive at the end of the game.
You have died.
You are now The Zombie.

Escape from Grave
No target. Resurrect as The Zombie. Lose Deep in the Ground.

The Walking Dead
You have aspects of both an Alive and a Dead player. For communication you count as an Alive player, meaning you cannot speak to Dead players. While you can post in the Game Thread, any Lynch Vote you cast will not count. For Win Conditions, Actions, and Lynch Votes you count as a Dead player, meaning any Lynch Votes cast for you and any Actions that cannot target Dead players will fail.

Deep in the Ground
All actions targeting you will fail. While active, you can communicate with Dead players, but cannot communicate with Alive players or post in the Game Thread.

You win if all threats to The Village are Dead and at least one member of The Village is Alive at the end of the game.
Design: Standard Faction checker. I gave the Sheriff the Zombie role because I figured it would be a role that Mafia would want to stay dead. The Zombie is meant to distract the Mafia from other players, much like the Lich can distract the Village. The Zombie could also be used as a way to share info from dead to alive village. The Zombie could stay in the ground protected and gather info, then resurrect when they felt they needed to. This is why I allowed the Zombie to have all the information about their resurrection from the beginning.

You are The Woodsman.

Following the Tracks
Single target. Receive who PLAYER targeted.

You win if all threats to The Village are Dead and at least one member of The Village is Alive at the end of the game.
You have died.
You are now The Ectoplasmic Blob.

Ghost Slime
Give PLAYER Status: Slimed. Any player with Status: Slimed will leave Slime in the Results of any player they target.

You win if all threats to The Village are Dead and at least one member of The Village is Alive at the end of the game.
Design: Standard Tracker. Upon death, the Ectoplasmic Blob becomes a new form of tracker. Like most roles, the Blob becomes weaker in once sense, but stronger in another. Slime no longer allows the Blob to get the info directly themselves, so it's weaker in that way. However, because Slime is a status it stays on players until they're alive. In that way, you don't have to target a player multiple times to get info.

You are The Groundskeeper.

Walk the Grounds
Single target. Can only target Dead players. Receive who targeted PLAYER.

You win if all threats to The Village are Dead and at least one member of The Village is Alive at the end of the game.
You have died.
You are now The Restless Spirit.

Presence in the Room
Single target. Receive who targeted PLAYER. PLAYER and anyone who targeted them will be notified you were watching them.

You win if all threats to The Village are Dead and at least one member of The Village is Alive at the end of the game.
Design: The Groundskeeper is a relatively weak role. There aren't too many roles that target the dead, so the watching won't be too groundbreaking. However, it can still be useful, especially for catching the Necromancer. Upon death, the Restless Spirit's watch becomes much stronger, but also people become aware.

You are The Mayor.

Denounce Opposition
Single target. PLAYER’s Lynch Vote during the following Day is negated.

Anti-Flip Flopping Stance
Once you post a Lynch Vote, you cannot change it.

Lover of Democracy
Vote Bonus.
Give +1 Vote to any Lynch Vote posted in the posts directly above and below your Lynch Vote.

You win if all threats to The Village are Dead and at least one member of The Village is Alive at the end of the game.
You have died.
You are now The American Spirit.

Democratic Fervor
Single target. Give +1 Vote to any Lynch Vote posted by PLAYER during the following Day.

One time.
No target. During the following Day, Dead players may post in the Game Thread. Only Dead players can vote in the Lynch. All votes made by Alive players are negated.

You win if all threats to The Village are Dead and at least one member of The Village is Alive at the end of the game.
Design: This is my take on the standard Mayor. This role is all about vote control. Instead of having the Mayor's vote be worth more, this role allows the mayor to empower the votes of other. The Mayor would have to time their vote wisely in order to get the full effect, but also make sure that this was the course of action for the day. With a vote bonus like this, I wanted to weaken the Mayor's vote a little as well. Therefore they cannot change their vote. For the balancing of the voting based roles into death I went with the idea of still affecting votes, but with a lesser number. In this instance, the Mayor can boost +2 votes potentially and negate another vote. After death, the American Spirit can boost +1 vote. Deadmocracy was added as a Village comeback tool.


/me huggles
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Kingmaker Survivor: I probably should've made the Survivor have no vote so that a kingmaker situation wouldn't happen.
Coded Contact: I have no problem with the Mafia's code. I don't think it breaks any rules I put in place. In the end, the code kept the Mafia from doing actions that they thought (correctly) would've won them the game in the last night. It also rallied the Village together at the end.
Deadtalking: Deadtalking was in a weird place because everyone just asked me to confirm is someone could deadtalk. This essentially made the Medium's role useless.
Dead Man Walking: I should've given the Zombie some role after Resurrect to amuse themselves with. Probably an action that doesn't do anything in itself like the Poltergeist.


Best Village: Yeti
Best Mafia: Walrein
Best Neutral: Eagle4
Best Idler: acidphoenix
Most Underutilized Role: Poltergeist
Most Butthurt: elcheeso
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I still maintain that coded contact is bullshit and the rules are insufficiently clear about that sort of thing being acceptable. It's especially silly when the rule used to justify why the living can talk to the dead (because intent to do so doesn't matter) was also used to justify why the dead can't talk to the living (because intent matters, and that's why the dead were allowed to like shit in the thread if they weren't intending to communicate). Plus if we're going for technicalities for why it's fine, then anything that isn't a PM, IRC channel or sheet can be used to communicate so why even have that rule in the first place. You'd just have to skype vidya chat your way to victory. I agree with the survivor thing, too. Seems like the role is a little too designed to fuck over the wolf given no one wants to bother targeting the guy and he can't be marked.

Anyway, gg Eagle4. Survivors gotta do what survivors gotta do. But yeah, this game has shown me that I'm really not cut out for mafia, it's way too much stress and I am really clueless about what I'm doing '_,. I tried, at least, which is more than I can say for some.
Had fun this game, despite flailing around a lot / very few people trusting me for very valid reasons

If a bunch of deadtalkers hadn't died early on, then I feel like I would've been stuck in limbo as the 'last resort form of contact'. Thank god that didn't happen tho, and I got to function as a makeshift go-between.

Legit had no idea which side I was on throughout - even on the final day, I was only siding w/ the maf because Walrein came to me first (and if shubaka was persuaded, then there was no choice tbh and I had to side with the maf).

gg everyone!
I'm also still curious what went down the night empoof died. I'd been assuming redirect, but if one of those guys was working with mafia then I'm not really sure why it happened.


/me huggles
is a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
I'm also still curious what went down the night empoof died. I'd been assuming redirect, but if one of those guys was working with mafia then I'm not really sure why it happened.
Mithril and GoodMorningEspeon swapped him with internet, who was being targeted by Aura Guardian for the mafia kill. Given the fact that he had just used Soul Rip he was vulnerable to being killed.

EDIT: As for reason, Mithril and the dead Mafia assumed that Empoof was still unable to be killed.
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Good game, everyone! Well played.

The post-death roles thing was a welcome change to shake things up. Thanks for hosting, Ditto!

I still maintain that coded contact is bullshit and the rules are insufficiently clear about that sort of thing being acceptable.
The rules say the living can post in the thread, that information can be shared between the living, and that the dead can check the thread as it's a common ground for reading (unlike sheets, etc). The code was shared pre-death. The only place for concern is "A player who is Alive cannot communicate with a player who is Dead" BUT the other rules I mentioned made a clear case that posting in the thread is an exception. (Also, there *was* a brief plan someone, I forget who, made involving the likes to communicate, which I figured Ditto would (he did) put his foot down on before it could happen)


Skadi :)
is a Tiering Contributor Alumnus
Out of curiosity, when was it blatantly obvious that walrein was mafia? I knew since I was subbed in that he was suspicious af (also shoutouts to whoever had the role before me) telling me that he knew i was tracker and was unwilling to provide any info proving that he was village whatsoever. That and I figured out by within one cycle that he was mafia as evidenced by pm's here

if i knew dead could talk to each other and if I had any info before hand since i had no fucking clue who village was then i'd probably have been more help. sorry fam :[ but yeah anyone mind telling me how walrein somehow managed to lead village by the nose and why it took until the last cycle + one night to realize he was scum? o_o
GGWP, always lynch the neutral.

Edit: I had a suspicion he was bad so wasn't doing anything he said ever since I was made to rip someone to shreds. I didn't really have any reasonable backing to this suspicion though so I didn't push it.
Haruno Lazy village, mostly me. I was suspicious of Walrein after Paperblade's death, but not for the right reason and it got cleared up. He did a good job convincing me when we were sharing info, but at the same time it's hard to know how much of that was him actually doing a good job and how much was just me sucking at this. Probably mostly the latter, tbh.


tag walls, punch fascists
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
We just gave you your real role PM except Mafia.

Yeah I knew I was shady but thanks to my legendary called shot with Paperblade's action it didn't really matter.

Shoutout to Empoof for being baller and to Eagle4 for not being a loser


tag walls, punch fascists
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
I just used to get these codewords by player; N7 will use the first, N8-10 will use 2-4, and after that, a post in the thread to indicate another list of code words using different systems this time?
Empoof code words 1-5: eOP78OoYaQ GZ82JzTj9M o6QxiGtrxM ilR6HkwOwZ 1HI061vzH3
VeryPinkPancakes code words 1-5: 3nQxbi1219 2u18fPKMEE 13HkznHKEF PFB1jWvHjN CbREQNDOF8
Aura Guardian code words 1-5: F4HZYODt73 lWSvJUVku0 0IqbdZUEF9 TtojbKr0U3 3uxYmDUcYq
Walrein code words 1-5: hGP1GoqULP dryFI2WWhi fzNeShxzdw zJI7epskU7 1Rn101uLS0
elcheeso code words 1-5: FAJgG0h4v7 RY5XYvU2Wq 1TwODwDGT6 oQMbcqWPqq RnhKTbaxfv
GoodMorningEspeon code words 1-5: 8jhGFfnFqh l9ZB6DimVs yNxAsVRL4F BAocplJClS V76nxBWeyg
King_ code words 1-5: UmyJzN50Gw Uc0bxfbILC 6gbP2xwEXL qUpGfCcitg JjbxLtoss0
kirsche code words 1-5: XSz12GBFwW Co2EV6L9xR 3ajATxlLA6 GUwHUH9Pkg ArVht8RBYN
Whoever subs in for Ullar code words 1-5: My2Ya63Ebe s76b2z9JXy BHZRZ716rU sE86WeYXx5 NHpQKjPweQ
Mithril code words 1-5: XnUdhUPgoC KW0GfDWuWN wiGnUQmNAx 1jd2im3fjw d3x0DKhHpD
shubaka17 code words 1-5: esuBgdKe3C mxZ7dsnQtz akRrGXIKfY 0Bxm4PCWTY W9hKONZDcc
Eagle4 code words 1-5: uIDUfoBpnr 5ZOgB3UZWe oE5rzBmOTO 6JceH9PJyb lSJ4n8Bplq
Jalmont code words 1-5: UhYRBpHI1B Gqs6wo5z6c LBnSTODmdP O1NPT2cVtP If9lrt6cyg
Paperblade code words 1-5: PmOJzUXO6x 8tCV4OdNF2 GcZD2YnkOU 2jEq4yxAjY JLYwX1pFVf
sandshrewz code words 1-5: o1RAlpJAXF 84gWnHBKyB qVOzgsnJql dpsfaPszmY v7AYNtNWKl
Aubisio code words 1-5: 3Hbvw8jf1S ZK6HnsVV7W m6z9D532rF bMZB77qgP2 DRqoVoWrMN
Blazade code words 1-5: ytkR1kMJJ3 MqYveOQQCs xEGLqhkG3V 52RmOUAx1j xsztrlWl3J
Dullagamur code words 1-5: zikFHzkBlO 0aAcinBk65 jq74mnYZEh NUMz6mYCZh QfruapgXYv
Haruno code words 1-5: MEA6upOgSd M6W8DI8nrw wkQX5NXMk2 goaOB5nMJc AtwX9XaQ1E
Nomark code words 1-5: tj2VaoBoma 1EFPsD35HH QliOTivbVW 4IWkYP8QrK tpzs0PIm50
Yeti code words 1-5: dITTXBHylU Ex8OaxHSSF RyyZQOg5Nw 2yLpXgtTU4 jYEIsyl46D
zorbees code words 1-5: Uj5nHVsJSp z5hspsOyf5 MfxC1hjfBD TGzdjvCpHY atqjyVDoVg
acidphoenix code words 1-5: H1jEGJt2mx n57LdikTMZ 9dlTEbWDiI p2swzLp2iO HacJVTXZUY

The code was AG's idea blame him not me
Man who would have guess Eagle was playing both sides this whole time only to stab the village in the end?

I could have done more this game but my role was so crappy people couldn't be assed to clear me or give me info so I just shut down and didn't care. Serves me right. GG


Leading this village
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Mistake allowing neutral survivor role in this game tbh, fsr I thought it was more harmful than it actually was but as things stand it's kind of a silly thing to include

I liked the dynamic of an info heavy village vs a mafia that could falsify stuff. I think that the wolf probably should've had more to play with as well but I didn't want to insist on adding anything.

I think that the fact Walrein never killed anything should've set off some alarm bells in peoples heads, at least enough to not take his word on the kirsche lynch which he never even claimed to have any evidence for.

Just some random observations from an outsider. GG all


dark saturday
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
I really dislike Paperblade's role. I think it negates both crappy claims and poor play/interactions both of which should be problems for Walrein because if that role doesn't show him as village he should have been lynched for how he was acting. I even had my doubts when he turned up as actual vig. Meh. I should have gone with my gut earlier on and told Blazade to announce Walrein is a mole or something I was getting extremely dubious.

Also should have lynched Paperblade long before I did both his play and claim were obviously mafia I just never got around to it. Sigh. I think his role only makes the village leader problem worse tbh because it necessitates centralizing and not sharing information because info roles can't even trust their results.

That said I did tell Mithril I thought the mafia would kill Internet again :(

I don't think I played this optimally but Walrein certainly didn't and if I had gone with my gut way earlier that literally everything was off about him it'd be a different story. El cheese also didn't tell me when he was resurrecting so I couldn't actually tell him stuff.

I think it's sort of lame Eagle4 didn't kingmaker for us, I definitely feel like I supported him all game while Walrein was off doing some lynch bs but oh well we shouldn't have been in that position. The multiple mislynches should've clued some alive villager in. They were both so gd awful. Oh well.

Gg my fellow villagers. I would give sandshrewz best scum personally he was the ONLY one who had me convinced he was town based on behavior. Idk what he did after death but he was infinitely more convincing than Walrein before his death. Walrein just got lucky the MAGS2 apathy came back and nobody bothered to challenge him despite clear reasons for it zzz

I think the on death PM changer is a much better role. It allows big plays to be made but doesn't mean you can't trust your own inspection results nor can you skimp on your claim and behavior. It necessitates a very high level of play to be the one moling. This just rewarded a junk claim and suspicious behavior. Which I don't think it should. It's an interesting role but I wouldn't be sorry to never see it again.

Thanks for hosting Ditto a lot of good ideas in this game plus exploring how to keep things more active from beyond.


dark saturday
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
Also yeah if I hosted a game involving the dead I would ban codes. I thought of using them before I died or some sort of password to a locked pastebin or other document but I felt it wasn't in the spirit of the game to do so. It just felt cheap.


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Thanks for hosting Ditto! Interesting game idea, and I probably wouldn't have played if you didn't randomly ping me on IRC haha.

First time mafia so I thought I would instantly look scum if I didn't act like a good ol villager and contact Yeti right of the bat haha. I probably detracted the most from the fake claim by full on claiming that I could check actions, but didn't mention about the role name. Was half feeling that once a mafia dies and the info is shown, it could get pretty obvious. Pretty sure that village would have such a generic action too so I just went ahead as a 'duplicate' and basically wanted to be off radar for as long as possible; as long as I can provide the info Yeti wants there wouldn't be a need for her to clean inspect me and she could just use both me and Dulla lols. I wanted to be able to contest the other unknown role inspect so that I don't insta die, and at least we'd also get what Yeti is looking for with my inspects to be on the same page. Just staying side line and alive was enough and did whatever I would normally do as villager like list all the possible things that could be bad for village whether or not it was accurate. Just me things xd Wasn't really sure Yeti was convinced for the most part and so long as I wasn't under radar it was fine. Just made it so there wasn't an urgency to clear either of the role inspects.

Then comes the night where Dulla and I cross targeted. No idea how I didn't get lynched afterwards, maybe I wasn't a high priority target on village minds. I kept my role name check unclaimed so Dulla would have definitely seen that. I just acted surprised that oh hey it's the same role as me :0! I was careful not to be overly descriptive of my role like stating the action name so that I had some leeway if no one questioned it. Like I can just smoke someone's action without limiting myself. Kept myself vague regarding that but didn't get questioned so !

Then yea Yeti was bound to die and I was the one doing the killing so we actually knew of deadmocracy too. No one asked for the shubaka result that Yeti wanted so I just kept quite since Walrein assumed leadership :0! IDK if I might have seemed very villager as I wanted to, but I'm bad at actually coming up with hard actions to carry out so still to learn~ Hope I wasn't annoying Yeti too much with me trying to be village haha!

Was pretty surprised that Aubisio getting frame lynched didn't throw village off on Walrein even after Jalmont's death. No idea how and just went on with it and got carried :X

Oh yea and I trying to make Eagle4 look suspicious ever since I checked him LOL even though I knew his role name of the Survivor. I never told village that so that maybe they'd stay suspicious of him until they really had to work with him or something. Shesh I didn't know village was already contacting through him or I wasn't paying enough attention. Also I think I tried to counter lynch on Eagle4 just cos why not if I can survive another night and get another kill.

Wanted to ask, Eagle4 what made you want to vote with mafia instead of village ?_? I was like the most suspicious of you too hahaha and doubted your intention the whole time xD but you probably didn't know that.

It was fun and thanks for the game! :)

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