Tournament DCL I - Player Signups [Custom Avatar Prize, SIGNUPS CLOSED]

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User name: head0fthetable

Time Zone GMT+4

Discord Tag evin_hbk

Tiers Preferred SV VGC

Availability Pretty available for the foreseeable future.

Player Info Have experience playing multiple VGC draft leagues, making playoffs in multiple ones.
User name: Puckbud

Time Zone GMT-4

Discord Tag puckbud

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar, USUM, ORAS

Availability I work a flexible 9-5 so my availability is usually pretty good.

Player Info I've been playing draft and competitive pokemon for many years so I am fairly experienced but I did took a few off for family reasons and am just starting to get back into the swing of things so still trying to shake the rust off a bit and am just looking to play as much as I can and learn along the way
User name: Dardid17

Time Zone GMT-4

Discord Tag Dardid17

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea

Availability Mondays, Thursdays, and everyday before 2pm

Player Info Love Pokémon and interested in joining a draft
User name: samarthps

Time Zone GMT+5.5

Discord Tag samarth#6291

Tiers Preferred ORAS

Availability most of the day 8 AM to 9 PM and sometimes even in night

Player Info watched a lot of draft league content on youtube from the days of ORAS and have played a ton of ORAS (mostly OU games).
have a lot of knowledge of different pokemons' stats and move sets it can run.
really enjoy counter team building
I am ready to provide my services for free for teambuilding even if I am not bought (thats how much I love team building)
User name: ZebstrikemDown

Time Zone GMT+2

Discord Tag zebstrikemdown

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar, USUM, ORAS

Availability 6-10pm weekdays and majority of weekend

Player Info pretty solid draft experience and have played and done pretty well in WPF, Colo, DGBA and SPS, been a apart of 2 team tours previously with PGP and PGP 500
User name: Rowlet69420

Time Zone GMT+6

Discord Tag Rowlet#3744

Tiers Preferred All

Availability got exms from 18th october to idk when but im preety much available everyday from 5-11.30 pm my time everyday and 3-11.30 pm my time on friday/saturday and can squeeze some time for a match per week

Player Info can be found as Rowlet69420 on smogon/showdown...
play from gens 6-9 and play almost any format including vgcs
idk what else meant by player info
User name: Vergi10

Time Zone GMT-7

Discord Tag Vergi1

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar, USUM, ORAS

Availability Work on pc can almost always check in. Not avail Wed Night

Player Info Multiple championships in prior draft team tours (BoB, Tdt) positive record in dpl for 3 seasons straight, playing draft since 2015 played in many highly rated leagues like LD, and other surely. Thanks


formerly Dartrix - Joker
is a Contributor to Smogon
User name: Dartrix - Joker

Time Zone GMT-5

Discord Tag Scribble1414

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, ORAS

Availability Generally available except for Thursday nights. I'm easily able to make time for games.

Player Info Proficient draft league player. I mostly play in private draft leagues and I host a private draft league myself, but I enter public ones occasionally and consistently do very well. The first Smogon draft league tournament I entered is the ongoing SV Summer Seasonal, in which I am currently in top 16 winners side. I'm able to play all singles tiers, but Gen 9 and Gen 6 are my most comfortable generations for draft. SV Paldea is preferred between the two just because I've been playing it way more recently. While I've never played in a team tour, I'm especially confident in my ability to teambuild in a draft league setting, so I would be an asset to the team in general for theorycrafting and prep.
User name: LeJon Flames

Time Zone GMT-4

Discord Tag LeJon Flames

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, USUM, ORAS

Availability I am pretty active but will be available to help with things mostly in evenings est.

Player Info I was captain of the HitoriNaclis the last season of DPL and my team made playoffs. I have also been in the community a minute and have been pretty well known for having solid league success. I am great team support and am a solid enough player. I am newer in the Smogon scene but I have a lot of team tour draft league experience and you should get me to put your team over the top. I am also the creator of this legendary screenshot.
User name: killerASCII

Time Zone GMT-4

Discord Tag killerascii

Tiers Preferred SS Galar, USUM

Availability Almost entirely free outside of some Saturdays. Looking for a job which would impact schedule, but don't expect to find one soon :(

Player Info I've been playing draft since 2018, and have multiple team tour titles including TDT S4 and all 3 seasons of PWS. My SV is rusty at best but I'm confident in my ability to play SS and USUM. I am an active mocker, even for formats I don't play (including VGC). Just don't expect me to draft teams lmao.
User name: bpewn

Time Zone GMT-5

Discord Tag Bpewn#0001

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar, USUM, ORAS

Availability pretty frequent just school

Player Info I just got back into the draft community after a bunch of complications and want to show my growth and maturity as a person so even if I do not get drafted I'd like to help out a team.
User name: Sp0oN1oRd

Time Zone GMT-5

Discord Tag SpZfgc

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar

Availability Most nights, any time weekends. Would prefer weekends due to uni.

Player Info I play primarily SV OU, natdex draft, and SV draft. I played a bit of galar draft when it was current gen but am less experienced in that. Currently in playoffs of the smogon discord draft (4th seed and in top 16 as of writing), won the shelgon division of the last jamvad academy draft, haven't been in any big name leagues so far and am looking to start.


formerly supergriefer101
User name: supergriefer101

Time Zone GMT-5

Discord Tag casteliacity

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar, USUM

Availability Mon-Thursday after 5pm and anytime on Saturday/Sunday

Player Info Showdown name: supergriefer101

Draft league veteran since gen 6
User name: waytoopetty

Time Zone GMT-7

Discord Tag richgold

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SV VGC

Availability 8:00-10:00 pm for weekdays, and Pretty much the entire day for weekends though some days I'll be having events (like parties) but pretty flexible with times.

Player Info I'm a official rater for the Smogon discord, was close to being badged, but got an infraction :P

I have been playing SV since it dropped and am top 200 on SVOU ladder. I am also top 100 in DOU SV, but decay and stuff. I have experience with VGC too, but never laddered much in current gen.
User name: Shade1x

Time Zone GMT-5

Discord Tag Shade1x

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar, USUM

Availability Just have college, should have plenty of time

Player Info I've been playing for a few years now, so I have good experience in the last 3 gens + some ORAS experience from tours. Started playing some team tours in the last year, having solid success in most. Good individual success since coming back from my break.
User name: dtGray

Time Zone GMT-5

Discord Tag dtGray

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar, ORAS

Availability High availability 4-5 days per week, some on other days as well

Player Info Top 4 TH tournament #1
Finished #3 overall in website standings in its only full season (rip automatthic)
Multiple league championships
Captained in TDT S1
Went 4-3 in latest season of PGP
Good mocker, teammate etc. good vibes guy.
Can promise not to be totally worthless. Let’s get it
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