Daily Deathmatch 2019 (Survivor Leaderboards)

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Aight boys this is the recap for February

Congrats to Alexander489 on: ahem
- First place on the DD leaderboard
- Most Firsts
- Most Seconds
- Most Participations

He misses out on Most Special Points however, that award going to Toni XY

Some inactive user gets the most hosts. says a lot about our auth huh

Also, Alex can host 3 DDs next month since he got first place
Date/Time: March 2nd, 12PM
Theme: Rock, Paper, Scissors
First: TheSeelGoesMeow
Second: toni xy
Participation points awarded to: Zaivik, AHelpFuL❤ツRayQuazA, UncleFlacco, Yahboyboter.

DD Shark Fact:
You can measure the age of a shark by counting the rings on its vertebrae.
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