Connecticut School shooting

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I tutor students almost on a daily basis and this just made my heart sank. I usually come on here and troll and act tough but this... this is just terrible. Almost in tears. Anyone in the area?
I certainly don't think "empowering" students or teachers with concealed weaponry is a possible solution anymore.
Lots of death claims right now. But at least 10 children are dead of the the 20+ fatality.
CNN: Close to 30 Dead, 18-20 of which are children.
1 Shooter dead, 1 other arrested. Honestly, all I need to know about them is that they are biggest sacks of shits in the world.

What kind of a person, given any creed; or mental capacity, be willing to shoot children?
My heart goes out to those poor students.
Maybe, just maybe, now isn't the time to make snide remarks over a distressed man's simple grammatical errors?

I saw this this morning. It's fucked up beyond belief and I have to wonder what would possess someone to do such a thing. I mean, it's not like those kids could hqve wronged the guy or anything
How can anyone with a soul try to interview 6 year olds who just witnessed a school shooting... Media can just be disgusting sometimes
Apparently shooter has been identified as a Ryan Lanza... and the story linked to some other guy's fb page

Still no official news on motives
Yeah this was like 10 minutes from my town. Apparently the shooter was going through a divorce, and his wife was the principal at the school so he went to kill her and also shot students. I heard that 27 are dead so far. Fucked up.
i hate stuff like this because for me a reasonable gun owner and user who has had gotten all the legal stuff done the anti-gun and other private weapon owner lobbyists will just use this as fuel for their anti-armed private citizens agendas.

legitimate and responsible gun owners shouldn't have to suffer from the actions of rogue people like this criminals will do crimes like this regardless of what use.

people like this are what scare people away from being responsible legitimate gun owners because i been around people who been like "I would like to own a gun but I'm afraid of law changes that would make owning one illegal."

the anti-gun lobbyists try to make all gun owners look as if they are all irresponsible trigger happy hillbilly's but that is a utter lie.

tl;dr fucking gun crimes get all the news what about other crimes that get less news unless they are like a pregnant woman or some teen girl found dead after being slashed and stabbed some 40+ times or what.

not all violent crime is gun related and the bias against guns because of the higher new coverage of gun crimes are a sham.
How can anyone with a soul try to interview 6 year olds who just witnessed a school shooting... Media can just be disgusting sometimes
Pretty sure even with media these days, they would ask the parent, then the child for permission to do so.

i hate stuff like this because for me a reasonable gun owner and user who has had gotten all the legal stuff done the anti-gun and other private weapon owner lobbyists will just use this as fuel for their anti-armed private citizens agendas.

legitimate and responsible gun owners shouldn't have to suffer from the actions of rogue people like this criminals will do crimes like this regardless of what use.

people like this are what scare people away from being responsible legitimate gun owners because i been around people who been like "I would like to own a gun but I'm afraid of law changes that would make owning one illegal."

the anti-gun lobbyists try to make all gun owners look as if they are all irresponsible trigger happy hillbilly's but that is a utter lie.

tl;dr fucking gun crimes get all the news what about other crimes that get less news unless they are like a pregnant woman or some teen girl found dead after being slashed and stabbed some 40+ times or what.

not all violent crime is gun related and the bias against guns because of the higher new coverage of gun crimes are a sham.
Indeed, you cannot set up stupid laws to keep people who wants to break the law in order. I understand that there is a need for guns to protect yourself, however, I still find it rather disturbing that large assault rifles is within easy reach in America.


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tl;dr fucking gun crimes get all the news what about other crimes that get less news unless they are like a pregnant woman or some teen girl found dead after being slashed and stabbed some 40+ times or what.

not all violent crime is gun related and the bias against guns because of the higher new coverage of gun crimes are a sham.
damn liberal media showing their damn liberal bias by covering only mass murders committed with FIREARMS. where are they when 27 people get murdered by kitchen knife

i don't want to step on the toes of a forum mods and lock this, but it's going to be the same combination of pc++ "this is a tragedy" and gun debate bullshit that it always is
The shooter died, so we'll never know his motives. But you can't really say he was just a defect. Everyone is guilty of being unpredictable and shortsighted, no matter how evolved we think we are. You can go from there if you care about preventing this stuff from happening.

Chou Toshio

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Absolutely no rhyme or reason; and it seems the news has nothing to say about the identity or motives of the shooter. Very frustrating, this is terrible news.

edit: Even if he died, you have the body-- we could get an identity, from which much could be extrapolated. Or if nothing can, and it was truly random, then we could just leave it at that. I'm sure people want closure at least in getting the gunman(s) identity.


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Somebody I know died today, and this is terrible. I live 20 minutes away from this, and what happened was tragic. Some kid I know went to Newtown, I am not sure if he is dead, but my friend Peter told me that apparently he might be.


mitt game strong
is a Three-Time Past WCoP Champion
I live about 10-20 minutes away from Sandy Hook. Some of my best friends live there (I go to a regional type private high school) and I've driven past the school dozens of times in my life. To think that something this tragic would ever happen in my community is really hard to come to terms with.

For those of you who want to know what actually happened based on what people in our area know, some guy basically lost a custody battle after his wife divorced him and from what we know so far he lost it. He (and one of his friends) went into the school and went after the principle because they weren't cooperating with him. He shot up the whole main office and for some reason they shot people in the hallways and another classroom. Im not 100% sure if this is even true, but its the story everyone in my area has heard. One of the shooters killed himself in the school and the other was cornered in Danbury from what i've heard. He'll probably kill himself as well.

What i've really learned from this is that the media makes me sick. I drove one of my friends back home, because he was freaking out about his cousin who went to the school. Luckily she wasn't hurt, but getting there was a nightmare. The whole 84 (only main road to get into Newton) was jammed by media people staged outside the hospital and trying to get to the school. Parents working in the cities weren't able to get back to their children for hours because of the damn traffic and chaos caused by the media. Then I saw that they interviewed a child... basically a pointless interview. Have some respect seriously. It's my strong belief that extensive media coverage of these shootings is what drives psychopaths to go into public places and kill innocent bystanders. (Colorado for example) The media is more concerned with ratings so things will never change and because of that killings like this will continue to increase. 6 out of the 12 major public shootings in modern american history have occurred after 2007...

Also, this whole gun control debate... i wish they would keep this off the television/radio for a day or two. Respect the damn people who just lost their children to this then you can have your debates. Personally, it's my belief that if you didn't give these bastards access to automatic weapons then this could have been much less tragic, but can we just hold off on it a bit? 100 rounds were fired from automatic handguns and they killed around 30 people from what i've heard injuring more. The thing that really doesn't add up for me is why kill all those people? I know Columbine was a terrible incident, but at least we knew that it had to do with the terrible bullying the kids had to deal with. This just doesn't make sense for me right now, why kill innocent children? even if you saw it as collateral?

Truly a tragic day, I just hope that people won't overshadow this with the age old gun control debate.
I think we can all agree that it's a tragedy. And, of course, it's horrific to see so many innocent people die.

I'll leave everyone with this video:
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