Classic Megaman: At a glance


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I've created this thread in celebration of the upcoming Megaman 9 for Wiiware (and possibly other consoles), which will be a completely new classic Megaman game. It occured to me that many people may not have played the old Megaman games, so for those who haven't, heres a brief introduction to those titles, and what I personally think of them.

Before Megaman was all about battle networks and turning "Xtreme" and all that shit (you know, until the series turned gay), six Megaman titles for the NES were released. These titles are, to this day, well loved amongst classic gamers for their charming graphics, challenging but rewarding gameplay, and non-linear design.

Basically, you play as Megaman (
), who must defeat a series of Robot Masters, created by the simply diabolical Dr Wily (
). The series will never win an award for storytelling, but it's the gameplay that counts, and the classic Megaman series truely stomped some ass.

Let's have a closer look at the six classic Megaman games. Some people are of the opinion that somewhere down the line the series got a bit stale (around the Megaman 4 point...), but I enjoy them all in their own way. Each game will be rated out of 5. Anyway, the game that started them all:


The classic game that started it all! Dr. Wily has created six deadly Robot Masters, and it's up to Megaman to stop them. That's the story for every fucking (good) Megaman game, so get used to it!

This game introduces the concept of winning a new weapon upon the defeat of every Robot Master... you get the Rolling Cutter by defeating Cut Man, which is a boomerang-like weapon, or the Ice Slasher from Ice Man, which freezes foes. Every Robot Master is weak to one of those weapons (kind of like a rock-paper-scissors deal), and it's up to you to decide which Robot Master you'll take on first.

Each of the levels in this game are challenging and fitting to each of the Robot Master's theme (although Ice Man's stage is a fucker)... The enemys are cool and stray away from being generic, and each of the weapons have their own interesting functions. The problem with this game is that its maddeningly hard at times, and does not have a password system, meaning you'll have to start over every time (or use save states...) And the Yellow Devil! Jesus christ, what a gay boss...

Still, this is a great way to start off the series. If you want a serious challenge, pick this one up for sure.


Megaman 2

If there is such thing as a perfect platformer, Megaman 2 might be it. An absolute dynamite package, this game features 8 sweet Robot Masters and weapons, a fantastic soundtrack, and some of the best level design imaginable. From the conveyor belts in Metal Man's stage, the high speed lasers in Quick Man's stage, to the dense forest of Wood Man's stage, this game is a blast from start to finish.

This game introduced a number of mainstays to the Megaman series, the most obvious of which is a password system, much to the relief of many gamers. On top of that, it also introduced E-Tanks, which are rare items that restore your health at any point, and numerous items that can be gathered, such as flying platforms to help you reach different points. On top of that, Megaman 2 is the only game in the series to include a harder difficulty, which is nice for those who want that option.

The Robot Masters in this game were all cool (yes, even the awkward Wood Man), and have cool weapons, such as the chargable Atomic Fire and the wall-shattering power of the Crash Bombs. Each Robot Master fight was awesome, and each weapon, a real treat to play with (except Flash Man's shitty "weapon"...)

At the end of the day, however, the main thing that makes this game superior to the original is the much more balanced, fun gameplay. Things aren't outrageously hard anymore (well... except maybe Heat Man's stage without Item-2), which just makes the game a lot more accessible and enjoyable. It was less linear than the original, and pretty much any boss could be felled with your shitty pea-shooter weapon. It also had the greatest Megaman weapon ever, the Metal Blades. You can't get much better than that!


Megaman 3

The follow up to the absolutely sublime Megaman 2 is a very strong contender in its own right. This time, Dr Wily is apparently good now, and is working with Dr Light to create a giant robot called Gamma. I wonder how this is gonna turn out, huh? =) Oh, and there are also 8 robot masters for you to kill. Let's get to it!

This game, like Megaman 2 before it, introduced some new mainstays to the rest of the Megaman series. It was the first game to feature the mysterious Proto Man, and the robotic dog Rush (who could transform into different tools, like a jet and submarine). Megaman can also slide in this game, allowing him to fit through narrow passages. All of these additions were welcome, particularly the addition of the fan favourite Proto Man. But how's the gameplay?

If you found Megaman 2 to be 2 easy (heh), then you'll appreciate Megaman 3's slight difficulty increase, with its challenge level ranking somewhere between the first two games. The levels are all fun and imaginative, including the gravity-defying Magnet Man stage, or Shadow Man's underground cavern. The soundtrack, while not quite as memorable as the first two games, is still fantastic, and Proto Man's theme is loved to this very day.

The Robot Masters and power ups in this game, however, were a mixed bag. While some Masters were cool (Magnet Man and Gemini Man in particular), others seemed kinda dire. Top Man... seriously? And what the fuck is up with his weapon, the Top Spin, which causes Megaman to do a gay little twirl in the air. What's worse is that you need to use the Top Spin against what is arguably the hardest Robot Master so far, Shadow Man. Oh well, this set of Robot Masters could be worse...

One more thing I need to mention is that this may very well be the longest Megaman game of them all, with many bosses to face after the 8 standard Robot Masters (you even have to go back and fight old ones from the last game). It is a great ride from start to finish and, while not quite as good as Megaman 2, it's certainly up there.


Megaman 4

Megaman is confronted by a new villain... Dr Cossack??? Yes, it seems this mysterious nutjob has created 8 new Robot Masters, and is hell-bent on destroying Megaman. I wonder who is REALLY behind it all? Well, if you're not retarded, I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out...

Well, this game only brought one significant thing to the Megaman series, although it is certainly important: a chargeable Mega Buster. If you do choose to rely on your pea-shooter for a lot of the game (like I often do), you can now hold down the fire button and charge up a more powerful shot. How sweet is that!?

This game, however, has unfortunate issues. For one thing, the Robot Masters are so fucking lame it puts my head in a spin (unfortunately, yes, there IS a Toad Man in the picture above). Many of the obtainable weapons are recycled old ones, such as a new Flash Stopper (ugh) and that shitty Skull Barrier thing (like Leaf Man's old weapon). The levels are slightly more interesting, such as Dust Man and Drill Man's pretty cool stages, but they cannot hold a candle to previous Megaman titles.

That said, it's a classic Megaman game, and it is by no means bad... just kind of underwhelming, that's all. It's still a fun title, and Capcom's attempt at a "plot twist" at the end is as endearing as it is cheezy. However, when it's all said and done, this is not a crucial game to play.


Megaman 5

Dr Light has been kidnapped! But by who!? Well, by none other than... Proto Man! Gasp! Shock! Horror! Could Proto Man, Megaman's brother, REALLY be behind this all? Golly, I can't wait to find out!

Okay, enough sarcasm. This game rocks. It's what Megaman 4 should have been... it's got the interesting levels (such as fighting on a moving train in Charge Man's stage, or being flipped upside down in Gravity Man's stage), the cool Robot Masters (Napalm Man! Holy shit!), some cool new weapons and a plot twist that is actually kind of interesting. Above all else, it is just fun from start to finish.

The game did not introduce anything new to the series (aside from the unlockable Beat, which is a robot bird that flies around and helps you), but uses the previous introduced concepts to great effect. The chargeable Mega Buster is more impressive and powerful in this game, for example, and there are many puzzles that involve sliding. In some respects, this game was the high point of Megaman's evolution.

While not the best game in the series, Megaman 5 is an impressive return to form and overall a blast to play. Get it!


Megaman 6

Well... a lot of different robots from all over the world were gathered together to compete in a tournament, until Dr Wily (laughably disguised as the mysterious Mr X), steals them all and blah blah. It's getting kinda old now, don't you think?

To be honest, I didn't dislike this game as much as some others did. The Robot Masters, while bordering on the gay side (hi Plant Man), at least LOOKED as if they were from different countries (Flame Man with a turban, Yamato and Tomahawk Man being obvious, Blizzard Man coming from a ski resort, etc), and the power ups were... kinda cool? Megaman sure gets to use a lot of blades in this game...

This game also introduced an interesting new concept in new armour... you could use the Rush Jet suit to fly around a little bit, or the Rush Power suit to bulk Megaman up to hulk-like proportions. I found both of these to be really cool additons, and at least makes this game a bit more interesting.

Overall, the whole game is just a bit forgettable. I enjoyed it (but then again of course I did), and you'll probably enjoy it too if you loved the others. It also wraps up the classic Megaman series up nicely, with Dr Wily's final capture and imprisonment. What an exciting resolution!


So, there you have it, the classic Megaman series. All that's left now is to wait for the new Wiiware title, Megaman 9, which brings Megaman back to his roots... where he belongs. I'm excited... you should be too!

Now go and illegally download some NES roms!


is a Battle Simulator Admin Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis an Administrator Alumnus
This is probably my favorite video game serie and I kind of agree with your entire analysis. Good job.


edit : I also beat steelicks at racing through mm2!
Oh Steelicks great thread, i also agree that the classic series were the best, Game Boy mega man deserves a mention because it was a spin off from the NES series (even with same robot masters except MM 5 which have some planet names). Leave that to me i will review them xD.

Now my favorite NES Mega Man is 3, yes 2 is the best and everyone loves it (me too) but 3 and 1 were particularly the ones i played the most, that fucking Yellow Devil on first mega man was pretty hard to beat (without pause cheat).

Mega Man 3 has one of my favorite robot masters (Snake Man!), it's so retarded that i like the guy,also you get to fight the robot masters from Mega Man 2 on their weird new shape, top man's power was pretty gay who would thought it's the one you have to use at the end?.

Talking about Robot Masters and Power ups, here is NESgamer's top ten Robot masters!.

10.- Snake Man. The guy has a friking snake on his head, just look at him!.

9.- Cut Man. One of the first Robot Masters, he is no big deal but i liked him because he was a recurrent villain on the Mega Man cartoon xP (along with Guts Man).

8.- Pharaoh Man. What kind of power can a Pharaoh have?, well A FIRE SHADOW OF HIMSELF TO THROW AT YA.... wait, nevermind, his stage was pretty cool with bad ass robot mummies and stuff, he is super fast but gets owned easily with flash stopper...

7.-Toad Man. Haha this guy is funny, i liked his stage too, sure he may have one of the lamest most predictable pattern on videogame history but c'mon he looks cool, and his dance summons toxic rain.

6.- Clash Man. Most of Mega Man 2 robot masters can be destroyed easily with or without the weapon they are weak against. But not Clash Man, he will throw his explosives at you and won't stop till beat you, he was on the cover of the NES cartridge with the terrible but unique art of the first two Mega Man. click here to see what i'm talking about

5.-Napalm Man. Mega Man V didn't have memorable robot masters, but i always liked Napalm Man, he was kinda original and just liked the design, a lot.

4.-Quick Man. This guy is pretty though!, and his power up makes you pink xD, i think is one of the most bad ass robots from Mega Man 2, he was challenging on 2 and NEAR impossible on mega man I (Game Boy) without flash stopper. When i was a litte kid i didn't knew English (some words) and i thought he was "kick man" xP.

3.-Metal Man. You saw it coming don't you?, everyone agrees this is the best Robot Master from 2, his power up is damn useful and he just looks cool. Vineon posted in favor of him while i was writing this.

2.- Fire Man. You don't agree?, well i think he is one of the best, his power up is powerful and is called "fire storm" which should be enough coolness to bear that power, his looks are cool too, one of the first robot masters. All fire based robot masters were inspired after him.

1.- Elec Man. The first time i faced this fool i thought he was cheap, i didn't had Cut Man's power, oh boy he killed me with TWO shoots, he can destroy Mega Man that easily. So it takes skill to destroy it without Rolling cutter (which breaks him in two hits!) and that's why i think he is the best of them all. His power up can humiliate Yellow Devil with 1-2 shoots using the gay pause trick haha.

I like Gemini Man, Skull Man, Guts Man, Ice man, Heat Man, Wood Man and Spark Man too.

Especial mention to other baddies.

Yellow devil, it's been said already, the guy is hard very hard and it's been a memorable villain from the series since then, always returning on a different form or shape.

Mecha Dragon. He made me fall a couple of times :(, he is been kinda an icon and memorable robot, he was on the Mega Man arcade back then as a boss.

I'm waiting for Mega Man 9, it's going to be great.


Now 100% reliable
is a Contributor Alumnus
I'm anticipating this one very much. At least Capcom decides to make a new Classic game instead of all those remakes of old games I've been seeing lately.

Yellow Devil on MM1 isn't THAT bad. Its pattern never changes and the only real difficult part is jumping over those two consecutive blocks that can hit you when you're standing still. Once you can dodge that part, the battle's much easier. I should know, I've tried beating all bosses with just the Megabuster and it's a really fun thing to try out.


is a Battle Simulator Admin Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis an Administrator Alumnus
I dont have anything against the remakes, I mean Megaman X Maverick Hunter was a damn good one and Powered Up I really loved too.

I was hoping they would make a Megaman Powered Up 2 just so I can finally play as Metal Man. Sadly, I dont think it will ever come. :(


is a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
I don't have Megaman 4, but I have the other 5 and they are so much fun to play. if I hadn't been watching Iron Chef (along with my computer freezing) I totally would have won the speedrace !!!

favorite bosses would have to be Crash Man (MM2), Quick Man (MM2), and the underrated Tomahawk Man (MM6).

PS Vineon whip out the Megaman-themed GSC team! that team was so awesome.


is a Battle Simulator Admin Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis an Administrator Alumnus
PS Vineon whip out the Megaman-themed GSC team! that team was so awesome.
hahaha you rule for remembering that because I didn't.

I think it had Electabuzz as Elec Man, Magmar as Fire Man, Jynx as Ice Man, Machamp as Guts Man, Pinsir as Cut Man and Muk (with Sludge Bomb and Explosion) as Bomb Man.

loved having theme teams in gsc
The only Mega Man I played when I was younger was 2 which was great. I did buy the gamecube collection whichever summer that came out and that was well worth the buy! Definitely looking forward to 9!
Oh, man, Crash Man had the BEST music. You guys should check out the remix that the NESkimos did. They have an assload of Megaman remixes, and they're all amazing.
I wish I was around for those Megaman games. Unfortunately, I think I was 2 when it came out. -.- A couple years back there was a Megaman Anniversary Present for the PS2 with all the classic games like what's coming out for the Wii, and I tried playing through a couple of the classic games. I think I only got through Megaman 4 though.

Still, I really liked the Megaman Battle Network Series, probably over any of the other series I've played. *ducks behind a rock* Well, at least till MMBN5. The newer versions slowly getting worse. Great read though, wish I could have experienced it.


The Iron Man of Ubers
is a Tiering Contributor Alumnus
That was a nice read. I have never actually played a megaman game, but with 1 and 2 on the VC and 9 coming out today in America I may check them out.

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