Christmas traditions

We have Christmas at our house on the morning of the 24th, then we go to my mom's side of the family and have christmas there, then we go to our dad's side and have christmas there.
I get 3x the money that way.
What are everyone's favorite Christmas movies of all time? I think I might marathon a few really good ones since I'm without cable and can't just watch all the Christmas specials airing.
It can be sappy or have bad animation or whatever, it doesn't bug me at all as long as you are nostalgic about it.
My cat destroys my tree every year. That's pretty good for a "tradition."

I also accidentally set the Christmas Tree on fire when I was 9, we used to have a candle lit angel on the top but because of what happened we had to pass it on to another family member.
The festivities usually start a little early for me, personally, due to the fact that my birthday is a few days before Christmas. My birthday's not usually anything too big, just some cake and ice cream and my presents (which might as well be early Christmas presents, honestly). I should see if I can get anybody over my house for a bit.

On the 23rd, we go over to Nana and Papa's house (the grandparents on my mom's side). It's a pretty big get-together with lots of food and family from my mom's side. It's sort of a Christmas party and sort of Channukah because Papa's Jewish (I am not), so there are potato pancakes among the many other snacks and entrees. Around 6 o'clock or so, we then deal out presents. The different families have gifts in color-coded tissue paper (my branch is usually green). A lot of us also have gifts to pool for the Yankee Swap, usually themed on a color (this year will be yellow... for some reason. Why not just "gold"? That's Christmas-y). It's a pretty fun time, the food is plentiful, some of my cousins are alright, it's a fun time.

The 24th is a bit quieter, usually. Not much happens in the daytime, but I think my aunt and uncle a couple of towns over have a party. Only Mom and Dad used to go there, but I went last year. There aren't a lot of people to talk to, but one of my older cousins is pretty enthusiastic about old-school games, so there's a good conversation. There are a lot of deserts spread out, too, and I think I was drinking root beer from a mug from the freezer. ...that had some ice in it.

Christmas morning is the highlight (the Myotismon arc of the holidays, if you will :P). Presents are strewn about the tree, some wrapped, some unwrapped. It's just the immediate family at home (Mom, Dad, and my sisters). We exchange our own gifts to each other, and we're pretty ecstatic. Dad usually has the camcorder running as we open our presents, and there are a lot of them (takes like an hour to get through everything: wrapped, unwrapped, and stockings). Once that's over, we get cracking on breakfast, with pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs, home fries, and cinnamon buns (this was actually my idea years ago). So much salt... so much syrup... so much deliciousness.

Of course, the day's not over yet. We kids take time to play with some of our toys, but around noon or 1, we head over to Vovo's house (grandmother on my dad's side, and the house is only about a half-mile away from ours), where a lot of the family meets and talks (or avoids each other). There's dinner, usually ham, and we exchange gifts to the youngest among us (in which I am no longer ranked). And the rest of us do ANOTHER Yankee Swap (because it succeeded the first time around at Nana's, we started doing it here, too). Then, we just kind of go our separate ways. This part's not quite as big, probably because we were just over there for Thanksgiving, but it probably has the most people I can actually hold a conversation with, so that's gotta be worth something.

So... tl;dr: My family is huge, and I am spoiled rotten this time of year usually. ;)
I hate Christmas .-., it's just an excuse to eat more in here
I like turning the city upside down with my friends tho
I always catch "The Year Without A Santa Claus" whenever it comes on. Heat Miser and Snow Miser are two pretty awesome dudes. On Christmas Eve, I go to visit my grandparents for dinner as well as some early presents. Then on Christmas morning, I wake up at about 7 AM, then pace the living room floor waiting for my parents to wake up so I can open more presents, then I play around with whatever I got for a few hours, eat some lunch, then go to see what my friends got.

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