Car Accident

Last week I was involved in a car accident, I got hit by a car. I was walking home from school(I live about 4 minutes by foot), and it was about 6 PM(I had stayed after helping out a teacher), meaning it was almost completely dark. Well, as I was walking across the street, a speeding car zipped around the corner, and hit me at 25-30 mph. I broke my right arm, fractured my hip, dislocated my shoulder, as well leaving other superficial injuries. The driver, it turned out, was a kid who'd just gotten her license, and was running late for a party. I did not pass out from the impact, and the driver was in shock, I think, because she pulled over and started crying. My head was spinning in about 500 mile per hour, and I don't know how, but somehow I was able to tell her my home phone. After about 5 minutes, my parents got there, and called an ambulance. I passed out on the ride to the hospital. I'd been there for about 5 days now, and am recoverying as I type. It's really boring here in the hospital because my movements are very limited because of casts, so I can't do anything. So, since I have nothing else to do, has anyone here ever experienced accident?
Broke my arm falling down the stairs when I was younger. My parents said I almost died due to blood loss during the operation, but the pain definitely was not as serious as yours, though. Yikes. Hope you feel better soon. :(
I've been in a few dangerous moments in my life, although I can't remember them all 100%.

The first occurred when I was only a year or two old, although it's not really a true accident. From what I've been told, apparently I got a blockage of some sort in my intestines. My parents took me to the hospital when I started throwing up, but they wouldn't admit me unless they had approval from my doctor or something stupid like that. Unfortunately, my normal doctor wasn't there that day, so another doctor came to check me. Also unfortunately, this doctor was an asshole and told my parents that I was "just fooling you" or some such stupidity. At that moment, though, I threw up, and when the doctor saw it, he started freaking out and immediately sent us back to the emergency room at the hospital, where they performed surgery on me. From what I've heard, if it had taken even just five minutes longer, I could've died. Thank goodness I can't remember it. >_> I do still have a scar on my stomach, though.

I had another moment when I was around 10 years old, I think. I can't remember anything from before waking up in the hospital, but from what I've been told I had passed out from dehydration. They kept me there for several days with an IV in my arm, and while it wasn't a painful experience like yours', it was definitely boring...

The last one was just a few years ago. My family and I were on a bus with several other friends and families going to a Catholic music concert, and we were on the highway. A car tried to switch lanes behind the bus, but there wasn't enough room for it to fit, so it tried to go back. However, another car had already moved into its spot, so the car was forced behind the bus. The front of the car went under the back wheel of the bus, the bus started spinning out of control (not flipping over, swerving side to side), and then eventually hit the guardrope at the side of the highway, ground through the dirt for a few yards, very nearly flipped over the rope (on the other side of which was a steep hill...), but then flopped back and finally came to a halt. Luckily nobody was hurt (I'm amazed the bus didn't hit any other cars spinning like it did...), but it was the scariest moment of my life.

So yeah, a bunch of scary moments for me, but nothing really painful like yours'. I hope you have a speedy and as pain-free a recovery as possible.


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That sucks R2 :(

I've never been in a car accident but my dad has been in 3.

Also when on my friends got into a car accident. A drunk illegal mexican crashed into him and called my friend. fucking asshole.
I haven't had an incident that bad, ever. I had a gruesome incident with a knife, and I've fractured a bone, but that's about it. Hope you get better quickly :)
I just got into a fender bender yesterday and this drunk jackass damaged my rear end, so I have to call him and work something out. *sigh*


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If he was drunk, you should have called the police. If you're just supposed to "call him and work something out," that means you're pretty much fucked and you're not going to get anything out of it. How do you even know he gave you his correct phone number?

I hope you got his license plate/insurance information/drivers license number/some other identifying information.
I got all that shit (license plate, insurance) as well. I don't even think he was drunk; I was using it to describe his personality.
I got into a shitty accident two years ago. It was at night and this idiot didn't have his lights on. I stopped at a stop sign, didn't see anyone and pulled forward. The guy was going about 40 and someone clipped someone's car. He corrected his car on the road and kept on driving and we never saw him again. Syberia and I weren't hurt and the car didnt get moved too much actually, maybe oinyl 2 feet to the side. In the mean time, the panel for his door was in my bumper and we called the police. Of course nothing happened and I didnt bother to report it to my insurance since my car isnt worth anything and the insurance company would have just totaled the car even though the rest was fine, and raise my rates. Fixed it up with my grandparents help, $2000, and its good as new. A year after the accident I get a letter from the DMV telling me that they gave me a point on my license even though the guy ran on me.
When i was 1 I got into a car accident. We went around a corner and a car stopped in front of us so the car behind us rammed into our car. I was ok but the car was ruined.


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The only accident I've ever been in involved myself and the mailman. Some dumbshit old man made the split-second decision he wanted to get gas, slammed on his breaks, and pulled into a gas station. I managed to stop in time, but the guy behind me didn't and he hit me. Turns out he was a mailman driving his mail van. I got the damage fixed and the post office paid for it, but it really sucked being without a car while it was being repaired.


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Sorry to hear that R2, I hope you get better soon. I was never in a car accident, but when I was about 6 years old, I was over my friends house and we were in his pool. I didn't know how to swim so I was in the pool with one of those foamy floating toys keeping me afloat(probably not the best idea, although I was taking swimming lessons at the time, but I only just started so I could barely swim). My friends brother who was deaf and younger than me jumped in and landed on me by accident, so I sunk and I wasn't able to get myself back afloat. For some reason his brother didn't try to help me. Luckily my other friend noticed and pulled me up in time. That's the closest moment I've had to death. After that I was pretty scared of water, but just last year I learned how to swim(A pretty late age for most people to learn how to swim, 16) so now I'm not scared of water anymore and I actually like swimming during the summer time.
I'm sorry to hear about your incident R2, as no one deserves to get hurt as a result of the recklessness of others. However, since others have shared previous experiences, I may as well share my own too...

I've only been in one car accident, which occured when I was in kindergarden. Basically, at the time, I had to get dropped off at a babysitter's in the morning because my parents went (and still go) to work extremely early. Anyways... the morning was standard as usual: I fell asleep upon arriving and then woke up to get in the car. Well, we reached this one street that required us to make a sharp turn (around 160 degrees) in order to enter it. So we got on the road, and then a car bumped into us from the back. The babysitter, her daughter, and I immediately passed out as a result of the collision, but my brother and babysitter's son were not harmed because they were in booster seats. (lol) To be honest, I sort of forgot what happened after here. I was unconscious for a few hours at least, seeing as when I had woken up, my parents were at the hospital and I had already received staples/stitches on my head. My face looked messed up for a few days, but I didn't stay at the hospital during those days.

That's pretty much it. Hope you get better!
When I was like 8-ish, I was playing tag with a bunch of kids who were in my afterschool program. It was winter, and the playground was really slippery. Some guy was trying to tag me, so I ran to the pole (which was like literally 14 ft. not to mention this was a playground for kindergardeners) and I lost my grip on the pole and fell head first onto a block of ice. I was in the hospital for who knows how long and didn't go to school for months. What pisses me off the most was the school didn't get rid of the pole until like 4 years after I graduated.
When I was like 8-ish, I was playing tag with a bunch of kids who were in my afterschool program. It was winter, and the playground was really slippery. Some guy was trying to tag me, so I ran to the pole (which was like literally 14 ft. not to mention this was a playground for kindergardeners) and I lost my grip on the pole and fell head first onto a block of ice. I was in the hospital for who knows how long and didn't go to school for months. What pisses me off the most was the school didn't get rid of the pole until like 4 years after I graduated.
I'm afraid I don't understand the significance of the size of the pole... Or why you felt it ought to have been removed.
Well considering they're like 5 year old kids, it's a pretty dangerous thing to have in a kindgarden playground. The pole was probably longer too...
Summer of 2007, I was driving back from a friend's house in the country. I barely got going when I was in a major accident, due to shitty country roads. I got hit in the driver's side door by a Suburban likely going between 65-75 mph. I fractured my pelvis in 3 places, cracked 3 ribs, had the left half of my diaphragm torn up, had my aorta burst, and had my stomach in my chest. Both of the passenger side doors and half of the roof had to be removed from the car in order to cut me out of it. This took about an hour. I was then flown to the nearest trauma center, which was about an hour away, via helicoptor. There, I had multiple extensive surgeries to put a graft onto the aorta and a mesh over the diaphragm, as well as put my innards all back in their right locations. Likely the only reason I did not bleed out (90+% of aortic injuries are fatal) is the fact that my stomach was putting pressure on parts of my chest cavity. I spent four weeks in Intensive care. The first two weeks, including events up to the accident, the accident itself, and the events following it, are completely lost to me. I remember about three minutes worth of events that transpired in the those two weeks: My father telling me not to try and pull the intubation tube out of my throat because I needed it and that we would destroy it when we finally did remove it; my girlfriend asking me if I remembered asking her to marry me; trying to write on my whiteboard (can't talk with a tube down your throat) and thinking it was very, very important that I write neatly; and bits of a hallunication where I had the heads-up displays from the original Legend of Zelda at the edges of my vision, I was trapped in some sort of dungeon, and I needed "the feather" in order to escape (and no one wanted to help me find it).
After that, they finally removed the intubation tube and tracheated me, and switched me to a different set of medications so that I wouldn't be blacking out, forgetting everything, and hallucinating. I was still doing practically everything through tubes. I breathed through a ventillator, I ate through a tube going up my nose (intensely unpleasant, and I threw up at least once from accidentally jostling it), twin chest tubes drained my side, I had multiple IVs and a PIC line, and I had a cathetor and colostomy bag. My only form of communication was writing on a whiteboard still. The first thing I was acutely aware of was my left hand tightly gripping the morphene drip button. The first few nights I was concious, the pain was so intense that I had to beg the nurses to sedate me in order to get to sleep. I was still breathing with a ventillator, as my left lung was almost entirely collapsed and my diaphragm was barely functional. I wasn't out of the woods yet. Every morning at 4:00 am, I would be woken in order to have chest x-rays taken and to have my blood drawn to test my blood oxygen levels. That's right, even with multiple IVs and a PIC line (like a super IV that goes into a central vein and has 3 heads), I still had to have daily, intensely painful aerterial blood drawings. I still have fairly severe track marks on my right wrist from that, but compared to my scars, they're nothing. Later on in the day, someone would come and unhook the ventillator and force me to perform breathing tests. Let me tell you, those were probably the scariest times of my life. When breathing on your own is a serious chore that you cannot perform, having someone take away the thing letting you breathe is terrifying.
Eventually, they started weaning me off of tubes. Having my food tube removed would seem like a benefit, only that meant that I had to eat things manually. And I did not have any appetite. Especially when every time I would try to eat, they would come grind up disgusting-tasting pills into my food. I ate a lot of sherbert.
After ICU came 2 and a half weeks of rehab. And that wasn't even the end of it. See, the doctor who performed the aortic graft fucked something up, and put on a graft that was too small. So the following summer I had to go back in to a different hospital and have a second grafting surgery, as well as a second replacement surgery to replace the graft the original doctor had placed in my leg at the entry point for the original bypass due to the arterial damage he did there, which was also too small.
On the plus side, I got to walk with a cane and take vicodin for a year, I was basically House.


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My head was spinning in about 500 mile per hour, and I don't know how, but somehow I was able to tell her my home phone. After about 5 minutes, my parents got there, and called an ambulance.
Wait... she called your parents instead of an ambulance?

The closest I have been to a serious accident was cycling with headphones and looking everywhere except ahead. I slammed into a car that had done an emergency stop and honked its horn. The driver seemed shaken and relieved that I was OK, but I felt really guilty.


Ce soir, on va danser.
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R2, wildfire... wow. Sorry guys, I'm glad you're alright.

Back in 2001 I drove my car off the road sideways and barrel-rolled twice into the woods. I had 3 friends in the car with me, the two in the back not wearing seatbelts, and everyone walked away from the crash.
I'm tempted to utter a gag concerning DM's post but I'm not that depraved.

I've been relatively scot-free with accidents, ironically. The worst thing I've had so far was me tripping over a log and smacking my ankle off a particularly hard rock full-force. I couldn't walk for a couple of days due to the sprain.

Looking to the shit you've had R2 and wild, I sympathise and hope ye get better soon, bud.


Was fun while it lasted
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I must say I've had my fair share of death-defying 'accidents', although most of them were when I was much younger, or the fault of my father, but I must say I've never been hit by a car before.
I've nearly drowned twice, both times in rivers (I was 2 years old the first time, and on a trip with my father, the current was vicious and I fell off a stepping stone. By some miracle my father managed to grab hold of my ankle and fish me out. Then I swallowed some poison (again, around two), nearly fallen off cliffs while skiing, nearly got hit by the 2004 tsunami while in India, and was nearly crushed when a branch fell off a tree onto me... with my uncle on top of it (I was about 1 year old... again) and numerous broken bones.

But I can thank my lucky stars that I've never once been involved in a car crash. I hope you get better soon.
Sorry to hear that Wildfire and R2. I haven't had any close to death experiences. I wish you a speedy recovery.
I knew a kid from my church. Hit by a car at an intersection when he was on his skateboard. Thrown 200 feet and died.

This happened a few monthes ago. Shook everyone right up it did.
I hit a kangaroo once as I was going about 110km/h. Stupid things about kangaroos are that, unlike deers/other animals, they actually turn and jump INTO your headlights.

I'm just damn lucky that it didn't hit me directly front on, rather more from the side, and so instead of a broken windscreen/death for all occupants it was just smashed up side door and bonnet/broken arm for me.
I didn't realise I had broken my arm at the time, it was just a small fracture, but I still got out and moved the carcass off the road when I realised it had a joey.
So as well as looking after my arm/car I now had a baby roo to look after too.

Happy to say, i was only in a half-cast for a few weeks, and the joey was taken to an animal sanctuary a few towns away.
Lesson: If you see a mob of roos at night time alongside a road with a high speed limit, slow down!!


Last time I was hit by a car I was in kindergarten. Completely my fault.

It must've been like 7 PM and my mom couldn't pick me up from kindergarten because she was busy, so she had my brother pick me up, around 6:30 he got there, and he waited until 7 PM which was when I'd normally leave, he had this habit of buying these delicious muffins from the bakery across the street which was actually a pretty sweet thing for him to do considering it came out of his wallet, the closest crosswalk was like 2 minutes away and since we were both kind of lazy we decided to go for it, it was a dumb move though, it was dark and he didn't see a car approaching, when we crossed the street, we were both hit by the car, he got off much worse than I did, I only had a fractured arm, whereas he had to be hospitalized. It happened so fast and I was so young I don't even remember the details.

Ever since I guess I've been lucky although I'm careful nowadays.

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