CAP 11 CAP 11 - Name Submissions

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Final Submission:


Judo + Voodoo. Can be pronounced either like judo with a V or simply be a corruption of the word "voodoo" and pronounced the same. (do pokemon have to have official pronunciations?) Short, sweet and dynamic.
I find it rather sad that there haven't been many sweeping criticism posts like what tennisace did in the CAP 10 name submissions. Well, I'm going to try to make a worthy opponent for Voodoom, at any rate.

Final Submission


A pretty simple corruption of "stitch it". There's an obvious throwback to the name structures of Fidgit and Krilowatt in there. If CAP 11 had an axe, this name would be REALLY awesome, but as it stands, CAP 11 does not have an axe. Oh, well. I tried many other versions of this name to incorporate more of the concept (Stitchfist, Sewinpain, etc.), but none of them sounded good, and eventually I chose this name over the original Stitchface. I hope I get into the polls, at least! ^_^

Pretty please?
Final Submission


It's a pretty straightforward name. Death implies he's going to kill you, and stich (couldn't fit the second t with the 10 letter max) because he's a voodoo doll.


Sorry, I thought anteaters were real
is an Artist
Yeah couldn't think of anything better, so I decided to go with Punchure as my final lol.

Final Submission

Voodoom is of course a favourite here, it's just so "catchy"!

If I were to like/vote for any other name, I would enjoy added support for the primary Fighting typing which, admittedly, doesn't come through as "primary" IMO

For these reasons, I really liked Brawley and Vudo.
...I will probably vote for Voodoom.
better make this my final submission:

final submission


voodoo + death

Voodoom looks good for me but the last part of the name shouldn't be such a long sound. Voodome wouldn't make sense at so I wanted to choose another related word.
Death seemed the best word to me, but I just didn't wanted to put it after the 'vood', so I left out the 'a'.
Final Submission


Three parts to the name. Firstly, a 'zip' which relates to the voodoo doll part; because 'zipper' is so close to 'ripper' which is kind of how I envisage this pokemon; and also because zipping, or moving pretty fast, sounds like a Fighting type (pretty tenuous link there!).

'Stitches' was my initial idea, but its been done, so Zipper it will be!
So I can hopefully get some comments, I'm going to explain my final submission Voothless.

I believe this name emphasises the fighting type and dark type, becuase it has a ruthless fighting style and it is also ruthless in combat, beating opponents and anything becuase its so ruthless and angry
Final Submission:


from 'doldrums'= stagnation, festering and gloominess

fits the Dark typing, and the doldrums suits the punished, gloomy life CAP11 lived
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