Tournament BLT VIII: Semi Finals

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Keep It Simple
LCPL Champion

S/o lei for the beautiful logo! .
Approved by Aethernum

WEEK 1 I WEEK 2 I Week 3 I Week 4 I WEEK 5 I WEEK 6 I WEEK 7
Welcome to the semi finals of BLT VIII! For this year's format, teams will be fighting in a round robin where every team will play every other team. At the end of the round robin, the top four teams will move on to the playoffs where the first seed will play the fourth seed and the second seed will play the third seed to determine who will be this year’s finalists. A win will be worth 2 points, a draw 1, and a loss 0. Obviously, play on PS! (preferably main or smogtours server). Series are played in a best-of-one.

Basic Tournament Rules - you absolutely should read this, especially if you're new to forum tournaments

Sportsmanship: Don't be an ass. Not to your opponents, not to your team, not on PS, not on Smogon, not to me. A bit of friendly banter is ok, but please know where to draw the line. Think before you type, pleas

Scheduling and Activity Wins: Contact your opponent as quickly as possible on their Smogon wall, and look out for them on PS. You will have one week from the posting of the week's matches to get it done, and I will not be granting any extensions for any reasons. If your opponent is not responding to your post on their wall, cannot be found on PS, or miss multiple scheduled times, make a detailed activity post in the thread letting me know why you deserve the win. No activity post means no activity call. As long as you have visible attempts at scheduling (such as wall posts), you will be f

Disconnections and Timer: A timer loss is a loss. No if's, and's, or but's about it. If your opponent is nice enough to replay that's fine, but they are by no means obligated

Ghosting and Identity: Don't take or give battle advice or make moves based solely on the suggestions of others, and don't pretend to be someone else in order to play as them. You will be caught, and you will be disqualified from this season as well as future PS! tournaments (BLT, PSPL, etc.

Substitutions: Managers are free to substitute out inactive players at any point during the week with any subs they chose during the draft. Be sure to post in the thread when making a substitute


Ruin Valley Roserades (5) vs Lavender Laprases (5)
Ubers: Reje vs velvet
OU: Hockey1 vs MagicalXerneas
OU: Baloor vs henguinie
UU: Sificon vs queso
RU: Kyotoshi vs Mac3
NU: Ninja vs Xiri
PU: Let's Rumble Shall We vs tlenit
LC: kythr vs Surfy
DOU: Mishimono vs Zoaw
Monotype: Kaguya Lys vs ChessRobot


Turffield Turtwigs (5) vs Bayern Munchlaxes (3)

Ubers: Blimax vs 7u9i2
OU: myjava vs Lugia_numair
OU: Harshal_08 vs ToastedBunzzz02
UU: TeamCharm vs Expulso
RU: Demykunst vs yovan33321
NU: 100%GXE vs roxiee
PU: Maki vs gum
LC: Serene Grace vs p4P1//0n
DOU: mammalu vs Shadowmonstr7
Monotype: Decem vs Meta

Deadline for this week is July 18th 11:59 PM GMT -5. Good luck!

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is a Tiering Contributor
Only one pair so this looks fun

Also I'm stopping the chain >:)

Edit: Looking forward to Robb's eulogies once again. Quality literature

Ruin Valley Roserades (9) vs Lavender Laprases (1)
Ubers: Reje (70) vs velvet (30): Reje is currently undefeated in ubers as he should be and I doubt velvet is able to stop him
OU: Hockey1 (55) vs MagicalXerneas (45): Both are quite negative but Hockey has pulled some wins
OU: Baloor (65) vs henguinie (35): Baloor has been doing very well this season and I don't think bdlol OU can stop that
UU: Sificon (55) vs queso (45): Kinda close but leaning slightly towards sifi, can go either way
RU: Kyotoshi (60) vs Mac3 (40): Unfortunately mace has been struggling quite a bit this year, very close match and I hope he can turn it around but I'm leaning towards Kyo for now
NU: Ninja (30) vs Xiri (70): Xiri is 6-1 and the loss is from gxe holy shit
PU: Let's Rumble Shall We (55) vs tlenit (45): tlenit seems to be back in shape but who knows
LC: kythr (70) vs Surfy (30): Can't bold against queenthr sorry surfy
DOU: Mishimono (60) vs Zoaw (40): mish
Monotype: Kaguya Lys (60) vs ChessRobot (40): Better record
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Alright for this HL special, i'm gonna be doing a tier list from Most Hype to Least Hype (In particular order) so here we go!


NU: Ninja vs Xiri
LC: Serene Grace vs p4P1//0n
RU: Kyotoshi vs Mac3
Monotype: Decem vs Meta
UU: TeamCharm vs Expulso
NU: 100%GXE vs roxiee
LC: kythr vs Surfy


Ubers: Blimax vs 7u9i2
OU: Harshal_08 vs ToastedBunzzz02
UU: Sificon vs queso
DOU: mammalu vs Shadowmonstr7
OU: Baloor vs henguinie
PU: Maki vs gum
OU: Hockey1 vs MagicalXerneas


DOU: Mishimono vs Zoaw
Ubers: Reje vs velvet
Monotype: Kaguya Lys vs ChessRobot
PU: Let's Rumble Shall We vs tlenit
RU: Demykunst vs yovan33321
OU: myjava vs Lugia_numair

Good luck everyone in these playoffs!
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formerly TeamCharm
(2:00 am predicts I need to go to bed)

Kythr' (& PA) s Roserades (7) vs Xiri MJ Laprases (3)

Ubers: Reje vs velvet- Velvet is coming off a BIG win vs one of the best Ubers players of all time Decem last week, however Reje has looked pretty dominating in the few games he's played so far this BLT. Based on what I have seen he's shown to be the best ubers player in BLT thus far (sorry fatfighter you suck), and I think he should beat Velvet no problem (75-25)

OU: Hockey1 vs MagicalXerneas- Both of these players have looked extremely mediocre so far, going into this tournament I thought Hockey was a pretty solid player from what I had heard before but what I have seen has not been impressive at all, so maybe he's just having an off BLT? The last game I saw him play was against the deucer formerly known as Yugon and it might have been one of the worst games I've ever seen from both sides. However I still think he's much better here (65-35).

OU: Baloor vs henguinie- Baloor has really stepped up this BLT, and I think he's improved a lot, as well as been playing very well recently with really good team selection. There's been times I've seen him play, such as against me on the ladder where he just played pretty abysmal and I was very confused but I can't really blame him for that because I have also played abysmal on the ladder, just from tilt and what not. I've only seen BDLol play a couple of times, and he looked decent, but I think Baloor will be taking this game seriously and will come to play. (60-40)

UU: Sificon vs queso- Okay so Queso kind of got clapped last week against Udongirl which was really funny, because he played the mons like they were all normal sets, which is also what most people what have done in that game, not knowing every mon was min speed and choice locked lol, but dont let that take away the fact he's a pretty good player. I have not seen him play much this BLT at all, dunno where he's been, but if he can shake off his rust? this should be a close one. Considering the Roserades have the entire smogon community in their discord now I think Sifi will have better support bringing a better team (will Z trick or treat pumpkaboo make another appearence??), and play well enough to win and take this one (55-45)

RU: Kyotoshi vs Mac3- Kyotoshi has had a really solid BLT, I think being the only one to beat Arce9, and he's a really great player in general. With that being said I can't bold against Mac even if he hasn't had the greatest BLT, I know what this guy is capable of in this tier, I think he's a lot better of a builder than Kyo is right now, and thats not a knock on Kyotoshi, Mac is just really really good in this tier. I think the last time these two played, Kyo won easily because Mac loaded up some screens Virizon bs, but I'm pretty confident he won't load something like that up again and should win this one which more than likely should be close (55-45).

NU: Ninja vs Xiri- Okay so Ninja has been on fire recently, doing really well in NU, and that's great to see. But after seeing Xiri play a lot in the past couple months as well as teaming up with him in various other team tours, there is 0 chance I can pick against him here, Xiri is extremely good probably one of the best overall players in BLT. As long as he doesn't roll a completely unfavorable match up I think he should take this one- although I won't be shocked if Ninja can give him a super close game. (60-40)

PU: Let's Rumble Shall We vs tlenit- Tlenit just has a lot more knowledge of the tier, can build a lot better and can play better, as long as he doesn't lose to some weird cheese set he doesn't see coming to HR1, I think he should be fine here. (60-40)

LC: kythr vs Surfy- Surfy somehow upset me last week and beat Silicobra, I'm not quite sure how and I still try and figure it out every night when I go to bed, but based on that he might be one of the best LCers on the site, and I don't think the other guy he's playing has ever played LC before. If Surfy can channel his 07 playoff Lebron he could def win, but I'm gonna pick his opponent because Lebron usually chokes more than he doesn't. (60-40)

DOU: Mishimono vs Zoaw- I really dislike SS DOU, I don't have much to say here other than this shouldn't be very close. (70-30)

Monotype: Kaguya Lys vs ChessRobot- I think ChessRobot should do some prep here, and try and load up a team favorable to what Kaguya likes to use, that being said Kaguya is a better player, with lots more of mono type experience, although he just lost to the greatest monotype player to ever live in MPL, I think that will be fuel to his fire to rebound and beat this dude. Although Chess has not played too bad this blt, I think he really needs to try and focus on loading up a favorable matchup, but even then idk if that will be enough to guarantee a win. (65-35).
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Banned deucer.

:Garchomp: Oh...? What a magnificent piano. I love the sound of the piano. I savor each note with my whole being. Not just my ears, but my mind too… Hey, hey, I get chills just talking about it. " - Cynthia ( 2007 ) :Garchomp:


~ :Darkrai: Do I Really Need to Introduce Myself ? Let's do it just in case ! My name is Mellow. I have won many competitions and won many battles in almost all existing formats. My goal is to understand all the techniques possible and to be the N ° 1 in all tier possible to play even if this dream seems impossible I would never know the disappointment and the rangaine. I am also an artist and by passion for beautiful things I have to embellish and highlight the things that are close to my heart and what better to show the whole world the power of my friends in passionate fights as I saw the day in the world of art and replays ! :darkrai: ~

:Machamp: Before we start let me warn you of what we expect ... This tournament is probably one of the most difficult that it can exist and moreover you will be as a team so the failures of one could lead to the defeat others but remember that those who break the rules are considered less than nothing ... However, those who abandon their teammates are worse than less than nothing ! If you do not help yourself and that you do not believe in your friends you will succumb very quickly to the adversary and even if one of your friends were to fall you should not under any circumstances abandon it in the hands of the enemies. You will lift the cup together or succumb together ! Beat you ! Help you ! Believe in yourself ! and crush your enemies ! Take the trophy from them and cry for joy together because it is their friendship ! :Machamp:


:BW/Lapras: Welcome to Semi Final Of BLT ! :BW/Roserade:


:SS/Roserade: Ruin Valley Roserades :SS/Roserade: (5) VS (5) :SS/Lapras: Lavender Laprases :SS/Lapras:


:Roserade: TIEBREAK :Lapras:

:SS/Roserade: Ruin Valley Roserades :SS/Roserade: (0) VS (2) :SS/Lapras: Lavender Laprases :SS/Lapras:

OU: Hockey1 vs tlenit | Match :Lapras:
NU: kythr vs Xiri |
DOU: Mishimono vs queso | Match :Lapras:


:SS/Turtwig: Turffield Turtwigs :SS/Turtwig: (6) VS (3) :SS/Munchlax: Bayern Munchlaxes :SS/Munchlax:

Ubers: Blimax vs 7u9i2 | Match :Munchlax:
OU: myjava vs Lugia_numair | Match :Turtwig:
OU: Harshal_08 vs ToastedBunzzz02 | Match :Turtwig:
UU: TeamCharm vs Expulso | Match :Munchlax:
RU: Demykunst vs yovan33321 | Match :Munchlax:
NU: 100%GXE vs roxiee | Match :Turtwig:
PU: Maki vs gum | This Match Never Happend :Darkrai:
LC: Serene Grace vs p4P1//0n | Youtube Version / Showdown Version:Turtwig:
DOU: mammalu vs Shadowmonstr7 | Match :Turtwig:
Monotype: Decem vs Meta | Match :Turtwig:


Special Match :
RaJ.Shoot VS 100%GXE


:Dragonite: Thank you very much really thank you for all posting your match replays - This will leave an eternal mark on all future players who one day discover this relic and your names will be forever marked in Pokémon history ! Together ! let us write down our eternal youth and show them our power ! :Dragonite:


:BW/Turtwig: Match Played : 95% (19/20) - Thanks For Participing and Watching ! :BW/Munchlax:

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Ruin Valley Roserades (7) vs Lavender Laprases (3)
Ubers: Reje vs velvet: I've never seen velvet doing great performances
OU: Hockey1 vs MagicalXerneas: He can't lose with that awesome avatar
OU: Baloor vs henguinie: Ban Drizzle lol is a great mono player, OU not so much
UU: Sificon vs queso: Queso vs Emmenthal, it's hard but Emmenthal has several holes
RU: Kyotoshi vs Mac3: Our hangman but also a good player and I love Sweden
NU: Ninja vs Xiri: great player
PU: Let's Rumble Shall We vs tlenit: I'm a huge Hell Rayquaza supporter
LC: kythr vs Surfy: better player
DOU: Mishimono vs Zoaw: maybe the best DOU player in the tournament
Monotype: Kaguya Lys vs ChessRobot: If u lose only vs MetaRiolu u are really good WAIT I'M REALLY GOOD TOO just kidding

Turffield Turtwigs (5) vs Bayern Munchlaxes (5)
Ubers: Blimax vs 7u9i2: "This is a clown, this is another clown", and this is the entire circus
OU: myjava vs Lugia_numair: Better and more experienced player
OU: Harshal_08 vs ToastedBunzzz02: It's close, I like Harshal but maybe...
UU: TeamCharm vs Expulso: the man with millions of teams
RU: Demykunst vs yovan33321: idk very well both, but Yovan should take this
NU: 100%GXE vs roxiee: honestly great player in almost every tier. Nothing to say.
PU: Maki vs gum: I think Maki is overrated, especially in Mono, but if u are 3-0 in 3 different tiers u must be good
LC: Serene Grace vs p4P1//0n: very hard but I think Serence Grace is more experienced.
DOU: mammalu vs Shadowmonstr7: Mammalu is drunk like me cause IT'S COMING H ROME
Monotype: Decem vs Meta: Week 1 I was about to win but I misplayed one turn. Anyway it would be David versus Goliath cause he's really really really a good player.


Mack Knife

Future 50th President
40 predicts become 20

Ruin Valley Roserades (6) vs Lavender Laprases (4)
Ubers: Reje Ron...5 vs velvet: I've just learned ron...5 and ronman5 are different people. The more you know I guess. Uh... bolding velvet bc they are funnier I think. Velvet also has six letters in the name and ron has a five in his. Using my math knowledge 6 > 5.
OU: Hockey1 vs MagicalXerneas: So what pokemon is the best hockey player? Tours room said kricketune. Xern 1 shots kricketune. But a kricketune trained by emma watson? Might have a chance ngl. Going with the xern tho.
OU: Baloor vs henguinie: Petition for henguinie to change his smogon name to bandrizzlelol. Baloor loses unless he brings rain, which he wont.
UU: Sificon vs queso: Sifi is from swizterland. Queso is cheese. Swiss cheese has holes. Holes is that one movie where Shia LaBeouf cures a curse by eating onions. So for sifi to win this game all he has to do is eat an onion before he plays.
Swiss cheese is a generic name for several varieties of cheese. It is an American version of the Swiss Emmental and is known for being a shiny, pale yellow colour. While it has a firmer texture than baby Swiss, its flavour is mild, sweet and nut-like. It has a savoury, but not very sharp taste. Some types of Swiss cheese have a distinctive appearance. Some cheeses have holes known as 'eyes' while some do not. Swiss cheese without eyes is known as 'blind'. But in general, the larger the eyes in Swiss cheese, the more pronounced its flavour!
RU: Kyotoshi vs Mac3: So, take an introspective look into the deeper psyche of play happening in this occurrence. The meta-narrative of the first analysis characteristic trait of the most prior standing player's avatar is that of "meh." Now juxtapose that characteristic trait of a the metonym experience of the alternative present option presenting itself as "Cool Ang" and the conclusory evidence is self-apparent of who has the most apparent victory percentage. Thus Kyotoshi is most likely to become triumphant,
NU: Ninja vs Xiri: Xiri is cooler. Sorry ninja but I'm sure you agree.
PU: Let's Rumble Shall We vs tlenit: Wait ive seen this mu before (Actually seen a lot of these before)... Week 1: OH-HOHOHOHOH000!! Tlenit really gonna try to M'lady past the guy who just wants to rumble!! Not. *clap* Gonna. *clap* Work. *clap*.
LC: kythr vs Surfy: Surfy is at least 3 times better when he doesn't have basketball to distract him. Still cant give him the win tho. Always next year Lapreses.
DOU: Mishimono vs Zoaw: Mish mish.
Monotype: Kaguya Lys vs ChessRobot: Pretty sure kaguya wins this. Dunno feel like we are counting out robot chess boy buuut counting is for accountants.

Turffield Turtwigs (5) vs Bayern Munchlaxes (5)
Ubers: Blimax vs 7u9i2: Blim Blam vs 7up. Uh blim blam reminds me of that one soda from futurama which is probably better tasting than 7up.
OU: myjava vs Lugia_numair: Damn muches taking out the big guns in playoffs. This is probably the easiest pick in like the entire tour.
OU: Harshal_08 vs ToastedBunzzz02: Well 2 < 8. Toasted buns is better than being harsh. T is closer to the end of the alphabet than H.
UU: TeamCharm vs Expulso: Giving it to TC watching expulso replays I think there are a few weaknesses to expose. To expulso you could say. He is going to expulso the weaknesses with his teamcharm.
RU: Demykunst vs yovan33321: Demy just feels like less of a cursed pick.
NU: 100%GXE vs roxiee: 100% gxe until you run head first into the Rock. or the Rox.
PU: Maki vs gum: Maki backward is... uhhh... Dracula!!!!!! Shit imagine trying to mug Dracula.
LC: Serene Grace vs p4P1//0n: Pap playing with baby mons. Idk how I like the sound of that sentence. I do know no good lc mon gets serene grace so pap wins.
DOU: mammalu vs Shadowmonstr7: Mammalu has seven letters. Shadow has never lost to anyone with seven letters.
Monotype: Decem vs Meta: Idk hes still like undefeated ye? uhhhh.... meh laxes arnt gonna lose this since they threw out lugia so meta will win.

I need to annoy these teams in playoffs in discord so uhh... invite me pls lol.

Thanks so much for a fun BLT steelas... uh... Wish I did more, but at least you put up with my goofiness. Thanks for drafting me Micoy/Temp and Saba for forcing me to do this so I can write predicts. I like to think our bad mojo helped convert into good mojo and thus had a spiritual effect on temp's youtube channel. Erhm... Now that beastboost, BLT 9 will be the steela year fo sure!!!!
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if Ron...5 has million number of fans i am one of them. if Ron...5 has ten fans i am one of them. if Ron...5 has no fans. that means i am no more on the earth. if world against Ron...5, i am against the world. i love Ron...5 till my last breath... die hard fan of Ron...5. Hit like if u think Ron...5 best & smart in the world


phase, twilight, eyes of wisdom
is a Social Media Contributoris a Community Contributoris a Team Rater Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Past SPL Champion
PUPL Champion
if Ron...5 has million number of fans i am one of them. if Ron...5 has ten fans i am one of them. if Ron...5 has no fans. that means i am no more on the earth. if world against Ron...5, i am against the world. i love Ron...5 till my last breath... die hard fan of Ron...5. Hit like if u think Ron...5 best & smart in the world
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