Battle of the Borderlines (Wifi Warstory)

This was my first Wifi Battle on Smogon (well, second, but first time I was using a USB wifi connector, and it failed mid battle, and never worked again.) It was nothing spectacular, but a fun battle which I won with a bit of luck and some, at least in my opinion, good prediction, though it was tempered by a bit of overprediction.

Drakhun vs Zachattack101
Standard clauses

I have to say we both have interesting teams, comprised of mostly BL/UU pokemon. I'm running a sunny day team which never gets the sun up, versus ZA's team.

Teams are in order of appearance

Nicknames: RAKIJA, CIDER, (none), Cognac, (none), BRANDY


No nicknames IIRC

Round 1

My lead is Typhlosion, which I use to hopefully set up sun on turn 1, and ZA's lead is a Staraptor. I choose Will-o-Wisp to hopefully knock down Raptor's sweeping potential and am promptly out sped and KO'd by Brave Bird, dealing a load of recoil damage.

I am not optimistic at all at this point. After one round I'm already down 6-5 and facing a fairly angry looking Staraptor with an unknown item with a team that is overall fairly weak on the defensive side. So, I send in my best Physical wall, Cider the Swords Dance Skarmory.
6-5 ZA

Round 2

ZA Switches out Staraptor for Porygon-Z while I swords dance, and Download increases Porygon-Z's special attack.

Porygon-Z is bad news for Cider. He doesn't have great IVs and is weak against Thunderbolt, which all P-Z's run. Only a fool would keep Skarmory in against P-Z right? Well, I'm pretty sure ZA doesn't think I'm a fool, and P-Z tends to run a setup move, which it will inevitably use on it's 'free' turn. Which leads into round 3...

Round 3

Porygon-Z used agility. Skarmory used Drill-peck for 99% damage.

I was right, P-Z tried to set up and got punished hard. My being ballsy gets rewarded, but staying in any longer would be suicide. Time to send in my electricity absorber for the inevitable Thunderbolt.

Round 4

I switch in Jolteon causing thunderbolt to do nothing.

Things are going perfect for me now after a rough start. Jolteon comes in unharmed, and any attack at all will splatter P-Z on the pavement.

[round 5

Porygon-Z used Ice Beam leaving Jolteon at 61 HP. Petaya berry raises Jolteon's Special attack, and Hidden power KO's Porygon-Z.

Owch! I'm wondering how P-Z is faster, having forgot about agility, but that turns into a boon, activating Petaya Berry and maybe enabling a Jolteon sweep I hope. And in comes Espeon to try and kick Jolteon around. I used hidden power in case of an electricity absorber.
5-5 tie

Round 6

Jolteon used Thunderbolt for 98-99% damage, and is KO'd by psychic.

Well, there goes a Jolteon sweep, oh well. At least Espeon is in KO range. In comes Jumpluff to finish the job.
5-4 ZA

Round 7

Espeon uses Psychic leaving Cognac at 112/291 HP, and Congac KO's with Silverwind, and then recovers a bit with leftovers.

Why Silverwind? Bug hits non-seedable grass types Super-Effective, and the stat boost potential is always nice. Who doesn't want more speed? Staraptor is back in to hopefully bring ruin to the cotton ball of doom.
4-4 tie

Round 8

Sleep powder misses and persuit hits for sub-lethal.

Not much happens here. I'm surprised Congac lived after missing with Powder. Guess that gives me another chance to powder.

Round 9

Quick-Attack KO's Jumpluff.

... Or not. Time for Cider to come back in and take care of the pain in the arse bird.
4-3 ZA

Round 10

Starraptor switched out for Roserade, whom takes a drill-peck to the face for 100%.

I didn't try to setup for two reasons here. One I didn't want to give Staraptor a chance to pull any tricks, and two; I really don't need to to take off what HP the giant enemy bird has left. This works out massively in my favour, as Roserade is fully capable of hitting like a ton of bricks. Slowbro is his next choice.
3-3 tie

Round 11

I switch Vaporeon into a surf, and absorb it.

Cider had a snowball's chance in hell against that, so it was time to bring in my sponge. I now need to make a plan on how to take care of this, and to do that I need to know its moves so....

Round 12

Vaporeon used Protect, Slowbro uses grass knot to not do anything.

OK, its grass knot, which won't hit Ninetails hard at all. Time to give sSowbro a nap.

Round 13

Brandy switches into a grass knot and takes all of 18 damage.

Perfect! Now, maybe with wide lense I can hit with hypnosis and render this thing a non-issue.

Round 14

Brandy hits with Hypnosis, Slowbro sleeps.

Awesome, now, I'd better not setup just yet, he may bring in something else now that Slowbro is sleeping.

Round 15

Brandy uses heatwave for minimal damage, Slowbro sleeps and recovers with leftovers.

OK, that was useless. I thought he would switch out, so I wanted STAB on my attack, oh well, time to nasty plot. Before asking, I'm using heatwave over flamethrower because under certain conditions Heatwave's extra 5 base power can OHKO Blissy on a crit where flamethrower can't. With wide lense it is 99% accurate.

Round 16

Nasty Plot and sleep.

Good, he's slept long enough for me to set up, better hit him now lest he wake up.

Round 17

Brandy hits with energy ball for 100%.

Kickass, and now Staraptor comes in. Not so kickass.
3-2 me

Round 18

Starraptor uses Quick Attack for a bit of damage (bar stays green IIRC), then heatwave kills.

Sweet, I'm now up 3-1, hopefully this keeps up. And in come Metagross, so hopefully its in the bag.
3-1 me

Round 19

Ninetails used Heatwave for the win.

Victory! My first against a Smogoner. It was a fun match, though realy not overly impressive other than being a showcase of lesser seen pokemon,
3-0 Me

ZA for a fun match
Cider for a kill and an assist
Brandy for the final three kills
Lack of major mistakes all around

Rakija, for not doing anything (though I'm sure she blames me for that >>)
Maybe it's just because it's a Wi-Fi battle and the formatting is unique, but I liked this warstory. Though the battle was average (though you did pull off some nice predictions and some interesting Pokemon were made), I was amused and entertained (in a good way, mind you).


And off topic, I just noticed umbarsc's location looks eerily similar to how I formatted mine
... Except that yours is a more accurate description of our accents. =P
I pretty much agree with the comments umbarsc had. The battle wasn't spectacular but the formatting was different, the pokemon were different, and you outplayed your opponent for the most part. A short, fun warstory that worked for me.

And off topic, I just noticed umbarsc's location looks eerily similar to how I formatted mine
I liked the little chibi sprites inbetween every round. It allowed for faster reading and easier pokemon recognition as in some warstories, it takes a while before you realize who's fighting who, and you cleared that up with your formatting.
Yup, I enjoyed this warstory a lot. Very quick, and simple; just the way I like it. You didn't have any "fluff" that previous warstories have, which really clutters up the place. Good job, it was a pretty good battle. =)
I'm glad y'all enjoyed, and I fully admit it wasn't particularly spectacular a battle, but the different pokemon make it noteworthy. The format seems to have caught on to, with the showing of who's battling each round.
For the most part the warstory was interesting but why did you decide to keep Typlosion in? Most Staraptor leads are Scarved and you didn't carry scarf yourself. Ninetails sweep in OU is always fun. :P

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